2004-497 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building &Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE ( ,iu COMPLIANCE Permit Number. P20040497 Date Issued: Friday, July 21, 2006 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20040497 has been completed. - Tax Map Number. 523400-308-010-0002-068-000-0000 Location: 19 ROSE Ln Owner. ANDRE & SANDRA CHADWICK Applicant: ANDRE & SANDRA CHADWICK This structure may be occupied as a: Inground Pool By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, ` Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20040497 Application Number: A20040497 Tax Map No: 523400-308-010-0002-068-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: AN1)RE& S AN1)R A CHADWWK For property located at: 19 ROSE Ln in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Tie of Construction Value Owner Address: ANDRE& SANDRA CHADWICK 19 ROSE Ln I l Tootalral Value Pool alue QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency BAKER'S POOL&FENCING INC. 75 SISSON Rd SOUTH GLENS FALLS_ NY 12803-0000 Plans&Specifications 2004-497 INGROUND POOL $35.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Thursday, June 30, 2005 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the T oym—ffQueens esday, June 30, 2004 SIGNED BY 4 for the Town of Queensbury. IV- Director of Building&Code Enforcement Application for Swimming Pool Permit Permi7 tNo. — Building&Codes Office—Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804• (518)76 Y-8256 Fee Paid�— Instructions and requirements are attached. ' Notes: 1. Applicant/Owner /Contractor or Installer Information: .�.L��ag4�� iS/TnslSkl�er ¢� 1 _ __S-WN 17 GIN Wl it - -sNY kl ne l03 2. Person Responsible for Code Requirements: 3. Pool Location Address: Tag Map No._ R E C P l x B� 4. Swimming Pool Information: (check whichever applies and fill in the blanks) JUN 2 8 2004 A. lyp44P,00ty` []Above ground pool ( Inground Pool T� OF QUEENSBURY B. rSrztifpol Length `It$. / widthttI / diameter ft. / dep B DI AND CODE .s C. &�steel/vinyl; ❑fiberglass;Ejgunite; Opoured concrete;Elother 5. Fencing Requirements for above-ground & inground swimming pools: A. If an above-ground,indicate height from ground-grade to top of pool height inches Note: If your above-ground pool is less than 48 inches above- rg ade a fence must be installed within the area of the pool. If your above-ground pool is exactly 48 inches above-grade or more,a lift-up ladder with lock must be installed. B. If an inground pool,a fence must be installed within the area of the pool regardless if your yard is fenced. 6. Final Inspection Information: You are responsible for scheduling the following: A) Electrical Inspection; B) Final Certificate of Compliance Inspection An electrical inspection is required before the Certificate of Compliance is issued. See attached sheet listing electrical inspectors. The inspectors are contracted through the Town of Queensbury and you are responsible for payment to them directly. Their fee is not part of this application. A final inspection by the Queensbury Building&Codes Office is required before use of the pool is authorized. The Code Officers will look for an approved electrical inspection(sticker on the panel box)and proper fencing around the pool or lift-up ladder. Signature of Applicant: �'.�s� - _ Date: q •-� Signature of Owner: f� `' �� Date: 9 L0 Code Interpretations-Department of State Page 6 of 16 DATE.OF ISSUE: (Signed;l/11199) Code.Section 120.1: I€an-entire residential parcel_having an oritcloor swimming.pool is fenced, does section�720.f require an additianal.fenced--enclosurc for the swimming pool?. IhIERPRETATI4N Yes Vrile:section 720 I�gl perixiits-a,wall of a dwelling to serve aspatt of the enclosure, it does`not . periait tlie.entire.t.uilding to be Ideated wrthtii ttie.eiielosure.However;;se 'Wzi,720.1 does:riot specify. hQ far back frarrta pool a fence is reluired.to.be l°oeated;,nor does �t lrtiit the enclosure to`ericlosirk: • theooI aicl assocated;ectuiprnent only �hts Eode Tnteipre tatra 'is issued in accorclatce Frith Ixecutrve Law