1973-02-07 QUEENS BURY Î'LANNING BOARD l-iEETING MINUTES QUEENS BURY TOWN OFFICE BLDG. February 7, 1973-7:00 p.mp Þ7 Presiding: Present : J 0 Arthur Norton Go 11ellon~ Ro Monahan, R~ Kirkpat:rick~ Ro Rober.ts, R... RE&"ULAR_ MEETJ;~Ji_ Approved minutes of previous meet:Î.ng 'c Hotion by l\fol'1shan, seeOnded by K:i.,X'k~ ps. t:rick 0> Started public hearing on Lake Sunnys-t de Estates, Inc" a.t 8£15 porn.. Soil conservation report on soil 't'V'$.S r.ead" Norton e:xplained thE: meaning; of the lettero ~C1;;ert Willets 'Was spokesman £Ol~ ¡.ake Sunnyside Association as, he is the presi¿Ü;:;nt 0 Many other residents spoke in oppositiono Mike 0' ConrP.f,):t', Att.y" for Sunnyside Estates, Inco told of the proposed plans and told those p!;~t'!sent that they t~anted to better the area a.nd would try very hard to 120 ;3:., Irynn Chase spoke in favor being an interésted~ectstoro ,Joe Zaban, Sta.te of Net-1 York Engine~r also spol-te about test boringso. ì:1ill~ts presented a list of 60 names ona petition - residents of Lake SUIrt1yside who are against the subdivision.. \V'illetsasked O'Connor if the South side. of the road could. be åeveloped ;?iûd leave the lakeside forever wi Id" C 'Connor said this would not be fee.sibleo Closed public hearing at 9.:'30ß "Jariance #274 - Harry LaPann - Meadowbrook Road o. Variance to bu1,ld a Food LI;:n::ket and Real Estate Office was recomtnended that it be' approvedfi subj eet :0 a bHffer zone with approval of 13ès,utification Committee;ànd all traffic ~~ðD.H~ out: on Ma-ad.owboolt Road and Heatth Department approval, J'btion by Roberts and secon.ded by Mellon" \r,;u:'i,;mc~ #:278 ... Dairy Queen - Quaker ROQq~ To place sign 15ft frompl:'Op.5::C line and an 84sq<. ft,: sign. Reco,mmendapproval of 15. fto setback t>1ith 50 sqo ft @' sign and if sign had to be moved this would be done at mmf:!rs \::;';r-:peI~S(~" Motion by Buckley-seconded by Monahan C' Vf:.r:tance #279- Chester Wo Jos15.n .. Lake George Road" To use a sign 'tyhf.clJ¡ hadn ft. been used i~ over 18 months" . Recommend approval o..~tioIi by~.on~~hEr( seconded'by R.. I<irkpatricko V'aria.n(~e#280 . - Albany Engineered Serilices (Bro'ughton) Quaker Road requei; ;si~nwith12ft:~ setback 0 Recommend appro.~la.l of B. l~ £to se.t backo HoticCl by-Kir'kpatrick~seconded by BuckleYß P1.f:ttíT.ilng Board minutes .. regular session .. page 2 continued Variance #281 - Marion Maille - West ~~'untain Road requested to make a garage into an antique shopo Recommend approval - motion by Rob$rts- seconded by Kirkpatricko Special permit 139 ... 123 Glen Street Corporation - Big Boom Road to pisc.€? a building for storage and trucking in anM-l zoneo Recommendapprov8.1... motion by Monahan and seconded byBuckley~ Dean Howland presented plans for Ridge Knolls ·S·.eotioh #2 ...~·26· lOts.o Ðuckley & Roberts to look at thiso Also Soll Conservation to look at and report h.S1Ck 0 Rainbow Ridge sub-division - Section 2 6 William Canale~ Attyo pres~~ted lÜans 0 Robert Ledda developero Mona~a.n Æ.1,ud Mellon to. lQokato There will be a public bearing on both above sub-divisions on Ma:cch 7th ,.:it: B :00 primo GHve Twicwood. Section 12 final approvalð Charles Maine Sub-division ... tabled to get more information em éntrances ¿::lnd Goilconditions on back lots ~ 26', 27. and 28 and 13 tht-ougb 19.. . Suggest that he review witbHealth Department on these lots 0 .. i-eke Sunnysidè Estates, Inc 0 Yabledfor furthel' study and cons.ideration 0 Next regular meeting March 7!b., 1973 at 8:00 p.mo Act10urned at 12:17 aomo .. Silbert Co Mellon. $ecretary Qtieensl::>ury Pl,anning :Boards o· .