1990-02-20 '--" J QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING FIRST REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 20th, 1990 INDEX Petition for a Change of Zone P2-90 *New Name Added Robert and Shirley Sanders *Diane Carpenter 1 Site Plan No. 85-89 Anne Parrott 4 Site Plan No. 3-90 John Doty d/b/a U-Rent All 5 Site Plan No. 77-89 Scot t McLaughlin 6 Subdivision No. 22-1989 Preliminary Stage Shultz Subdivision Arzelia H. Shultz 7 Site Plan No. 9-90 Christopher C. and Lori L. Carte 8 Site Plan No. 10-90 Frank W. and Kathleen V. England 13 Site Plan No. 11-90 Karolyn W. Smith 18 THESE ARE NOT OFFICIALLY ADOPTED MINUTES AND ARE SUBJECT TO BOARD AND STAFF REVISIONS. REVISIONS WILL APPEAR ON THE FOLLOWING MONTHS MINUTES (IF ANY) AND WILL STATE SUCH APPROVAL OF SAID MINUTES. -- -./ QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING FIRST REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 20TH, 1990 7:27 PH MEMBERS PRESENT RICHARD ROBERTS, CHAIRMAN CAROL PULVER, SECRETARY JAMES HAGAN PETER CARTIER MEMBERS ABSENT NICHOLAS CAIMANO JOSEPH DYBAS TOWN ENGINEER-WAYNE GANNETT DEPUTY TOWN ATTORNEY-KARLA CORPUS LEE YORK, SENIOR PLANNER CORRECTION OF MINUTES D&camber 26th, 1989: Page 11, fourth lin& from the bottom of th& pag&, thay r&nt out more boat s/b docks not stock; Pag& 13, undar motion to d&ny sit& plan 84-89, wh&r& it says Mr. Kenyon in a few places s/b Mr. Dusak; Pag& 20, middl& of paga, wher& Mr. Rob&rts was speaking about problems up around th& sib curv&, not curb; Paga 23, Mr. Cartiar's sacond commant from tha bottom, tha and s/b maam, not mama; Paga 28, Mr. Cartier's commant at tha vary top, tha last lina, sIb King Sarvicas, not human sarvices; Paga 31, whar& Mr. Robarts is speaking, a third of th& way down, whare it says 11m too sura, s/b I'm not too sure whera alsa that could go; Pag& 33 & 34, SEQRA was dona bafore Site Plan, the minutas do not raf1ect this and should. STAND AS AMENDED January 16th, 1990: Page 7, just below middla of page, whara Mr. Sanders stated "north of ma", s/b aast; Paga 6, two lines abova recommendation to dany patition for chang a of zona, Mr. Cartier's comment, second lina, sib sight lina, not sida line; Paga 8, Mr. Cartiarls second commant from the bottom, last lina, tha word position sib pat it ion; Page 16, Mr. Cartiar's sacond commant down, sib particularly good situation, not a particularly building good situation; Paga 15, from tha bottom first, rafarring to Mr. Doty, sib bacaus& it was a preaxisting condition; Page 17, under motion to tabla sita plan 3-90, s/b vegetative buffars, not vagetativa scraening buffars, and tha last word on tha sama lina, s/b straam, not scraen; Paga 21, bottom of paga, very last column, third or fourth santanca from the bottom of the paga, referring to right-of-way, sib poorly maintainad, not heavily; Paga 23, middl& of tha page, taka out s/b housa, not main house, a coupla of paragraphs down, whara Mr. Lawin was spaaking, s/b laased back to tha ownar, not linkad back to tha ownar; Page 24, first larga paragraph, whara Mr. Lawin is spaaking, the very bottom lin&, sib ovar tha garaga, not undar tha garage STAND AS AMENDED January 23rd, 1990: Paga 3, bottom of paga, refarance to Brian Faar, Mr. Faar is tha haad of tha local New York Stata Dapartmant of Haalth; Paga 5, Mr. Carti&r's third commant from tha top, first lina, refarring to naturally staap, thay ara at, s/b a normal angla of raposa, not abnormal angla raposa; Paga 6, Mr. Manz's sacond commant, refêrring to a ranagada 50 parcant, s/b raquired 50 parcant; Paga 35, Mr. Davias last long commant, third lina down, s/b watar lina, not bordar lina STAND AS AMENDED OLD BUSINESS: PETITION FOR A CHANGE OF ZONE P2-90 *NEW NAME ADDED ROBERT AND SHIRLEY SANDERS AND *DIANE CARPENTER NORTH SIDE OF SANDERS ROAD EAST SIDE OF VANDUSEN ROAD TAX MAP NO. 126-1-71.1 CURRENT ZONING: SR-1A PROPOSED ZONING: LI-lA LOT SIZE: 2.33 ACRES 1 ----- MRS. SHIRLEY SANDERS PRESENT STAFF INPUT Notas from Laa A. York, Sanior Plannar (attachad) MRS. YORK-Statad basically, tha Board, whan Mrs. Sandars was hara, askad if sha would talk to soma of har naighbors. Wall sha did. This is a map I had drawn of tha axisting patition. If you can sea this rad lina hara. This is tha original patition that cama in ragarding this zona along Corinth Road, tha raquast for razoning. Tha graan ara rasidantial propartias. Tha pink ara commarcial. The blua ara industrial and tha white ara vacant. This is Mrs. Sandars' hara, on tha cornar of VanDusan and Sandars, and this is Mrs. Carpantar' s hara with tha salvaga yard. Thay would lika tha lina to coma up and follow the NiMo... and than...that zona and that's thara, I baliava, what thay'ra looking for. MR. CARTIER-Askad, with tha addition of thasa two naw itams, Mrs. Carpantar, that patition would now ancompass all of industrial property in the araa that wa'ra talking about? Mrs. Sandars and tha