August 25, 1987
7:30 P.M.
Frances Walter-Supervisor
George Kurosaka-Councilman
Stephen Borgos-Councilman
Ronald Montesi-Councilman
Betty Monahan-Councilman
PRESS-Glens Falls Post Star, WWSC,
GUESTS-Mr. Naylor, Mr. Beale, Mrs. Hanneford, Mr. Turner Mr. Bonnebeaux.
7:35 P.M.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Introduced the Public Hearing regarding Sewer Rules and
Regulation- we are completing our first full scale sewer district...we have developers
who are going to be hitching onto our sewer and we are attempting during this public
hearing to get gather comments from the public regarding the interim regulations.
PUBLIC HEARING-Regarding proposed interim Sewer rules and regulations in the
Town of Queensbury.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked for public comments on the proposed interim standards...noted
that there are about twelve items, we do have a fee, item 11, which is payment to
the town. We are trying at this point to establish some rules and regulations so that
we can be standard on them throughout the town. Asked Town Board if they wish
to comment?
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-In our particular area right now the present sewer district,
C.R. Bard, one of the major employers have taken the initiative and run pipes on
their own property in anticipation of coming out to the sewer line to the town, those
pipes have to be checked and need some standards to go by, Woodbury who is presently
building a development on Glenwood are in the process of running lines out to meet
the anticipated sewer line and they have to be checked...another project along Quaker
Road is in the process of running pipes out so it is important that we have an interim
set up to deal with this until January 1st when we will be establishing our own Sewer
Department, with a sewer head and inspector etc. Next spring they tell us that the
pump station will be on line and all of those streets that have been dug up and the
sewer line runs to people will be able to hook up to so we will need to have our in-
spectors out checking these hookups.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Mr. Kurosaka pointed out to me that in item 11 it should
read $20.00 per thousand square foot for commercial and or industrial.
MR. TURNER-Asked what the specifications would be for the individual or residential?
SUPERVISOR WALTER-The plans and specifications for the Quaker Road Sewer Dis-
trict as prepared by Kestner Engineers, they are on file with the Town Clerk as part
of the Sewer District.
MR. TURNER-Do you know off hand what the materials consist of or what a resident
would have t bring from his house out to the main line...is this going to be included j
in the specifications?
SUPERVISOR WALTER-No, we are going to have a Local Law which will deal with
the sanitary regulations in the sewer connections with the town.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-Stated that this was meant for developers, commercial
it is not intended for the individual, in you particular case there will be regulations
and policy for house connections.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Based on what is in the ordinance...if you were commercial
building they would be required to use cast iron, a home would use PCB pipe.
MR. TURNER-That is what I was getting at, thank you.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Stated that this would give the Town Board the legal ability
to review what is going in the ground right now.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-I will hold public hearing open in case anybody is late...The
Queensbury Town Board moves into a session of the Queensbury Board of Health.
7:45 P.M.
RUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH-Regarding a variance application for Jerome
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Stated that this is variance application No. 1, 1986...at that
time it was tabled for lack of information...the Town Board asked to have the names
of the former owners of adjacent land and the distance from the neighbors wells.
We have a memo from Mr. Lefebvre in our Building and Codes Department, dated
August 13, to me and the Town Board indicating that the information requested, a
copy of the easement agreement which would allow placement of the septic system
as shown on the plot plan and Mr. Bonnabeaux was in contact with his contractor
who is keeping the present system evacuated until the new one is operational. Mr.
Lefebvre has indicated that the application be placed on the agenda. Asked Mr. Bonna-
beaux if the information they needed was in the hands of the Building Department?
MR. BONNABEAUX-It was determined that the land in question was a right of way
and I have an agreement with Mrs. Zverblis and we now have it straightened out.
My attorney has started to prepare an easement document and we have been going
back and forth getting the wording straight and I think we have finally arrived at
an agreement with Mrs. Zverblis.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Is this all in writing now?
