1972-04-12 . MEETING Œ' THE QUEENSBUR.Y PLANNING BOARD HELD AT THE QUEENSBURY TœN OFFICE BUILDING APRIL 12, 1972 '" " Presiding: 'Norton , Present: Kirkpatrick$ Mellon, MonahanSl Roberts Ab8ent~ Kusbner. Sinnott Guests: , Liape.. Boynton , , It litH III I lilt I . II I I II II I I I I . I I II I I I , I I I I I , , I I I I I I I II I I I H I I , I I I I II I I I I I I I I I . '" ' REGULAR. SESSION - 8: 30 I" Minutes approved II 2 0 Variance #226 ... Hart restaurant-Crnr 0 Bay and C1."ønin R0ad~sideyard should be SO·...wishes 3S'-Letter from town attorney confirming thiso Motion by Kirkpatrick. seconded by Monahan and cllrried to reco8aend approval with concern over screening along Cronin Road 0 ' 30 SoP\> #32;"Witham. Warner Bay, Lake G'eorgeo R.-3 zone" Wishes Marina-used boats and merchandise and real e~tateofficeo Discussed 'man y problems in tbis 0 Witb.. appeared for thi~;> Stated: he had withdt'8Wn application for 208 t dock - would use 40' stake dock I> Would have approxtlll8t:ely four (4) boats. 2 his own to show real estate; sell used boats 0 Use of Destroilet (inc1neratòr type toilet) I> Wi.hes to'p~vide for family 111. a s_ll busines. Plans tc, build house on South side of aou,te 9L.. std would prefer to aell to Nature Conø~vancy or to ToWn of Que8lf:8bury,~ Cited advertisin& conducted by county fo1." Lake Georlel> , ' . No.rton state4 that bal Eatate :1s not permitted in an B.~3 :m~e.. 'With.. felt this was siadlar to office of .pbysicitm----lawyer..tcl>,Norton pointed out this was where cotUht.eted iD~es1dence ~'f permittedo W,:ltQ. w1.thdrew bis use of real estate in this l:!:»C4I.tion,(> . RànRøelleroRoc1chu.rst ) ~pp_redaD.d opPosecS., aa, he feels: tOQ1II8ny boats and marina. 1n 'this ar.. now ø Ben 1¢o1l.sori questions ownersb.lp, of 800", frontage c, With_ feels he does own tbi. "itb Ward h~ldiD8 under:'lO' a~ bridge" ?reseDt8d En-con map and several vi_ed maps ~ Norton .,tated that there are conflicting -1>s and prøper, eUr,wy sh~ld be made" . Lyle Morton, 'Assembly Point ..President' La1çe George AS80ciat,ion and on Lake George Consèrvancy spoke requesting.ti1Q8 to study this r,evt__edproposal from whet had been availableø ' , .' ¡ . Rept)' Nagamutsug Rockhurst .. concern about ecology in gen~a,l and feels the ine:iueratortoilet wo:uldpollu,tealr and. phosphate,a. ,'tber~b, get to watero WithamcÓl.mtered witbstatellll!Dt that everyone in a~ is' p'oll.µting the lake tó 80me e~_t I> , .'. , Kenneth HasboWs, B.OCkbu.r8t, read prepared letter (in file folder). General concerned about.lready I181\t:1ot1ed sub j acts" . Shir.ie,. Berger, Warner Bay" Suggested ahowøf hands agam.t aashe felt thee, peD¡>l, had.. tumec1 ~t and shOUld b.ere,copize4 II Approx ~ 30 counted ~ Fråncia Buhe:t". W&rJ1er Bay.';:-.pposed" " NortOn questioned wbether building loCated on site is in violatiOn of the ZoniD¡ ,Ordinance without building peradt8" Witham øta~edthis was a con- struettotl shack and no building permit would be needt!do" Norton felt that the use of . construction shack might not be. ,permitted without a building permit for cons truction ø . · -Regular meeting of the Queensbury Planning Board - held April l2~ 1972 Witham Marina - continued - ,......--....,..-.....,....~.."'