2007-204TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Permit Number: Community Development -Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT P20070204 Application Number: A20070204 Tax Map No: 523400-226-019-0001-089-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: LEWIS & JOAN STONE For property located at: 192 LAKE Pky in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: LEWIS & JOAN STONE LAWRENCE & DOUGLAS STONE Septic Alteration Residential 192 LAKE PARKWAY Total value LAKE GEORGE, NY 12845 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address CRANDALL CHRISTOPHER WOODCHUCK HILL ROAD LAKE GEORGE, NY Electrical Inspection Agency Plans & Specifications 2007-204 SEPTIC ALTERATION RESIDENTIAL $25.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Sunday, May 04, 2008 (If a longer period is required, an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Took ueensbpi~y; Fri)da~, May 04, 2007 SIGNED BY /'- '¢ ! ~~ for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building & Code forcement 00 O N ~ G~ p ~'' ~ e~ O ° ~ U ~ O ~W ~ ~, ~ a o w ~~ ~. o w ~v ~ ~ ~ ~ O V ~ ~ ~ .--~ 00 z 'd O ~ ~ °o ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 1 y ~ o ~ ~~ on ~ ~ a ~ ~ o o b ^ ~ ,~ q ~ Z ~~ a /~y N ~ ~ ~°o ~ O C •3 0 O V ~ ~ O ~ Z u '''' ~ T ~ ~ o, ~ w Z a~ O v ~ ~ N w p v~ Rt gg>~ ~ 'C3 ~ ,~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ da' N 1~1 N '~ ~ ~ ~ per, b ~ O ~ ~ ,~ °r.3 W ~ ~o~ ,. ~~ ~~~~ +~ 4• o v z ° U ~ ~~~~~.~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ •~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ a ~ ~ - .. -~~Fa//y~~vrt EPA homeowner's guide: tt www.e a v des ubs h0 ecwner i g_cu,tomize,oef `-i:.L-.E~. ~q- f .~.~~i.._OFFICEUSEdNLY,~~..rr ...................-- %-RE~~~If~~ ~, 1 AX MAP N0. < PERMl7 NO.~~Il~' PERMIT FEE_S~`~ . ~ ,r_ l PPROWALS: zONiNG T01NN CLERK ~ ' f ~' `-~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ,' A nPLICATION,FOR SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYST'~M FERMIl LNG AND CODE A C iif1MIT MUST BE 08TAINED 6EFORB WORK 9EOIN8. APPLICATION IB BVe.IECT TO tiElliE1N BEFORE ISSUANCE OF A VALID PEI !MR. ~ vt=R: m ~~t~/t~L n . GGA ~~ ~ INSTALLER: ~hf~'~f' (~ _ C~y~~ ao ~f:ESS-~ y~ ~/~~j,~//}%~ AopRESS: ~y~j ` PH~ tNE NOS._ ~O ~'~ ,1r 1' /Use /~P~HOQNE Nt?S. / 17 `-' t~}J 1 LOS ATION OF MISTALLATIQN: / 7 L. ~/j~~ /~~I~/~~ir~~TY /9~f~%~~~Qpl~f/r RESIDENCE INFORMATION: YEAR BtALT BSS X ~U'TATIONe = 'DOTAL DAILY FLOW 1580 or oleer' X 750 pa~tan per ttodreom ~ 1917 -7997 I[ 720 gallon per ttedroam 1992 -Present X 110 ~IIDn p9r bldrODnr a PAI .CEL INfORMATtt7Nt GARBAGE GRINDER INS'r'ALLEp7 l~(C7 SPA OR MOT TUH N75TALl.ED? fJt7 I TDPOCRAPFfV: FIAT ROLLING, 9TBEP SLOPE 76SLOPE / 4ntr traTL tpe• SAND X LOARe ~ CLAY OTHER SE3t?lk1DWIATI?R: AT YNiAT pEP'TN? BE AT WHAT DEPTH? ~ DOMESTIC tNGITER SUPLV: LJ~K~ MIM~tICIPAI. WEL! (Y waq: wif•r atlppfy ttom anY seP~ slW++o apeorptlon N:__~ ~ PERCOLATION i_sr• RATE IS PER MIiNUTE PER INCH (PEST TO BE COii~LETED 8Y A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL. ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT) Plt~ 1POSED SYS7>=M FOR NEW t~N$TRtiCT~N: All inelividtloti srlnwpgp d9pa~ sytatar-s must be designed by a (ioaneed Ora ~ssiortal sngtnesr ~ arC+iroa iuMaw ir+9islNed in a Planning Boats approved gubdivfsion}. TA K~SIZE: ]~Q C~,4i,LON (MiM. 3iZE !S 1,Op0 CiA1.j A~1218 gafbrrs M the size of the septic tank for each garbage g7indpr, spa or whirlpool tub. SY j) I-BSORPTI~N FIELD (WITH N0.2 STON1ry Total length tt. Each trench X n SEEPAGE PIT{S) {WfTH N0.3 STONE) How marry? _ Size? ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM Bed ~ other type? ~/ L/!/-~/9//~/QE1S ~ !./fTS~ 2~ ~ rf ~ o HOLOtNG TANK SYSTEM Total required c.)IpL7city? TaNc size? Number of tanks? NO• t:: AtAFg1A SYSTEM AND ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL tMQRK MUST 8E INSPECTEp BY A TOWN APPROVED ELECTRICAL, 1N5 t:GTtON,4t!