MR. BONNABEAUX-Yes, Mr. Lefebvre has a copy of it.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-Stated that the question was on a piece of property
where he had no easement to and now he does have the easement so I can't see any
problem with it.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-I think we also had a question to make sure this was all
the proper distance from all the neighboring wells.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Mr. Dean there was four things that the Town Board wished
to know...how long the gentlemen owned the land, I think we know that now... the
name of the former owner of the land, we also have that...the adjacent land owners...and
the distances from the neighbors wells...with additional information as exactly where
the property was located?
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-We had some of that information before, only the easement
was the problem.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-For the public who is in attendance this evening this is a
variance under Article 3, Section 3.020 of the Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance
of the Town, we are dealing with a variance because the facility is only 75 feet from
an existing water supply actually for the same property.
MR. DEAN-My staff has been working diligently on this...to the best of my knowledge
Mr. Bonnabeaux appeared in the Building Department a couple of weeks ago and produced
an easement agreement with his neighbor who actually owns a fairly good size lot
1 which lies to the rear of Mr. Bonnabeaux property and basically this section that
lies directly behind his property, would connect the rear of his property to the road
in a straight line direction which would give him room to install the system in that
area which would be the greatest distance from the lake.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked if this would still be 75 feet.
MR. DEAN-That was the area where he originally planned, it is a 75 foot setback.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-So the plan has not changed...one of the questions was...if
he had delineated it on the map, was he on somebody's else's land, his land or whatever...now
we have the easement and you are saying where the seepage pit is going to be you
have got an easement for that particular situation.
MR. BONNABEAUX-That has been a right of way over the years, that I have had
to the road, but I didn't realize it, I have always been cutting the grass and thought
it was private property.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked Mr. Bonnabeaux as if his problem was that his present
system was not working properly?
MR. BONNABEAUX-That's correct, I would like to get that out of there and get a
new one because it would be better for the situation.
MR. DEAN-I understand that you have been pumping the tanks. ._
MR. BONNABEAUX-Yes, I have been pumping the tanks periodically.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-1 think it is the same question but how far is this septic
system from the neighbors septic system and their water supply.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-Referred the map to clarify Mrs. Monahan's question
regarding the water being a 150 feet away and we knew who owned around it because
we checked it with Mack, the only question to answer was the easement and there
is no problem now?
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked Town Board if they had any questions to Mr. Bonnabeaux
of Mr. Dean?
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Asked Mr. Dean if he was recommending that they go ahead
with this?
MR. DEAN-Yes, I believe so under the circumstances.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Asked if there would be any harm to the lake with the 120
feet setback?
MR. DEAN-I don't believe there should be any problems, drainage is really good in
that area.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked for public comment...hearing none asked for a consensus
of the Town Board so as to check off the check sheet and did the Board feel that
there was special circumstances or conditions which the strict application of our
ordinance would deprive the applicant of reasonable use of his land...and if a variance
were granted it would not be a material detrimental to the ordinance to the adjoining
properties or conflict with the policies and ordinances in the town...and the Board
would feel that a variance would be necessary for the reasonable use of the land and
that it would alleviate a hardship at this point and affect the applicant. Asked if
Mr. Dean if in the resolution there would be any special conditions regarding a vari-
MR. DEAN-I would ask only that there would be no more bedrooms be added to the
existing place.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-Asked if the new system is designed for the bedrooms
he's got?
MR. DEAN-That's correct.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-We want to be sure we have full inspection at every stage
of this reconstruction and the Building Department be there to inspect.
RESOLUTION NO& Introduced by Mr. George Kurosaka who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos.
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Board of Health of the Town of Queensbury has reviewed
the request for a variance of the Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance requested by
Mr. Jerome Bonnabeaux and has determined the following:
1. That there are special circumstances or conditions of which the strict application
of the provisions of this Ordinance would deprive the applicant of reasonable use
of such land.
2. That the Variance would not be materially detrimental to the purposes or objectives
of the Ordinance, or to other adjoining properties or otherwise conflict with
the purpose or objectives of any plan or policy of the Town.
3. That the granting of the Variance is necessary for the reasonable use of the land
and that the Variance is the minimum Variance which would alleviate the specific
unnecessary hardship found by the local Board of Health to affect the applicant.
