Map (Queensbury Planning Board 09/30/10) Transportation will determine if a connector road is necessary, and I hope that's more along the lines of the commitment that you wanted to see. MR. HUNSINGER-Any questions, comments from the Board? MR. SCHONEWOLF-No. MR. FORD-Just a question of clarification on Paragraph One, or in Paragraph One. The date specific would be what, Jon? MR. LAPPER-By October 4tn they would notify the Department of Labor, and that would take approximately two weeks to get clearance to start the project. Whatever date this Planning Board approves the diner project, it would start 14 days later, the demolition, and continue for 85 days after that. MR. SCHONEWOLF-So I guess they're not going to make September 30tn. MR. LAPPER-No, certainly not, but it's a set timeframe, and it's not contingent upon a closing. MR. FORD-But it's a timeframe, not a date specific. MR. LAPPER-Well, it's a date specific that starts with the date of the approval of the diner project. MR. FORD-No, there's an expectation that the demolition would take 85 days. That does not specify a specific date for completion. MR. LAPPER-Well, I don't think anybody would know for sure how long a project like that would take. MR. FORD-Thank you. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Anything else from the Board? MR. SCHONEWOLF-No. MR. HUNSINGER-Thank you. No other questions? MR. SCHONEWOLF-No, we tabled this to the 191n MR. HUNSINGER-Yes, to the 19tn of October. MR. LAPPER-Can you give me some more direction? MR. SCHONEWOLF-Come back on the 19tn, I guess. MR. LAPPER-Okay. MR. HUNSINGER-Anything else from the Board? Okay. Thank you. MR. LAPPER-Thank you. SUBDIVISION NO. 11-2010 PRELIMINARY & FINAL STAGE SEAR TYPE UNLISTED WILLIAM J. VAN GUILDER OWNER(S) SAME AS APPLICANT ZONING MDR LOCATION 397 LUZERNE ROAD PROJECT DESCRIPTION: APPLICANT PROPOSES SUBDIVISION OF A 3.529 +/- ACRE LOT INTO 2 LOTS OF +/- 2.0 ACRES & 1.529 ACRES. SUBDIVISION: SUBDIVISION OF LAND REQUIRES PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. AREA vAMIAnIrc. ciT= cCTMMr V I r)T c17G k RnAr) 9=RnK1TAr.F RFI IFF PI ANNINn RnARn (Queensbury Planning Board 09/30/10) MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Good evening. MR. VAN GUILDER-Good evening. William VanGuilder. MR. HUNSINGER-Did you have anything else you wanted to add? MR. VAN GUILDER-No, I don't. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Questions, comments from the Board? No questions or comments? We do have a public hearing scheduled this evening. Is there anyone in the audience who wants to address the Board on this project? PUBLIC HEARING OPEN MR. HUNSINGER-Any written comments, Keith? MR. OBORNE-No. MR. HUNSINGER-The public hearing was held open from September 21". Okay. Well, if there are no comments and no one wants to address the Board, I will close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MR. HUNSINGER-And if there's no questions, I will ask the Board to move forward with SEQRA. MR. TRAVER-1 think we already did SEQRA. MR. HUNSINGER-That's right. We had to do SEQRA for the Zoning Board. I'm sorry. MR. OBORNE-Yes, you did SEQRA. That was accomplished on the 21' MOTION APPROVE PRELIMINARY STAGE SUBDIVISION NO. 11-2010 WILLIAM VAN GUILDER, Introduced by Stephen Traver who moved for its adoption, seconded by Donald Krebs: A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 3.529 +/- acre lot into 2 lots of+/- 2.0 acres & 1.529 acres. Subdivision: Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval. Area Variance: Site setback, lot size & road frontage relief. Planning Board may conduct SEAR review and provide written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. A public hearing was scheduled and held on 9/21/& 9/30/2010 and The Planning Board provided a written recommendation to the