1972-05-02 SP SPECIAl. I1EETING OF THE QUEENSBURY t1.ANNING BOARD HEI,,D AT THE QUEENSBURY TŒ1i!\j OFFICE BUILDING ¥\8.\f 2 1972 '" 10:00 ",,'Ii .. < Presiding ~ KushneJ:" Present ~ Kirkpai.:rick,~ H.:;~ilon~ 1'~m.1ahan" Nort''Jn". Roberts Absent: Sinn;ött Planner: Murphy O,P(,S" g Odell Supervisor: Solomt)n ,t "'111 t ! II t t I-+++-I++++++-!+I III !++++++-H-H-H++++.¡.·+++++*-t-H+HIIIIIII i-H-H+t+++ 10 Motion by Nortonl' seconded by Kirkpatrick and c:arr:Led to ,recommend lOA for R/c district8 2., We feel that Dunham: s Bay \lctlands should be kept lOA, Nature Gonser.vancy and State are interested in purcha[~e .and preserving" 3, Murphy's services are exhausted at th:i.s point except for his final reports due June 30$' 1972 to us and the c;tate(, Odell feels that funds can be obtained under Community Development Services which would result iu 1/6 C06t to the local governmentn Probably be a $3 to $5~0000 program 0 This will give us more meetings with Murphy - public and/or private a Areas where we cO\.ìld use more éHu;istance :lnclude further refinement of the Z,oning ordin~:ncef' sign ~n,·dinance¡, subdivis ion regulations " adminh¡tration prDcedures and drabì.age" Odell will help on applying for thi$,' -}r Solomon feel~; that the Tmm Board will not wish to load the Building Dept· with furthèr respùnsibi11ties until after the 1st of the year We feel that the reviaed 2:t'1n.ing map and revisions tÓ the Zoning ordinance l.ihich apply to this could be enacted soon and do res' by end ()f year c, 5~ Murphy feels we need the subdivision regulations and improved rDad and draine.ge requirements, 6 We can use the Soil Cm1servation District at Warrml County Center services (m questionable are8j-J of land , ,; We should get ù) ,1: comment!.s to Murphy by 20th of May, Be Ad.1ourned at 11 ;:05, . Jo Arthur Norton" Secretary r,