04-19-2011 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda First Regular Meeting: Tuesday April 19, 2011 / Time 7 – 11 PM Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road 1.0 Approval of Minutes 1.1 February 8, February 15, February 22, 2011 2.0 Administrative Items 2.1SP 10-2009 New Hope Community Church Requesting a one year extension of approved site plan - See letter dated 1/20/2011 2.2 SP 13-2011 David Kenny Tabled to 4/19/11, no new information received by the 3/15/11 deadline 2.3 SP 39-2010, SP 6-2011 Inwald Enterprises Tabled to 4/19/11, requesting to be tabled to 4/26/11 3.0 Planning Board Recommendations to the Zoning Board of Appeals Applicant(s) PATRICK GERUSO Application Type Subdivision 4-2011 Preliminary Stage Owner (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 0.60 +/- acres Location 34 Howard Street Zoning Classification MDR-Moderate Density Residential Tax ID No. 301.20-1-37.2 Ordinance Section Chapter A-183 Cross Reference AV 16-11 Public Hearing 4/19/2011 Project Description: Subdivision: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 0.60 +/- acre parcel into two lots of 0.30 +/- acres each. Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval. Area Variance: Relief requested from lot size, lot width, road frontage and setback requirements of the MDR zone. Planning Board to provide recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Applicant(s) EDWARD & PHILOMENA Application Type Site Plan 26-2011 VANPUTTE Owner (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type II Agent(s) Jarrett Engineers Lot size 0.1 acres Location 23 Jay Road West Zoning Classification WR-Waterfront Residential Tax ID No. 289.10-1-18 Ordinance Section 179-9 Cross Reference AV 17-11; BOH 24,10 Public Hearing Not required for APA, CEA, Other Glen Lk. CEA, 100 year recommendation floodplain Project Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes construction of a 1,130 sq. ft. single family residence. Hard surfacing within 50 feet of a shoreline as well as construction within 50 feet of slopes in excess of 15% requires Planning Board review and approval. Area Variance: Relief requested from front, side, shoreline setbacks as well as height, permeability and floor area ratio requirements of the WR zone. Planning Board to provide recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. 4.0 Tabled Items: Applicant(s) LANDCRAFTERS, LLC, Application Type Site Plan 79-2010 CARR DEVELOPMENT, LLC Owner (s) John Carr SEQR Type II Agent(s) N/A Lot size 1.07 +/- acres Location 704 Glen Street Zoning Classification CI-Commercial Intensive Tax ID No. 302.6-1-58.1 Ordinance Section 179-9 Cross Reference SB 7-01, SP 20-02, SB 4-02 Warren Co. Planning 12/8/10-No Action Public Hearing 12/21/10, 2/15/11, Tabled to 4/19/2011 Project Description: Applicant proposes a change to existing site landscaping to include the installation of on-site sidewalks, seating and potential future bus stop. Changes in site design in the CI zone require Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) PROVIDENT BATAVIA, LLC Application Type Site Plan 53-2007 Modification Owner (s) Jim Quinn, Ken Rotundo SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) N/A Lot size 0.45 +/- acres Location 67 Knox Road Zoning Classification WR-Waterfront Residential Tax ID No. 239.7-1-14 Ordinance Section 179-9 Cross Reference NOA 4-09 & 11-07, BP 06-271 Warren Co. Planning 1/12/11-No Action Previous Meeting Dates / 10/23/07, 7/28/09, 9/22/09, APA, CEA, Other L G CEA Public Hearing 11/7/09, 2/16/10, 4/27/10 1/25/11, 3/15/11, Tabled to 4/19/2011 Project Description: Applicant proposes to modify existing incomplete single family dwelling by removing 2 nd floor living space and modify previously installed driveway to allow access for neighboring parcel to the north. This proposal has been classified as a Major Stormwater project; Planning Board review and approval is required. 5.0 New Business: Applicant(s) LACEY O’NEIL Application Type Site Plan 27-2011 Owner (s) Wesley Veysey SEQR Type II Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 0.18 +/- acres Location 430 Dix Avenue Zoning Classification CM-Commercial Moderate Tax ID No. 303.16-1-62 Ordinance Section 179-9 Cross Reference SP 23-89 4/25/89, AV 1356 Warren Co. Planning 4/13/2011 5/18/88 Public Hearing 4/19/2011 Project Description: Applicant proposes a Beauty Salon use in existing commercial building. New Use in the CM zone requires Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) STEVE DOW Application Type Site Plan 25-2011 Owner (s) Glens Falls Ready Mix SEQR Type II Agent(s) Steve Dow Lot size 2.47 +/- acres Location 112 Big Boom Road Zoning Classification CLI-Commercial Light Industrial Tax ID No. 309.17-1-21 Ordinance Section 179-9 Cross Reference BP 8322, 8839, 88-007, 88-Warren Co. Planning 4/13/2011 714, 2000-857 Public Hearing 4/19/2011 Project Description: Applicant proposes yard space to be used for the installation of four interconnected retention ponds. Ponds are to serve as a closed loop system for the containment of concrete manufacturing washout water. Modification to an existing use in a CLI zone requires Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) LISA PUSHOR Application Type Subdivision 5-2011 Sketch Plan Review Owner (s) Stone Pointe, LLC/Scott SEQR Type N/A Spellburg Agent(s) Van Dusen & Steves Lot size 38.52, 1.36, 52.24 +/- acres Location 45 Ellsworth Lane Zoning Classification RR-3A-Rural Residential LC-10A-Land Conservation Tax ID No. 265.-1-2.3, 2.2, 2.1 Ordinance Section Chapter A-183 Cross Reference Sub 5-2006 Public Hearing Not required for Sketch Plan review Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of three (3) parcels totaling 92.12 +/- acre parcel into nine (9) residential lots ranging in size from 3.0 acres to 45.30 +/- acres. Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval. 6.0 Discussion Item Queensbury Partners Corner of Bay & Blind Rock Roads Tax Map ID’s 289.19-1-23 thru 35 Applicant is requesting a follow-up discussion to review revisions - Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board -