ZBA on 9/21/10 & 9/30/2010; and The ZBA approved the variance on 9/22/2010; and This application is supported with all documentation, public comment and application material in the file of record; and MOTION APPROVE PRELIMINARY STAGE SUBDIVISION NO. 11-2010 WILLIAM VAN GUILDER, Introduced by Stephen Traver who moved for its adoption, seconded by Donald Krebs: Paragraph A complies. We adopted a Negative Declaration on SEQRA. (Queensbury Planning Board 09/30/10) Duly adopted this 30" day of September, 2010, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Krebs, Mr. Sipp, Mr. Traver, Mr. Schonewolf, Mr. Jackoski, Mr. Ford, Mr. Hunsinger NOES: NONE MR. HUNSINGER-We should acknowledge that waiver requests for topography, landscaping, stormwater, and clearing in the Final. MR. TRAVER-Okay. MOTION TO APPROVE FINAL STAGE SUBDIVISION NO. 11-2010 WILLIAM VAN GUILDER, Introduced by Stephen Traver who moved for its adoption, seconded by Donald Krebs: A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 3.529 +/-acre lot into 2 lots of+/-2.0 acres & 1.529 acres. Subdivision: Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval. Area Variance: Site setback, lot size & road frontage relief. Planning Board may conduct SEQR review and provide written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. A public hearing was scheduled and held on 9/21/& 9/30/2010 and The Planning Board provided a written recommendation to the ZBA on 9/21/10; and The ZBA approved the variance on 9/22/2010; and This application is supported with all documentation, public comment and application material in the file of record; and MOTION TO APPROVE FINAL STAGE SUBDIVISION NO. 11-2010 WILLIAM VAN GUILDER, Introduced by Stephen Traver who moved for its adoption, seconded by Donald Krebs: Noting that we are granting waivers for stormwater management, grading, landscaping and lighting. 1) Approved with the following statements and conditions: a) Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code [Chapter A-183], the Planning Board has determined that this proposal complies with the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; and b) The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration; and c) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Subdivision, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel. The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work. Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; and d) Waiver requests granted: stormwater mgmt., grading, landscaping & lighting plans; and e) The limits of clearing will constitute a no-cut buffer zone, orange construction fnnninn oholl ho incf7lInA orni inrl +hoes mroac nnrt finlri yarifiarl by (`nmmi mitt' (Queensbury Planning Board 09/30/10) Duly adopted this 30t" day of September, 2010, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Krebs, Mr. Sipp, Mr. Jackoski, Mr. Traver, Mr. Ford, Mr. Schonewolf, Mr. Hunsinger NOES: NONE MR. HUNSINGER-You're all set. MR. VAN GUILDER-Thank you very much. MR. HUNSINGER-Thank you. MR. KREBS-Would you like these drawings? MR. VAN GUILDER-If you no longer have use for them. MR. KREBS-No, we're just going to toss them in a barrel. MR. HUNSINGER-We're just going to toss them. We know you need some of them. MR. VAN GUILDER-1 definitely made enough of them. Thank you. MR. HUNSINGER-You're welcome. Thank you. SUBDIVISION NO. 7-2009 PRELIMINARY STAGE FRESHWATER WETLAND 4-2010 SEAR TYPE UNLISTED ERNEST BURNELL AGENT(S) NACE ENGINEERING OWNER(S) SAME ZONING RR-3A LOCATION 419 STATE ROUTE 149 APPLICANT PROPOSES SUBDIVISION OF A 34.22 +/- ACRE LOT INTO 4 LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 3.0 TO 21.06 +/- ACRES. SUBDIVISION OF LAND REQUIRES PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. CROSS REFERENCE AV 43-10, SKETCH PLAN 12/15/09 WARREN CO. PLANNING N/A LOT SIZE 34.22+/-ACRES TAX MAP NO. 271.