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(Queensbury Planning Board 09/28/10) g) The limits of clearing will constitute a no-cut buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be installed around these areas and field verified by Community Development staff, and h) Engineering sign-off required prior to signature of Zoning Administrator; and i) If curb cuts are being added or changed a driveway permit is required. A building permit will not be issued until the approved driveway permit has been provided to the Planning Office; and k) The applicant must submit a copy of the following to the Town: 1. The NOI (Notice of Intent)for coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Permit or for coverage under an individual SPDES prior to the start of ony site work. 2. The project NOT (Notice of Termination) upon completion of the project; and 1) The applicant must maintain on their project site for review by staff: 1. The approved final plans that have been stamped by the Town Zoning Administrator. These plans must include the project SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan)when such a plan was prepared and approved; and 2. The project NOI and proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Permit or an individual SPDES permit issued for the project. Duly adopted this 281h day of September, 2010, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Krebs, Mr. Jackoski, Mr. Magowan, Mr. Ford, Mr. Schonewolf, Mr. Sipp, Mr. Traver NOES: NONE MR. TRAVER-You're all set. Good luck. MR. HUTCHINS-Thank you. MR. FLORIAN-Thank you very much. SUBDIVISION NO. 10-2010 PRELIMINARY & FINAL STAGE SEQR TYPE UNLISTED MAUREEN IRELAND AGENT(S) JON KELLEY COLDWELL BANKER OWNER(S) NDC REALTY, INC. ZONING CLI LOCATION 319 CORINTH ROAD PROJECT DESCRIPTION: APPLICANT PROPOSES SUBDIVISION OF A 12.95 +/- ACRE LOT INTO 4 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL LOTS OF +/- 4.16 AC., 3.94 AC., 2.62 AC. & 2.23 ACRES. SUBDIVISION OF LAND REQUIRES PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. CROSS REFERENCE AV 49-10, SUB 6-87, SP 56-10 LOT SIZE 12.95 +/- ACRES TAX MAP NO. 308.16-24 SECTION CHAPTER A-183 JON KELLEY, REPRESENTING APPLICANT, PRESENT MR. HUNSINGER-Keith, whenever you're ready to summarize Staff Notes. MR. OBORNE-Subdivision 10-2010 for Maureen Ireland. This is Preliminary and Final Subdivision Review, 319 Corinth Road is the location. CLI is the zone, which is Commercial Light Industrial. This is an Unlisted. A Long Form has been submitted. Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 12.95 acre lot into 4 light industrial lots of 4.16, 3.95, 2.62 & 2.23 acres respectively in the Carev Indi mtrial Pmrlr c+,fc �,.m�........ TL__ ___,_ . . (Queensbury Planning Board 09/28/10) MR. KELLEY-Good evening, Mr. Chairman, members of the Board. For purposes of the record, my name is Jack Kelley, Coldwell Banker Commercial. None of the conditions have changed since the previous two times I've been here, and we basically are in a situation whereby 12.95 acres with three buildings and 70,000 square feet of warehouse is not a popular item, but the smaller warehouses, the 12,000, the 40,000, and the 10,000, separately do have an interest. They're currently vacant, and as Staff had indicated, we do have a contract for sale on the westernmost building that will maintain 10 jobs in the Town of Queensbury, with the possibility of some additional jobs for the future, and if successful this evening, we'll be back to see you Thursday evening, with the perspective purchaser to go into details as to what they plan to provide improvements to the project. With that, Mr. Chairman, I'd be happy to answer any questions that this body has this evening. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Questions, comments from the Board? MR. SCHONEWOLF-We asked them all last week. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. MR. FORD-Do you want to be put on the Planning Board payroll, you're here so much. MR. KELLEY-Actually, I was Chairman of my hometown Planning Board for several years, and I do have to compliment you on the work that you do, for such a high salary. MR. HUNSINGER-Why thank you. MR. KELLEY-However, I think my limit was one o'clock in the morning when I got out of one of my meetings. MR. HUNSINGER-No questions or comments? MR. FORD-No. MR. HUNSINGER-We do have a public hearing scheduled. Is there anyone that wants to address the Board on the project? PUBLIC HEARING OPEN MR. HUNSINGER-Do we have any written comments, Keith? MR. OBORNE-No, we don't. I do want to add, we've already accomplished SEQRA for this. We did that at the recommendation stage. MR. HUNSINGER-That's right. Okay. So since there are no comments, I will close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MR. HUNSINGER-And I'll entertain a motion to approve, and again, with subdivision, we do have separate approvals for Preliminary and Final. MOTION TO APPROVE PRELIMINARY STAGE SUBDIVISION NO. 10-2010 MAUREEN IRELAND, Introduced by Stephen Traver who moved for its adoption, seconded by Thomas Ford: A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 12.95 +/- acre lot into 4 light industrial lots of +/- 4.16 ac., 3.94 ac., 2.62 ac. & 2.23 acres. Subdivision: Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and aDDroval. Area Variances- Frnnt nnri eidn +hni.L 0 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/28/10) MOTION TO APPROVE PRELIMINARY STAGE SUBDIVISION NO. 10-2010 MAUREEN IRELAND, Introduced by Stephen Traver who moved for its adoption, seconded by Thomas Ford: According to the resolution prepared by Staff. Paragraph A complies. Waiver requests are granted for stormwater management, grading, landscaping and lighting. a) Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code [Chapter A-183], the Planning Board has determined that this proposal complies with the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; and b) The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration; and c) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Subdivision, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel. The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work. Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; and d) Waiver requests granted: stormwater mgmt., grading, landscaping & lighting plans e) The limits of clearing will constitute a no-cut buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be installed around these areas and field verified by Community Development staff f) As-built plans to certify that the subdivision is developed according to the approved plans to be provided-p rior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy; and g) If applicable, Item g to be combined with a letter of credit; and h) If curb cuts are being added or changed a driveway permit is required. A building permit will not be issued until the