<FNCY. PLEASE REVIEW UST PROVIpFD. For law Win. P~ note that ptrsuant b Section 138.29 of the Cade of iha Tpwrt of Queens6ury, any pem-it ~ approval play ltd arlligft is tined upon or is granted in nliartoe upon any rrtatM+al n-nreprseelttation or fsMlxa to maka a rrlatoriel fact or ci-c wnstanoa known by or on behalf of an apgtiOpnt. shall be void. 1 ha h: read the regulatlpne with rasped 1o ttl~ applicstlal and spnW 4t16ST10NS 7 CALL 7t7J266 OR EMAIL M a tide btr >tless and al! rprlu~@nix M ills TOtm of OlMensbtxy cadesADc ueenehurv. net Ear Cary a D• tlsal O NSiT OtlR tlY6B8tlE FOR MORE INFORMATION ~ ~~ /~ ~ www.aueenabur_r,net $i attaGlJre of Parson Resptsnslble Otto ` V . s Tozmz of (~rreer:shln-y • CoturllYUfity 1>L~uelo~rrlet:t Uff~ce • 742 Bin/ Resrtd, Qlreertsl~LCrl~, NY ~ 2804 - - ~C?V~.. ~t~,g 7~s ~3d7 169 Haviland Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Hutchins Engineering Phone: (518) 745-0307 Fax: (518) 745-0308 May 5, 2007 Mr. David Hatin Town of Queensbury, Buildings & Codes 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Reference: 192 Lake Parkway, Michael DellaBella Jr. Dear Dave: In accordance with our recent discussion, enclosed please find three prints pf the revised design plan for a replacement septic system at the referenced residence. Please contact me with further questions or when a permit is available. Regards, G. Thomas Hutchins, P.E. Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Ins n request received: Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Arrive: am/pgi~,Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Ins is Initials: JJ L- _~~ Q ~ ~ NAME: /¢ PERMIT NO.: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: RECHECK: ~~.\ Soli T :Sand Cia T of Water: Mun ci I Weli Water Waterline se ratbn distance ft. Well separation distance Other wells: ft. ft. Abso Field: Total len ft. of each trench ft. of trenches ft• Size of Stone Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size• pi i Size Buikli bo tank ~% Tank tzi ~ Disiribut(on Box to Field Pit O i Sealed: Y N Partial End Ca In Outlet Pi & Baffles Y N Location rations Foundation to tank ft• Foundation to abso on ft. Se ration of Pits ft• Conforms as r Plot Plan Y N E sneer Re rt and As-Built Y N Location of System ~ Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Side ~~~~ ~~-~ k ienJ G~.~ di~~~ Middle Front Middle Rear ,,~~/Q'~`( ~~~~ Svstem Use Status: Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected, please call the Building & Codes Office Disapproved Last revised 021006 Last revised 1/6/OS '~~~'1 Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Ins request received: Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Arrive: '. am/~m Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspecto Initials: ~--- NAME: PERMIT NO.: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: RECHECK: Soli T :Sand Loam Cla of Water: Munid 1 Well Water Waterline se ration distance ft. Well separation distance Other wells: ft. ft. Abso Field: Total len ft. of each trench 2 ft. of trenches ft. Size of Stone ~ J~ Pits: Number Size: x ~' ~Ize: Pi Stze Bulidi bo tank ~ ~/ Tank to Distribution Box Distribution Box bo Field Pit ~--` i Sealed: Y N Partial End Ca In Outlet Pi & Baffles Y N Location rations Foundation to tank ft. Foundation to a ion ft. ration of Pits ft. forms as r Plot Plan Y En ineer Re rt and As-Built Y N ~o u ~ D~ CN ~ , .~,0~1~0 U~4 ~.-- Right /(/a~fk. ~ioC- Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Side Middle Front Middle Rear System Use Status: pproved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected, please call the Building & Codes Office Disapproved Last revised 021006 Last revised 1/6/05 169 Havifand Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Hutchins Engineering Phone: (518) 745-0307 Fax: (518) 745-0308 Ma 22, 2007 ~~uvN ®~ ~~Jf~f~NBf~t~f31G Y ~C~IV1ir+lt~ivi~`Y p~V~I~f~pMENT I~'~~EIV`~~ Town of Queensbury Buildings Department MAC 3 ~~~~ 742 Bay Road Aco ~~~~:,.: ~,~,,,_,,,. Queensbury, NY 12804 t~ s c ~ _ f~~AfVNfNf3„~„.,,,, Re#erence: 192 Lake Parkway, Michael