-1-21 SECTION CHAPTER A-183 TOM NACE, REPRESENTING APPLICANT, PRESENT MR. HUNSINGER-Keith, whenever you're ready to summarize Staff Notes. MR. OBORNE-1 don't think that there are any representatives here for that. If you'll give me a second, let me run out and see if there's somebody out there. MR. HUNSINGER-Sure. Is there someone there, Keith? MR. OBORNE-Yes. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. You can go ahead and read Staff Notes while we're waiting. MR. OBORNE-Okay. Subdivision 7-2009 for Ernest Burnell. This is Preliminary subdivision review. This is 419 State Route 149 is the location. Existing zoning is Rural Residential Three A. This is an Unlisted, Long Form required. The applicant proposes subdivision of a 34.22 acre parcel into four residential lots ranging in size from 3.0 to 21.26 acres. Staff Comments: The parcel proposed for subdivision has approximately 750 feet of frontage on the north side of State Route 149. The parcel has an existing single family dwelling on site and will be included in the proposed subdivision. The parcel has many steep slopes and wetlands as noticed on the survey. The applicant does not propose any clearing or grading within 100 feet of the identified wetlands. The parcel is predominantly wooded; however, there does appear to have been some logging on the parcel in recent years. What follows is soils. I will jump down to the application nu ..._a.. 1AI-1— —1-,, A.. .,.,.v,.,l.,+erl ^n io/ir,lna thin QL-atrh Plan Paviaw Ynii'vP DOCUMENT 03000125 Lands WF Daniel L. Hunt Counts Clerks Office - (1398/140, 1398;F?44, ?398f147 Oct 26►2010 07:13A Pamela J. Vogel Warren Counts Clerk _ -- "Ain W7Can -- - Way (Private) LA MAGNETIC � MERIDIAN 2001 240, t ,--- 1 j t HaUSE ( t O POLE I GARAGE - ROD p,IRON NM 53 ' t f ^`'--1----•-, ��._� _ ( k 2.✓� I_ Nauss a cARAas - ( Lends N/F Wtl9ar�I St. Jan Lands N/F Robert R. Clark 1 (2t8 `256) i ( I ( �-- __ ° ' Jr / , Roo - a� � and Melissa S9t. Jchn HOUSE i (3139/1) 1 + FINEEDOLD ���//��/1�� ,y/} ,� , pS+T.OENCit*Ese-,e.. ASPyRLT bRtVEtVAY' I N� •' "'7Ti/ '.L �e���[ CAPPED IRON a..� . -... CAPPED tRON J - �.� ..„e� ,;» ..�/ ..- .�.-a .....d a... .b.,.,� ..�.. -:..... .......�..- ROD1 pUND 9 IRON f j -.+ _ �« «-. «--R:, �y PiPEFOUND I f20D FOUND - �i. j j�Qs {} ?I �}Y E ofv. Idt4t �4 VTH EIN6 :•';�+�(PPED?i?fl1U :: `'h•. qi o Con;$tfUct now driveway to b441, ]usod Q17 y owners 4 Lots 3 pyou P Comm!r b woe.MINiMEIM 0UILDING SETBACK CAPPEDiRONRODSETi . . f r4.9' ATYPICAL RESIVE NCB& f ��'� -#" � s: y?®��� Owners)of Lot;2 to have_a d Z GIQIACEL© A tOAt ,� -�- I �'' p yO �I �. fight-of-we over a pQyti,�rn of �. _ — _ .- • > 9.' drivewaiy' 1 a MINrMUM aurcflrNG SETBACK �'9. � � CJ " sa F-- i I / "'' Sj 4a �pA ! 4 f .07r 9 t i l PocER, �`,-` Existing crushed-stone driveway access to Luzeme Poad to be abandoned upon construction of Q " IdlNtyr(iM&UiLDiNG SEri6&CK m I AREA: 2,OW ACRVS 1 - r� ZpJ�ry1iN'��_ COrr9r?7QnCtill/etMay rYPra L-4 $ORPTroN#1 'to{�1tN.) k i ry j "o _ _ + ,-- �!�reLDr Qtiq,RON -_.r.0 SEPTIC GAS Lands N/F Jason Bradwa' sa°(MrAl. REPUTED LOcaTioN of I (1 $81'3? ) y ©o� *143. 9 3 i ` EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM r)` � �k !! C �!TALL CAPPED IRON fl34EL7:B4 h' -^ MIN/MUk9 BUILDING ! w/RED TOP. Cd 0& .: ifo�ding�in awes surrrwndii g _ o ° ) T' -- _` '' ser r s, ,. y�`'opased house garage sr.•awage _ . s --- $ACK h l�fk7 P d*Wal systari?r shalt"&i✓e pure 531.13 2s - Nc - _ _ d`e ale etfisdi y l r ilderrtyt` f„ III drainage of silbon waters away!w¢rrr �- / 'K"° �.. - _.