4. Special conditions set forth by the Board:
1. No additional sleeping rooms be added to building.
2. Adequate inspection be part of project.
RESOLVED, Pursuant to the above findings, the local Board of Health has approved the Variance of
Mr. Jerome Bonnabeaux, property located on Sunnyside North,Town of Queensbury, Tax Map Number
49-2-13 - Article III, Section 3.020 of the Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Mr. Bonnabeaux you can deal with Mr. Dean to what other information you
MR. BONNABEAUX-Asked what was said about the bedrooms?
SUPERVISOR WALTER-We saying we have approved a new system that you have given plans to our
Building Department based on your construction as it is now...if you decide to add anymore living space,
you will have to come back to the Town for further approval from our Building Department.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked if anyone in the room wished to comment on the interim sewer rules
and regulations, hearing none the Public Hearing closed.
GRACE HANNEFORD-Kattskill Bay-I am here concerning the road that Mr. Schultz is building off
Hanneford Road. We don't feel that the road is capable to handle the traffic, its not capable of handling
the big trucks that have been running up and down the road but thanks to Mr. Naylor and Mr. Dean,
they have stopped that for a while. We are also worried about the sewer run-off and water flow, that
would come down from these houses into our own wells. We are also concerned about the wildlife
and it is a very quiet nice neighborhood and we hate to see it spoiled.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked if Mrs. Hanneford knew that the Queensbury Building Code Enforcement
Officer, Mr. Dean has issued a stop work order on that project and the conditions of the stop work
i order are...any kind of road cuts be approved by our Highway Superintendent Mr. Naylor, and secondly
that it would appear on the agenda of our Planning Board...Noted that the traffic coming onto Hanneford
Road would be detrimental.
MACK DEAN - Stated that he had spoken with the Park Agency's Director of Operations, Mr. Duprey,
and he said that it was rare for the Agency to change their policy after a permit has been issued'but
they can hold a hearing at the request of the town so people can be heard.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Because of the fact that Mrs. Hanneford and others from the area are here,
would it be in order for the Town Board to have a resolution to request an administrative hearing?
MACK DEAN-I would like to suggest that the Town Board request the appropriate staff and the Planning
Board look into the aspects of the subdivisions...noted that one of the basic problems involved here
is that no one in an official capacity within the town has reviewed the plans and all the lots except
one are in the town of Fort Ann and in so much as the Town of Fort Ann has no Zoning Ordinance,
or Planning Board, the Town of Queensbury was not notified of the project, therefore the Town had
no SERRA process or public input. Our only recourse now is through the Park Agency and I would
request that they provide us with any kind of map available of the subdivision, also the road profiles
and drainage map.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-Asked what basically was in the Town of Ru.eensbury?
MACK DEAN-Basically just the road. I request the entire subdivision map because the drainage on
site in the subdivision can impact not only the Hanneford Road but Lake George, as there are culverts
leading directly to the lake.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Asked if any of Mrs. Hanneford's property came within 500 feet of that pro t?
MACK DEAN-Yes, I would say it is.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Asked Mrs. Hanneford if she were notified by the Adirondack Park Agency.
MRS. HANNEFORD-No, I wasn't.
JOHN BEALE-Only two people did receive notification, one was Mrs. Crannell. There are four culverts
that serve that property, and Hanneford Road is a 16 foot road deeded right of way, thats' all there
is to it.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-Asked if this was a private road?
JOHN BEALE-It was a private road but it was deeded sixteen foot. Said that if they put ten houses
in there that means an extra hundred cars going up and down that road also drainage is already a problem.
When they originally started this, they went in back of my house and did some testing and there was
less than six to eight inches of over burden on the rocks there, and it was my understanding in the
beginning that there would be no homes built there, now I am told they can do this. We are looking
quadrupling the traffic and the cars go up to 60 to 70 miles an hour, I am not against what they are
doing, I am against the way they are doing it, if he wants access to his property, let him go in on his
own road back along the mountain.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-How many feet along Hanneford Road of the sixteen foot wide road before
we get to where they ingress and egress?
MR. BEALES- About 300 feet and then you are there and we feel if they want access to mountain
let them get their on their own side, we are also concerned about the deer in there.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-We will take your comments under consideration.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-Asked if he had a copy of the letter sent to the two people?
