98-071 CERTIFICATE: OF 'OCCUPANCY,' TOWN OF QUEENSBURY.. WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK June 2 2 9 9 Date 19 -. This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Noo-` ' has been ,completed. ; 2 .STORY RESIDENTIAL INT ERIOR AL1,si'JS11'S1.1.a'.IS • -This structure may be occupied as.a. 1220 HOLLY LANE Location ROBERTS, P. WILLIAN! Owner TAX ,FLAP NO. 6'. -3-10 By Order Town Board' OWN OF QUEENSBURY , Director„of'Bidg do .Code Enforcement BUILDING .. PERMIT VALUE: :..$:: 15000 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. - 98071 TAX MAP NO. 6. -3-10 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK ... WILLIAM PERMISSION is hereby granted to - �ROBERTS,r OWNER of property located at 1220 HOLLY LANE Street,Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a 2 .STORY: RESIDENTIAL. INTERIOR AT,TERATION at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1.OWNER'S Address is V 354 HOOK ROAD .,.ARGYLE;„NY 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name COUNTRYSIDE CONSTRUCTION - 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address RR#01_, BOX 4711 GREENWICH, NY.:,: .12834 ' 4. ARCHITECT'S Name ' ATLANTIC INLAND AB 1T90Adg®s GREENWICH, NY 12834 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) :;. , RESIDENTIAL::.ALTERATIONS«..:. ( )Wood Frame ( 1 Masonry ( 1 Steel ( 1 7. PLANS and Specifications .. - 2.•.:STCY;',,720, SQ,:<FT'.=RESIDENTIAL;:INTERIOR{.::ALTERATIONS.:;AS. PER APPLICATION 8. Proposed Use - :::2.• STORY ,RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR ALTERATIONS.;.:, 28.; March 20 2000:.. $ PERMIT+FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 19 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) - _ 20 March 1998.,:; Dated at the Town of Queensbury this. V Day of :19 SIGNED BY 1 for the Town of Queensbury Building and oning Inspector Building Permit Application 7olv�t of Queeltshr�r - y Dept. I f Community Development, 742 Bay Road, Queens-bury, NY 12804 /761-82561 BUILDING & . CODE ENFORCEMENT IttICE Requirements prior to issuance A permit must be obtained before of this permit: PERMIT FILE NO. E beginning construction. No inspections 62 will be made until applicant has received f-1 Zoning Board Action PERMIT FEE PAID$ u a VALID BUILDING PERMIT. All Area /Use / applicants' spaces on this application RECREATION FEE PAID$ MUST be completed and.the signature . /^ s/ of the applicant must appear on the f l Planning Board Action REVIEWED 1J3: /9" application form. r ,„„• SI'R / Subdivision /Other DuAding inspector �.Recreati'fn Fee Payment Applicant Cra� '��/2 elf� �' a� aa'�"1� e + �,r(3wuer: - -ic: 1..,1/4-_,-'i v \ rArv--.._- e . 0 ._.J5 if ' Address: dla / 16,,^,.v 4/7 z, Address: SS i.5 gJ n ) ' . ' ('hone # (, 2, ) (''2. 7(j none # ��S�Properly Location: cea�: ��°"1.� "PI ��tcz�.#,b_s'0'�.�.+,�' �Jul�tllvinlun Nnulal " 'I•ntt mill) Nunihwr • ,l.�..,_ Ntlulloll Illnok I td NATURE or PROPOSED WORK I ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF THE. • New Building: CONSTRUCTION: $ ,'K dQ.r residence / commercial , Addition to Building: residence / commercial OCCUPANCY INFORMATION: Alteration to Building: . Primary Building - residence / commercial Single Family Ow 1% Residence / Commercial Two Family Dwell . ' � / no change to exterior size Family Dwelling Office MAR 0 g 1998 Other Work (describe below) Mercantile Manufacturing •TOWN 0'- .,UE .e4EiBL.,RY ' i/ Other I), BUILDING AN. CODE GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: art 1st Floor ,..5 sq. ft. If ADDITION, what will use 2nd .Floor �,-p sq. ft. of new addition be7 : Other Floors eq. ft. (not unfinished cellar or basement) ACCESSORY BUILDINGS: Detached Garage 1, 2 car TOTAL FLOOR AREA: - j 720 SQ. FT. i/_ Attached Garase 2 car Private Storage Building • SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURE: Commercial Storage Building Other FEET X FEET Foundation Type: 1''10 Will any second-hand or ungraded Number of Stories : lumber be used? If so, for what? (habitable space only) • ��/�1 Height (grade to ridge) : feet TYPE OF HEATING SYSTEM: Number of fireplaces