\,.(Uttl~;;:;¡bVr~ Y .PLANNING ßUAl1U NU:Cl ~1'J~
Queensbury TO\~1 Office Building - JANUARY 2, 1974
Presiding.......J. Arthur Norton Chairman
Present....... ..G. Mellon, Secretary, J. Sinnott, R. Kirkpatrick,
S. Richardson .
Guest~..........G. lispes, H.. Boynton
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....... ~ ..........'~.. ..~....." .,...... ...".. ~ ..e...... ."......... ..,..... ..-....
Regular Meeting - 8.00 P.M.
1. Motion was made and seconded to approve minutes of previous meeting.
2? James Vamvalisa~péared for Clendon Ridge Subdivision. The
"Recreation area was discussed. No action was taken.
3. Variance #338, Price Chopþer (Gol:ub) - addition of a double faced
~1r.ctional advttrtising ëllsplay -overall size 16 ft. wide by 8ft.
h~gh. Recommend disapproval as no justification seen for adding an
ov~rsized sign to an already non-conforming s1gn structure. Would
SU9~.st as a . possibility tha,t the existing non-conforming sIgns
cou.L\i be changed. Motion by Norton seconded by Richardson and Sinnott
to d~sapprov.. .
4. Varlan\~. #339·,· Queensbury Decorating - to place an add!1fonal sign on
an ~\<latin9 f%'éfJ'standlng 8ign. Motion by Mellon seconded by
K1r~a~~lck %'&CoJIIDendlngapproval of a sIgn. that would conform to the
ot'dipanc, as f.,jra$ the size, ~O square feetto'tal s191\ a:tea. Motion
oppó~ed by Slrinatt. Mett_ carried.
5. Varianç. #340, Donald Heas (S.altestBldg)-to change a nonconforming
use of an \¡xistlng sto:tehouseand distribution center for Ice Cream
andret~11 '~or. toa storehouse and distribution center for Ic.
Cube.êar.ø man~factun Ice Cubes, on the propertysltuated at Dix and
Queena~t='Y Avenues. Mo~on byKi:t-kpatrlck$.c.onded by.Slnnott to
recommen\~ app$al a.this .WOUld be a less Obj.ectl0n.able use and would
be a l'ea4onab1.euse for tbe property. Motion carried. ... . .
6. Varlanc~If,341 Da$tal to and eor.ntto- to change a nonconforming use
from t1'uck'sa!esand seX'Vice to a franchise distributor of food and
stora·ge of '~roduct~ and trucks on tbe 'property situated at the corner
of Boulevard and Belle AYfh Recommended approval as this 1s a less
nonconformin'9, .\18e' than the .present use. Motton by Richard'on, seconded
bySlnnott . l'~otlo~ can:ied.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilbè~t Mellon. Secrét~