March 24, 2021
Members Present- McCabe, Urrico, Underwood, Henkel, Hayward, Hamlin, McDevitt
Members Absent – Kuhl,
New Business:
AV 17-2021 MARK PRENDEVILLE, 102 Ash Drive 7:00-8:26
Ward 1. Applicant proposes a 2 story addition with a portion to have a basement to an existing home. The
addition is to be 1,518 sq. ft. with 321 sq. ft. of porch/deck area footprint. The existing floor area is 1,964 sq. ft.
and the proposed to be 5.808 sq. ft. The project has received area variances for setbacks south side where 10.7
ft. granted and 20 ft required; height where 28.9 ft. granted and 28 ft. maximum allowed. An additional
variance is requested for an addition that exceeds 1/3 of the existing building floor area. Site plan for new floor
area in a CEA and shoreline planting plan. Relief requested for expansion of a nonconforming home with an
addition greater than 1/3.
Status: Application tabled to the first May meeting, May 19, 2021; with revised information due by April 15th.
Tabled 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit new information by April 15th.
AV 19-2021 MADALINE DRELLOS, 446 Luzerne Road 8:27-8:37
Ward 3. Applicant requests to maintain a second garage (672 sq. ft.) in current location at back of property.
Structures on property include a home of 1,680 sq. ft.; one garage close to the home of 540 sq. ft. +/-; second
garage near the rear property line is 1,950 sq. ft. +/-; and a 336 sq. ft. shed. Project site received a Use Variance
in 1988 and revisit review in 1989 (UV 1333) for a one-man engine repair shop on the north side of Luzerne
Road. Relief requested for setbacks and second garage.
Status: Approved as submitted. Approved 6-1. Hamlin
Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signature.
SV 2-2021 ADIRONDACK TRUST CO., 79 Main Street 8:38-8:52
Ward 4. Applicant proposes to install a 45 sq. ft. freestanding monument sign for the Adirondack Trust Bank
under construction at 79 Main St. Location of sign proposed is 0.62 ft. where a 15 ft. setback is required. Site
plan review for a new sign in the Main Street zoning district. Relief is requested for setbacks.
Status: Approved as submitted. Approved 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signature.
AV 18-2021 PAUL DERBY, 31 Canterbury Drive 8:53-9:09
Ward 1. Applicant proposes a 639 sq. ft. upper level addition to an existing single-story home (2,044.5 sq. ft.
footprint) along with some interior alterations. The project includes removal of a concrete patio/driveway area
replaced with permeable pavers. Proposed floor area is 2,683.9 sq. ft. Site plan review for new floor area in a
CEA, Chapter 91 septic in a flood plain, and hard surfacing within 50 ft. of shoreline. Relief requested for
expansion of a nonconforming structure, setbacks, and floor area,.
Status: Approved as submitted. Approved 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signature.
Adjourn: 9:10