approved driveway permit has been provided to the Planning Office Duly adopted this 281h day of September, 2010, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Ford, Mr. Jackoski, Mr. Krebs, Mr. Schonewolf, Mr. Traver, Mr. Hunsinger NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Sipp MOTION TO APPROVE FINAL STAGE SUBDIVISION NO. 10-2010 MAUREEN IRELAND, Introduced by Stephen Traver who moved for its adoption, seconded by Thomas Ford: A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 12.95 +/- acre lot into 4 light industrial lots of +/- 4.16 ac., 3.94 ac., 2.62 ac. & 2.23 acres. Subdivision: Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval. Area Variance: Front and side setback& travel corridor relief. Planning Board may conduct SEAR review and provide written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. A public hearing was scheduled and held on 9/21/& 9/30/2010 and The Planning Board provided a written recommendation to the ZBA on 9/21/10; and (Queensbury Planning Board 09/28/10) b) The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration; and c) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Subdivision, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel. The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work. Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; and d) Waiver requests granted: stormwater mgmt., grading, landscaping & lighting plans e) The limits of clearing will constitute a no-cut buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be installed around these areas and field verified by Community Development staff f) As-built plans to certify that the subdivision is developed according to the approved plans to be provided rior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy; and g) If applicable, Item g to be combined with a letter of credit; and h) If curb cuts are being added or changed a driveway permit is required. A building permit will not be issued until the approved driveway permit has been provided to the Planning Office Duly adopted this 28th day of September, 2010, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Ford, Mr. Jackoski, Mr. Schonewolf, Mr. Traver, Mr. Krebs, Mr. Hunsinger NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Sipp MR. HUNSINGER- MR. HUNSINGER-You're all set. MR. KELLEY-We'll see you Thursday night. MR. HUNSINGER-We'll see you Thursday. SITE PLAN 55-2010 SEAR TYPE II CRESCENT LLC DENNIS FREDETTE OWNER(S) SAME AS APPLICANT ZONING WR LOCATION 69 BIRCH ROAD APPLICANT HAS CONSTRUCTED A LAKESIDE PATIO [APPROX. 10' X 22']. HARD SURFACING WITHIN 50 FEET OF A SHORELINE REQUIRES PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. CROSS REFERENCE AV 11-07; BP'S WARREN CO. PLANNING N/A APA, CEA, OTHER GLEN LAKE CEA, NWI WETLANDS LOT SIZE 0.42 +/- ACRES TAX MAP NO. 289.13-1-55 SECTION 179-9 DENNIS FREDETTE, PRESENT MR. HUNSINGER-Keith, whenever you're ready to summarize Staff Notes. MR. OBORNE-Yes, sir. Site Plan 55-2010, Crescent LLC, Dennis Fredette. Requested is hard surfacing within 50 feet of a shoreline, that does require Planning Board review and approval. Location is 69 Birch Road. Existing zoning is Waterfront Residential. This is a Type II SEQRA. No SEQRA review is necessary. Project Description: Applicant has constructed a 220 square fnnt Iakacirla nntin nriinrant to tha chnralina of ('Ian I nikc Arlrlifinnnlhi n throe frnnf hirth XREFS: NONE PROJECT NUMBER:10.1039 3: # MERRITT ROAD