_... Shirley Berger asked if a verification of the right to have the construction shack could be obtained ø Norton said he would request this of the Tf¡' WIt Att) Roberts questioned the depth of the property with a 100' right of way,for Route 9L <) Witham felt he would have .bout 40'" 'Nortonatated that the zoning ordinance (41'2026) indicated tbét tbe yard and lot r,equirement shodi be according to C-3 where boat storage ete" is permitted ~bicb would need 120· deptbo SO' front and 30' rear yards., Witham felt tbisshould be as in R-3 with 30', front and rear yard. <> Not sufflci_t evidence av:;"il- able to establtsh ~t is actually available: Roberts questioaed perldt fro. State for private drive (J~~tbam stated this is all be could obt;aiD without the Sþ,ecial permitn ' Adj'ournedfor,brief øecutiveses,s1on (> , . Re-cônvenec1 0 ¡ , " Hotionby Rob..u,.econded bY MODaban ~i.ad carried to rec..d _..follows:- a) recolIID8nd'tba't' 1'10 action be tak~ by your hoard until, ânac~t. site plan oftha area ;North, of Route9Lbe prepared by a lic.;1s8d"en¡meer s~ins pàr1d.rag. plau.tf.1la andproposea i~rovement8 () ", ... b) that a lesal iat,e,rpreta,tiOl1 be obtaiJled as. to tbe reqU:~:r.ed ,lot 'deptb and set-b.s,e'ks<) , ./ , . < ...'. ' . . , c) that '. final, .tat.....t. .of purpo$.,fo~ .the use 'of th.p.-o,.~ty is aubad.tted c) that tbia.·be ~..-8Ub1ld.tted tø our, b9_1'd ~,tb tbis infp""t1.~ .. Question of "t, occurs aeXt:o ~orton stated t~t .the.. ZoDljW .BNt:d bas an advertised bearf.aa Wedo Ap~il 19, 1972'., Witham said h. Wø14. bave to go to County Pl-.tna Boarcl. MetiDs.. Tbta ~.t,1na ,is. þe,1ra¡ be~ toQiabtø He will probabl)' have to 10 to ,queensbur)' ~emf.~ ~, ..ta May 3; County Plamtf.os Board ,.,. ;1,0, ad tbe z.on1,ng Board May ,'17 ~or tbeir decision 0 "~. 4" S .P'o ,#31 .. !(ayo-Quale.. RoacI-Ga.~tâtiono Motion by 1t~dçpàtrickþseœnded by .~ ID\4 ~~ed, to reè.~d c1is.ppro~l 011 !J~" g~ds as o.ur previous disapproval.. 5" Variance #220 - VoIoPo - Gas statton - C-l ,aone-Route 9L & ltoute 149-)fr" Headley and Spain 'app8àred for tb,is ~ p,resented Pdd~tl~l infoÞaaticni () Moticm. by Monaban~ second¢ by Mellon and, carried to~~d approval" . 6" 13-20-72.. Enlargement of non-con~orming .eøDaø.tt-~e.t~ Av_ue- Motion by Monahan, seconded by" Hellon, and carried to rec~..nd approval a. long as this and previous expaøsiþft are not over the ,sœo . 70 Variance #225 - Daa~tt ~ CoaDect~t Avenue .. Motion by Mellem, s~oaded by Kirkpatrick and carried· to recc.t·~W\d approval as tb1a willf.mprov. tbe pres:ent property" 8" #3-22-72 - Eulag__t of nOG-coat~,useo . AI.. _...~T8JamdMff.de<> Mottoo. h1 I.obfØ'ts. seconcted by ICirlc.patJ'ick and canied to t:ecOllllll.8ftd approval .s 10na ... this ~ previous expanølOD.s are not ,øver the s,œ 17 ,; 90 Sub-div1a~ '4-72 .. Brookwood ManQr. '¡obn Huøbes~, ~oc:tai.l¡'~do Huabes .. ad McCormack apt· t;ared for thiso Monahan and Mellon visited site" Motion by MellOD.$Þ" seconded by Roberts and carried, to grant prelÙllua~ approvalo (,.....n ...",..,'1£'>"'\ " '" Jlegular Meeting of the Queensbury Planning Board - held April 12 f.' 1972 Sub-d1.vis1on #4-72 - Brookwood !1anor~ John Hugheslf Rockwell Road-continued Motion by'iionahan and seconded by Kirltpatrick añd 'carried' to grant finäl approval subject'to receipt of proteêtlve covenants and State Health Deptry approval 0 Town highway approval has been obtained;, Health Department bas reviewed and will sign after our final approval" 10" Sub..c11vision #5-72 - Bedford Close Section NOn l~ NOl!tbem Homes:¡,Pitcher Road - Kirkpatrick and Kusbner bad vislted site" Motion by Kirkpatrick~ seConded by Monahan" and carried to g~ant final approva.l subject to receipt of prot~tlve covenants and Statê Health Depto. approval~ Town highway apprbvalbas been obtained; Health Dêpàttment bas reviewed and will sign aftE our final approval" '" 111> Sub-division. Noo?'-72 '. Rainbow Ridge S'e(:'tlon #20 , Harri~' appeared for 'this (> After long discuàsf.on this was tabled until we ~'ee s~faêe drainage studies, engiøeering report on the water supply j,; perculatioa. test results and in- diC:ât1on thAt the Town Board ~11 accep~ th~ wet.- ,yet. apd b. responsible for mat.ntena,nceo ' ~; 121> Next regular _ettDg May ~~ 1972 Adjo utned 11 :40 p.m" JU.c~'rd Rob~s ~t1q Seq~tary, RR/pej