commarcial or MR. ROBERTS-Statad no. MRS. YORK-Statad what wa did on this map is, wa want out and did soma field studias of what was going on in this naighborhood. Unfortunately, it doasn' t match up with what tha assassmant racords say is going on in thesa naighborhoods. So wa want with tha assassmant racord. Thara may ba soma othar light industrial propartias hara, but thay'ra not dasignatad as such on our assassmant racords. MR. ROBERTS-Askad would wa hava to go by that. I maan, ayaballing it, thara ara obviously two fairly larga trucking oparations over thara. Thara' s quita a lot of commarcialism up on VanDusan Road. MRS. YORK-Statad thay ara not praparad to join this patition. That's tha problam. Tha Town Board has tha opportunity to razona any proparty thay so choosa, but this Board can only maka a racommandation and so it's kind of a quandary. MR. CARTIER-Askad, but thasa paopla hava baan notifiad in this araa, hava they not? MRS. YORK-Statad they sura have. I maan, this patition, thasa paopla hava baen working on this and for a long tima on this and it's bean highly advartisad and baan allover tha nawspapars for soma tima. I think anybody in tha araa who wantad to gat involvad in this would hava mada thair prasanca known. MR. CARTIER-Askad, did tha Town Board find any kind of daadlina notification, bacausa it saams lika this thing is gatting draggad down as paopla... MRS. YORK-Statad I agraa with you, but that's up to tha Town Board. Right now thay'ra considaring a limitad moratorium in that araa. MR. ROBERTS-Statad you had a commant yould lika to maka. Had you talkad to soma of thesa people? MRS. SANDERS-Stated tha original Robart Clark property, tha original patition land for that as a usad car lot, that's... .ownad, want in, with tha Fisher's. They hava usad cars. They run a garaga thara and I don't know what happanad to ...but, Bobby Clark's had cars thara for a long tima, usad cars, and Morris Combs, bafore petition, ha's bean there, maybe, 25 yaars with his tractor and trailers. MR. ROBERTS-Askad, hava you talkad to thosa paopla? MRS. SANDERS-Statad no, I hadn't talkad with them. My husband said, wa'va lived on tha proparty sinca 1908, his family has, in fact, almost all that proparty that Michaal Baird promisad to have razoned on tha...along my proparty line. I maan, that's all ona piece of property and this, that wa're on now, is the and of it. Right thera. MR. ROBERTS-Statad I'm just wondaring if whathar thasa paopla that obviously ara ...this is a commarcial operation, ara awara of what is going on. 2 ~' MRS. York lin~ SANDERS-Stat~d th~y must know what I s going on. and I talk~d and sh~ sugg~st~d that w~ put a 50 b~tw~~n Hazl~y's prop~rty and ours. I talkad to Dian~ and L~~ foot buff~r along our north MR. ROBERTS-Statad thank you vary much. MRS. SANDERS-Stat~d anothar thing, on this moratorium, you don't know anything about what th~ Town is going to do? MRS. YORK-Stat~d it's my undarstanding at this point that consid~ration is baing giv~n to limiting soma of tha usas within this particular light industrial zon~. MRS. SANDERS-Stat~d that's what I was going as a junkyard. The cars ar~ put in th~ra. th~ cars, tak~s tham down to th~ laft and th~ parts, brings th~ cars back up and th~y yard. to say. Dian~, th~y do not run that H~ com~s up and tak~s tha parts for somawhar~, tak~s th~ parts off, us~s just stand thare. It's like a storage MRS. YORK-Stated this is really a Town Board issu~ and, if you' re inter~sted, you should g~t in touch with them. MRS. SANDERS-Stated next week they're going to have a moratorium for six months, they said. MRS. YORK-Stat~d mayb~ you should come and addr~ss that issue there. MR. CARTIER-Stated und~rstand that's a limited moratorium. MRS. SANDERS-Stated yes, they said six months or less. MR. CARTIER-Stated not only limited in terms of time, but limited in term of the itams they're dealing with. MRS. SANDERS-Stated yes. MR. CARTIER-Stated the moratorium does not apply in all cas~s, to that zona. They're just trying to sort some things out in that zone. MR. ROBERTS-Statad they're trying to aliminate some of the more obnoxious usas. MRS. SANDERS-Stated that's why I said, Diane, thair yard isn't run like the other ones are run. Ther~' s nobody out th~re. All winter ther~ hasn' t b~en anyone out th~ra. MR. CARTIER-Stat~d what youlra describing is what th~ Town Board needs to hear. MRS. SANDERS-Stated yes. Ok, thank you. MRS. YORK-Stated, If I may, I would like to also indicate that the lot size: of Mrs. Saunders lot is 2.33 acres. It was typ~d incorrectly on the agenda. MRS. SANDERS-Stat~d and Diane's is 5 acres. MR. ROBERTS-Asked, then this 3.33 is 5? MRS. SANDERS-Stated no, mine is 2.3 and hers is 5 acres, Diane Carpenters is 5 acres. MR. ROBERTS-Stated this whole application is talking about Diane Carpent~r so it's list~d h~re as 3.33 and in fact it's 5. MRS. SANDERS-Stat~d