Lands Now or Formerly of Lands Now or Formerly of Lands Now or Formerly of # Lands Now or Formerly of Lands Now or Formerly of m N NEW GENERATION YARN HALCYON PROPERTIES, INC. ALLEN C. RONDEAU, JR. -• Y Lands Nava or Formerly of � -�-�-•`-' MA'I�HE1� LEAHY AND I PETER R4ZELGE AND ERIC EGAN AND ACQUISITION CORP. Tax Map ID 308.16--2--14 AND # KIIiBERLY SELLS # a Book 1492 Page 91 DEBORAH RONDEAU Book 1443 Pa e 286 # g � pQZE "g TRUDI EGAN # < g g # Book 540 Page 395 SITE Tax Map ID 308.20-1 9.2 # Book 3183 Page 75 Tax Map ID 308.16-2---7 Tax Mop ID 308.16�--2-6 Tax Map ID 308.16-2-5 # 00�UNEHT � 030013:119 # Tax Map ID 308.16-2-8 U- M1►dIJESOTR AVE 3 a7 +386,4 3as.s7 count clerksoffice + 3as.a7+ 387.z +3Ba16 3Hs.a7 # EXISTING Oct C� ROAD CORNER +3a4,s5 1-1/2 STORY Pamela I}.{ (log7>�1 CQ7 Ci�n'E AT 38 . 5 # +384.as 38s.t9 # .t F243.J J: ' QQ 387-3a fin p ' "� # WOOD FRAME HOUSE Marren Coi.3nl:s Herk c� 84.92 200.08' '"" N06'40 07 ,�," 335,21 ,19 915 SO.i=T. � NATN 77( 8r, / 385..^_5 �� 38721 1 387.66 37.53 E DR CHAt 3a4.7z I+ +367.4a 3' ORNAMENTAL w7. 6+ 38s.83 3115.112 3B7.7a 3 0384.70 *3$5.20 385.25 385.3 HIGH -- FENCE 749.92+. 387.5, r f 6.8'2 _ 388,Oi � 0.003$7.D9+ +;585 WOOp FEN s METAL FENCE LtNC7ER 3 s 91 Q ? < tv 1`' 386,25 386-00 386.68 ~~ 387.48 3fl7.,7 CONSTRUCTION NM 96 N/ELEC RISER �wr„o o Lands Naw ar Formerly of J sss.s9 3s7.53 - as 71 V 87.4a 387.32 386.97 3 ,y {j �` /r .____ TERIAL PILES ____�._� ` -�� V +3a 32 ` - OVERHEAD U WILL1A�'A CAREY AND +385-38 t+ WOOD AND �'' _ 2 � +3a5.4 �'1' H- �3 �_ to � a 5, ARY CAREY Y' ,? +3H4.o7 3$4.,a " ENCROACHMENT �6� - 3�j +386.58 lNDtAlyq AVE I + 3 as AIR--- Bookt� 387,43 6.&` TELEPHONE 134`3 Page 142 *3a4.6a + Ha-z7 +385.s4 / \\ 386 4a. 13a7.a8+ r� p ry �-}. ( C.� 385.72 _ ~� + +_Y,a6�5 +387.28 UONDITIQ[k7rR 387.14 32.4' Ca 7 Tax Ma ID 308.20-1-3.5 385. 5+ 386.91 50' BL)FFER ...`__ W __ +385.76 +385.51 � 3$ .1a +3K.46 0 / �\ /� +386.69386.94+ APPROXIMATE SEPTIC UNIT p 4.95+ 384,21 - �.}'� MARK �./ -� TANK LOCATION ©H1O AVE Lot 2 - Map Reference Na. 1 3a4.98+ .aa s.5o -- - __ a _ _ 91 RAILROAD SPIKE 1N 18"PINE "� "- / - ___-_ ° .7 E1:.EV=386.53 *384-8 50' BUFFER - 14.II' 26.5J± , 1I 47.11387,36 3 t # � +384.18 � +384.80 �."`✓'`-" ��' "^- N 387.49 387.45 D1 I NECTICUT AVE ( # M + 4.54 it O 0' .--].-f-DRIVEW � 3H7.33 't s.B'� li +384.fl6 +384.57 384.85+ +c x k : , + �386.1y = , RQpVJI;tj V' IUIM LI�11'I_iEiAY +386.fi� 87.fl5 587,45 V`'`-' J 385.99. +365.82\ 387.53 387.45 387.02 81G BAY ROAD RNODE ISLAND AYE � �3a4.s1+ !j � # f +384,17 � � + LOT 2, 3a6.6o 3as.sa + Y a_ 557,34 3a7.o3 c"j L 386. +384.22 18"°PiNE 386.35 �• �••�,� Cr \ ¢ I-f7Cf(T{j 387.27 387.11 3a7. 38s_aS i + 84.83 383.b1 6.70 �' +386.64 \ �"-�. (a 00l +384_b6 TRANS '� _ ja f ARIA=3.914±ACRES \ a' `�fIQQ�Q +384.65� +384.66 N \� / / �.\ . Li 38b.57 1 05 co j +385.73 +38G-i s -3aS'S'6 3 584.86+ Cnl it LOT m .� l � __,_ 387A0 385.89 386.85 � I L 1 ( +384,51 / + 9 386.31 'r,, .88.78 0 T7 +384.52 722-3' +386.53 -� Of F r �+ {j C7 / EMTR _ Q 3as.a5 '4)' Q� C ]# #I (� D I` +385.03 385.6£/ ''"��\ 386.33 ^" 386.94 -- 3HS.R9- U T1 ART=AA-2.6 ±A .RS I 384.82+ �` +3s5. GRAVEL 1/ 3a7.4a G ON 3' SQ. APPROXIMATE SEPTIC +3a6.a9 +3es. � NM 95-1/2 rf/ a + +384.37 t 5� CON c �p TANK LOCATION ✓� F ELEC RISER SITE LOCATION MAP 3&3.73 672 384.48 /1Q�79 _ {t NOT TO SCALE -384,72 / +3a3.91 � +3a5.75 387.65 �I 387.27 --- ---Dw 3 \ a j 386.46 o / 385.20 # C +384.81 385.30 386.29 387.49 387-46 SUh3P8 EL1=377. 