1979-12-05 OUBENSBURr TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEETING QUBEHSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING DECEMBER 5, 1979 Presidinqooo........................R. Roberts, Chairman Present.................o..... '"'0....0.0. Krebs, K. Sor1in, J. Dybas, R. Montesi, SeC1r. Ab.ent..............o....o...o..o...B. Mann, W. Threw Gue.to...o.....o........o.o..oo....So Lynn 1. Minute. of November 7, 1979 meeting approved by mot.ion})}' Montesi, seco~ed by Dybas. M , M Subdivision No. 3·79, Michel and Mary Brandt, DevelopersF 6 Lot.s, Wes1: Mountain RQaeh Mr. Racy was present on this subdh'is:if~!\ bv!'" . sùbdi vi.iÓIÍ map· pre.ented. Môt.io.n by Mont.esi, seconded by Krebs to accept amended. subdivision map.,MQtion carried unanimously ~ Variance 1653, Lloyd Belman - to operat. ;àmot.orcyc1e and snowmobile sales and repair sliõp in C-1 Zone on dleprÐperty situated at 19 Boulevard. The Board rec011lfteJ1ded approval of this variance on motion by Sorlin second-'. by Dybas. Motion appr()ved unanimously. T.he r..80ns for the r~at.ion of approval are as follows: 1. Rea80nable use of prpperty. 2 . Recycle of existinq buildinq. 3.. Will not have a bad effect on neiqbborbood . since most of st.reet iscOJIID8rcial in nature" . . SPecial perait'86, Sambø's Rest.aurant.s,Inc. - 1:0 have Item 12 of spec1a~ Permit Bo. 61 qranted Pebruary 16, 1977 deleted, to enable ,t.he restaurant to use it.s COrporat.e .DameSaìnbo' s Restaurant on the . propert.y sit.ua1:ed at. Aviation Road. Mr..: 1t81mann rrom Sambo's was ·present on this Special Permit. Motion by Mont.esi seconded by Dybas· to recoanend approval of this Specia.! Permit. Motion carx·ied unanimously. 'I'h1s beinqthe on1yJ'011y Tig1àr Restaurant in New Yor~ S.tate, the Board. feels changing the name will only strengthen thf" restaurant in our area and lend itself t.o nat.iona1 advertisjn~'~i":{: a planning point. of view, t:he Board feels it: would strengtb(:'!1 ~.' uistinq busine.s by cbanq1nq the name. The new sign will be I'!'(¡l.'¡~. to or less dlan the pre..nt sign in square foot.aqe. Meetinq adjourned at 9: 00 P. M. ,"~t reqular m_t.inq January 2, 1980. Re8pect.fully;;.,.~it.ted , 2. 3. 4. Ronald S. Montesi, Secy.