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Asked Mr. Dean if there was anything in the APA review saying they had
to notify another municipality...and how many people within the 500 feet of that proposal are there.
MR. BEALES-About eight to ten families?
MR. DEAN-Mr. Duprey called to say he would be available Thursday...lets pursue our avenue and'review
the profiles.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-I feel very strongly about what they are talking about and I don't wantAo
review too long...so if the review turns up something lets have the public hearing.
MR. NAYLOR-Town Highway Superintendent-Vote tonight.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked Mr. Naylor if he was saying there was enough of a problem that it sho�
go through the Town Board.
MR. NAYLOR-We had a meeting with Mr. Robert Schultz about a year ago and asked for a lot of informat:
and we never heard from him until he heard from some of the people.
MR. DEAN-The normal procedure is to notify the Supervisor of the municipality and the Planning Board
and Mr. Roberts never received anything...I personally have not seen anything on this project. Suggested
we take a good look at it.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Asked Mr. Dean if they had to also have the approval of the Department
of Health?
MR. DEAN-Yes, and they indicated last week they had not received anything for approval.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-We will review the situation and try to keep you posted as far as what action
will be taken or what we have found out as far as the project is concerned.
RESOLUTION NO. 263, Introduced by Mr. George Kurosaka who moved for its adoption seconded by
Mr. Ronald Montesi.
RESOLVED, That the Town Board Minutes of July 28th, August 4, 11, and 18th, 1987 be and hereby are
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 264, Introduced by Mr. George Kurosaka who moved for its adoption seconded by
Mr. Stephen Borgos.
RESOLVED, that Bingo license No. 2711 be and hereby is approved allowing West Glens Falls Fire Company
#1 to hold Bingo Occasions from September 5, 1987 through February 28, 1988 and be it further
RESOLVED, that this includes one Sunday Bingo occasion.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 265, Introduced by Mr. George Kurosaka who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Mr. Stephen Borgos.
WHEREAS, Braeside Limited has executed and offered a deed for a town roadway running north/south
on the southerly side of Fuller Road (west of West Mountain Road) and an easement agreement for
drainage purposes which are more particularly described in the attached deed, and
WHEREAS, Paul H. Naylor, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury, has advised that
he has made the necessary inspection of the right of way clearing, sub-base preparation, drainage implemer
roadway surface and finds that such work has been performed in accordance with the standards and
requirements of the Town of Queensbury, and he recommends that the is Board accept this land for
highway purposes into the Town Highway System, and
--' WHEREAS, Thomas K. Flaherty, Superintendent of Water of the Town of Queensbury, has advised
that he has made the necessary inspection of Water Line Installation and finds that said installation
has been made in accordance with the standards and requirements of the Town of Queensbury and
that he recommends that this Board accept this land insofar as the water installation is concerned,
WHEREAS, the form of the deed, drainage easement and title to the roadway has been approved by
Wilson S. Mathias, Counsel to the Board,
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute the aforesaid drainage easement
agreement, and be it further,
RESOLVED, that the aforementioned deed be and the same is hereby accepted and approved and that
the Town Clerk be hereby authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Waren
County Clerk's Office after which said deed shall be properly filed and maintained in the Office of
the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, and be it further,
RESOLVED, that this road be hereby added to the official inventory of Town Highways, to be described
as follows:
Road No. 430, Description: North/South
Name:Braeside Circle
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 266, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption, seconded by
Mr. Ronald Montesi.
