97-609 • BUILDING ,..PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY VALUE . $ 3000 No. 97609 TAX MAP NO. 12. -3-27. 3 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to WETBERBEE. WILLIAM A OWNER of property located at 18 HIT.T.MAAD Street.Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a 150 SQ FT DECK at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address is • 18 HILLMAN ROAD QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name LINDSAY, JEFF 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address PILOT: KNOB, NY 4. ARCHITECT'S Name • 5. ARCHITECT'S Address• { 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) { ( )Wood Frame ( I Masonry ( )Steel ( I ! 7. PLANS and Specifications r;. .,150, gQ- FT DECK. AS,.PER-. PLO.T:.PLAN. SPE.C'IFiICAT.IONS 0 8..Proposed Use ,,,150; SQ FT:.DECK.,,, f 15r_. . October, 22 :. 99 $ PERMIT'`FEE'PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 19 ` " (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) F_; a ..,:22 _.•' Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day'of "t� ` October. .. ' SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Inspector TOWN OF QUEENSITURY i ee Paid 10- . BUILDING & CODES DEI'AIt1MENT APPLICATION FOR: PORCHES-BECKS- Permit II .9'7 - Cp o 1 , DOCKS & BOATHOUSES __ Est. Cost , 6o0, `'D A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. PLEASE ANSWER ALL OF •lIIE FOLLOWING: The undersigned hereby applies for a Building Permit to do the fallowing work which will be done 'in accordance with the description , plans and specifications submitted , and such special conditions as may be indicated on the permit. 'IWO SETS OF STItUC1UIUIL PLANS SMALL BE SUIJMITIE WITH THIS APPLICATION. Owner of Property:r y: ���l�r�en 1���1er---Arve. P.O. Address /? 4&109 - aer6s�0'1/, IJ! /awl/ Phone ii a(c- 93D7 Property Location SGhie Tax Map If /2- 27,.3 Subdivision Name ( If applicable) .; PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF WORK AS REGARDS TO U I LDD>I NG CODES: �/�1�� Name: . 4V Aiiii'vci/v67 Address A1CA'k7 ky �// A' ✓AhoneiiCZ-V.-VIO / f BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS: ' Type of work to be done: Porch Deck Dock Boathouse (Circle one) Size of Structure to be built (square footage) : /561 Foundation Material : Width 24 Thickness .L/'/ Depth of Footing, below grade: WI/ i Size of Posts or Studs: 6 x - x /4/ l Long t R----)t—o', - • Size of Floor Joists: 2 x g x 7/ Span OCT 15: 1997 Decking or Flooring Material : 1'x 6 '/' 1 TOWN OF OUEilvSBIJRY How will-: Porch or Deck be fastened to building? cJoi3i 17-,ny BUILDING AND CODE " If Roof Will, Be Installed , Answer Following Questions: friy Size of Posts or Studs : x x Long . Roof Rafters: . x Spacing Span Roof Trusses (pre-engineered spacing) : Span Type of Roof: Slolied Flat Shed Other (Circle one) Material of Roof: • ZONING INFORMATION: TWO PLOT PLANS MUST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED, drawn reasonably to scale and attached hereto, showing clearly aridillstinc`tly all hullifiTi s , whether- existing or proposed and indicate all set back dimensions from properly lines. Show location of water supply and location and configuration of septic disposal area. Size of Properly: 300 ft. x r 360 ft. Existing buildi,ng(s) : Size .2k ft. x 8 ft. Size aj ft. x ,D ft. Use of Existing building(s) : SFp `/Fkiccir� 1G e Proposed structure , distance from property line: Front yard /YO ft. Rear yard /20 ft. <-‘1-;55 Side yards /o ft. and 22,5 ft. If_.on corner, setback from side street: /1/49 DECLAMATION ; • RESIDENTIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT �� 5 PC=� Office No. (518)761-8256 Date inspection request received: , Building& Code Enforcement / ' Dept. of Community Development Arrive am/pm Depart/ Town of Queensbury Inspector's Initially 742 Bay Road Queensbury,New York 12804 NAME C% V�1 C�� PERMIT# l - L.00°) LOCATI rc.0 DATE 3"31 —� TYPE OF STRUCTURE N/A YES NO COMMENTS Chimney Heightl'B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake 1( 1 Plumb Vent through roof - Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete Interior/Exterior Railings 30"to 36" Exterior Handrails,balconies,landing 18 in. or more Interior Handrails stairs both sides 3 or more risers Grade 2%away from foundation ,' 8"clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18"above grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at enti nce to furnac�area Furnace/Hot Water Heater operatm Relief Valve(s)installed Headroom,6 ft. 6 in. on stairs Basement stairs,6 ft. 4 ill Handrail exterior stairs both sides more than 3 