Queensbury Planning Board Agenda
Special Meeting: Tuesday May 31, 2011 / Time 7 – 11 PM
Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road
1.0 Scheduled Item:
Applicant(s) VMJR COMPANIES Application Type Subdivision 1-2011
Preliminary Stage
Freshwater Wetlands 1-2011
Owner (s) Forest Enterprise Mgmt. SEQR Type Type I
Agent(s) MJ Engineering & Land Lot size 6.39 & 84 +/- acres
Surveying, P.C.
Location Quaker Road/Queensbury Zoning Classification CLI-Commercial Light
Avenue Industrial
Tax ID No. 303.11-1-4, 303.15-1-25.2 Ordinance Section Chapter A-183
Cross Reference SP 65-10, SP 49-10
Sketch Plan: 1/25/11
Public Hearing 4/26/11, Tabled to APA, CEA, Other DEC, ACOE
Project Description: Subdivision: Applicant proposes subdivision of 84 +/- acre parcel into five (5) commercial lots ranging in size
from 6.53 acres to 29.91 acres with a sixth lot of 8.86 +/- acres proposed as open space. Further, extension of Quaker Ridge
Boulevard to access main parcel proposed. Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval. Freshwater Wetlands:
Proposed construction within 100 feet of wetlands [Great Cedar Swamp] requires Planning Board review and approval. Planning
Board may acknowledge Lead Agency Status and conduct SEQR review.
Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board