1972-11-10 \l9~~øÖU.ttï J:'.wu\¡J.~rL"l7 ÞUAtW .ML1'!U'f.t;;S -MEE'rlNG NOVEMBER 10, 1972 QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING - - - - -'- ... --- - - - - - - --- - - - ~ - .... - -- - -- - - - ... ~ - - - - - - ....,.,. ...-... Presiding: Present: Absent: , Guests: Norton Kirkpatrick, Monahan, Roberts , Sinnott Mellon Liapes p..:sœn,AR MEETING 8 :,lL , ....0 Minutes approvedo 2,.. Norton announced Kushner resignationG 50 Sinnott concurred that Norton will be, Chairman and Mellon will be Secretary" Chängepf Zone - Bray - East' side'of'-Route 9 ..700' Soµtþ ~fitoute 1490 PtÞpel"ty is C-3 and R-3 - wish R-3 to be ~,hange,d to R-5" Prime appeared for this and presented review of Garden Apartments pro:posa10 Motion by Mòn~h.~ ,såConded by ,Sinnott and c;arried to recommend appr'oval ...' ' Kirkpatri~k vpposed. Variénce 1264 - Theron Egley, Sunnys:l:d~ESst· - . wishes ,to ~ke hunting knlvès'in basement of present bamp Motion by 'Sinn,ott;,t;econded' ,by Ro.ber,ta andcàrried to recommend a pproV'a 1 .as long as ,~bisfs mail order business with no employees 0' Egley 'appeared for thi,s< ' ' Varlance #2'65 - Henry Schwaebl.e - Route 9L, Star RO,ute'l!~wispesto con- struc,t garage with 17' setbaclç to ~ront line rather thal"1~O' ,0 . :Motion by Roberts ~,seconded by Sinnott and carried to recommend ,:approva}. <> Schwaeble appeared for this.. Variance #266 - Joseph Podnurski, Luzerne Road - wishes, to. replac'e old greenhouse with a 'new storage and beating buildingo Podnurski appeared fo~ this" Motion by Monahan. second~jd by Kirkpatrickf.1.nd carried to recommend approval as this is not oveJ: 50% expansion ,ofexist.ing non" c:,onforming use" ' Sp~c,ia1 Permit #36, - Glens Falls, N~York Conmercial ~PropertyDevel()p~ mEmt Corp. II Upper GleI\ Street shoppin'g cent~ro $tew'8,r.,t ~:ppeared for this.. Norton announced this is both a Special Permit~hicb requires ourreco~enda.tion and a large-scale..:cm.nWlsrcial develoJ;)xnent which requires ouroap.pr,oval ~ Motion by Monahan.o seconded b)1' Kirkpatrick and cs.rried to recommend approval of Special Permit~ MOtion, by MOnahan, sec~nded by Kirkpatrick and carried to approv,,~ le1:"ge~'scale commercial c1evelopmant Cì(~ lòng'4s the Special Permit iaapproved' by the Zoning Board ,of Appe::t18 , Variance 1268 - North Queensbury Resque Squad, next to North Queensbury fire station wishes to build an erl.1bulance garage ',,'1i th 16~ front: se:-'bø,cl¡: not' ~o t" "r~r) ti <y bê:l' 1\!pn.~jh I~Pé"", ~n '¡) .-h ,.¡.:' ',' ~~.>,:~.)i;r:::)\¥''lil..:, .... . ,0." .,-~. ,,' . .~. "\ ,," ..,.....' "., ~c' - ,~ ,,'~..'-..,..,-- '.. ',~' " ~.., 0 /7! ""W'(j 60 J 80 90 E~nning Board minutes - 11/10/72 - continued 10. 11. 120 1:3 (~ 14'0 15" 160 'j ''¡' >I~ I Ç) 18., 190 Special Permit #37 - Philip Mann, Hicks Road, wishes to use barn for boat storageo Mann appeared for thiso MOtion by Sinnott, seconôed by Kirkpatrick to recommend disapproval as repairs would probably be made in barns and we do not wish to establish a precedent for this use throughout the town. Roberts opposed to motiono Variance #269 - Debra Lee Trombley, Rhode Island Avenue wishes a 25' ,front and rear setback not 30t for Mobil home~ Motion by Sinnott, seconded by Monahan and carried to recommend approval~ Variance #270- Joseph Ao Haradin~ ¥~Gon Road, Cleverdale - wishes to build storage building 12' from front not 30'Q Motion by Roberts, seconded by Kirkpatri~k ~~d carried to recommend disapproval as we feel this could be relocated and hardsbip ~'1as not e'"t1'tablished. Variance 1271 - Loretta Paul, Luzerne Road wishes to use vacant grocery building as g:tft shop and to sell used clothingo Motion by Roberts:ì seconded by Kirkpatrick and carried to recommend approval ,as no more non conforming than existing use.. Variance 1272 - Gray Court, Route 9, wiDhes to add to motel and would have 10' not 15' side setback. Mo~ion by Kirkpatrick, seconded by R.oberts. to ,recommend approvalsubje~t to approval of neighbors, on South 0 " , . Va.riance 1267 - Woodbury J Lafay,ette II wishes to reloc;a,te sign wbich is existing-, oversize non-conforming use. Motion by Roþert:s, seconded by Monahan and car:ried to recommel\dapproval as long as it is no· more objectionable mm Glen Street than at presen.t. #8-72 Pensel subd:t-"isiono Reviewed recommendation ofSo.il Conservat:ton District wi'th Penselo, Asked him to present ex:tsting a,nd pr'oposed con'" tours for this, have preliminary review "'lith Health Depa1.'tment and revieot/1 with tbe SoCo'Do . 1.10-12 - Bucklin ,Subdivision,\ No on~ app ~.ered on this Q, . Nortons'tatecl th~t Bucklin has been advised of S~C,.;J). recommendatio1:)..o, #.12,..72-Stone Gate foianor S~bcUvisi~n,\ Discussed So.C,,:pQ rec,orqrnends.tic:ls ~i'tb'O'Connor & McCormack.; . ,They propose 3 catch basins ~d:íereSQ.CoDo ~~~d~b~G ~ .. , ' . #15~72 .. Robert Ledda subdivision.'Discuèsed S.C~Docounts with Ledda. 'Her~ognizes these problems and h,as proposals f.or '.the~o . Motion by :Monahan, seconded by Sinnott and carried to grant appr,ov~l fox Lot #51. , ' '~'. .' ".. .' . .' , ~~O Q Motion pyRoberts, seconded by MrJnahst1 and' carried to 'hold 'public høaring De~ember ,6, 1972 for, the fol,lowing subdivision::.,··, *8-72~Pensel r Route 9L, 11 lots. ,113·~72-Tw:tcwood'<Sect., .12 sa 6 lob.:t #lO"'72"'Buckli~, Bay Road" 13 lots#14...72-Fuglistet,CorinthRd", 3t.¡. lots 111-72-Bronk, Peggy Ann Rd., 36 lots 115-72-Ledda: Ridge Meadows #12-72"Stone Gate Id.anor, Barber ~ Bay R(1o~. 20 lots . Phinñing Board minutes - 11/10/72 - continued 21~ Discussed with ~~Cormack & O'Connor a proposal by Barber for 14 acre play area on Lake Sunnyside with clubhouse, picnic areas, beach areas~ tennis courts and miniature golfo 22" Next meeting December 6, 19720 Adjourned 11:10 poWo Sinnott & Norton, Seco Pro-tam