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June 6, 1973"
J.'Arthur Norton
Kirkpatrick, Roberts~~ Mellon, Sinnott. Buckley, and Monahan
. .
- '- --._ - - - -.'...._,- - --1,-- - _. - - - - - - - - - - - _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8:00 P.M.
1. Approved minutes of previous meeting.
2. Next meeting to be held June 27, 1973 instead of July 4.
3. Sarah Bailey-Mary Jenniejohn Subdivision - tabled to June 27, 1973,
John VanDusen to attend. ~
4. Pickle Hill Acres Section II -
to hold public hearing on June
Conservation Dept. for report.
revised plans again.
" .
motion by Sinnott seconded by Kirkpatrick
27, 1973. Two copies to S:" '''1
Buckley and Robert~ will 7eview
"5. .
Rezoning - Albany International Corp - Quaker Road -
, Change R-4 zone to M-l. Wayne Judge and Gary Bowen present.
1.'Monahan made motion to recommend approval to Town Board-
seconded by Roberts.
Variance #307 - Robert Batea se - Western Avenue-,to enlarge.' a
non-conforming use in a R-4 zone. Motion made to recommend approval
by Sinnott seconded by Kirkpatrick.
Våriance #308 - Winnifred Scoville/Lillian Trackey ~ 7 Luzerne Road
To change a gift. shop and used merchandise store into a Lunch·Room.
Kirkpatrick made "motion to recommend approval seconded by Monahan.
Variance #309 - Willston Realty/Livingston Furniture - Dix &
To enlarge a non-confoJ;ming use. M.otion made by Monahan to
recommend approval seconded by Buckley.
Variance #310
larger garage
rear as now.
10. VarianceW311' - Sheraton Inn/Boychuck - off Avìati.on Road -
To place a <!ree standing sign and a sign on the building.
Motion madé to recommend approval by Monahan and ~econded
'. Buckley. ,
'11. Variance #312 - Bruce Wiederspiel - Miller Hill - To place an
oversized free standing sign, 8' x 10' on 20' setback in lieu
·ofrequired 50' setback. Motion made to recommend approval of
variance request of 20' setback and limit size of the sign to
50 square feet by Buckley and seconded by Roberts.
- James Wilson - 2 Hughes Court - To constructca
with 19' setback in front and same 3' setback in
Buckley mad~motion to recommend approval seconded
12. Variance #313 - Daniel Estep - to construct a motel in an M-f
District. Motions made to recommend approval by Roberts
'seconded by Kirkpatrick.
Special Use #42 - Merwyn Pasco - Bay Road:'" Gold Drivng Range in
a C-3zone. Motion made to recommend approval, limited to two
entrances according to County Highway Recommendation and a 15 foot
side yard setback. Motion made by Mellon and seconded by Monahan.
Respectfully submitted,
. ..''''
i~' .' ".' '.:0..... ......... "..:....;...'.. ............. ....-'...J.,
Gilbert C. Mellon, Secreta
Queensbury Planning Board
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