1972-02-02 EXE MEETING OF THE PLANNING ~OARD OF THE TOilN OF QUEENS BURY HELD AT THE QUEENSBUR.Y TOWN OFFICE BUILDING February 2:,. "1972 " Presiding: ' Kushner Present ~ . Kirkpatrick!) Mellon, Monahan!) Norton, Roberts.' Absent': :j.5..1l1l0 tt Guest: Liapea. ,Boynton +f , , , H ",J..t f I , II , , ,t , IIIII till I I t lilt I lIt ill t H I 1111.1 fl ~1).1 H I II n II IIIIII II '~uTm S1£.SS~pN..·r.:30 ,. ", . "'. ; t" ..,.~ : 1" Rec~1ved' "Zoning Ordinance DecistQ'Qs' ,by Town Atto~eyt"<bool(let8' from Town Building Depertment" ' ,", ,',.,:',' ~ .: : 20 Le1:t_from Lake Champla1s1-LàkeGf!orge Regional Pla_ia8,~ __d~.resard1ng Clarlc;, Memorial SwtJlm'f'd¡ PC)Ó,l;Gl$Us Falls It No y" We baWâno,objection to 'tbf,;sø:':, . " ' . '~"',,,. ' :,' :,:,' ' . . .:. ~ ;'. . . .' J" , ' 3" te'tterreg,åarcting T,orrington VSð' ~~8bU%'yat r~fu'se;~iri~~a:i..;si~e receiyed ~ . ..." . , " " . ," ~ . .. '. ' 4 I) Y~ri~ce *~21 :- Nortern D1strtbutiì'llp" Cortntb Road.. sf.8Î'ls': received,~ , ", ;,' S"Vårlance #222 Banta - Ed's Seafood,' sIPt: Bay, .ndCJ'~in~-r~eivedo ... .' , , " " . 6'0 Liape. introduced Boynton. tbe DA!W Zoning InspectorQ. 7 oDÍscUS8-.s Rainbow TrialSub~11vi8ioa '2.-720 Boyntoø. aøðr~.tdent8con- cernec:1, over low cost bouSing 0 At pre.ent there, are 3 ,1a.. '4 ~ alike - $18,590, bOUlie8o Kur.hn~ will meet wi~b, t_ reaideøts ~_d.Y;;'· 80 'Lettie:;:'froaa B$autification"'CoillD'f.t,tee <on r.v1sion. 'htínMUt;pþif. address so be'can ~~, _10th himø ik~~~~or replar ..etin&,.~~~~~;.. . .. " :' ',;,: ;''1', ", "'A,-t· '--- Norton , ,",,,Ò ,A.I.~, ...~ tOZf)tt1Ø's~',:. ,We: will giye . . .', ~'.' ~ .. t. :. ; . .....' " ' ".. . .:', -.'. . ~: . : :""" . -' "'.'. ": , ' f . , , . . ;'" '" , "