-! �o. hei � � �. .' _' _-- Zone (�#7R): . ` Dens r 2 Acres per dwelling unit ` those$tiuctu►�ss and irtzprQvetir rtt ina L• Kranzm fincT� ty. p g CAPPED IRON ROD To g,14,92 � I FOUND fN 2001 / Min. Lot Width: 100 Ft. DG2y �, 7`erry Brown and Rhin Road Frontage: 140 Ft. D:&15/1994 Nancy tlli lr. 1'9' Min. Front Setback: 30 Ft. ofson � 8f29%1994 1$T 1' CRIPP{yi I Raro r d0ND r Min. Side Setback: 25 Ft. _ 9241182 rArE HOUSE h` Min. Rear Setback: 30 Ft: ke CAPPED IRON " i DEED REFERENCE: _CAPPED FOUND `I J, William VanGuilder and Anna May VanGuilder �- POLE NM 52 To CAPPEDEX 7 IRON William J. VanGuilder, Jr. P ROD FOUND D: 312312009 3/4'IRON PIPE' R: 3/25/2009 37321136 FOUND (Deed excepts an exclusive life estate to the z i grantor William VanGuilder). Lands N/F Arthur Warner& a 0 Lands 2/6Daniel Hunt oo� Genylynn Johnson o Lands N/F Wells Fargo Bank, NA o (1177129) N w (38501181) aw`� OWNER / APPLICANT. o ` William J. VanGuilder, Jr. 4 Haviland Avenue Glens Falls, NY 12801 NOTES: 1. Total area of lands of VanGuilder= 3.529 Acres 2. Topography of site is generally level and is devoid of any visible storm water drainage patterns. 3. Site is wooded westerly of existing mobil home/ garage/rear yard area. - CAPPED IRON 4. Current tax map designation: 308.11-1-1.53, ROD FOUND a CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND tyl-n MOTES: � Subdivision approval granted by the Town of Queensbury Planning Board by Resolution No. 11- 2010F adopted on September 30, 2010. MAP Approval Statements and Coniditions: of a survey showing a proposed subdivision of lands of A) The Planning Board has dehermined that this proposal complies with the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; and 1„/a� J. B) The requirements of the Staite Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Vaa,%Guitaer., Jr. Planning Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration; and C) Final approved plans, in comp/lancesituated in with the Subdivision, must be submitted to the Community Town O� QUeenSb�ry Warren County New York Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Scale: 1" = 50' Codes personnel.. The appllicant must meet with Staff after a June 14, 2010 approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the bieginning of any site work. Subsequent issuance of further permits, Survey and reap by including building permits, is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this APPROVED under authority of a resolution adopted I HEREBY CERTIFY that this subdivision neap was prepared by Survey T. NACY Map Amended:October 12 2010 resolution; and <- (r / me from an actual survey on the ground and that said map is Licensed Land surveyor tGKbC�t 30r Zat® by the Planning Board of 32 John street to show Planning Board approval, D) Waiver requests granted: storm water mgmt., grading, landscaping &lighting plans; and correct. Queensbu rY, NY 12so4 certification and markers set at lot E) The limits of clearing will conlstitute a no-cut buffer zone; orange construction fencing shall be in- the Town of Queensbury, New York.stalled around these areas am field verified by Community Development staff, and corners. F) As-built plans to certify that tle subdivision is developed according to the approved plans is to be 7; provided prior to issuance of(certificate of occupancy; and i� - Charles T. Nacy,,L.S. G) If applicable, Item G) to be combined with a fetter of credit; and , Chairman N.Y.S. License No: 49117 H) If curb cuts are being added cor changed, a driveway permit is required. A building permit will not be issued until the approved driveway permit has been provided to the Planning Office. Only copies made from the original of this survey map which are marked with an original of the land surveyor's embossed Unauthorized alteration or addition to a survey seal and bearing the surveyor's original map bearing a licensed land surveyor's seal is signature in red ink shall be considered a violation of Section 7209,subdivision 2, of the valid and true conies. RI-..../—,PL. - - _- ,