1972-03-20 Present: LIMITED PLAIIfING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ,HELD ON MAllCH 20, 1972 QUElBSBUItY TOINOPPICE BUILDIRC Pl'-er, Murphy; O.PoS., O'.Ðell; Plannina Boar.!, , EIIshner, Melloup J.'loaaban, aoberts, ICUkpatr1clti' Town Board, Barber, aobillard, Streeter; BulldiAs'Iupector, George L1apes. A8~d..tant Boynton; Town Justice, !"-rid Little ' Murphy presented .,. and discussion _themo ! A specific case under consideration.. disCU8sed - tbat of Seel.,'s Auction barn and companion ....lling 0 Tbe P8I'II!t has been gi V8ft but: MØiphy,tbOugbt " tb.e dwelling part .. not pend.t~ed ad tbe" &11,ct1~ barD ~~...l~ q~sttonabl.<» '!bis turned into a "lively dis~'8iono", '" ' :", ", Agre....t wa. readied os allowtDg an_ceptioà: to th'. new tiattter ..btle bome ()'i"d1nanc. for, co~rrrcial farms, - the details yet to be, writteao ' , , , Some dts,.~e__t to ;Mro Murpby'sV8r.J'ttgbt "sip" r..triê:;t~ .... voicedo A pubt1c"_.~1.q waa,...t"for Apr~14,~.J;97~: _ the I-..al ~_. ~"'l-" ue pl..1Jq" '" , .', ".J{.' ':"', '" ' , , . " '. . '.' ..:' .,".. '-''; .; ~- ~ ~.., . A probab1......:for_a, 1Je1:k _et~.. :(a,t a4d1ti~1 eoat,,'at. ,"17~~QO/dq) with 'Mro ~ ...-:.. to edsto' """ '.;'; , " . " -~ ; ". ~ " ". ;, " ~. . if' .. .....-=. ,.-. ..... . -." it;· '~,; .' '. i ': 1 ' .} / , , J" ,J , I¡i