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury Recreation Committee has been in the process of planning for
the creation of a recreational, open space, and nature area at Hovey Pond, and J;
WHEREAS, by previous gift from Finch Pruyn & Company, Inc. the Town of Queensbury acquired certain
land on Lafayette Street together with riparian rights and ownership of lands lying under the waters
of Hovey Pond and
WHEREAS, in order to implement the plan under consideration additional lands are required, and
WHEREAS, Caroline H, Pierce is the owner of a parcel of land designated as Section 104 Block 1 Lot
5 on the Warren County Tax Maps for the Town of Queensbury, and
WHEREAS, the above parcel is assessed at the sum of $6,500.00, and
WHEREAS, Caroline H. Pierce is the owner of additional lands adjacent to Hovey Pond, and
WHEREAS, the plan for the development of a recreation site at Hovey Pond requires the use of clean
fill in accordance with Department of Environmental Conservation permit procedures, and
WHEREAS, Caroline H. Pierce has consented and agreed to allow the Town of Queensbury to fill other
lands adjoining Hovey Pond and more particularly described in a map of Hovey Pond made by Morse
Engineering, and
WHEREAS, Caroline H. Pierce has agreed to sell the above described lands and fill rights to the Town
of Queensbury for the sum of $6,500.00 together with the right to claim a charitable contribution for
any difference between the appraised value of the lands to be conveyed and the payments accepted,
WHEREAS, a letter of intent has been prepared outlining the terms and conditions of the agreement
between the Town of Queensbury and Caroline H. Pierce , a copy of which is annexed hereto,
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute a letter of intent to acquire
certain land adjoining Hovey Pond for recreational purposes, a copy of which letter of intent is anne,
hereto and made a part hereof.
AYES: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
Ltr. on file
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Noted that Mrs. Pierce wants old Hovey Pond to remaining Hovey Pond
and to that the Town not take down anymore of the trees other than are absolutely necessary.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-It is the consensus of the Board to comply with the request of Mrs. Pierce.
We do not want to destroy anymore trees and we definitely do not want to change the name of the
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-That was my feeling also.
_- COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Our compliments should go to Mrs. Monahan in getting this agreement signed.
We have dealings with Hovey Pond as an potential recreational vest pocket type of park. After about
a year and a half we have finally got the engineering done and after it was done, we realized we were
land locked and Mrs. Pierce has put this walk way around the pond and giving the adjoining land across
the pond that she owned and Betty took on the challenge.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-We do have a recreational capital account that our developers have been adding
to and as far as the purchase of this land, we will consider this as a phased project.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-This is the first of this kind of walk way and not a lot of activity but a
place to stop and stroll.
RESOLUTION NO. 267, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption seconded by
Mr. Ronald Montesi.
WHEREAS, the Town of Rueensbury has allocated certain funds in its 1987 budget for advertising and
promotion programs, and
WHEREAS, The Hyde Collection has requested that the Town of Rueensbury participate with and assist
The Hyde Collection in advertising and promotional services,
- RESOLVED, that the Town of Rueensbury hereby approves the request of The Hyde Collection for
advertising and promotional services in an amount not to exceed $11,500. for advertising and promotional
services in the Town of Rueensbury, and in the form approved by the Town Attorney, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to forward a copy of
this resolution upon its adoption to The Hyde Collection, 161 Warren Street, Glens Falls, New York
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr.. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Mr. Borgos
RESOLUTION NO.268, Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos who moved for its adoption seconded by Mr.
George Kurosaka.
WHEREAS, the Town of Rueensbury has allocated certain funds in its 1987 budget for advertising and
promotion programs, and
WHEREAS, The Chapman Historical museum has requested that the Town of Rueensbury participate
with and assist The Chapman Historical Museum in advertising and promotional services,
RESOLVED, that the Town of Rueensbury hereby approves the request of The Chapman Historical
Museum for advertising and promotional services in an amount not to exceed $8,600. for advertising
and promotional services in the Town of Rueensbury, and in the form approved by the Town attorney
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be, and she hereby is authorized and directed to forward a copy of
this resolution upon its adoption to The Chapman Historical Museum, 348 Glen Street, Glens Falls,New
York 12801.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Abstain: Mrs. Monahan
RESOLUTION NO. 2692 Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption seconded by
Mr. George Kurosaka.
WHEREAS, The Town of Queensbury provides all regulations and interim standards for sewer lines,
mains, and appurtenances proposed to be connected with any existing or proposed sewer district within
the Town of Queensbury, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board recognizes the need to regulate the installation of sewer lines and appurtenant
and to set uniform standards for the materials to be used for such lines and appurtenances within existing
and proposed sewer districts, and
WHEREAS, the proposed regulations and interim standards have been prepared, a copy of which is
annexed hereto,
RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury hereby adopts the annexed regulations and interim standards
for sewer lines, mains, and appurtenances.