y~s. MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d it do~s s~~m lik~ w~' re dealing with this pi~c~meal, but I guess certainly we r~commended, I think, ours~lves, at the last meeting that this happ~ned and it happen~d..I can't...anything but pleased with it. You may want to continue to go further and suggest that the Town Board look even farther to the north and that has to be there. MRS. SANDERS-Stated I'll hav~ to go to a Town Board meeting. MR. ROBERTS-Stated it would probably ba best if you did. 3 -- MRS. SANDERS-Askad, my application will go bafora tham? MR. ROBERTS-Statad yas. MR. CARTIER-Statad what is happaning haar is that this Planning Board is making a racommandation to tha Town Board and tha Town Board is tha lagal antity that can daal with a chang a in zona. MRS. SANDERS-Statad I know that. MR. ROBERTS-Statad I think wa'ra raady for a motion on this. MR. CARTIER-Askad, has our racommandation on tha Sandars' proparty alraady gona to tha Town Board? MRS. YORK-Statad no. This is partaining to both propartias. MOTION FOR PETITION FOR A CHANGE OF ZONE P2-90 ROBERT AND SHIRLEY SANDERS AND DIANE CARPENTER, Introducad by Patar Cartiar who movad for its adoption, sacondad by Carol Pulvar: I mova that this Board racommand to tha Town Board that Patition for a Changa of Zona, known as P2-90, ba incorporatad into an original Patition for a Changa of Zona, known as P9-89, and that this naw patition includa tha proparty of Robart and Shirlay Sandars and tha additional proparty known as Diana Carpantar. Duly adoptad this 20th day of Fabruary, 1990, by tha following vota: AYES: Mr. Hagan, Mr. Cartiar, Mrs. Pulvar, Mr. Robarts NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Dybas, Mr. Caimano SITE PLAN NO. 85-89 TYPE II WR-1A ANNE PARROTT TURN ONTO BIG BAY ROAD, GO 2.2 MILES, TURN LEFT ONTO DIRT ROAD, BEAR RIGHT AT THE SECOND TURN, GO 50 FT. AND THE PROPERTY IS THE BLUE CAMP IN FRONT TO REMOVE THE SEASONAL DWELLING AND CONSTRUCT A NEW SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING IN BASICALLY THE SAME LOCATION. WILL NOT ENCROACH ON ANY OTHER SETBACKS. WILL NOT INCREASE THE NONCOlD'ORHITY. (WARREN COUNTY PLANNING) TAX MAP NO. 144-1-36 & 37 LOT SIZE: .25 ACRES SECTION 9.010 MS. CORPUS-Askad, did you pass a rasolution to tabla Anna Parrott's application? MR. ROBERTS-Statad no, so wa naad to do that? I thought sha would do that, so wa hava to agraa with tha tabling. MS. CORPUS-Statad right. MRS. YORK-Statad tha Board, only, can tabla. MR. ROBERTS-Statad I guass wa naad a motion to tabla sita plan 85-89. Wall, mayba wa should hava Laa axplain why sha's suggasting it. MRS. YORK-Statad ok, tha Planning Dapartmant racaivad a lattar today from Anna Parrott, to tha Planning Dapartmant saying: Dear Sir, Would you plaasa tabla my sita plan raviaw until your March Planning Board maating? At that tima I hopa to hava takan my requast for a saptic varianca to tha Town Board. Thank you again for your continuad assistanca and undarstanding in this mattar. Stat ad It's my undarstanding Anna Parrott is going to ba attampting to put a, as closa to lagal, saptic systam on tha proparty as sha can gat. MR. CARTIER-Askad, a naw ona? MRS. YORK-Statad yas, a naw ona and sha naads a varianca from tha satback raquiramants from tha Town Board. MR. ROBERTS-Statad again, do wa hava a motion to tabla? MOTION TO TABLE SITE PLAN NO. 85-89 ANNE PARROTT, lntroducad by Carol Pulvar who movad for its adoption, sacondad by Patar Cartiar: At har raquast. 4 -.../ Duly adopte.d this 20th day of Fe.bruary, 1990, by the. following vote.: AYES: Mr. Hagan, Mr. Cartie.r, Mrs. Pulve.r, Mr. Robe.rts NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Dybas, Mr. Caimano SITE PLAN NO. 3-90 TYPE: UNLISTED PC-lA JOHN DOTY D/B/A U-RENT ALL 684 UPPER GLEN STREET TO REMOVE THREE STORAGE BUILDINGS AND REPLACE THEM WITH ONE 60 FT. BY 60 FT. POLE BABB. (WARREN COUNTY PLANNING) TAX MAP NO. 102-1-9.2 LOT SIZE: 1± ACRE SECTION 4.020 TOM JARED, C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES STAFF INPUT Note.s from Stuart Bake.r, Assistant Planne.r (attache.d) ENGINEER REPORT Note.s from Wayne. Ganne.tt, Town Engine.e.r (attache.d) MR. JARED-State.d the. plan that we. have. submitte.d, I be.lie.ve., addre.sse.s the. conce.rns that we.re. ide.ntifie.d in the. January 16th me.e.ting. As I re.call, the. major conce.rns we.re. traffic, of which we. had ide.ntifie.d traffic flow through the. site.. Numbe.r two, ve.ge.tative. buffe.r are.as around thre.e. side.s of the. site., north, we.st and south, which we. illustrate. he.re. with the. gre.e.n shading. The. north and south boundarie.s are. to be., basically, grass strips, ve.ge.tative. grass strips to stabilize. the. banks and pre.ve.nt e.ncroachme.nt by... The. we.st boundary is to be., in e.sse.nce., le.ft wild, le.ft to grow wild. It is not a scre.e.n at the. pre.se.nt time.. It will not be. a scre.e.n, ne.ce.ssari1y, de.pe.nding on