1977-06-01 ~ .' QUEENSBURV T()vN PLAN~ING BOARD MEETING QUEENSBURV TOWN OFFICE BUILDING JUNE 1, 1977 Presiding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J,:," Arthur Norton, Chairman Present...............................G. Mellon, Secy., R. Roberts, H. Mann, ' . K. Sorlin, W. Threw, R.. Montesi Guests................................G. Liâpes, H. Boynton The Planning Board met with Bryan Harrison, Warren County Planner from 7:00 to 8:00 P.. M. - survey di~cussed. REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P. M. I. Minutes of May 4, 1977 meetlng approved. 2. 3. 4. V - .. to place a metal storage building for sa vaga materia n an ~ one on the property situated at VanDusen Road. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders appeared on this variance. Motion by Montesi seconded by Mann to recommend approval. Motion carried. Vafia~Ge ~94 ~ Jos~ ~.n L~rv - to place a dwelling on a lot that does no nave rontage on a puSï c street on the property situated off north side Patton Drive. Joseph Lemery and his son appeared on this variance3 Motion by Mellon seconded by Montesi to recommend approval. Motion carriedø 5. 6. Vari,nce #4J5 - PrQ-Crafi Build'~t"'J.lnS. - to place a dwelling less than tne requir 30 It. iron yara se ,baci on the property situated at the southeast corner Hillcrest Avenue and Dixon Road. Frank Cattone present. Motion by Sorlin seconded by Threw to recommend approval. Motlon carried. Variance #496 - Abraham Rudnick 5i ns of Pro ress) - to install an over~ s z s gne s a ere c on e property situated at 697 Upper Glen Street. Bob Platt from Signs of Progeess and ~ass Pauquette were present on this variance. Motion by Mann seconded by Mellon to recommend approval of this variance. l~tlon carried. Variance #497 - Sambo's Restaurant. Inc. - to erect a free-standlng over~, s1zéd 51gn witn a !bw S.~~àC~ an! a 4~ sq. ft. wall sign on the property' situated at Aviation Mall. Avlation Road. Motion by A~ntesi seconded by Roberts stating that Sambo's is a part of the mall complex. Motion carried. Motion by Sorlin seconded br Montesi to recommend disapproval of the free standing sign. Motion carr ed.Motion by Roberts seconded by Sorlin to recommend that it is in effect a corner lot and two facia signs be allowed~ Motion carried. 1. 8. ... June I, 1977 Planning Board Mee~lng (continued) 9. v.~t.nxe #498 ·.ðO~ne~~nd H~ w to place local retail 6uI n...e'f penoniI' .erY1ce es'tabllt and office. in a M-l Zone on the propety situated on the south side of Quaker Road. Edward Layden, attorney and Mr. andMrI. Heber appeared on this variance. Motion by Montesi secondtkl by Threw to reco.aend approval. Motion carried. 10. Va:t'iance #499 - Robert R. Soher_ - to place an add! t10n to an existing building with a 20' front .etback in lieu of the required 30t front setback and also to place an additional apart.ent in a C-l Zone on the p~erty .ituated at the comer of Route 149 and Bay Road. Robert SCherer, Jr. and Sr. appeared. Motion by Mellon seconded by Monte,i to reco..nd approval~ Motion cal'riedo Next regular Meting of PllI\rd.", Boald July 6, 1977. Respectfully submitted, Gllbvt Mellon, Seey.