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The Hull Farm aka AmberShire
!l Wr �+< �$ '„�AT t-�ititOJLi51 .- FILED �0 � r,,Uqty +;lerks Off icy 'lot f i*20l0 02:35F _ - Mt. Herman Cemetary -----_ ~-- — r-ens Deed Reference, �I�r�F� i:QU09 u..J O -- ♦' • , —. d' b Luzer/7e Fred M . Hull 5�� d 0� z N Dorothy hull • +1 �0 C'� -� t° o or Q Arthur Lansing Hull Project Site (\ C,appev Ro.� rYl � t - 00 Christine Dingman Hull •� Capc?d rod _ m Ln Book: G 18 v N Page: 304 • a ) Date. 1 2 November 1978 Federal National U Map Reference w f-, Pipe S78Q2�,, Mprtea�e (37G5/ ! 47) 8/322) Amended p ma of section two of Barber ( 106 GO I � F Arab4pr Shire in Site Map - Scab: l 000' Q -- -- --, �,--- --T-- ---- � ' I art By: Coulter $ McCormack ' Date: 27 AuL�u5t 198G cot �� 1 " LOT I Revised: 1 7 November 198G i Area 5 .0t- acres L--------- ------- ----.---- MDR J ' S85' Zcne Density = 2ac./dwelling LO Min. Frei; age = 100 (51ngie drive) ro O Min, Frontage = 200' (double drive) setbacks: ` Front; = 30` L9000 + WG� Side -- 25' j Rear = 30 3°QG� Hull ( I 452/84) 2OC' LOT 2 O 0� — ± Area -- I Q3.._. acres f P355arella ( 1 0 1 3/26 1 ) � 2Q0 Aber Shire h '1 or?7e.)w�ers As M SOCIat,C lag, a0lo over,view l�Ia '; Q of a p p ro o5ed 2 Lot 5ubdIv151on of a portion of -� ,, �' (� 0<50 i9e1 farm r s�3o 0 Thv.., Hull '� r 0 4�,�0� `her, ock S Itu to in Turk Town of Queen5bur County of Warrer. 1 (38� /// State o New fork � alep � .0 si l 2 �� Scale: 1 " = 200 feet Date: 25 May 2 010 N�3Q see, R.evfSed. 14 Jul 2010 4 o Surety or d III by - � _ Owner: Christine 1-1u1! w • Reed " �',°"'� � �/2 STATE OF NEW YORtX'} Note:Only title s,xveys bearrnci the makers yam` incc 1 j ` '. r f f • 30 I Wept Mour�ta�n Road _`-3 1 COUNTY OF WARREN j bossed heal should be rcolvi upon con 3 / ft em /♦ _ ( r ..}Te$SUr�f 13�"ih2 Ot?itfitj� Of Crdx�fetE, other than embos9ed seal cop es may contain • A55Q IATS Q Approved under authority of a re5olutiQn adopted S/n7ay� State of- York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that, av©rBing to the eccds una�thorued and undetectable mpdfitaGons, , V Queensbur , New York 1 2804 - I nd s. _. F '' _ JUCVe Ot"5 ngtneer5 y by the Planning Board of the Town of Queen5bury; New York. -�,�`;`"" �/3 in y he taxer or" hown on this n eG° 5•addgon , .;. 1 s a chance . . y ) t+f map 3, y``+ or years evieo to 26tr � ey l, �R / �`� �, R, Unauthonz¢d aheraUon or addition to a sury ma L,AKI= GEOKGE, N YO'RK 5 �` paid f ttSe yea I I of section 7209,5ub-drnsron2,of the NewYor-State ax4e; pbearinis a I,Fenw-d land surveyor,5 Seal 15 a viol tion 11 ?,� EduGaCion law. � Date 1 4 Chairman QU: 125 1 _3 I �.: .•-�-- I QU: 308. 13 1 T4 (new) SI�L� A Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FINAL STAGE , F T 03t� tt j1 2 St1BDIVISI04 12-2010 DEVIN nlrKlu_OH FILE ;>),JriG9 l 1. A supdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the follow !:)spits Ut'iip following: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 108+1-acre;;into two lots of 5& 103+1-acres. Nov j5r,^z1+ 02;3 Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval;and F'nrlale I, llDgaj 2. A public hearing was scheduled and held on 8/24/10;and Warren I.DUnI y C,j?I H 3. This application Is supported with all documentation,public comment and application material in the file of record;and La n d sea p I n eLN OteS: 4. MOTION TO APPROVE FIN6L STA9E SUBpIVISION