Della Bella Jr. Wastewater System Installation This letter is to state that 1 have inspected the ins#allation of the replacement absorption field at the referenced residence. The system consists of 128 LF of Eljen In-Drain Type Sand Filter Units installed in shallow bed configuration, and a 1000 gallon precast concrete pump station with duplex pumps, controlled with atime-dosed digital panel. The existing 1250 gallon concrete septic tank has been reused.. To the best of my knowledge, the system is installed in general con#ormance with the design drawings. Surface finishing, including turf had not been established at the time of our inspection. Attached is a record drawing indicating actual {ovations with dimensions which were recorded in the field. Should you have any questions, please contact this office. Regards, ~A ~~~ G. Thomas Hutchins, P.E. a~-~~ Enclosures Cc. Michael Della Be11a Jr. COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, INC. Main Office 176 Doe Run Road - Manheim, PA 17545 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE -ELECTRICAL APPROVAL Permit No.. ....~~ ...... .......!.Ce . N ~ 9 416 2 Cut-in Card No ..................................... GZG l~ ~C"~C-!~ Owner ..................................................................................................................................................................... Location ......... `.~.. ~'.. L~ /..~.'" .... ~~~ ..........................................~~"uc:~..~............. Installation Consisting of...°.~'~..~~'~~`~-' ,~~.:!'i:~ /~S 7` ~itJ~7'"/~.rL ......................................... ~~::1~.................................................................................................. Installed By....... ~..`.4~.~~~~~ .............................................. Lic. No................................................... The conditions following governed the issuance of this certificate, and any certificate previously issued is cancelled: - This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date. Upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall be promptly made for inspection. Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege ma ng inspections at any time, and if its rules are violated, the Company shall have the right t certific ~. , Date....'`J.._.~..7.'~..(....... C..1 ............. INSPECTOR ............. .................................................................................. Member N.F.P.A., 1.A.E.1. Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Ins request n:ceived: Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement AMve: ~ am/p~np~2'v am/Pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspecto s In(dals: 7 v NAME: KL~'P- ~~G~' PERMIT No.: LOCATION: _,,.1.~-;~C~~ INSPECT ON: _,~ RECHECK: Soil :Sand tAam Cla T of Water: Munid i Well Water Waterline se ration distance ft. Well separation distance Other wells: ft. ft. n Field: Total len ft. of eadt trench ft. ar# trenches ft. Size al` Pits: Number 5lze• x Stone Size: Pi Size Budldi to tank Tank to DisMbution Box Distribution Box to Field Pit O ni Seakd: Y N Partial End Ca Inl Outlet Pi & Baffles Y N t.,ocation rations Foundation fio tank ft. Foundation to abso 'on ft. Se ration of Pits ft. Conforms as r Plot Plan Y E ineer Re rt and As-Built Y N Location of System on Property: ~~,~,~ C~c--E Front Rear Left Side Rfght Side Middle Front Mkldle Rear A~~>e~. -- d ~~ ~' ~~ s`~zy~7 c~~ Sim Use StatusUse Status: proved Partial Approved and needs bo be re-inspected, please call the Building >~ Codes Office Disapproved Last revised 021006 Last revised 1/6/05 Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Ins n west received: Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Arrive: ~ ~ am/ rt: am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspecto s nitials: NAME: ~~ ~~~ _ PERMIT NO.: LOCATION: ~ ~~ R iC~U INSPECT ON: RECHECK: Soil T :Sand Loam Cla T of Water: Munid I Weli Water Waterline se ration distance ft. Well separation distance