7 `\ # �Oc C3 (A +'85.02 +384.68 CONC ATE LOL 387.47 \ � 2 ( C ®1387.48 EXISTING r\ 387.3a _ +3 4.97 t2J PAD \ CONCRETE -- 387.59.. ._.. __ _ _ ..7. \ +387.24 :.387.)6 387,14 384,67 M BOL METAL SIDED PAD 357.40 3as.a7 9.A' 1 ou.a' H7. 38s.4s rT1 / 365.36 i BLACKTOP 386.35+ 7.� ® 7,24 WARE}"'IOUSE N 386 D 383.67+ Q I (( 3 6.90 6.&3 TOP QF EXPOSED # GREEN SPACE CALCULATIONS � # 41 ! rF7 +385.25 385.45 �O©CR E( GUIDERAIL BUILDING # 4'PVC AT FACE OF m }CMT +386.30 l +38s.23 �J 1 7,340 SQ.FT. \ > C' C \\\ RETAINING SEPTIC TANK s,s'374a s.sa 3a6,a6. o LOT No. SQUARE Flr�t PERCENT PERMEABLE +384.58 \ � M4.53 �3 5,82 �y +38518 � 386_P3 38fi.68 N n� 7 387.29 385-8 + ! +3S5.7o +385.34 / WALL CLEV=�84,79 FINISHED FLOUR L,3 38 .i 3a6.37 +3B6.48 387,17 Lands Now or Formerly of LOT 1 77,112 EXISTING 43% # # -- _ __ ss 3B5.33 +3B=.57 (/ a4.06 3a4.13 LOADING W O 3as.22+r DW 30' SIDE YARD SETBACK ELEv=3B7.79 s:5 3B7.aa se6.6s 3B7.a7 SUMP ELL�f=381.18 3 386.65 NORTHEAST POWER REALTY LLC 384.88 DocK38- - -- - - 387 4s Tax Ma ID 308.20-1-3.4 LOT 2 123,902 EXISTING 72% PROPOSED *3s5.aa � � 85.76 3 a,38 3H4.za _� 222.3' TPED NM 95 NYT 9, 1 p ( +3a5.36 RETAINING- '586✓4 387.48 1 \. Lot 3 - Ma Reference Na. 1 3as.73 r s.aa. 129.5t 3s7.5s �_ p 3B4.1e+ BUILDING X 38s.77 ' �PT20FO�o- ' ' / ' ' y `-'` Y F OVERhIANG 3a7.67 3ss.sa 3ass7+ LOT 3 89,211 PROPOSED 78% +384,1z 3as.ss / / }_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ti SHALL C / / +3HfSs 0 # #[I ... S05'07 23`W 3as_,3 749:60 -' / r- %, 0 3s6.6n 3 7.53(1BENCH MARK II 00O SQ.FT. �IaMENT,�T4''I,.f1�`';� r 3a5.4s+ i' a ED �a .7z 60:00 i \ 3H5.9o, - 3as.s3 38s.6a 3a7.,7+ 3^ 5F+ RAILROAD SPIKE 1N Ui7LI7Y LEGEND LOT 4 55,952 EXISTING 58% 3 .24, #3 728 +3 , 38s.73 S' 6'x 6' 384.79 AIR """ '" �3a's31 n �i POLE NM 85 NYr 97-1 i 385.22 j i i 3a5.43 3a5 a-. �j CONCRETE PAt} 3aS.7d 386.88 + CONCRETE PAD 386.ss CUNDITT€ONEK O +3 7.33 11 ( !/� ❑ ❑ f5�� 38b.84 387.43 387.44 n ��• - •J aBOL Ballard ) +3s5.8s [V / W/EQUIPMENT W F-QUiPM1ENr CONCRETE UNIT t f / i' i �,. 385,37 385 386.45 386.77 BX.z3 3&6.G4 �3'87.2 PAD 386.93 38 - 1 mm 387.45 _� QVERhiANG N 3BS.8, x +3}s4.a5 v {' i'! ' ' ..___� ...385.85 1'•. 385.72+ 385.5, _......_._..._._..r_._. -_8__..-�"_ �.�.. -7 7 - _ 7.2,fi ._ - ._ 386.95 729.J� .54 387.ba{{383-02 387.37 ©CB Catch Basin tY3 "' /_ aS:E'3-sB�'.77 --- ----- _ .L...._ # " ' 38s.72 38s72 A 385.52 3aSso 2p LOADING r CONCRETE - x 5 I�RYW_1_€_ - r CC1NC D©CK DW 30 SIDE YARN SETBACK p 1 38379 .34 383. T>�-3o3.J2 131 CHIMNEY TF=386.89 70' r 355.7'l 96a SUMP ELEV=378:92 LOT AIR CONDITIONER 4"PVC IN 3HS.39 7,a_- I H7 a3 38721 pceR Catch Basin Round 386 s'+ = 3H5.7s s {j { '' # 7,b" 3 /. 387.22 +: +38431 :' E 385.78 3a7.25 387,32 I' �❑ ❑ , eQL GUID AIL AREA=4.16±ACRES UNIT a"pvc our 384.09 ocIRF Capped Iran Rod Found z7+ +3as-n /tg cordcR +3 6B9 , Dw i 1 3a7.36+ + 34 ' s GRA "L E SUMP ELEV=382.79 I +3a3.91 ass 9 PAD / Lands Now or Formed of AVERAGE LOT WIDTH=241 TF=3a6.91 az 3a7.4r ! 3&5.9 % 'i }/3as,98 t T a"is' 3s7.o4( 387.34 �*v r Y SUMP ELEV=382.81 - - - as - 3as.s5 3s7.zs 1j 88�� sas.s3 / r / 1 a _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ NDC REALTY UC _ _ _ _ ._ W _ROOF PEAK ELEV=416.0' BO 34 OVERHANv- - 387 1 D� -_ a EMIR Electric Meter / / i' 38(: +3Hs.9 I BOL - _ _ ._ _ _ _. _ _ __ _ _ _ PROPOSED / t�',h +3a6.14t BOL Book 1469 Page 55 FINISHED FLOOR- ; 80L T�=3a6.7s # 0GMTR Gas Meter ~" ( 1 ' 1 EXISTING ELEV=387.39 3&7.39_ +384.36 1 ( PARKING AR� a614 // ' / \ N Tax Ma 3D 308.1 Ij-'2-4 387.08 SVMP ELEV=382.05 p IPE 1 fG. ' E 1 +387.19 +387.28 38 .46+ +3 7-64 Iron Pipe Found � i U METAL SIDED p J 387.89 387.7 0 3as.36 3a5.9 s' 60L Eat 1 - Ma Reference No. GMTR 387.43 a7.za CO J 3a6a4;- ,t 0 p v�rAftEHous� � ��-�,aa N +385.79 \ 386.97 U AREA=I2.95±ACRES BUILDING W o IRF Iron Rod Found ` 3aa.3z+ 3aq_73 + 0 ' ;,- / 3a6.62 BOL RETAINING- c3 {] 386-97 % \ 387.33 3H7.22 r1 4' WOOD BLACKTOP 3H7.Ss a- Iron f C ! ..,..