1979-01-03 - .. " QUEENS BURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEETING QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING JANUARY 3, 1979 Presiding........................R. Roberts, Chairman Present..........................R. Montesi, Secy, J. Dybas, W Threw, H. Mann, K. Sorlin, D. Krebs Guest............................G. Liapes From 7 to 8:10 P. M. met with Mr. McCormack and Mr. Paulsen and went over EAF statement. 1. Regular meeting 8:¡0 P. M. Minutes of December 6, 1978 meeting approved. 2. Northwest Vill6ie Section III - off West Mountain Road, West Mountain Corp. Developers. C ríes Nacy from Nacy and Raymond Associates PC Land Surveyors was present on this subdivision. . Motion by Sorlin seconded by Montesi to table Conceptual Approval for one month to February 7, 1979 meeting. Vot.~ 7 yes - motion carried. Site review to be made by Sorlin, Montesi, Dybas er. . Threw. Board wants input from Highway Dept. and Conservation Council. Also, would like some SEOR questions answered. 10% road grades are question- able. Also, water drainage, etc. Variance 1598, Gary B. Brown (Exxon Station) - to place a free-standing sign indicating gas price on the property situated at north side of Corinth Road. Gary Brown present. Motion by Mann seconded by Krebs to recommend approval. Vote 6 yes - 1 no - motion carried. The Board recommend approval of this variance to help applicant to be as competitive as other stations with signs. Other stations had signs before sign ordinance. Recommend this sign come down at the time all other signs conform in 1986. Variance .604, William K. Howenstein - to place a dwelling on a lot that does not front on a public road on the property situated off Seeley Road, Lake George. Motion by Krebs seconded by Sorlin to recommend disapproval of this variance. Vote 6 yes, I no. Motion carried. Applicant, WIn. Howenstein was present. The board recommend di.sapproval of this variance as O~dinance says no home on road that is not a Town road. The Board feels it is unsafe, not good planning, fire protection unsafe. As planners Board can not approve this variance. The Board wants to make a stand and not rubber-stamp this type of building. 3. 4. 5. Marina) - to place 60 ft. by 100 ft. a storage u Dg and t. y ft. workshop building in preexisting marina in R-3 Zone on the property situated at Warner Bay, Lake George off Route 9L. Henry Heym present. Motion by Mann to recommend approval, seconded by Krebs. This motion for approval based on Adirondack Park Agency report and recommendations. Vote was 3 for motion - 3 against motion - I abstained. Based on the vote the recommendation from the Board is for dis~pproval. Milton Mead was present from the Kattskill Bay Association objecting to this variance. Variance 1606, Henry Anable - to sell and repair mobile homes in an M-l Zone on the property s1tuated at Quaker Road. Henry Anable present. Motion by Krebs seconded by Dybas to recommend approval of this variance. Vote 6 yes - I no - motion carried. The Board recommend approval of this variance because it is a st¡ip of land that will be rezoned by the master plan to C-I as we see it as planners. Applicant was given one year variance under Variance 1519 - January 18, 1978. Variance #606 is for permanent variance. 6. · .. QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEETING .- JANUARY 3, 1979 I Page 2 7. Variance #607, Charles and Charlotte Bridenbaker - to place an addition to dwelling with less than the required 5 ft. sldeset]:)ack on the property situated at Old Assembly Point Road, Lake George. Mr. and Mrs. Bridenbaker present. Motion by Sorlin, seconded by Montesi to recommend approval. Vote 7 yes - motion carried. Broad feel this is reasonable use of land. 8. Variance 1608, Binley Florist, Inc. - to place commercial greenhouse, nursery and garden centèr in M-l Zone on the property· situated at Quaker Road and Dix Avenue. Paul Pontiff represented the app~icant on this variance. Motion by Krebs seconded by Dybas to reconunend appro';¡ð.l of this variance. VUte 7 yes. Motion carried. The BOard recommend approval for the following reasons: 1. Reasonable use of property. 2. Recycle of building to a use in keeping with ou~ new master plan. 3. Present M-l Zone use does not seem practical for~is building. 9. PåulsaD. - to place a 1arqe scale eve opmen l.n an one on the property situated at north side of Weeks Road. Tom McCormack present representing applicants. Motion by Montesi seconded by Krebs for Conceptual~pproval of this project.and recommend to Queensbury Town Board,tber~.onin~of l~ acres on. southeast corner of site from C-3 to R-5.M0tiQDCarri by unanimous vote. The Board gave conceptual Approval ~sø4p...,:the following: 1. See need for more parkinq. 2. 5.8 acresl'f~·for open space, green space. 3. 9 acres to be 2.00 apartment units.".,~.~¡.:.I.;:I..$() need traffic input lnct"ease and what effectlt will have on towJi.tt.~f(ic". This Conceptual Approval given so applicðJ1't.s may progress wi~>:i~ject. This Special Permit will be on PI~~ninqBoard agenda for PeÞ~ry "7, 1979. Meeting adjoured at 11:10 P. M. Next regular meeting February 7, 1979. Respectful,iy;:~~ tted, Ronald Mont._i, .' Secretary