and/or woodstove (circle all which appli s) to be installed: Electric / Oil / Gas //Wood Forced Hot Air / Baseboard / Other Person respons b e for sups visi n of work as regards to building codes is : ,O-l4 Y7 rr^ I�• ,44tz. Name Addresss Phone • Builder Plumber: r Mason: , r /% Electrician: (:::: G� 1! / �-/' ,{ / efC £ DECLARATION: Please siert below nt 4• van have rnrvfi.1/v r,'n,I deo rtnloneonl RESIDENTIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Office No. (518)761-8256 Date inspection request received: Building& Code Enforcemeu t Dept. of Community Development Arrive .31t) am/pm Depart am/pm Town of Queensbury Inspector's Initials 742 Bay Road Queensbury,New York 12804 t \ ! NAME \` G'v�cv. C�LJ�-1V � PERMIT# LOCATION �� Ida _ s�f\ ! DATE c1 TYPE OF STRUCTURE "1"� \(1' N/A YES NO COMMENTS Chimney Height"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vent through foof Roof Complete Exterior Finish Com ete Interior/Exterior Rail. Rs 30"to 36" Exterior Handrails,balco es,landinu 18 in. or more Interior Handrails stairs •-oth sides 3 • m Ire risers Grade 2%away from foun.'tion 8"clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/re_ulatoi 18'' above grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 f_z o thin line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to . ace area Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating Relief Valve(s)installed Headroom,6 ft. 6 in. on stairs Basement stairs,6 ft.4 in. Handrail exterior stairs both sides ore than 3 risers Interior privacy/trim/doors/main • trance 36" Floor Finish Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Interior Handrails Balconies/Lano g 18 in. or more Railing across window in stairwe l Smoke Detectors: every level every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom fans Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation 3/4 hour fire door/door closer Garage fireproofing Garage penetrations sealed Furnace in separate room protected(in garage) Light ventilation per room Safety glazing 18"or less from floor Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System layout required Okay to issue C/C(Certif. of Compliance) Okay to issue temp. C/C)(Certif. of Occupancy) Okay to issue permanent C/O(Certif. of Occupancy) RESIDENTIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Office No. (518) 761-8256 Building & Code Enforcment Arrive: /%r Insp: Dept. of Community Development Town of Queensbury Date Inspection Request Received: rahs 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 NAME / �1)/i.;k �,e. PERMIT NO. ?/ LOCATION • , // DATE i�i� TYPE OF STRUCTURE N/A YES NO COMMENTS Chimney Height/"B" Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vent Through Roof ✓ Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete t/" Interior/Exterior Railings 3 to 36" Exterior Han ails, Balco es, Landin in. or more Interior Handrai s • es 3 or More Risers Grade 2% Away From oundation 8" Clearance To Sill ate Gas Valve Shut-Off xposed/Regulator 18" Above Grade Gas Fu ce Shut-Off within 30 Feet or within Line of Site / Oil Furna a Shut-Off at Entrance to Furnace Area t Furnace/H Water Heater Operating ✓ / !> / 3� Relief Valve ) Installed ✓ ,indrh/. —_,eP v-r,_ ..g Headroom 6 ft. 6 in. On Stairs Basement Stairs 6 ft. 4 in. Handrail Exterior Stairs Both Sides More Than 3 Risers Interior Privacy/Trim/Doors/Main Entrance 36" Floor Finish Bathroom/Kitchen Watertight Interior Handrails Balconies/Landing 18 in. or more _ Railing Across Window in Stairwells Smoke Detectors: ✓, every level w'r every bedroom outside every bedroom ifz' inter connected 1/ Bathroom Fans ✓� Plumbing Fixtures Foundation Insulation 3/4 Hour Fire Door/Door Closer Garage Fireproofing • Garage Penetrations Sealed ✓ Furnace In Separate Room Protected (In Garage) ,. Light Ventilation Per Room Safety Glazing 18" or Less From Floor • / ,rf Final Electrical J 4,,,,ef„a/ /�/!Cerrar/ ,c? Site Plan/Variance Required Final Survey Plot Plan _ As Built Septic System Layout Req. Okay to Issue'comp C/O 4 2 / air,",/ /4,1 GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT Town of