held at
April 4, 1973
Presiding: J. Arthur Norton
Present: MOnahan, Mellon, Kirkpatrick, Roberts, Buckley
8:15 P.M.
1. Approved minutes of previous meeting.
2. Variance #287 - William Threw-Variance requested to sell swimming
pools in an R-3 zone located on R. D. #3 Luzerne Road. MOtion
made and seconded that variance be disapproved.
3. Variance #288 - Ernest Cooney-R.D.#2-Corinth Road requested to
operate a small antique shop in the cellar of his home--home
occupation. MOtion made and seconded that variance be approved
due to extreme hardship.
4. Variance #289 - James Fogarty-20 Park Street - Reservoir Park
requested variance to place a private pool 9' from rear property
line, 9' from side property line and 9' from adjoining struct-
ures-garage and sun deck-20 Park Street. Motion made and sec-
onded that approval be granted if 10' set back or 8" from the
building in each case is complied with.
5. Variance #290 - Mary King - Requested permission to sell rabbits
and nightcrawlers as a paying hobby on R. D. 2 West Mountain Road.
Motion made and seconded that approval be granted with the stip-
ulation that this not be transferable.
6. Variance #291 Robert Clark-Vermont and Central Avenue's requests
variance to sell used cars for., purpose of resale in an R-4 zone.
Motion made and seconded that variance be disapproved on the
grounds that this is not allowed in an R-4 zone.
7. Variance #292 - Marshall Seeley Corner of Quaker Road and
Highiand Avenue requests permission to place a sign on the
Highland Avenue side adjacent to an overhead entrance - 4x6
sign internally lighted - 5' from building instead of permitted
3'. Motion made and seconded that variance be disapproved.
Variance #293 - Anthony Marcinkevicius
to place a swimming pool less than the
to an exceptionally! narrow back yard.
onded that approval be granted.
- 7 Schoolhouse Road
required setback, due
Motion made and sec-
9. Variance #294 - Ronald Williamson - propose construction t~ a
building which was previously a non-conforming use in the Town
in an R-3 zone. MOtion made and seconded that approval be
granted, as this is less non-conforming than previously .
10. Variance #295-Daggett and Patrick-Corinth Road-variance request-
ed to construct a fast food restuarant in a non-commercial
zone with 20' rear setback. Motion to approve and seconded
providing a 30' setback requirement is complied with.
11. Variance #296 - Leslie E. Foss R. D. #3-Minnesotta Avenue-
wishes to place a garage less than the required 5' set back--
2' setback in an R-4 zone. Motion made and seconded that
approval be granted.
12. Variance #297 - William Taft - Ridge Road-9L and Rte. 149, in
back of VP gas station and Maille's Rest.-request variance to
build a 40 unit motel in C-l zone. MOtion made and seconded
that approval be granted.
13. Variance #298 - Fred Balfour - 3 June Drive - Real estate branch
office out of home - requests small sign l' square in R-4 zone.
MOtion made and seconded that variance be disapproved due to the
fact that it is not adaptable to the neighborhood.
1. Rainbow Trail - Section 2 - Ledda - Disapproved. Need State Health
Department approval. To obtain variance from required maximum of
50 lot without central water or sewage. Submit detailed plans for
piping surface water drainage, recognizing potential problems of
drainage from West side of Jenkinsville Road.
2. Dana S. Bray - Large scale residential development for final
approval on MOuntain View Realty Trust Property and preliminary
approval on West Mountain Realty. Final approval granted on
MOuntain View and preliminary approval granted on West Mtn.
Realty. Need State Health Department approval, also Environ-
mental Department approval.
Respectfully submitted,