( 387. 43,340 SQ.FT. WALL n � 357.38 1.,- Q / /� E2ETA}NING �� 387�57 ❑3H7.50 3g6` 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE FENCE 3a7.1v �.. 0 !!! +386. 1 3a7,94736 g v f� / i' - 8' HIGH CHAIN LINK €v WALL 3a7.35 38757+ £3 a LP Light Pole j '38a-t7 � T" � FENCE AND 4` HIGH AROUND CONCRETE PAD Vy L�RICK +384.34 +3&5. 5 / +3859 / \ W REFRIGERATION UNITS +387.35pn +3H7.5o t PLANTER GTMON TriangUlQr MOrlUment "' ' % GUIDERAIL W/MASSIVE 386.80 3a7.os N 38773 37.22 PROPOSED a7.s2+ w/SIGN as RU1 S£f} +sas.7, / f / f; 1 tc�OD SUPERSTRUCTURE I, 3a67>1,, __ --- 30' SIDE YARD SETBACK � 3a7.sz 7. a7.24 t[ +37.sa � _ 1 BOLA 387,32 387.44 EASEMENT r 384.60+ 3 9 �, ' ' s s6+ .� BOL CONCRETE TO LOT 2 f 3as.s3� +6Q WIDE ass. s 388s -" T e1 TPED Telephone Pedesta# 7 "2` _� - - - r- +384.8 f +3 3+19 / / (- \. 209.6'_ Z \ / 6.8 385.94 / ,,_ ,.,,._,,,. 322 4' a387.36 PAD -i- q� RIGHT OF WAY \. 3s7-7 .3s68 , \ M 38h.62 / / i `. `.:. +3HG.63 & TRANS x / / \ \ _ o ❑ Transformer � EASEMENT [ 365.86 .. .' . - a + � \ '-'25:69 -- � Lit � 38 , / , i + 5* . E �. Uf 9 387,49 � 386.78. .. f �F .. �,`. - .,• - _ '\SL^O 07 23"W \3s�so �-- Utility Pate Lands Now or Formed of rr3 4N 383.99f + 2 + 1 3B _75, tY Y 1 � .� 484.�94., 6 `-'-` 3s7 6o c�1 t' .. � �. \ 384.69 3835.42 r ,, / / .. .. -, \ ,. '., \ �', -.,. -��... --` .... �. '., .._ -�.; \. � ,� . t' J . ,\ ,<. �. �'... ,. \ .. `:.. .. •. '\. .. \ \.. 72{1` +3tI742-\ IDA OF WARREN & �ASHINGTON CO. \ a i i \ +w, YL m +385,7 7 TF 3 6 C,+, (d Yard Lam + i CO 386:40 385.47 F{� }v1 #� P i� AS /385 H2 + 8� i 386.34 `a ( CLTNCR£TE PAD 3s4.,o NO PIS,VISYLE 386:73 ., f \ �. EL1 IC', 05 \ Book 114$ Page 55 �,,. �y � � � 3Has3 ;' M _ ti+._ \ h/r�, 1 TF 386. 3 \ tb.. -. >f� 4 86. 3 W 6CACKT P` T / f / t p�. �4i o. 0 S RIP \ Tax Ma ID 308.20 1 2 1 f ,"� suIia LEv 33 .4 �,,) - - - - - -- Overhead Wire / / p / � i � � .-, � ._... 3s7. - ,��� REQR YARD-'\SEl13AC ' ._--- �n C FAT 3Bk. \ \ x. s'as \ -.--. � :...... _ -19.J..38�..'30 / / Q Lot 4 - Map Reference No. 1 3&5.:2i c NER /! GRAVEL., - -- - --- ._ ___ _ -_^ _ _ 7 21 /1 -'- .�...:;._.:, .._.._,-�.. _ .�... _:. "'.. -NM 94 W jELEC RISER 385.02 a.94 "'3 1 ` ^] +38 42 i t 122.2• HOL ��..... Q�� W "3E7.3'1 7. 38125 / SLACKT�O� CONDUIT RISER iYPICAt Zit q7 385.22+ 387 ONG` , N38'� 1f3"Wo i 585.86 flJ 387.£7 ' /� / '/ / AD f7D Y CONCRETE 3B5.10 3/76 386.a r'1 +38.92 ' ,i - / :) BLACKTOP GU#DERAIL 84}- I38?,79 jf`1 � -0 3H6.77 387.12 387.18 01_ / ! +366.79 Z +- 387.12 386.32+ m t, .i87 7'1 387-?8 387A4 j cxt ' _86.78 �� +384.94 ',. `(�: 389.84'" /'� 3 .43+ to -1 [ .: ���p �+ r�Ql _ It flllt'1r" NOTES: LV.Q� � 4.66 / + 3.88 'f �t�, � � 4. / �' ir i',.- F ,F+' j f +-386.i6 +386.55 �387.04 387,36 387.50 I=XI ?II�Iti ro 3Q C �EAnJ�vSl� UTILITY W Crt C1 00 1. Boundary and topographic information shown hereon was compiled from an actual field survey \ f'3� )((( f _ ( �? �� GRAVEL 4.96 386.09 CONCRETE 80L METAL SIDED BOL ° AD - o a ( A a � � � o 3B6.9a POSSIBLE tr.3 �' conducted during the month of January. 