NO. 1�-2010 DEVIN QICKIN5(�! ,Introduced by Gretchen Steffan who moved for its adoption,seconded by Stephen Traver: 1! Accgrding to the resolution prepared by Staff. Paragraph Four A complies. Paragraph Four B,Negative Declaration. Grass Lined Swale 0etafl i . This site consists of a mix of fields and woods. The � a) Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code[Chapter A-183j,the Planning Board has determined that this propose{complies with the requirements as salted in p proposed driveway winds along an existing path through (-rc 5c>il Stabdisatum der..+d 5hctr-t 3} the Zoning Code;and '. the woods to the house site. This will provide natural qrC 30 ' ' t bi The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Ptannirlg Boars)has adopted a SEQRA plegativg Declaration;and >�a; 5creenina from the road, as well as. limit the amount of )J y The, house site l5 located I n a n eXl`atl n c) Final approved plans,in compliance with the Subdivision,must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the zoning Administrator or Drive _T t r"e G utti ni C . e c3 I i Building and Codes personnel. The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit:and/or the beginning of any site work. Subsequent issuance of e 2„ clearing, again keeping tree cutting t0 a 'mllllrnUm. ' }— further permits,including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution;and f d) The limits of clearing will constitute a no-put buffer zone,orange construction fencing shall be installed around these areas and field verified by Community Development staff 2" 2. All disturbed areas will be Seeded and mulched. A ' I e) Engineering sign-off required prior to signature of Planning Board Chairman. natural tree buffer will remain for screening from West i I f) As-bent plans to certify that the subdivision is developed according to the approved plaps to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of ocpupancy;and Mountain Road. NOTE: ho 5e, Drive, Sep is and 5tormwater g) If applicable,Item g to beCombined with a letterof,credit;and shown on of 2 is for sch matic purposes only. h) This is approved with the following two conditions: 5. That the applicant will obtain an engineering signpff. 6. That the applicant will submit a letter to the Town regarding the agent of record,John Webster. Storm water Ba5m Detail f Side setback Duty adopted this 24th day pf August,2010,by the following vote: AYES: W.Krebs,Mr.Jackoski,W.Schoni Mr.Sipp,W. Traver,Mrs.Steffap,Mr.Hunsinger NOE$: NONE Max. Slopr = 3:f (see Soil 5tabilration det,iil Sheet 3) DUE EAST cc: Erin Dickenson �j �I Exi5trn Gracie Top of Balm t3ot+om of Grass Swale 'Ex sting Grade Ext5tinq Grade 24" 24° To Soil, Seed, MulCh ' t � J D Insity soil Insitu Soil P Y 461 _ 0 24" (min.)� 2-1 2"Perforated Pipe (� 24"( min.) in #2 Stone (v✓asheci) C) Trench Lined with Fllter Fabric r ) ( W (U5e mhltrator5 as called for) - - V }. Z !�tabihzed Construction Entrance ) ( #2 � #3 Stone to Prevent Trackincg on west Mountain Road ) Minurrium G" depth. )0' width *30' Iencjth ., as aver Erosion;and Sediment Control 104 .�.�" torl?7wgtel" Ca%1atl0n5: I ( ! 10 Guidelines{Blue Book) �6 ) t --_� Prop V r �� � LOT I Total Area of Disturbance = 14,000-+- 5F 11 ` el `Dr ', ) g8 Impervious Area: ` "0 > .r<i•,(, l 000En �; ��` Area 5 .O t aereq = p J Nouae = 1900-t- 5F Drive = 6000-!