how the. we.t conditions e.ffe.ct the. ve.ge.tation, howe.ve.r, it will be. le.ft to grow wild. The. third ite.m that we. addre.sse.d was drainage. north and e.ast of the. propose.d building, spe.cifically as how to how it addre.sse.s the. Wynn prope.rty. We. have. de.signe.d a swale. which is shown in the. cross se.ction on the. le.ft side. of the. drawing, to dive.rt drainage. to the. stre.am along the. north side. of the. prope.rty, more. or le.ss pre.ve.nting it or discouraging it from flowing on to the. Wynn prope.rty as much as possible.. We.' d also stabilize. this bank along the. Wynn prope.rty to pre.ve.nt e.rosion as much as possible. and to make. the. site. as ae.sthe.tically ple.asing as possible.. MR. ROBERTS-State.d that se.e.ms to go a long way to addre.ssing our conce.rns from the. pre.vious me.e.ting. I gue.ss we. did have. the. public he.aring ope.n. Is the.re. anyone. in the. audie.nce. who care.s to comme.nt on this proje.ct? NO COMMENT CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING MR. HAGAN-Aske.d, in the. pre.vious me.e.ting, we. he.ard complaints of Raymond and Ethe.l Wynn. Did you make. any modifications in your plan to satisfy the.ir complaints? MR. JARED-State.d in the. pre.vious plan we. had drainage., basically re.maining as is, as it was pre.e.xisting, with roof drainage. from the. ne.w building e.nte.ring the. stre.am along the. north side. of the. prope.rty. Now, what we.'ve. done. is e.stablish a be.rm and swale. along the. e.aste.rly boundary, just e.ast of the. propose.d building, which will, for the. most part, e.liminate. drainage. from e.nte.ring the. Wynn prope.rty along that e.aste.rly boundary. Drainage. is going to e.nte.r the. stre.am to the. north dire.ctly and the.n flow through the. Wynn prope.rty in the. stre.am. MR. HAGAN-Aske.d, is that, basically, the. way that stre.am use.d to flow? MR. JARED-State.d whe.n you say use.d to flow, de.fine. that. MR. HAGAN-State.d it's natural flow, what was it's natural flow be.fore. you starte.d grading it on the. Wynn's prope.rty? MR. JARED-State.d I can't addre.ss that spe.cifically, maybe. the. owne.r's can. JOHN DOTY PRESENT 5 --/ MR. DOTY-Stat~d I'm John Doty and I don't b~li~v~ th~r~'s any chang~ to any of th~ flow through th~ Wynnls prop~rty that it was an ~xisting str~am and, I b~li~v~ th~r~ was a road th~r~, an abandon road, that str~am go~s right down th~ middl~ of it. Way back on th~ tax maps, I havèn't Sè~n a rècènt map, whèth~r it shows that road th~rè or not, but thèr~'s a culv~rt that gOèS und~rn~ath...I know that... th~ Wynn prop~rty. MR. HAGAN-Stat~d I'm not chalbnging you. If you r~call, last tim~, I sugg~st~d that possibly what you had don~ had actually improv~d th~ original conditions of th~ Wynn's prop~rty. MR. DOTY-Stat~d I was agr~~ing with you. background. I was just trying to giv~ you som~ MR. ROBERTS-Ask~d, ar& th~r& oth~r qu&stions? MR. CARTIER-Stat~d th~ only quick comm~nt I hav& and this is not ~nough to hold anything up h~r~, but I' d lik~ to s&~ it addr~ss, th~r~' s no handicapp&d parking in th& front. I don' t hav~ th~ numb~rs in front of m~, but I would gu~ss that you'r~ probably r~quir~d, L~è, h~lp m& out mayb~, on~ handicapp~d parking r&quir&d. MRS. YORK-Stat~d probably, I think, p~r 20, on~ spac~ is r~quir~d or l~ss than 20. MR. CARTIER-Stat&d and you could pick that up v~ry ~asily if it's just a matt&r of adding two f~&t to on& parking slot and signing it accordingly. MR. JARED-Stat~d c~rtainly, no probl~m with that. MR. ROBERTS-Ask~d, did w~ addr&ss SEQRA on this? Wh~r& do w~ stand with SEQRA on this on~? Not r&quir&d, L~~? MR. CARTIER-Stat~d it's unlist~d. MRS. YORK-Stat~d bt m~ just ch~ck th& fib. of it pr~viously. I think you may hav~ tak~n car~ MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d s~~ms lik~ w~ probably would hav~ addr~ss~d that last m~&ting. MRS. YORK-Stat~d I think you may havè alrèady addr~ss~d it at th~ public h~aring stag~, that's usually wh~n that tak~s plac~. Y~s, that has pr~viously b&&n tak&n car~ of last month. MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d ok, thank you. So I gu~ss, if th~r& ar~ no furth&r qu~stions, w&'r~ r&ady for a motion. MOTION TO APPROVE SITE PLAN NO. 3-90 JOHN OOTY D/B/A U RENT ALL, Introduc~d by P~t&r Carti&r who mov~d for its adoption, s&condad by Jamas Hagan: All conc&rns that w~r& rais~d hav~ b&~n satisfactorily addr&ss~d and I would add th~ following stipulation, that on~ handicapp&d parking spaca ba providad and signag& b& provid&d for that on~ spac&. Duly adopt~d this 20th day of F~bruary, 1990, by th& following vot~: AYES: Mr. Hagan, Mr. Carti~r, Mrs. Pulvar, Mr. Roberts NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Dybas, Mr. Caimano SITE PLAN NO. 77-89 TYPE II CR-15 SCOTT MCLAUGHLIN Drx AVENUE AND QUARRY CROSSING TO REMOVE THE TRAILER. TO ADD AN OFFICE AND GARAGE (42 FT. BY 75 FT.). (WARREN COUNTY PLANNING) TAX MAP NO. 111-7-5 LOT SIZE: 1.41 ACRES SECTION 4.020 L MR. ROBERTS-Stat&d I und&rstand P&t~r will b~ st~pping down for th~ n~xt two. This rais&s an obvious problam for us, sinc& w~ don' t hav~ a quorum, but sinc& tha public haarings w~ra alr&ady advartisad on both of thasa naxt proj~cts, I guass w~ falt, wall at l~ast on th~ s~cond on~, I'm not sur~ w~ can on this on&, That rais&s a good quastion, is this public haaring still opan on Scott McLaughlin? I would assum~ that wa probably did kaap that op&n. Any mamos on that? MRS. YORK-Stat&d tha notas do not indicat~ that th~ public haaring was h~ld op~n, but I'm not sur& bacaus~ th~r~ was naw information that was submittad. 