1972-07-05 EXE QUEENS BURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING HELD JULY 5, 1972 D . d . v. hn""r ,L 2~eB 3. '~ng . G . . . .. 0 0 . . 0 . . ",-us "" P:rt3sent... 0....... .. .... .K:trkpatrick, Mellon, Norton, R.oberts, Sinnott Ab8ent............o"ooo."'Mol1shan Guests...... 00."..... ó,.. ot.iapes, BC(}"I1ton¡) Katz, Countant ·¡"-I-hl..+·H+"+H-I-!-+++t-+-'r+H·++++·H++H-I-H---t-H-i-i-H-H-H-'r+H-H+H-++t-H~'-H+H+rH+rt++H-' EXECÙTIVE SESSION... 7:00 P.M. 10 S.p. #32 Witham - ~Arina and Real Estate - Wa1~er Bay, Lake George. DiscuSSE :l" Variance #237 - Carrols - Sign on building - Route 9. Variance #150 may h!<~v(F, an effect on this one. Will sct on later. 30 Variance 1242 - HGwley ~ BoweT~ ~ Route 9 - S1.gn setback. Will act on later c, 4. V,£!l"iance #2.43 :¥!Ð.kss.U: - Dunhams Bay - Lake George ~ Replace present: cottage with new - set backs. Will act on 18ter. .>0 Varianc3 #244 - Sousa - AV'iation & DJ.xon Roads - Price sign setbaclli:o Hill act on latero ' Barber came in at this timeQ 6" V,sriance #255 - Kittredge - Gurney Lane-Lake George-\>Jishes to use ex:Î-sti:lg garage and storage as a summer home" This places 2 residences on one lot" Will act on latero :" ,. Variance 1246 - Coffin Route 149 - Wishes to add to barn Emd house-3 tog horses for the wintero Will act on later" 8~ Discussed Still Creek Subdivisiono Coutant, Attyo, of Depto of Environmentà Conservation· Developer. must comply with needso 1 Swamp area; 2 Subdivi3ion A stream is protected for any area inundated by water more than 15 con- secutive days 0 This was startad with DEC approval 0 They feel a "mo(~€l" house would be allm~ed. Under Health Depto up to 5 lots not a subdivision. When proper plot plan is submitted "Town La~.¡ provides for 45 days for Plan- ning Board to take actiono This requires a notice of public hearing with- in 30 dayso Katz - Under present tmm ordinances there can legally be nQ right to pr{·;!- liminary hearing 0 . ' 60901 and 60902 states requirement for sit pIano Planning Board can requœs~ infm.::;:nation it deems necessary 0 Area proposed may be in \tJet lands so adequate information is not available 0 Ownership and juristiction of wet lands open may be in quest:i.ono , Preamble of Zonil1g Ordinance 10201 & 1300 applicable as is Ordinance V-SUtr di 'J'isioo 0 . Adjourned for regular meeting 8:50. ",,-,.~..'-"';""-~