June 27" 1972
Odell - Office of Planning Services
. Kushenèr, Kirkpatrick8 Mellon" Norton, Roberts, Sinnott,
Solomong Barbere ùemboski9 RobillardÐ Town Board.
Katz - Town Attorney
Liapes, Boynton - Building & Zoning Deoartment
Garb - Hi~hway Supørintendent
Flaherty - Water Su~erintendent.
Planning Board
Odell reviewed subdivision regulations genorally.
Ao Town's concern on subdivi&ions ,include:.u.....o
10 3treet layout anò '~es1gn, fire protection, maintenance of streets,
duplication of streét names, ~ccess for school bus anà refuse
:' -remova 1. .
2., Utilities - ,:ater supply, land drainage) sewage II underground
power and te.æ phone.
30' Park 1enà - Recreation uses.
40 Sidewalks - ranger to pèdeatrians
50 Future Zoning Variances.
B. If legislative bodies 80 impower, then the County and/or Regional
Planning Boards may review subdivisions within 500t of municipal
boundaries, CountYÐ state and interstate highways, municipal property,
Co Tools for town.
10 l:aster Plan.,. Circulation and utilities
20 Official Map - Hi~hways anò parks
30 Zoning Œ'óinance - Planning Board can\waive requirements for
cluster development in type of hous1tl~ but not in overall
density of zonao ,
ro Approved subdivision cen continue to be use f~r three years after
approval if zone changed affecting the davelopmento
Eo 8uides to subdivision designo
10 Rê1Uiremente of Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance.
20 Effect of nearby èevelopment - site'" street extensions. uti,l.itiesÐ
storm water drainage, pa rks, schoolso
30' Physical char,acteriaticà .. topop soils, views, treets, water,
courses, man-made featureso
4. Good street and 1wt layout '- separate functions.'
So Centrol cost of improvements.
60 Control maintainence ooata.
Fo Procedure to adopt 5.l bc31vision reguJa tions:
10 Grant Planning Board power to regu1åte Bubdivisions-(Katz to check
on this)
2. Prepare reguJa tions.
30 Hold Public Heabing - can hold public information meeting alsoo
40 Planning Board adoptso
5. Town Board approves - by resolution.
~o Odell reviewed our propðsed regulationso
Ao Contents of regulationso
10 Introduction
20 Letinltlons
3. Procedures
40 General Requirements and design standards
50 rocuments to be subdtted
60 ~iscellaneou8 provisions ,
B. Presently Planning Board,hearing between Preliminary and f1nala~provalQ
after January 1. 1973. state change to b,fore preliminary approval~
Final approval uaally r~b~er stamp of Preliminary with necessary
approvals and further de~ilo Probably we 8hou1i change nowo
Co Land develop ordinances should be rev1eweàyearly - subdivision reg-
ulations, zoning ordinances, etco
Do Solomon teels these regulations would require a full time engineer
who can't be available until after January 1, 1913. Odell feels this
not as necessary for subdivisions regulations as for the zoning
30 10 Garb to get Kushner a copy of roadspecso
20 tlsQu8sed costs of these requlreraents for developer. town and tax payer.
Possible use of benefit district for storm water drainage and other
1morovementso Feel we sbhuld keep cost as low &8 uractical for Durchaaer
of nroperty - will extra coat for developer passed" on to huyer òè more
than taxes to pay for this by town. Town costs - $ll~OOOo per mile for
2C:: wide of penetratlon~ $30øOOOo per mile for hot mix" \íater ~lO<> pet" tt"
?JOJ:~ rHAC'rŠ""
vu ._~__~..
40 Odell to get Solomon a copy of the extensions of time for the LPAP for 8ign~
50 Discussed the Community revelop,mont Study Programo 301omon asked about
latest copy or scope of serv1cesø r.ain itoms ar~ Administration Procedure
tor ~esent land development regulations anò review of Zoning Ord1nanceo
60 Howland talked with OPS people stating he h~s p~eliminary approval by default
45 days after he submitted planso May 39 1912 we first re0eivod thiso OPS
feels be has not aubmitteà proper preliminary ploto
70 ì Health Dapto and DEO approvals needed beforewe can consider for p:' allminary
approval because we are in wetlands area~ Orginally wetlands were 20' trom
high watel> mark£> now 15006 iI'om each side of stream or t..rateI' body <.> rEO
has indicated they will not aoprove thisÐ
80 Katz stated that Interim Stop Gap Zoning will not hold up legally for this
CQSOo Has a limited effective span usually 90 d~s. Construction in
process can't be stopped with thluo Kat? has talked with Coutant who has
outlined 6 steps to be taken be.:f'ore µ:' 81iminar~r appt"ovalfl K&tz to, c~ontact
Ooutant for (a) written confirmation or these stap~~ etc.8 (ò» invite h~
to our meeting of July 5. 1912Q Li,j:.Jìß¡S to obtain atenog:raphar to record
July 5» 1912 meotlng and will also s,et up tapaQ
90 Probably this will be handled (8) we cannot consider tor pI'eliminery e.pproval
because we do not have DEC and Health Dento approvals 8S requ1reð for wetlanå a
areas or (b) if decision insisted on WÐ turn down because Wð do not have
these &?provalso
Adjournod 11:0S poMo
Jo Arthur Norton