r3'Queensbu 1 �♦�f�410 ` Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: �' Building& Code Enforcement 742 I ay Road g Queensbury, NY 12884 Arrive am/pm Depart-3 YO am/pm Inspector's Initials7 NAME: VO \ ��r ram., Q PERMIT# LOCATION: \ C � c s�..r /�^-Q— DATE : -- -9 a TYPE OF STRUCTURE: /-* RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible f providing protection from freezi for 48 hours following the pla e t of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on si • Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofing Backfill Approval - Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing_ H ting Rough-Ir / insulation V Foundation Walls Interior R- 0 Foundation Walls Exterior R- /I O O 10C ATF/ - 06,-/u Floors R- S Walls R- I. �/ Ceiling R- '7C-) Duct work or piping in / unheated spaces R- C ' Proper Vent, Attic Vent / V J 7-019_ f�V uu \" Framing V Jack Studs/Headers i Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers_ Jack Posts/Ma in Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3. hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping `e Z^ (0/ ) (518) 761-8256 rrY\ T WN OF QUEENSBURY DING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 BAY RD., QUEENSBURY NY 12804 •' `:.:^;„� INSPECTOR'S REPORT:, ARR//o DEPART INT CD, REQUEST FOB,I�NSP9CTI( 1-, L-3 9 cc NAME LOCATION ! (vh ! 14 1 Al x r.__. DATE 3—J C73 PERMIT l a 0 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: J !a SY RECHECK '' .D ) i(�p ED N/A YES NO FOOTINGS/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORM REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING PROTE TION FROM EE NG FOR 48 HOURS FOLLOHING TH PLAC - MENT OF THE CONCRETE. MATERIALS FOR THIS P\URP SE ON SITE FOUNDATION/WALLPOUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLAC FOUNDATION/DAMPPROOF NG BACKFILL APPROVAL PLUMBING VENT/VENTS IN PLACE ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING UNDER SLAB • FRAMING: JACK STUDS/HEADERS BRACING/BRIDGING JOIST HANGERS _ JACK POSTS/MAIN BEAM AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER HEATING ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION WALLS INTERIOR R- _ FOUNDATION WALLS EXTERIOR R- FLOORS R- ' WALLS R- ` CEILING R- DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN UNHEATED SPACES R- • ab 4.1 C./ - •-- . . . Countryside Construction • _\ PR#01, Box 471. Greenwich NY 12834 • . / w;//ie,'91 XO g re.'"/.7 . • he 02q3e• /.4i..."e 1_4- t le 1 :V/e111 • SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN BEDROOMS, ADJACENT TO BEDROOMS, AND ON EACH FLOOR LEVEL INCLUDING CELLAR OR BASEMENT. NI OKE : - DETECTORS SHALL BE INTERCONN4C-'kEij O.' ALL LEVELS. i ",... , .r • Gi ( :et a ci ..- _--- , .• .----- ft ct r:li'i • •---..--- 5-090 f .124)7c;c If;"-- 7.1. 7•EA..r.i _.../ 7t ...... ,- ,..(6.I'" x Li (rit'l • . i : -, 1 . __. ._ . ...._ . . ; . -,--- . .7—I- . ; . . - I I, ; i i 1 1 •,11 . ! 1 1 21(ti 1 • • -Ni iCs 1 i I 1 el7 1 . 1 \ ,\ e • ' i ; illith, I 1 i 1 ; • ' • ; • i • . I 1 ; : i • .. i 1 ii i 1 I 1 1 1 ' ' • . i '416. • 1 I I , • ; : • ; 1 NIL. i 0,0, 1 1 I I • ;fe4r4r1/T''.- 1 1 i I • I i gra P e' I I } . I 1 1 1 1 i i i1 1 1 . 11L, ; Fr2 APP_ 0 r1-7- I _j 1 'Mi.; __ ..._ )•, Tr....,v,nk cyr- •. " ","' r'• ,''''"'-'- .'''''r°-,' D TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT , • Fll 11 I"V1 r' ,-. --'':.-: .,' Based on our limited examination, : ,.;:) ,..._.41'a L'_,-..,..i... -, .,._. - - - compliance with our comments shall — _ : not be construed as indicating the FIE co py 3 2,6 k plans and specifications are in full P...1.. .fl F•21, .', PI' - 'OAT Fr. 'compliance with the code. . . I -----•-..--''- ..-• -.........'-...\......................... . ch .-1- ."), 4 ? '• 6" .,,. . i . i -..., .M1sx ; . \....,... .1 t N • • 3 1/2 . N • y . , . •i . 1 ' 4 . I - . --•=-- --;:II-*•'.....••) ( ...r :'-'-e,'''i ,;- , . • ..„ : -....,\Li i\ (sJ 1 I , s).....__0 7/ 1\. •1 ------7-7----.-----)k,, , , o iggE °,. ,...„ ,..„...., -coNN T- J,E L-ss----- 1 ..,.. -._. •••!..- '.--) ,I• V.':2 I '7..... /2 / C .- ,.,..•,\ „1....... (1..........,• ...., ...! .•••••• .