1978-05-03 ,5. ..."' ...;. ..;~ QUEENSBURY TawN PLANNING BOARD MEETING QUEENSBURY TCNlN OFFICE BUILDING MAY 3, 1:978 Pre$1ding.....................~......R. Roberts. Chairman Present..............................R. Montesi, Secy., W. Threw,. K.Sorlin, 'H. Mann1t J.. Dybas, D.. Krebs Guest..................................G. Liapes ' Workshop meeting f~om 7:00 to 8:00 P.M~ with Brian Harrison of Warren CQunty Planning. Also present were Fran Walter and George Kurosaka. 1. Regular lDeeting opened at 8;10 P. M. Minutes of April 5. 1978 meeting corrected. On Variance 542Ó Lenton and Barbara Simms vote was 5 to 1 not 6 to 1. On Variance 55 . Lake George R. V. Park, Inc" minutes corrected by deleting that sign will have to conform at the time that the non~conforming signs ssof 8/14/76 must conform~ Minutes accepted a $ corrected. ¡ . 2. 3. Dennis Berk~ey Subdivlsiòn #4"",78. 9 lots off West Mountain Road. Motion by MOntesI, seconded by sOrt!" 'to grant Conceptual Approval. Vote 6 yes. Motion carried. Extension Hewitt Subdivi$lon#12~65. Dixon Road. 41 Lots ... Motion by ~orlì.n seçondedby ðybas to di$approve Conceputual Approval. Vote 6 yes. Carried. The Board felt", the plan presented would create a hardship on the Town of Queen.bury Highway and Wat.er Depa:t:>tment$. Board did not like thecul-delllsac. 4. . 6. ~Cial Pea1~ tlt2.. M1c:ba~l.Ma~1p.....- to place an animal kennel lnan ... zone on t e propa:ty .1 tuat '..at the nox:t.h $ide of Luz*ne Road. Mr. and Mrs. Martin appeared 'With their attorney 'Michael O'Connor. MotionbyMaM seo'ond_ by Kreb$ to recommend approval asapplled for. Vôtewas 1 tto.-6yea. Motion caZ':ried, 7. Varlanç. ~2 - Bobdan and Sofia Kømarn¡;ty · to place a warehousing ~ac1.u:ty if! '. C-~~'êtnò .láë.6Ui~á1. ", ~f1S& than l5 ft..ide set};¡ack ontbèpropel"tYlltuated at tbe ..t$iideof Route 9.. Bohdan Komarnycky and ,George Kuroaakaappearedon this varian'ce. I\.\otion by Montesi seconded by Mann to recomraend ,approvål. Vøte 6 yes.. 1 no. Motioncarrièd. The eo... ~ ,appro..l ,1ft tbefollowing rea~on$: 1..; , '$lde line "mane. 1. _~y followiß-gÐxlsting building" 2~R..set b~tls ot~;';;":':":,~ -..-.,,'. ."C·. ,.,..~"" 3. ' ,~ :>Ø}I; "an.ion lnnon-conformi09 use due to growth.. This la". vary cle:_:;~up.tOe:edate op"ation~ 8. ~~ .... 1978 9. - to operate a bus 10. . . r::;t::'t~~. ·.:tta~ .... ~~:a~..~:t~::t¡:c: :M:a~~:~:r t:;o~=.;iy situatédatRhod'. Island ancfConnecticut Avenues. SilasGl"eenappeared with h1.attorney." Delowyn MUlder. Motion by Threw seconded by Mann to recomøaend.,..roval. Votewa$' yes. Motion carried" The Board felt this buildtngwould improvet;he area as trucks are parked outside at t.b~ F..ent tim.. v.rla~C.~6·" Bprv and Robe1."\a Conven~ -to place a Mobile Ho... ¢ourt tn.. . -á ~.on the propWty sItuated at north off Warren Lane. B.a~ and, Roberta Converse. appeaJ:edwiththeira'ttorney Micbael O'Connor. u.t1on by Mon'tesi. seconded by Mann to recommend approval.. Vot.,·? ."es. Motioncànied. This 1s a Use Variance and the Board feels th.ttbls is rea SOft able use of land as a IDObilè home park and is in line with other lots that a1"e used aSlaObl1e home lots in this a7:ea. . Min111W1 of 8% of the land will be. set asi~. for recreatlònal as directed by the Health Department. The Boardf'..ls that therè i$ no other reasonable use oftb, land. Next regular meeting of Planning Board J\,Ine 7. 1978 - 8:00 P. M. Respectfully submitted. 11. Ronald Montesl, Secy. ..