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None -
Absent: None
The following standards and regulations regarding sewage facilities proposed to be connected with
existing or proposed municipal sewer districts shall apply.
1. 3 sets of completed engineering drawings stamped by a licensed engineer shall be submitted
to the Town of Queensbury. Such drawings shall set forth the following:
a) specifications for all proposed materials and the method of installation thereof;
b) flow calculations on all facilities to be served;
c) all sewer lines shall be represented with scaled sewer profiles;
2. All facilities shall be designed in accordance with the 1987 Edition of GLUMRB - Recommendf
Standards for Sewage Works (10 State Standards).
3. All sanitary sewers shall be installed utilizing a laser instrument, thus, assuring proper
grade and alignment.
4. All sanitary sewers shall be installed in a dry trench. The groundwater table shall be lowered
below the excavation limit prior to excavation.
5. All sanitary sewers shall be installed in the public or developer's right-of-way to allow
easy accessibility for repair. _J
6. Approval by Town Engineer of the plans and specifications required at Paragraph 1 hereof.
7. Payment of the Town Engineer's fee for review of the plans and specifications.
8. Certification by a licensed engineer to the Town of Queensbury that the materials used
and the installation of sewer line was made in accordance with the plans and specificatic
submitted to the Town for its review.
9. Satisfactory low pressure air test to be witnessed by an authorized Town employee or
10. Approval by Town Counsel of the form of sewer easement if the line is to be maintained
by the Town.
11.Payment to the Town of Queensbury of the sum of $200.00 plus $20.00 per unit of residential
housing and or $200.00 plus $20.00 per thousand square foot for commercial and
or industrial for the implementation and administration of these interim standards
and regulations.
12. All materials used shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications for the
-- Quaker Road Sewer District as prepared by Kestner Engineers, P.C.
COUNCILMA KUROSAKA-Asked that the Town Board consider passing a resolution to have
solid lines on road from city line to Veterans Lane, noted that it is a very congested area
and the people have expressed a concern regarding this area.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Stated that legislature does not put double lines on roads without
good reason and whether they comply with the V & T law and the necessity of it.
Asked Mr. Naylor for his comments.
MR. NAYLOR-This is the only section of the V & T law that the Town Board can override
but it is not recommended to put double lines, the idea is to keep traffic flowing. If there
is a broken line somebody in traffic control decided there was room enough to pass, said
that he would agree with the double lines only to Veterans Lane.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Agreed with George's concern, Sherman Avenue is a very narrow
road and no room to move there.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-We are jumping the gun a little, as we are in the midst of hiring
a traffic consultant.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-Stated that when there are houses on both sides of the road
you have a highway.
'- COUNICLMAN MONAHAN-Noted that maybe they were allowing developing on what is
called a major collector road and maybe these roads are being used wrong...this has come
out in these neighborhood meetings.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked for a consensus of the Town Board?
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-I would like to see this suggestion go to our Traffic Consultants.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-I am in favor of considering it tonight, one way or the other.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked Town Clerk to put this on the next agenda.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-I have a mini report from the Greater Glens Falls Transit Authority...
Karen Rae, director is doing a very capable job...Four new buses will be on line sometime
in November...We are getting some increase service request in the Lake George area and
there may be some negotiations that they will be coming into the program as a full partner...the
fees will not show an significant increase this year.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Added that every meeting they attend that Karen Rae compliments
the Highway Superintendent in the care of shelter, the placing of the shelters and how clean
they are.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-I have been called by a number of people about the dirt bikes ATV
etc, speeding particularly on Potter Road and making a lot of noise running through the
woods. The Sheriff's Department has been notified of this particular problem.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Asked Mr. Borgos if he had also reminded these people that
these riders are now in violation of the State Law and they can also bring the State Police
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-We have no ordinance at the present regarding noise pollution
and we have a lot of complaints from people who are concerned about early morning constructiol
contractors starting at 6:00 A.M. or 6:15 A.M within 300 feet of residents particularly where
we have very young or very elderly people who may have not been sleeping all night and
do not like to wake up to generators and chain saws... I would urge a voluntary compliance
of with at least 7:30 A.M. as a minimum start.