risers Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36" Floor Finish Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Interior Handrails Balconies/Landing 18 in. or more Railing across window in stairwells Smoke Detectors: every level every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom fans Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation • 3/4 hour fire door/door closer Garage fireproofing Garage penetrations sealed Furnace in separate room protected(in garage) Light ventilation per room Safety glazing 18"or less from floor Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System layout required Okay to issue C/C(Certif. of Compliance) Okay to issue temp. C/O(Certif. of Occupancy) Okay to issue permanent C/O(Certif. of Occupancy) (518) 761-8256 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 BAY RD., QUEENSBURY NY 12804 J��. INSPECTOR'S REPORT: ARR \ DEPAR��5INT\�/ — REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED,: NAME CT LOCATION h(-42./9-/() DATE n PERMIT\O �C` /jYI u6 TYPE OF S RUCTURE: 450 ( '/ -'c J }-(�1 T' RECHECK APPROVIIIED v *� NO FOOTING PIER � V MONOLITHIC POUR FORM REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING PROTE TION FROM FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS FOLLOWING THE PLACE- MENT OF THE CONCRETE. _ MATERIALS FOR THIS PURPOSE ON SITE FOUNDATION/WALLPOUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE FOUNDATION/DAMPPROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL PLUMBING VENT/VENTS IN PLACE ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING UNDER SLAB FRAMING: _ JACK STUDS/HEADERS BRACING/BRIDGING JOIST HANGERS JACK POSTS/MAIN BEAM AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER HEATING ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION WALLS INTERIOR R- FOUNDATION WALLS EXTERIOR R- FLOORS R- WALLS R- CEILING R- DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN UNHEATED SPACES R- 11 ��IN N '� ' E ,i 4 S 11,-TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT / f , r B F LU I 7 (00 ' � �" complian e •with pur comments shall \` not be construed indicating the / � , RE WE'D / -- plans and specifications are in full CAP.0Ep vi f,20/3 sa r compliance with the cod'. DD Z `sEr o,.�o 1.s� , 0 • 4'i \` MAinrr4iW/ 39OLL..: + ,k-ISrw - / ; r N ' °;. At 'rt .1 i\I ,,o, c_,.. .__,,L__ _\_._:-.4(-7-Q-.7c I'L_. _.,_...__ . 1.-. • L.i. ,-,--- t _._ ..., ._- n.,___„,.:_.,., _ __,,. . T- � r 1 r-- � i / .., h 1 � 339. 0 IJQo ti 3� . iRo"/ -t I SEPTIC J iAL / I ,I.-1 I o'- z .2EFEREi1/CE Goy--1 • J / &' .O I / /I5ysTE►', ( r�� I liss• it, �' LE/G// .o AftZ'`.s1.9.✓, EXEC vr42 I I /I sE.or.� rE.vl I u� L arr uii�t TrJrAti1E,✓r �(I ) I • LofgTi L r I die- Co�G to .al.'/LL/Af Jf I Olp.T. --—.) �� R.' /\ I / l!l/[[/.9,Y1 /J. IdETNBQ BED ``�- / `I. c0 I q,.. _ o vrEo July 9, /996I q I —1 I p ; I / �' ,v,Qo oosE 0(� ( � ` / FiouSE , „oRit z 4 oc:: -""-'-i.P.,...:4-7,-ar.e-,..-',..-1-4,, .)71,,s- ' / \WOOD.1 ' i, I A i a 4 Li- (Ci r ,---1 1 i,,. 1 :C i . ) I . ,L)ECk. . \ 2 JnivZY.R.4ME• / {7 4, Pn el° I -1 ) qI e ", 14C --- ) 0 �33t- 2 08 a. ./ „ N OF:,If_ a. ,cam 5Q /2 - 3 - 42-I ,� �2 - 3 - 2 /• G I �.SO'L TE3' , hi 1 � � JI J ► 2; ?` ��, I / = n Q 33Q�cb oJ �ury �. 5 _L'Ap,0E•O'l - Po LC /.QON QO • 4 /' / • VILE rS I P 3 ,vN sir �' �. - 3/8.40 • Nti, . 7 T / 3 vNA O O z4 — '�j. -�) - - - _____ /,_. _.---a- " /(------- --, it S, e 0 4,a / ^ L 7 / L L 11 A N MACADAM—_ SURFACE _--— `—- _._ . - r ' —__________—_— TOP OF RATE as 2 I ... ..____ ..mmor 47 1116,...N, Ifti = 1ZIMB LiaOOR tii �. �- _ 11 alaIIIJIILiU1! �1 j' II ! I n -- .. { .. I�nnm IN Ian■n sgmili TOP OF PLATE •■. �•_ . . � . . � ! 7 —t, —Ais ilt*:‘ RCN FLOQR TOP OF FOUMATD�( —1 C — — roe OF MOW C LEFT ELEVATION . SCALE 3/16" = 1'_0" W n VSC�„P�OFNFkyQ •t '- EA ,1:-.. ,c;:, icd ii:,_:>:":1E-i:-.�,,.:1il.- Q w "BRINGING Yi. Z cn -:u��. 61EG�{AN COURT ! . ,�2 0 4� y0 SARATOGA SAGS .° SSIO�P'� NEW PORK t2866 I °EMS Erf' RLF. ELE SHY: WETHERI RLF. CLEVERDALE.N.Y. t IXT Kim a . 12'-U Y - 17-0. a a'21-0' 101-0' r-3' A) N C24 4'-cr X 4-fl . II a Il I ^ I I ❑ 1 1 - 1 1=1 I 1S-9. 1 it, •ti, Jr DINING ROOM 9r ' ❑ 1 '.S I •> 1. r DECK 10 15-10' I, I 1 ó .4 I 0 li I _ 1 LIVING ROOM ( � —.....4..._ a I= in DP I I 0 1 i. 17-zit• - .4 _ 1 _ _ I I Ii_ a I I 4-0'X 4'-0' � /, — -- - 7-' ! ' bm\ ��J'� � -- --- / - - ` /v/f a��u7��y 6�ne ~�x ' ^'`-7 ' | / � ~ � | / go-VU~g � � ! / U ^ x' ���»�, ^S ^ '��o�� / �|/'`/ i � -{-^L(o� 0�� �L U / ��/ .>a�J/� 0X� '/�0 -- -r' ~ �' / -, | y ' O � \ /V -- - --- | U L2 -~l`—/ /8/ 9 *� |' U^" -- ---- I ! -- - ' /J/ -'-- ----'----'---- ---- | *� /| || |