section 3.764, Subsequent enfarceinertt offkre Ne« 'oFk Slate TJritfor_IF lre:Preventiorr and:Building Coefe stiatl`beaisistent: witl thistnlerprefafiorr..: •. A.lex tndet.F-` T- ea.dyt ell; Secrutaty of&ate' Date:January 1.1,..,599` Pool Inspection Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Office No. (518)761-8256 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Date received: d NAME: LOCATION: _2 PERMIT#: INSPECTED ON: Arrive: am/pm Depart: it am/pm Inspector's Initials: I����✓� �;�Q Above Ground:/1 In-Ground: izl� Y N N/A Pool enclosure around pool or yard 4 feet above grade 2 inch maximum clearance to grade from underside of fence 4 inch maximum clearance in fence pickets Wall or Doors have self closing device or alarms (30 second Alarm time) Ladder secured in place and latched Deck gate < 56" to latch no more than 1/z" spacing in ate openings Gate open outward, self closing Padlock provided on gates and ladder Indoor pool all doors self closing or alarmed per AG 105.2 Item 9 Timer on pool pump (no lug in timer allo .ed). f-Flinal electrical 'Z_ Vehicle access g to closed &locked _ Ok to issue C/C- ` coMMElvTs: V Pool Inspection Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Office No. (518)761-8256 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Date received: ��� �t NAME: LOCATION: 1,•-� PERMIT#: INSPECTED ON: J �L�1 C�am/ Arrive: agVp Depa _ain/pm Inspectors Initials:/ Above Ground: In-Ground: / YY N N/A Pool enclosure around pool or yard V/ 4 feet above grade 2 inch maximum clearance to grade from underside of fence 4 inch maximum clearance in fence pickets Wall or Doors have self i closing device or alarms (30 i second Alarm time) Ladder secured in place and latched Deck gate < 56" to latch no �f more than %" spacing in ate openings Gate open outward, self ' closing Padlock provided on gates and ladder Indoor pool all doors self closing or alarmed per AG 105.2 Item 9 Timer on pool pump (no e lug in timer allowed V Final electrical Vehicle access gate closed &locked Ok to issue C/C 0'1 r �`l� COMMENTS: l �`v r i����, Cv I �-,2��- LOT 14J MAP REFERENCE: MAP ENTITLED "MAP OF A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION MADE FOR HERALD SQUARE SUBDIVISION LAYOUT J 4 s LOT 142 AND UTILITY PLAN", DATED 5/20/96 LAST REVISED -� 10/2/96, PREPARED BY VANDUSEN & STEVES, LS. FILED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK"S OFFICE ON DEC. 31, 1996 IN PLAT CABINET 8, SLIDE 85, O \ ? 63S MAP #185. 6 LOT 144 ,Oh s� 1 E' i`V < II, ? O M �� 000, '11 \ a%7 LOT 141 'Cry a6 � 20,999 $Q i CDNCRETE PAD I �4 J h' '• GARAGE UMUMES� i ! OVERHANG Spy 00 I HEREBY CERTIFY TO: 1 ANDRE P. & SANDRA J. CHADWICK LOT 145 // HOUSE �� I `"••. O� 2� M & T MORTGAGE CORPORATION, IT'S SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS. Ar� /d � 3) FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY. �s3s6; a�� °�N "'ti..• THIS SURVEY AND THE CERTIFICATIONS HEREON SHALL BE gyp. f I VALID ONLY TO THE PARTY OR PARTIES HEREON NAMED AND ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR a SUBSEqg6N4'3OW1WRS, OTHER THAN AS MAY BE OR' EXPFZEfiO kkDf ''kjEREON. J /] 00. O DST 00 o c m n 5� 's�9T �.4s5 + Q�•-'' C 0fill _/ ��T 140.0 Q �. d Z MAP OF A SURVEY OF LOT 141 HERALD SQUARE \ J O O MADE FOR 20 _ 3 m �1 J. CHADWICK � o ANDRE P. 8c SANDRA TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW YORK "UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO A SURVEY MAP BEARING A LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS SEAL IS A DAVID J. BOLSTER VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209, SUB-DIVISION 2, OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW." LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR "ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS SURVEY 342 MAIN STREET, HUDSON FALLS, NEW YORK 12839 MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL OF THE LAND SURVEYORS SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID TRUE COPIES." DATE: SEPTEMBER 14, 1998 SCALE: 1" = 30' N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 49534 DWG. NO. 00116 8