Other wells: ft. ft. Abso Field: Total len ft. Le of each trench ft. De of trenches ft. Size of Stone See Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Pi in Size Bulidi do tank Tank to Distribution Box DisMbution Box to Field Pit O ni Sealed: Y N Partial End Ca In Outlet Pi & Baffles Y N Location Se rations Foundation to tank Foundation to abso ion ft. Se ration of Pits ft. Conforms as r Plot Plan N E sneer Re rt and As-Built Y N Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Side Middle Front addle Rear Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected, please call the Building 8c Codes Office Disapproved Last revised 021006 Last revised 1/6/05 ~!J ~ RECEIVED JOHN SALVADOR, JR - ~'~' 37 ALEXY LANE LAKE GEORGE, NY 12845 Queensbury Local Board of Health 742 Bay Road Quecnsbury, N.Y. 12804 Dear Board members, June 5, 2007 RE: On site Wastewater System - 192 Hay Parkway c~PV Please recall that the on -site wastewater system located on the premises at 192 Bay Parkway prior to May 4, 2007 was limited to that of a dwelling having a 3 bedroom design basis. This wastewater system known to have been overstressed in recent years actually had an infiltration structure sized for less than 3 bedrooms. Now that a recent supervised peculation test shows that the native soil stabilized at an average peculation rate of 24 min/in indicating relatively poor native soils from the outset. On April 30, 2007 Mr. Michael Della Bella, Jr owner, made application fora , ` ~~~ septic disposal system permit at the 192 Lake Parkway location. Mr. Della Bella /~- represented that the dwelling built in 1992 was built with 4 bedrooms. This statement is i~.,~/,~ t/ not supported by the 1991 building permit application filed by Lewis and Joan Stone and approved by Dave Hatin. ~'~°~' f ''~' /~fe.,,~.,L 3 ,~-~,~ Even though it was Mr. Della Bella who made the application fora "replacement" system, Building Permit No.P20070204 was in fact issued to Lewis and Joan Stone, Et Al ~~~ `~~ ~Q` `"~ ~" ~'°~`'~~"'~ 192 Lake Parkway Lake George, N.Y. 12845 Fora "Septic Alteration Residential". Knowing that the Stones sold the property identified as T.P. 226.19-1-89 on Apri14, 2007, is a .Building Permit (P 2007204) issued to them on May 4, 2007 considered a valid permit? There are a number of additional deficiencies in the Della Bella application. These include: „ (1) Depth to Ground Water not recorded. ~ ~ ~~ (2) Depth to Bed Rock or Impervious Material not shown. ~0 ~ ~ ~Jo,~~ (3}Domestic Water Supply does not meet code. L,c~ w~~~ P. .~~/u~w {4) Perculation Rate is not shown. (,~^~ ~~~ ,~ y ,.,.,,~ S~J~~ ~~ ~~r (5} Alternate System approved without local Board approval. /4~r-~ ;+~'~I ^jd.l~..~/ The tops of the Elgen In-Drain Units shown on Hutchins Engineering drawing No. 29248-01 dated last 5/3/07 are shown to be installed essentially at grade. The configuration of the"Bed" approaches that of a shallow mound offering only 2' of frost ~ A`~ protection above the Bio-Mat. Might a freezing condition during periods of intermittent ~°~ winter use cause the units to loose their efficiency or even malfunction? The Building Permit issued in 1991 for the existing system called for 1250 gal septic tank and a 1250 gal dump tank. The replacement design calls for using the existing precast concrete tank where as the pump tank now specified appears to be a different ~ ,~~~ ~ ~ 1000 gal tank. Why so large? What happened to the old 1250 tank? Was it ever installed. ~~~ More important than all the unanswered questions is will this new improperly authorized installation meet the standards necessary to protect the environment in a Critical Environment Area. Yo truly, ~ , .r ,~ r: ohn Salvador, Jr Cc Ms. Anita Gabalski, Dist Dir NYSDOH Mr. Chris Navitsky, L.G. Waterkeeper Ms. Kathleen Bozony, L.G.A. -..~~~Ms. Helen Otte, Queensbury Assessor Mr. Dave Hatin, Dir. Building & Codes Mr. Craig Brown, Zoning Administrator Miss Candice Morabito, Manager, Assoc Broker Realty U.S.A. Members, Assessment Review Boazd