2010. � � , S 385.31 /� a PAD o 74 3a4.fi7+\' LOT T WAftEHfTUSE \ C1 y C1 - -+3a7.2s '! "� 3856fl i J BOL 387,31 72 p 386.46 g6---3816---t�T- rTi 387.40* +387.02 y, 2. NOrE11 orientation and bearing base per mop reference no, 1. 4394.40 / D / /J p rye} 387.47 387_Sa BUILDING 385. fl6.34 386.36 \ 387.47 +387.57 P P 38a.91`Q +384.61 /(�,, Uf i i % t AREA=2+23fA RES 387.47 BOIL mI \am „� a388.31 \ tit N65-03'33"W- 3.92 DW -Y/` C] (LY 9,813 SQ.FT. 38 .ia 387.03 / L ` +387.74 V) �' .C7 tP \ / 3r D fit i \ rF-382.7 +3Ba.$8 m CD / / GUIDERAIL o� \ / ems, D 3. Vertical datum shown was taken from map reference no. 1. 0.14' ro cIRI - 9,Q % 6.9't 2O 'f CONC Wit' �!1< n7 o 3II4.87 �� +384.57 12'"€NV IN 3796 S ,t. ; / ,,mot PAD ca \,� �\ 386.42 387R3 387 49 387.48 122.3' �€_ Objects shown on this drawing with a distance indicating how for that object is from a particular e� `� +3fi . ��q +3 .54 /' ,' , 3s7as J sa .a4 386.B8 a6.9aGMrR E 8 3ar.a3 GRAM--L line, lie on the same side of the line that the offset distance is written. 384-7s tio�\ �� �` C� /' ,E ` � / 386-6s+ CONCRETE PAD N \ c` �+C . ' \ �� 84, \ / .F GRAVEL `" +385.73 +386.83 EMTR- „_ � +�.DS 385,714+C7 i[ +3H5.7 .7J1 ©0 42 Y!r \ 8 384.19 / gW/`TRANSEOR1vfR € g X + 386.3a 386.87 5. The location of Underground improvements or encroachments, if any exist, or as shown hereon, are \y '� J` 3 `.6 , '0 BOL TYPICAL t 37.t1}387.57 1 D / ' "^- - 0 385. 87�Q . not certified. There may be underground utilities, the existence of which are not known to the ' \pF \ 3.89 f / �_B6�.s8/�� + 66.84 - o f \ 3a7.az 82.44' undersigned, Size and facation of all underground utilities and structures must be verified by the c.aR 3sa.7 83. ' / ' /'_I5 75 ❑� 3 s� �� r - 27 .sH 3a4. + tas_o3 5O' IRO YARI? SETBACK 3a7.a1 25 4 0 appropriate authorities. Dig Safely New York must be notified prior to conducting test borings, TIF=384.27 Q + 4.96 / J \ s ca _ + + �❑ 386.91 �r +3Hsas !-'�' O' FRONT YARD SEbAACK DW 384.53 ( 3j .3g +386,13 excavation and COriStrUCtfOn. $"INV IN=379.59 t 38549 J / / i W 3 .78+ TF=383 a4 E DW 315.26 3a5,fi0 12"INV OUT=379.55 ^�/� 3a4.9s 3ca.5s i'f ❑ T \ TF=383.15 ❑ *3asaz +385.78 12"INV iN=379.43 � W 12"INV IN=379.78+ g0 +385.51 +3&5.13 387.3 NM 93--1 2 W 6. This survey was prepared without the benefit of an up to date abstract of title or title report and ❑ +3as.76 / / i SUMP cV=37fi.9 - a, +3aS.S8 }38 OS 38, + ! \ ..,`FW SUMP ELEV=377.05 -r 385.4fi +385.,9 CL�R +384,81 Ca 3a 22+ TPED ELEC RISER is therefore subject to any easements, covenants, restrictions or any statement of fact that such 4.s7 / G8R 3aa.as 3a5.,a TPED 3aa.6 + ��, w \\ TF-386.13 documents may disclose. \ ' TRANS 0385,9a 8"INV OUT=38i.4B TPED � y TF-384.28 3 5.23 / / TPED 384 + 3a7.II / + +�586-34 + 3.73 TPED \\ [+1386.77 387 a0} �} 8"INV IN=379.53 / 3&�43, 2��Q6 5.28 385.38 385.74� 385.55 385.04 450.T)©' 384.75 46 3 385.,5 +385.39 +385.61 214.66' S.96 36 37 386.64 3$6.81 MAP REFERENCES: 12"(NV ouT=379.46 3&5,1 J S31'39'43"W 3 4.96 505�0042W HH 12rC 12"CMP E DISTANCE tz$.ss'- � 6��66' � 38s. s TMON AT 385.67 385-97 386.56 C1$2.23: --W -�"- w - CORNER 70 384. 385-86 385.93 385.9£ 365.23 384.89� 385.2t 385,a0 1. "Northern Distributing Subdivision, Town of Queensbury" prepared by Rist-Frost Associates, P.C, ' 1 4"IRf 65.37 q V g;f 1DpE hDPE MpH 386.23 8'HDPE 386.49 386.56 s f » L=185.74 3as.1s CARE i ToN �oAQ G auE1 NSBURY S39 59 27 E dated October 28, 1987, last revised September 15, 1989 and filed in the Warren County Clerk's R=275.00' \ �/ �'4?"w SIGN D L rs SIGN C=7O.71 p tY __.3 ik1l� AIJQPT-A HIO#iWAY , Office in the oversize map cabinet as Map E-5 (map image Ov-0017). 