1978-10-04 QUEENSBURY TOWN PUNNING BOARD MEETING QUEENS BURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING OCTOBER 4, 1978 Presiding.........................R. Roberts, Chairman Present...........................R. Montesi, Secretary, H. Mann g. Sorlin, J. Dybas Absent............................w. Threw, D. Krebs Guests.............................G. Liapes, S. Lynn 7 to 8 P. M. Fran Walter explained proposed sewage plan. 1. Re<JUlar meeting at 8:00 P. M. Minutes of Sept. 6th meeting approved. 2. Subdivision 12-71, Bay View Court, 17 Lots Big Bay Road, Roland Bardir:, Developer. John Van Dusen present. Motion by Sorlin to approve pending approval of roads from Carl Garb. Motion carried. Rezoning from R-4 to C-3~ E. James Barr~tt (Hertz), 108 Lower Dix Avenue. James Barrett present. otion by Mann seconded by Dybas to recommend disapproval of this rezoning request. Vote 5 yes. Motion carried. The Board recommend that the entire area from Town line to Highland Avenue be rezoned C-3 with 200 ft. depth from Dix Avenue, with a 50 ft. buffer for the adjoining R-4zone as per Town Ordinance. Rezoning from R-4 to C-3, William POXtsyl09 Lower Dix Avenue. William Pox present. MoUon by Mann S8COnàeð by . bas to recommend disapproval of this rezoning request. Vote 5 yes. Motion carried. The Board recommend that the entire area from '!'own line to Hiqh1andAvenue be rezoned C-3 with 200 ft. depth from Dix Avenue, with a SO ft. buffer for the adjoining R-4 zone as per '!'own Ordinance. "ariance 1584, BrUceM. Smith - to placeadétached qaraqe with 20 ft. ~ront setback inli.-aot the requirec! 30 ft.. front setback on the property situated.t8ean Road. Bruce smith present. Motion by SQr1in seconded by Dyba' 1:o%'8Coaaend approval. The Board recommend approval as applicant ha.s~ practical difficulty for this area variance. Variance 1585, Anthony and Edith Orsini -to place a dwelling on a lot that does not front ()D a public roacJ on the PX'Operty situated at right-of-way off Birdsall Road (Glen Lake). Mr. laRock preaent on this variance. Motion by Montesi s8OoDeS..,· by Dybas to recommend approval. Vote 5 yes, Carried. The Board recommend approval as practical difficulty shown - land locked and use iscommonu. area. 3. 4. 7. Variance 15861. RióbUd KubricJty - 1:0 convert· a one-family dwelling to 41 apartments n an R-4 tone on the property situated at Hewitt Road. Mr. and Mrs. Kubricky were preaent. MotiOJ:1 by Monteai seconded by Sorlin to recommend disapproval of thia variance. Vote 3 yes - 2 no. Motion to recommend disapproval carriec!. The Board feels that this variance is not in keeping with planning of a R-4 Zone. QUEENS BURY T()t.,"N PLANNING BOARD Page 2 8. Variance 1587, James Shovah - to sell leather products and accessories 1n an R-4 Zone on the property situated at Sweet., Lawton and Montray Roads. James Shovah present. Motion by Dybas seconded by Montesi to recommend approval to sell leather goods and acce..ories and country store goo4s. Vote 5 yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P. M. Next requ1ar meetine¡ Novønber 1, 1978. Respectfully submitted, Ronald Mont.s!, Secretary