3 � �.
Ltr., Landfill Superintendent, Jim Coughlin regarding a Conference on Waste Tires and Alternat.
to Disposal on file.
RESOLUTION NO. 270, Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption seconded
by Mr. Stephen Borgos.
WHEREAS, James T. Coughlin has requested permission to attend a Conference on Waste
Tires and Alternatives To Disposal
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to James T. Coughlin to attend the Annual
Conference on Waste Tires and Alternatives to Disposal on Monday, November 16, and Tuesday,
November 17, 1987 and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes payment of all reasonable and necessary expenses.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes:Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
Ltr., State of New York Office Of The State Comptroller, Paul V. Morgan, Assoc. Counsel
regarding the Technical Park Sewer District on file.
1.Adirondack Attached $43,300.00
2.Duplex " 38,200.00
3.Fisk " 43,900.00
4.Pinchook Buckley " 54,732.00
R. Brown Attached $5,467.00
1.Hollister Attached $19,800.00
RESOLUTION NO. 271, Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. George Kurosaka.
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury did recommend that we
advertise for bids for General Construction, Electrical, and Plumbing for the Field
Building at Ridge Road Park, and
WHEREAS, six bids were submitted and received and opened at the specified time
and place by the Director of Purchasing/Town Clerk, Darleen M. Dougher, and
such bids were then turned over to the Saratoga Associates for their recommendation,
WHEREAS, Robert H. Leaver, for the LA .Group has recommended the bid be awarded
to the following:
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION: Duplex Construction $38, 200
ELECTRICAL: Russell Brown $5,457
PLUMBING: Hollister $19,800
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Rueensbury hereby accepts the
recommendation of Robert W. Leaver, for L A Group and hereby awards the low
bids as mentioned above.
_ Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
Ltr., from The L A Group, P.C. regarding the Field Building - Ridge Road Park
bids, on file.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Stated that this is going to be a building to house sanitary
facilities, the maintenance equipment and particularly will serve as the mechanical
room for the pump... It is well water up there and we are into a time where we
are going to do a great deal of seeding and its going to be necessary to irrigate
the seeding of the four fields and that contract alone is quite a bit of money, and
we need to have the water.
Ltr., from Building and Codes Department, regarding unsafe structure regarding
Mulcahy property.
RESOLUTION NO. 272, Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Rueensbury has enacted a local law
providing for the repair or removal of unsafe building and collapsed structures,
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has reported to the Town Board that the premises
owned by Robert and Marjorie Mulcahy known as 46-2-35 on the Tax Map and situated
Ridge Road in the Town of Queensbury is unsafe to the general public, and
WHEREAS, a notice pursuant to local law 3 has been prepared a copy of which
is annexed hereto and made a part hereof.
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorized the service of such notice and filing
the same in the Warren County Clerk's Office and be it further resolved that a
hearing on said unsafe structure is hereby set for 7:30 P.M. on September 8th 1987
at the Town Hall, Bay at Haviland Roads, Rueensbury, New York 12801.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr.Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
SUPERVISOR WALTER-There was a determination regarding the Toomey's property
on Lake Sunnyside...they had a certain amount of time to clean up their property,
which was the 23rd. of August. The property has been fenced and a certain amount
of cleaning up has been done. I had a telephone call from Mr. Kevin Toomey today,
who indicated to me that they wish to build a structure on some of that property,
not rebuild all of it but build a structure and that they would be on the agenda
for the Zoning Board of Appeals in September. The property isn't probably to the
point the the Board maybe
visualized it, but the reason being is that they are going to come before the Zoning
Board. If the Board has any objections to rebuilding, I think that we would want
to have some kind of a resolution, at least some communication to the Zoning Board
during that period.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-I have the concern that if they are going to build, that
would mean that the septic system would be either on the lake side which would
be less than 75 feet from the lake or they would have to pump onto the other side
of the road and that would mean an easement under our road, so I am of the feeling
that it would strongly urge the Zoning Board to look at that very carefully, I don't
like that and what if they turn them down, this gives them another month and how
far do we want to go with this...we said the 23rd. of August.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-I think it is going to take some awfully good engineering
work to sure those walls that are there, because if in the past year they haven't
kept the ice away, it is going to cause them to heave.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-Noted that the Building Department would insist on
an engineers letter from somebody saying they are safe.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-There isn't going to be only a variance for set back
for a septic system but also for fill within 50 feet of lake shore...questioned why
they didn't build in the grove?