385 7 385.s7 (50' WIDE T OF WAY) 20.E 25' WIDE BLACKTOP � 385A3 385<49 38 . 386:50 t � Q+ 4' 385,72 355.95 385.50 384.93 384.73 8"NDPI~ jn}-iDPB 386.54` "3 F,» 8 } S28'00'42"W '�---__ TMON CiRF �❑a:�s _ CIRF - ([j SITE ZONED (CU) COMMERCIAL-LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT C=214.90' ! S08'39'43'1N 385.50 W - 3a5.18 HYD _ cDR ❑ 384,}0 - - `- 38S.P7 385.65 t R= 0.00 L=220.78' C=35.02' Lands Now or Formerly of TF=3a4.45 TRAVEL CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT g"INV 1N=379.7z I GBR CBR R=275.00 L=35.04 WILLIAM CAREY AND TF-384.61 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 12"€NV OUT=379,7s a"INV 1N-37 TF=386A5 R=275.00 MARY CAREY 9.9a 8 INv OUT-381:s5 I CSR 8"INV 3Nr379.95 , REQUIRED PROPOSED LOT 1 PROPOSED LOT 2 PROPOSED LOT 3 PROPOSED LOT 4 VARIANCE REQUIRED Book 780 Page 342 IF=384-55 1z"INv our=37s.a9 Town of Queensbu Approval- Tax Map ID 308.16-2-2.1 8"INV IN=379.79 NM 93 ry DENSITY ONE ACRE MINIMUM PER Lot 5 �-- Map Reference No. 1 � 12"INv OUT 379.67 � 3a6.17 PRINCIPLE USE/STRUCTURE Lands Now o STOYAIy of Lands Now or Formerly of FRONT YARD SETBACK 50 FEET 75/50 FEET 75 FEET 50 FEET 50 FEET HUDSON HEADWATERS HEALTH BENCH MARK Approved under authority of a resolution Book 3126 Page 198 NETWORK RAILROAD SPIKE IN SIDE YARD SETBACK 30 FEET 22.4/25.0 FEET' 17.6 FEET 30 FEET 30 FEET (2) LOT 1, (1) LOT 2 � Tax Map ID 308.16-2-2.2 # Baak 3193 Page 34 ��LE NM 93 adapted � Z�120(0 by the Planning Lot 6 - Map Reference No. 1 Tax Map ID 308.16-2-2.3 Board of the To n of Queensbury, New York. REAR YARD SETBACK 3O FEET 30 FEET 30 FEET 30 FEET < 30 FEET f BAR SCALE Lot 7 - Map Reference No. 1 SHORELINE/STREAM/WETLAND SETBACK 75 FEET - - 50 0 25 50 100 Chairman, LOT WIDTH 200 FEET 241 FEEr 228.85 FEET 200,00 FEET 484.94 FEET f 1 inch = 50 ft. # LOT DEPTH 200 FEET 749.60 FEET' 749.76 FEET" 573.33 FEET 200.00 FEET 0 ROAD FRONTAGE 100 FEET 614.47 FEET 218.73 FEET' 268.18 FEET 485.04 FEET RAYMOND 1'. LIUZZO PLS NO. 50366 DATE REVISIONS RECORD/DESCRIPTION DRAFTER CHECK APPR, AD�r�N PROPOSED MINOR SUBDIVISION AIH1N TO i1i� DOCUAAENT IS A WATER FRONTAGE 200 FEET - - - - VIOLATION: OF 6/10/10 Q SURVEY' UPDATE, REVISE LOT CONFIGURATION GLB DGD WJN EIO NEW YORK STATE BUILDING HEIGHTS 60 FEET' < 60 FEET < 60 FEET < 60 FEET < 60 FEET � Lands Now or Formerly of 7/16/10 ADDED SETBACK LINES AND ZONING CHART MMB RTL WJN y MAXIMUM BUILDING SIZE 40,000 SQUARE FEET TOTAL 6> a ® 2010 NQG REALTY LLG FOR RETAIL USES ONLY, NO C.1F. MALE ASSOCIATES, P.C. 319 Corinth Road LIMIT FOR INDUSTRIAL USES APPROVEa WJN � PERCENT PERMEABLE 30% > 30% > 30% > 30% > 30% D1RAFfED : GLB TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY NEW YORK PERCENT LANDSCAPED 15% > 15% > 15% > 15% > 15% SEE NOTE ' . ® CHECKED : DGD C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES, P.C. LL1 P'ROJ. N0: 10.1039 SQ CENTURY HILL DRIVE, LATHAM, NY 12110 FA �� � *NOTE: A VARIANCE IS REQUESTED TO HAVE PHYSICAL ACCESS TO LOT 4 GO THROUGH LOT 1 VIA EASEMENT. � SCALE 1" = 50' 518.786.7400 FAX 516.7$6.7299 SHEET 1 OF 1 ARCHITECTURE & BUILDING SYSTEMS ENGINEERING * CIVIL ENGINEERING L DATE MAR. 11, 2010 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES # SURVEY & LAND INFORMATION SERVICES � X DWG. NO: '10--206