6 ~ MR. ROBERTS-Statèd a rèquèst, I would assumè that Wè would probably havè lèft it opèn. Whilè wè'rè at it, SEQRA. Did Wè addrèss SEQRA? MRS. YORK-Statèd lèt mè just chèck thè filè. I donlt Sèè that this has bèèn signèd by you, Dick, so I'll bring it OVèr for you to do. MR. ROBERTS-Askèd, first of all, is thèrè somèonè hèrè to spèak to this issuè tonight? I'm just wondèring, sincè no onè is hèrè, and sincè Wè arè lacking a quorum and cannot makè a final dècis ion tonight, anyway, that pèrhaps Wè should, in all fairnèss to èVèryonè, tablè this for anothèr mèèting. Is thèrè anyonè in thè audièncè who was hèrè to commènt at this public hèaring? I don't likè to gèt pèoplè out unnècèssarily, but if it Sèèms appropriatè to èVèryonè, pèrhaps Wè ought to. MR. BUCKLEY-Askèd may I spèak? I'm a nèighbor of Mr. Smith and Mr. England. MR. ROBERTS-Statèd you'rè dèaling with anothèr subjèct latèr on in thè èvaning. MR. BUCKLEY-Statèd it would bè nècèssary that pèrhaps Wè may not ba ablè to gèt back hèrè in thè nèxt wèak. MR. ROBERTS-Statèd I think Wè intènd to kèèp your public hèaring opèn and listèn to thè public hèrè tonight èVèn though Wè havè, again, a quorum problèm. Wèll, that I s not a problèm. Wè havè a diffèrènt problèm in yours. Thè fact that thè papèrwork somèhow did not gèt addrèssèd at thè County Planning Board and I'm not just surè why. Wa will nèèd to makè our final dècision on this subsèquènt to thè County Planning Board making thèir dècision, but sincè you' rè hèra tonight, Wè will hold thè public hèarings and I think, probably, if it saams rèasonablè Wè could gèt away with that and makè our dacision aftèr thè County, but you' rè latèr on in thè aganda. Wa'va got a similar situation although not quita tha sama and I would think that it makès sansa to maybè tabla this ona. Is anyona hara for Scott McLaughlin's sitè plan? It will rèndèr no hardship with tha public or anybody, I guass, if Wè tablè this. Can Wè tablè this without thè advicè of thè applicant? MS. CORPUS-Statèd cèrtainly. a quorum. You would havè a dèfacto tabling anyway without MR. ROBERTS-Statèd so lèts not do anything with it. Wè nèèd a motion to that èffèct? Wa'll carry it OVèr. Do MS. CORPUS-Statèd you nèèd a motion and a datè, until thè nèxt mèèting, or nèxt month. MRS. YORK-Askèd can thèrè just bè a no action? MS. CORPUS-Statèd YèS, that's an option for thè Board also. MR. ROBERTS-Statèd no appèarancè and no action. businèss. Ok, on to thè naxt ordèr of SUBDIVISION NO. 22-1989 PRELIKINARY STAGE TYPE: UNLISTED SR-1A SHULTZ SUBDIVISION ARZELIA H. SHULTZ NORTHERLY SIDE OF RIDGE ROAD, 1,000 FT. SOUTH OF HICKS ROAD FOR A 3 LOT SUBDIVISION. PLAN TO RETAIN EXISTING RESIDENCE PARCEL AND TO CONVEY TWO BUILDING LOTS. TAX MAP NO. 55-1-8 LOT SIZE: 9.5 ACRES DAVID SHULTZ, PRESENT STAFF INPUT Notès from Stuart Bakèr, Assistant Plannèr (attachèd) ENGINEER REPORT Notès from Waynè Gannatt, Town Enginèèr (attachèd) PUBLIC HEARING OPENED NO COMMENT PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED 7 -- MR. ROBERTS-Statad parhaps wa can still, no, I guass wa cannot avan addrass SEQRA on this probably bacausa wa don't hava a quorum to vota on Naw York Stata Environmantal Quality Raviaw Act as wall. So, at laast wa'ra not asking tha public to coma out a sacond tima, but othar than that, I guass wa'ra going to hava to put this off until wa can coma up with a quorum. I apologiza to tha applicant and I hopa this isn't going to hold things up too much, but thara's not much alsa wa can do with this. Ara wa on solid ground hara, having hald tha public haaring, holding ovar avarything alsa until a futura data? MRS. YORK-Askad, has tha public haaring baan hald? MR. ROBERTS-Statad yas and no ona was hara and wa closad it. MR. SHULTZ-Statad agancias yas, Naw I'm raprasanting Fabruary 13, 1990 on my application, undar approvals raquirad, it says stata York Stata Dapartmant of Transportation. My nama is David Shultz, my mothar and wa appliad for parmits for two driva opanings at tha Naw York Stata Dapartmant of Transportation in Warransburg. MR. ROBERTS-Askad, thay havan't coma through yat? MR. SHULTZ-Statad no. MR. ROBERTS-Statad may ba thay will by tha tima wa naxt gat togathar. Ok, thank you. Sorry for tha dalay, but I guass wa will hava