1977-07-06 QUEENSBURY TONN PLANNING BOARD MEETING QUE2NSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING JUL \,- 6 ~ 1977 Pr.asiding................................ .3. Arthur Norton, Chairman Fresént.................................... .G..' Mellon, Secy., R. Roberts, H. tiann, W. Threw, K. SarI in , R. Montesi Guests..........................~..G. Liapes, H. Boynton Tte Planning Board met with Bryan Harrison, Warren County Planner from 7:00 to 8:00 P. M. regarding Land Use Plan. Others present - K. Cornwell\, D~rmis Phelan (Assoc. Planner), ~.1. Brandt, R. Eddy, S. Richardson, G. Liapes, S. Goetz, F. Walter" H. Boynton. Dates and places for mini-meetings discussed. r, REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P. M. ,.. - , ~t ),. . r.1inutes of June 1st meeting approved. ~ariance #500 - Atlantic Richfield Cq~an¥~ 52 Av~~tionRoad - to erect a canopy to cover gasoline pumps 35~ t. rom front property line in lieu of the required 50 ft. front setback. Richard L. Smith Attorney for ARCO present. Motion by Montesi seconded by Threw to recommend approval of this variance. Motion carried. 2. 3. s gn on canopy n an R-4 Zone. recommend approval. r.'otion carried. 4. . ~ yarlance #502 - Georqe I. Bo~chuk. Mark Plaza. Quaker Road - to place an addition to a commercial bul1dlng in an R-4 Zone with a 10 ft~ rear setback. George Boychuk present. Motion by Montesi seconded by Mellon to recommend approval. Motion carried. Varlance~03 - Harry Troelstra West side uaker Road - to place a pole barn and tòree temporary green ouses n a .- arry Troelstra present. Watts Braman present and discussed drainage easement problem. notion by Roberts to recommend disapproval of this variance. No second to this motion. Motion by Montesi seconded by Mellon to recommend approvaJ of this variance.. Three in favor of motion, three against motion. Tie vote. r.1otion by Mann seconded by Montesi to table for one month for further study. ~otion carried. Next regular meeting of Planning Board August 3, 1977. Respectfully submitted, 5. Gilbert Mellon, Secy.