1972-12-06 QUEENS BURY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES - MEETING DECEMBER 6, 1972-7 :00 P .M" QUE!NSBURY TœN OFFICE Presiding: Present: Absent: TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: .J" Arthur Norton Mellon, Kirkpatrick, Roberts, Sinnott Monahan G"BoHa Soloman, Barber, Streeter, Demboski, Robillard ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Discussed change of zoning on several apartment complex applications, namely Aronson property, Bray property, Forest Glen Estates with Town Board to let them know our feeling~ We discussed subdivisions and variances on our agendao Adjourned to regular meeting at 8:10 p.m" 10 Approved Dd.nutes of previous meeting. 20 Variance #273,· Dean Howland wishes fo build garage on his property· Seelye Road with less than 30 fto setback.. Recommend approval subject to adjo",.ning neighbors.. Motion by 'Sinnott, seconded 'by Kirkpatrick.. 3" Variance 1274,· LaPann, we need further information on the proposed improvements 0' Tablet;..10 40 Variance #275 - Gerrity, Mike O'Connor appeared for this.. Disapproval of roof top sign as not a permitted sign. , , . , ' . '. - . '.' . '-. .", " Disapproval of the billboard type slgri:' as not in conforma:nc.e with" pro- posed' cha~gè.s in the Zoningo~d,in~nc:,e"hich would el1.at~11a,te bi.llboards, ,,- , , ' - -', . '. ,0 . Approve sign on building ifnç)~,c'œoréthan75 sqo, ft. 'fj.,8~J::ed'as'tbe area enclosed by the exttemitiesof the, le~teri.ngo Roberts:-,l; Kirkpat~ick 2 siimott opposed.. O'Connor objected à's to legality. "c ...., .-' :. Subdivisions: . .. .. . ",... ' . Pence1: Grant preliminarY$pproval·sµbjectto health and: higbtiay deptis" and satisfactory gråding plans'. Motion medeby .Mel,lon'and . seconded by Roberts.. " . Bu~klin :Advised tha.t we have to have better information ,and that last two or three lots wer~ questf.onableas to draiqage. Bronk: Grant preliminary approvalo "Motion by Kirkpatri~k", Seconded by Roberts. Barber: Grant preliminary and fina,l approval and advisecfþuilding to always get permission before going ahead 0. l'fotion by Sinn,ott, seconded by Kirkpatrick.. Planning Board minutes n meeting 12/6/72 - continued Twitchell: Grant preliminary approvalo Motion by Roberts, seconded by Kirkpatrick. Fuglister: Read letter from Water Department to advise developer and to recommend preliminary approval, and before final approval is given we must have the' opinion of Town, Attorney as to whether water mains be insts11edu Motion by Sinnott, seconded by Robertso Ledda: Recommend preliminary approval and that they should consider dra1.nage recoømendationa made by the soil conservation commission 0 M.')tion by Kirkpatrick and seconded by Sinnotto Next regular lDeeting .January 3. 1973Q Adjourned 11:30 p.m. ~ Gilbert C~ 149110n Secretary Queens bUry Planning Board