to put this on tha back burnar than untiL.. MRS. YORK-Statad it will ba naxt waak, tha 27th. MR. SHULTZ-Statad naxt waak. Ok, thanks. MR. ROBERTS-Statad oh, you'ra going to put him on naxt waak's aganda. MRS. YORK-Statad I think undar tha circumstancas, unlass tha Board has cartain problams with that. MR. ROBERTS-Statad I don't think thara ara many problams with tha projact. MRS. YORK-Statad tha only concarn I hava is that tha aganda is sat. Wa do hava aganda control, but undar tha circumstancas, without a quorum, it's my faaling that, in fairnass to tha applicant, it should ba in naxt waak. MR. ROBERTS-Statad ok. Than on to naw businass. NEW BUSINESS: SITE PLAN NO. 9-90 TYPE: UNLISTED SR-1A CHRISTOPHER C. AND LORI L. CARTE NORTHERLY SIDE OF LUZERNE ROAD, APPROX. 400 FT. WEST OF THE STEPHANIE LANE, LUZERNE ROAD INTERSECTION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO FAMILY APARTMENT HOUSE. TAX MAP NO. 121-4-7.1 LOT SIZE: 2.88 ACRES SECTION 4.020~G CHRIS CARTE PRESENT STAFF INPUT Stuart G. Bakar, Assistant Plannar (attachad) ENGINEER REPORT Notas from Wayna Gannatt, Town Enginaar (attachad) MR. ROBERTS-Askad, would you catagoriza thasa things as ralativaly significant if a..for approval tonight...mora anginaaring is dona hara? MR. GANNETT-Statad I would racommand, Mr. Chairman, that, cartainly, data rasults ba shown and, at laast, tha systam ba modifiad so that two saptic tanks for tha two fialds as a minimum. parc tast thara ara MR. ROBERTS-Askad is thara any ona hara to spaak to this issua? Do you want to add anything to this? MR. CARTE-Statad my nama is Chris Carta and I'm a littla bit concarnad about tha parcolation tast. I maan, I was told that it might possibly ba nacassary, but I was wondaring axactly how do I go about obtaining that whan tha ground is frozan. Itls nacassary to wait until tha ground thaws bafora wa do it. 8 "---" -/ MR. ROBERTS-Stat&d I don't b&li&v& th&r&'s any practical way to do it until spring now, would you say, Wayn&? MR. GANNETT-Stat&d you' r& probably going to hav& to wait at l&ast until most of th& frost l&av&s th& ground in ord&r to g&t it don& now, but it is normally a r&quir&me:nt for a de:sign of the: se:ptic syste:m to have: an actual pe:rc te:st at the: sight of your se:ptic syste:m fie:lds be:cause: the:re: are: are:as whe:re: the: soils are: variable: that it could e:ffe:ct the: size: and the: de:sign of your syste:m unless you have an actual perc test at that time:. MR. CARTE-Asked, so then the: whole project would be he:ld up until I could attain that? MR. ROBERTS-Stated it's pretty critical to us going ahe:ad with any proje:ct to knowing how we: can deal with the se:ptic system. MR. CARTIER-Stat&d we're: in... country he:re and I suspect we I re going to see: a ve:ry high pe:rc rate which may re:quire fill systems. So we need to find out, pretty pre:cisely, what the perc rate: is. I have anothe:r concern here too. Again, this is...country and one of the: things that ne:eds to be done in this are:a is apply . . . cutting re:strictions on some of this property. Since: we:' re looking at 2.8 acres, and I believe we've: be:e:n using 60/40, you can clear 60, but 40 has to re:main untouche:d. MR. ROBERTS-Aske:d, what do we: do for a duplex? MR. CARTIER-Stated we:ll, ok, but I think the same would apply to them be:cause: we: have: 2.8 acres. MR. ROBERTS-Stated and two se:ptic syste:ms. in two individual systems. We have to cut e:nough trees to ge:t MR. CARTIER-State:d ok, maybe 60/40 is not the right one:. I'm trying to think of some othe:rs the:y can use, maybe: 50/50, anothe:r words 50 perce:nt of the prope:rty.. .and still allows a 2.88 acres of approximate:ly 1.5 acres that can be c1e:are:d. MR. ROBERTS-State:d it's a fairly level pie:ce of land and I don't think you're: going to want to cl&ar anymore: than you have to and you' r& not going to have to cle:ar more.. .house and the: septic system. Probably can even do the 60/40, but for a duplex that might be asking. MR. CARTIER-Stated I can live with 50/50. So, in the:n is somewhe:re: in your application and are. . . restrictions betw&en property and there's allowed to cut de:ad or dise:ase:d and so on. e:ffect, what would have to happen you sp&ll it out that the:re some legal language about being MRS. YORK-Stated we can help you with that. When you ge:t ready, come on in to the Planning De:partment and we:lll he:lp you out. MR. ROBERTS-Aske:d is there: anyone else in the: audience: who cares to comm&nt on this proje:ct? PUBLIC HEARING OPENED BARBARA SHEAR MRS. SHEAR-I'm Barbara Shear and I just received today in the: mail this notice that we I re: me:&ting tonight and I have: a que:stion. I thought the problem here: was that Luzerne: Road is now a single re:side:ntial 1 acre are:a and they I re trying to put a two family apartment house: there or a duplex. I thought the: issue was, are: the: neighbors going to allow this. Should it be