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Stated that they do have the right to go the Zoning Board
and perhaps if the Town Board has concerns they could filter those concerns to
the Board.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Stated that if they are turned down by the Zoning Board
of Appeals they must immediately proceed to finish cleaning the property, that
is what the original intent was. I don't mind if they go to the Zoning Board of Appeals
but the cleaning up must be done.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Noted that there was a culvert in the road running
down in that area.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-I am not happy with the fact that somebody wants to
build on that side of the road for the obvious reasons of septic, setback from the
road and setback from the lake.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-It would be almost impossible.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked if there were anymore concerns of the Board...asked
that the comments from the Board on the tape be given to the zoning Board of
Appeals and any Board Member that twishes to attend that September meeting,
urged them to do so.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Received reguest for second Court Clerk to attend Conference.
RESOLUTION NO. 273, Introduced by Mr. Stephen who moved for its adoption.
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the The Town of Queensbury hereby tables
the request for the Town Court Clerk to attend conference on October 4 thru October
The Following vote was taken,
Ayes: Mr. Borgos
Noes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr.Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 274: Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan.
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby gives permission
for one Court Clerk, Mrs. Phyllis Joslyn or Mrs. Karen Stockwell, to attend the
New York State Association of Magistrates Court Clerks Conference on October
4th through the 7th 1987 and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes payment of all reasonable and necessary
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Mr. Borgos
DISCUSSION: It was stated that never before has both Court Clerks attended a
conference together which will leave the court office vacant except for part time
Ltr., Queensbury Highway Department, regarding parking on Birdsall Road placed
on file and discussion was held by Town Board, resolution forth coming at next
Town Board Meeting on file.
RESOLUTION NO. 275,Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos who moved for its adoption
seconded by Mr. George Kurosaka.
RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as appears on Abstract 3386 and 9920 and totaling
$13,306.00 be and hereby approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 276, Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos who moved for its adoption
seconded by Mr. George Kurosaka.
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves into executive session to discuss
a Personnel matter update from Town Counsel regarding matter of litigation
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr.Montesi, Mrs Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Noted that Town Counsel will contact Hinman, Pigors
and Manning, in Albany, New York to expand on litigation of a particular matter.
RESOLUTION NO. 248, Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos who moved for its adoption, seconded by
Mr. George Kurosaka:
WHEREAS, C L & J Enterprises has executed and offered a deed for a town roadway running east/west
north of Pitcher Road and an easement agreement for drainage purposes which are more particularly
described in the annexed instruments, and
WHEREAS, Paul H. Naylor, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury, has advised that
he has made the necessary inspection of the right of way clearing, sub—base preparation, drainage
implementation, roadway surface and finds that such work has been performed in accordance with
the standards and requirements of the Town of Queensbury, and he recommends that this Board accept
this land for highway purposes into the Town Highway System, and
WHEREAS, Thomas K. Flaherty, Superintendent of Water of the Town of Queensbury, has advised
that he has made the necessary inspection of Water Line Installation and finds that said
installation has been made in accordance with the standards and requirements of the Town of
Queensbury and that he recommends that this Board accept this land insofar as the water
installation is concerned, and
WHEREAS, the form of the deed, drainage easement and title to the roadway has been approved by
Wilson S. Mathias, Counsel to the Board,
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute the aforesaid drainage easement
agreement, and be it further,
RESOLVED, that the aforementioned deed be and the same is hereby accepted and approved and that the Town Clerk
be hereby authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk's
Office after which said deed shall be properly filed and maintained in the Office of the Town Clerk
of the Town of Queensbury, and be it further
RESOLVED, that this road be hereby added to the official inventory of Town Highways, to be
described as follows:
ROAD NO. 429
NAME: Amethyst Drive
FEET: 2682'
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi
Noes: Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Absent: None