1978-02-01 qJEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEêfING QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING FEBRUARY 1, 1978 Presidin9.........................R.Robe~ts, Chairman Present............................R. Montesi. Secy., K. Sorlin, H. Mann, D.. Krebs, J. Dybas " Absent.... . 'I . .. . . .. . .. . . ., .. . . III· . .. . . . .. . .. . .. W. Thre\'l Guests....... ~.......... ~...... It...... .G. Liapes, 8. Boynton Requl~r meetinq 8:~O P. M. 1. Roberts &uggested a Deputy Chairman and Secretary be appointed in case the Chairman or Secretary are absent. Sorlin appöinted Deputy Chairman and Krebs, Deputy Secretary. 2. Minutes of January 4~ 1978 meeting approved. 3. Subdivision... Public Hearing - Rush "P nd Hills 31 Lots West Mountain Road néår lU'è·· on. 0 public hearing. John VanDusen called prior to that subdivision was to be revised. ere 4. Off-Premi.es Sign #5 - Kinsaswood Estates, Route 9, 200 ft. south of Yleeks Raaa on p:roperty owned by Weeks Âssoclates. No one appeared for applicant. Motion by Montesi seconded by Mann to recommend disapproval. 3 for motioo ... 3 sgains'tmotion. Motion by Mann seconded by Dybas to table matter.. Motion carried. "Board must act on ·this prior to Feb. 20, 197810 order to cover .60 day period in application. .... jÞ.e Board will ac't on~his at the Planning Board session on Thursday, February 16, 1978. 5. Off~PrQmises 51 n... Meadow Run Davelo ment Cor .., south side Aviation oadon property owne· y 1< aa ow un eve10pment orp.. Robert Stewart and Rex Billings were present representing applicant. Motion by Montesi to approve seconded by Sorlin. Motion carried by 5 to 1 vote. A . condition of this approval was that this 50 sq. ft.$ignwi11 be the only Qff~p:remises sign allowed on this property.. 6. Variance thø property situated appearéd on this Variance. recommend approval. Motion 7. rt Mesi'""k -- to operate an Automobile Service epair Shop in C-2 and c~ Zones on the property situated at Aviation Road,,; Applicant Marty Mesick was present on this Special Pè:rmit. Motion by Mànn seconded by Montesi to recommend approval. Motion cëtrried.. B. Variance #535 .~ Carswell Truck Center Inc. and C rswel1 Motors and Tire ~~ ~ to vary from t.e sigo ordinance on t e property s1tuated at 85 and 681 Upper Glen Street. Michael O'Connor and Bernard Hawley were present on this variance,,:' ~~tion by Sarlin seconded by Montesi to recommend approval of this variance~ Motion carried. The Board feel that the full 454 ft. frontage will have to be considered as one package in any future sign requests as they have used this for the basIs of their decision. Also the signs will have to conform at the time that the non'!econforming signs as of August 14, 1976 must conform. The Board feel that applicant had a real hardship due to pressure applied by f.ranchise Queensbury Planning Board February 1, 1978 Page 2 lease for signs of I. D. This hardship was not self imposed. Meeting closed at 10:55 P. M. Next regular meeting March l~ 1978. Respectfully submitted, Ronald S. Montesi, Secretary