1972-10-18 EXE TOWN OF QUEENS BURY PLANNING BOARD l ~Ĺ’ETING OCTOnER 18, 1972 EXECUTIVE SESSION-7:30 P.U. Presiding Present Absent Guests Richard Roberts Gilbert Mellon, Robert Kirkpatrick, Robert ~onahan J. Arthur Norton, George Kushner, John Sinnott George Liapes-Building Inspector #1 Cante~burv Woods -says will tie into sewer system when available .does not plan to have dry sewer at this time #2 Roqqe-Mike O'Connor. Attorn~ -They say adjoining property owners, !.1r. Burns, Mr. Britt, !·~r. Liapes do not object. witt. Patch and Mr. Smith not at home -No Comment motion made by Robert Kirkpâtrlck seconded by Robert Monahan #3 Ledda ...No decision ADJouRNED AT 9:25 P..U. Gilbert Mellon Acting Secretary