a single family only because: that's what it's within the zoning for? MR. CARTIER-Just to cle:ar this up, there zone, and there: is a suburban residential zone. is an zone:. SFR, This a single: family residence: is a suburban residential MRS. SHEAR-We:'re: SR-l. MR. CARTIER-That's correct and in that SR-l zone, duplexes are: allowed, provided if we put a duple:x on 1 acre: per dwe:lling unit. 9 -- MRS . SHEAR-Right. MR. CARTIER-So ha' s got two dwalling units ha' s putting in on almost thraa acras so ha maats tha ordinanca. I just want to ba sura you undarstand tha diffaranca batwaan tha SF, singla family rasidantial and tha suburban rasidantial. MR. ROBERTS-In othar words, it's parmittad, what ha's trying to do. MRS. SHEAR-Ok, wall, wa'ra trying to figura out whara it's going to ba on Luzarna Road. MR. ROBERTS-Wall, it's way in bahind an axisting housa. MRS. SHEAR-It's going to ba bahind tha trailar, bahind tha trailar? MR. ROBERTS-Chris, could you axplain it a littla bat tar for tha lady, on tha map. MR. CARTE-Thara's an axisting mobila homa hara. MR. ROBERTS-Thara' s no road. Ha' s going to ba building his privata drivaway for this. MR. CARTE-Yas, tha drivaway will ba ovar hara but thara's no housa diractly across tha road from this. Tha only housa is hara. This is vacant proparty. MRS. SHEAR-This is Nail's proparty. ...thasa two lots, that's his proparty. MR. CARTE-Whara do you liva? MRS. SHEAR-I liva naxt to Nail, on tha othar sida and than this is Lillian's. MRS. SHEAR-Is that...trailar. MR. CARTE-It's not, no, it's bahind tha first.. Thara' s a piaca of proparty that wa purchasad as 50 foot road frontaga, hara batwaan this gantlaman's proparty and this lady who owns this mobila homa. Right now, ha has a kind of a dirt drivaway coming in around tha back of this housa, that actually goas across our proparty at this point and I don't hava any particular problam with that. Tharals room for us to gat tha drivaway wa would lika to put in thara and tha housa would ba approximataly 400 faat back(TAPE TURNED) TERRY BROWN MR. BROWN-My quastion was, a yaar ago, I had tha sama application up and I had 370 foot of frontaga with a rasidanca on it alraady, wall I hava to hava, bacausa it's an artarial highway, 300 foot on tha front of Luzarna Road par rasidanca and that's just tha right-of-way. I was approvad to put mina on, but it would hava to ba in tha samê daad as my axisting housa unlass I put in a Town maintainad road, 24 foot wida, pavad, undarground utilitias, tha whola bit. I'm just curious, can ha do this? MR. ROBERTS-Wall, you wara subdividing your proparty. do with your propêrty? What wara you going to MR. BROWN-Is Luzarna Road still an artarial highway? MR. ROBERTS-Yas, I baliava it is. MR. BROWN-I don't mind him building a housa thara. I just can't saa ma, in tha procêss of gatting mina dona, thay changad it from 150 to 300 foot par rasidanca bacausa it is now an artarial highway. RICHARD NICHOLS MR. NICHOLS-Thay mada an artarial highway out of tha blua. MR. BROWN-I'va got all tha paparwork on it and avarything. MR. ROBERTS-Not out of tha blua, wa'va had many, many public haarings on this. MR. NICHOLS-Pratty much bacausa wa want around and took a patition a yaar bafora to gat this thing changad tha othar way. 10 -- MR. HAGAN-Could wa taka it one at a time. MR. BROWN-That's only my main question. My main quastion is, that's a right-of-way gatting back in thara. MRS. YORK-I think what wa hava to do is, tha Zoning Administrator, Mrs. Collard, is supposad to raviaw all applications, I will ask har about it tomorrow and what har datermination was and I will raquast that sha get soma kind of statamant to tha Board in writing ragarding this issue. MR. ROBERTS-Saams to ma, sinca ha' s not subdividing tha proparty, ha' s kaaping it as a singla duplex, but it's a rental unit, it doesn't fall undar tha intarnalization rulas, I don't saa why he couldn't have just a single driveway to that. If ha wera subdividing and selling two lots off back thara, then he would not have the frontage to be able to do it. MRS. YORK-I can't make that determination for you. Only the Zoning Administrator can maka that kind of a determination legally. So, I will ask her to get you something in writing regarding this submission as soon as possible. MR. ROBERTS-Does that make sense to you? MR. CARTIER-Yes, I think you're trying to answer the gentleman's question and I think it does come down here. MR. CARTE-I understand you have rules that you have to follow by. MR. CARTIER-You subdivided your property, correct? MR. BROWN-I wanted to. You gave me permission to build it, but without subdividing it, meaning that I wouldn't have had it on the same deed as my existing residence. MR. ROBERTS-That's right. MR. BROWN-I've got 5.1 acres with 370 foot frontage. MR. CARTIER-When you subdivide a piece of property a whole different set of regulations kick in that do not apply