1976-02-04 QUEENSDURY PLAN \!If!G BOARD :.1E2TING 0USEi,JSI3URY TO':'!!! Of-::ICE nUILDING ;:"E!JRUARY 4. 1976 Presiding................... ~..... .3.. Arthur ~!orton. Chairman Present............................. .G. ~.1ellon. Secretary. R. Roberts. R. Kirkpatrick. T. Carlav.r Guests............................G. Liapes. H. Doynton \ " . Regular ~1eetin9 8: 07 P.. :1- 1. ~anutes of January 7, 1976 meeting approved. 2. Subdivision !!~..YJ.l.an~. .Acres..!..~!Q.~.Þ_sid..!~_HayJ!).and .~Rºðg. Information by engineer not submitted.. 3. ªe±()n.tl1L~ to£....3..!.-~Q.~ge T., \'1.ek~~t1esJ..J.l~~11tª1f1..:~RQ.ag Attorney. 30hnLemery and AppraIser. Robert Vanuykë appeared. l<1otion by Norton seconded by R.oberts to postpone until next meeting toallow board memhers tlmé to read data submitted and inspêct site.. !.'iotior\ carried. yar-.i..ance ~#429, .;Tohn C.. ~erqEtron~(iCabaJ;lnaRestauran~~ JLªcy..!iQ.~.9.. Gt~E.._LakE! .. to enlarge a non con orm!ñ.g use iñ1f3ãn 4 Zone on the property sl tUðted at Nacy Road OJ 1.1otion by ¡~orton seconded by Roberts to recolIID$f\d approval subjeCt to the following: The parking lot haveproper;:.screenlng or plantings due to the resldsotial nature of the area. that the Queensbu:ry Beautification Committee review the planting plans before :the project is.present~ to the Zoning BOárd .. of Appeals,. that tn. proposed new road be subj ect to approval by Town engIneer. Ray ßuckley and Highway Supt.. Carl Garb in regards to proper alignment and grade. Motion carried.. Variançe ~'!4.~Q._~.$!.l\.!1..:._Rotht~1qr...J~.e.sJ·\~i.n.rj ·...J\nt.is.uJiD.;-ivl. .;Plum 'P'oint.Lãlëe Geõ..,D! ":' to place a prage Wit noront set back in liau Ot the requ{recf30 ft.. No 0,18 appeared on this variance. !,totlon by Mel10n secondedhy Carlaw tQ tabl.eto Harch meeting and ask applicant to furnish a survey shOw1ng.þaved~aand set back. :Aotion carried. Also will request rec.-nendatlon frOJR Queensbury H~9hway Supt~ V~IA:t'JCE.JL't:u.:..ß!.b~er... t_qd..t'.~~r:u.ç,ha~$O~.Str.ee.t .. to use !n existing build!n(j as a retalFstore W1 'tn .. It'. by 8 ft. sign&on e1 theI' side or.building below the roof linè on the property situated at Richardson Street. Motion by Kirkpatrick seconded by Robèrts to recommend approval, notion carried. ' Therewill be a S1gn Ordinance public hearing by the Town Board 00 ¡.1ax-ch 9.. 1976 et 7t30 P.M.. Th.. Le:$gue .of Womøn Voters have }ÎSuþ1ished an infôrmative pamphlet on the 'sign òrdinance. February 19, 1976 there will b.e a meeting of Planning ßoard, Town I30ard and Zoning fioard to go over text of zoning law. Next regularmeetlng of Planning Doard :~arch 3. 1976. Respectfully submitted. 3. 4. 5. Gi1bet't l1Iellon Secrètary