- 5F \✓'olume5: 110 1-iou5e, = 3(0± CF Drive = 1 200-t- CF � ) \ \ f Grass Line 5welc � sic Pence D-'live Detail) rn (sir'.deta i .� s• t B; sln ! : Impervious Area = 2 100± 5F Volume to Retain = 420± CF "1 ' } Basin i I `may / — -+ lm erviou5 — 2100±5F Volume Retained _ 420_ CF \ ,� � p - � . D 08 (2 100 5F x 0.2 CF/5F = 420 CF �• � ) ` 5oi✓LaQ���� 5a5In 2: Impervious Area = 2 i 00± 5F Volume to Retain = 420± CF Area Imp �� , volume to Retain =420rt CF \ sn Depth = 24" I Proposed `peptic _ v Volume Beta°ined = 420± CF + F ` ! n I 1 Elev. Top = 104.0' 4 Li e5 35' \ Qj Basin 3: Impervious Area = 2200_ 5F Volume to Retain 440_ C \ Elev. Inlet = 103.5' / see sheet for detatis) 3 v ( frost Free) = 1 20±- CF 1( VOLUME = = 102.0' V y ti � Imbedded nflltrator approx. I O°Io F. o� ,� voLurule = 420± cF 1 ,- I c lc�OQI� r1 �i Septic Tank I ' 0`?�1 gal. Concrete e r� � Volumetalned = CF 440+_ `! i otal Volume Retained = 980-�- CF Proposed Hose LL r v Footprint = 1900± 5E Fxi hr>g AikyV,* 100 Runoff volume = 380 CF a ( i - (P To fie Guttered to Basin Si.t Fence 1 i0u5e Details 1 1 d�,v,..� �� `�'^� v �n �,� g p� y — + 5F Volume to Retain = 3�0± CF \v All final re ra sfo awe Ea5in 4: Impervious Area _ 1900 ( Jj J :� l t. from house garage. Total Volume Retained = 380± OF V1000CD \ I � � TP • ( Proposed Clearing Limits Propo ed Clearing Limits G---' Area = 1700+ 51' rea 2500± 5F Clearing $ Disturbance #1 = Total Proposed Clearing Area = 4200± 5F �— -- —••—•• 48'� ., • 18 I Propose Water�fn� ,._l _,,..._.�..�• '\ '• - ^{) a Total Area of Disturbance 1 4,000± SF L .. eF'7 .--. ` \ � � � Impervious = 1900± SF 1900 51'x 0.2 CF/SF = 380 CF Volume to Retain = 380T Cr Proposed Water 5er•vi re Line(typ.i I t'V• ` j To be instailec: according to � Elev. l I � �,.{ plan of Lot 3 f o r �oti<:m of Queensbury Water � � \ r-.,\` � ..•{� Elev. Top = 98.0' of a pro'posie Plot p( / flev. Bottom = 9 9 Department Standards I I sue' VO Bottom G 96.5' 1 Grass Line Swale \ „% vOLUM1= = 260± (Y (se- de ail} \ Imbedded infiltrator Pipe The HM I , �i '' l' 2{a 12"die. x 23 LfF(24"x48"Trench) r CL/ WC�GDCC Co VOLURiE= i60± GF ri_.. l ' ' F - _. r,-.t.�..�,—•• .� \ TOTAL VOLUME = 420± CF u / Situate 1n o r �` ►n i o' I tom.j � TL'�- l' -.--"' I 1 ) \ �. fl 1 Town of Queen5bur County of Warren ) FrGy � W000fD 1 O6 -{ Impervious = 39004- ,F Area { State o New fork ,,,t1�11'r�r, r c� fit/ �- 1 04 K�\ 3900 SF x 0.2 CF�SF = 780 CF �� � t{ t,Nt�1P rt► ``o�pFE;S/a �!,�� .��,�� "1A1 '�°iy I I o2 Volume to Retain = 780_ CF v .feet _ Depth = 24" Eley Top= I00.0'D1 Q) Elev. Inlet= 99.55caI I 30July 20 Io side �----- --•-- --.—,- 5etbacK E Bolt 98 0' t' i Lieu. Bottom = i Revised: 14 July 2010 1 _ � � 4 �-� '� _ �.-.-x�-,,t / �..��,v,``_,��-t'�--' -1 vol_utiiE = a4o± r_F 98 �: 23 ugt 21Os,rvcv a (A Iviap _ I +I 6q55 ' ii y _I O' tis Setback Revised., 27 September 201• vialk �:• Revl5e l: 55 Octo` cr 201 0 �.Q� } ? t`�Q--e`�R� *•+i--+-- r /' F L� F /^ E SST 10 A95 IATE5 � Resolution - T.O. Queensbi4 �i�� OF ,�J . .:� r��,r, �� hlv �:�`�~ 565 " b s' ��grtttrttt+��\�� e//:,l:r�lrltt+�A Surveyors Engineers ( Approved under authority of a resolution adopted {\ LAi GEORGE, N W YORK (254 y g ry, _._ b the Plannin Board of the Town of Queensbu , ge-0-T&I-k. Owner(: ChristineNull Glr1S5 U: ! 25 I 3 I . I old 30 i We ici '5t Mountain ad _ - ( ) Queensbury, New York l 2804 I Chairman Date QU: 308. 13 i _4.2 (new) I