here because this is not a subdivision. I don't know if we I re answering your question or not. Mrs. York is correct. Mrs. Collard is the one who's going to give us a correct answer. MRS. YORK-And I would suggest that you call Mrs. Collard tomorrow and get an answer from her too or you can call me. MR. ROBERTS-I'd like to be sure enough about this so as not to hold up this application. MR. BROWN-I don't want to hold up this application, my opinion is, I'm as highly qualified as he is and I got knocked down. MR. ROBERTS-You were trying to do two different things. MR. CARTIER-You didn't here what said then. You were applying to subdivide, to divide up a piece of property into separate lots. When that happens, there's a set of subdivision regulations that kick in. This is not a subdivision, this is a singla property, a single lot. MR. ROBERTS-No question but what you got kind of hurt by that internalization part. MR. BROWN-Common sanse wise, that's all I'm looking at. I'm not going by the rulas that tha Town has. I'm just saying common sense wise. MR. NICHOLS-I want to tell you, we were in this from tha beginning. Ha not only got hurt, he got scabbed. MR. CARTE-I just hava a commant to maka about thair situation. I was intarested in a piece of property on Luzerna Road be fora we purchased this one, and thay ran into trouble subdividing becausa the stipulation was not that you hava a certain amount of road frontaga, but that you hava a certain average lot width. MR. ROBERTS-That can ba a problam too. 11 -' MR. CARTIER- I don't want to get too far into this because we're bringing in a past application and I don't think we need to do that. All we're here to do is consider your application. The gentleman has a question, it's a legitimate question. He's going to get an answer, I hope from the Zoning Administrator. MR. BROWN-The way I think it would be fair is if it's suburban residential 1 acre, I've got one acre. I've got my house on it. If I've got four acres I can I t do anything with, I think that I should have a reduced tax rate on that piece of property because it's what used to be usable property which is now MR. CARTIER-Wait a minute. I don't know if I want to get into this. You can do things. If you've got four acres, you could put a quadraplex. I really don't know what we're going to do by getting into this. You've got a question. That's a comment, but it's not this Boards MR. NICHOLS-It was a very good question. MR. ROBERTS-No, no, no, if you want to change the zone, sir, you go to the Town Board to change the zone. MR. NICHOLS-We did change the zone, about a year ago. MR. ROBERTS-..talk about changing it again. MR. NICHOLS-You people changed it two or three times since I've lived up there. I've been up there 40 years, the Town, not you people. I'm not picking on you, but I mean, the Town has changed this thing back and forth, one time, under the table type thing and we got a petition and got it changed back and then, before he could even get his petition approved, you made some more changes. MR. ROBERTS-I take exception to your under the table comment, but we'll have to cut this off since you're not willing to use the mic. MR. NICHOLS-You say this 60/40 on the cutting of the trees or something like that. A number of years ago, nobody wanted to live up there, it was West Glens Falls, you know, but now everybody wants to live up there. Over near Bedford Close they cut down everything but the houses. Now, I mean, I've got 10 acres there and you're going to tell me that I can only cut down a few trees. MR. ROBERTS-Bedford Close was one of the first subdivisions. MR. CARTIER-When you come in with an application, I'll be glad to answer that question, but you don't have an application in front of us right now. You're taking us into an area that is beyond what this Board deals with. It's a fair question, but maybe this is not the time to answer it. If you want to hang around after the meeting, I'll be glad to sit down with you and explain to you why we do this cutting restrictions and I was one of the people involved in developing the master plan. I'll be glad to give you time, but I don't want to take time off now. MR. ROBERTS-Go ask Joe Carusone about the last section of Bedford Close that's where we started this kind of thing, early on, they know all about it. MR. NICHOLS-That's the way our Town's being run now. Nobody wants to answer the problems. MR. CARTIER-Cutting restrictions are a way to answer the problem. last thing I'm going to say about it. That's the MR. ROBERTS-We know that we need to wait for perc tests, so this does have to be tabled. I guess we can table this with agreement of the applicant, well, I donlt know why it would have to be in agreement with the applicant since he doesn't have enough engineering to go forward. Normally, we get an agreement to table, agreement of the applicant. MS. CORPUS-The Board could always ask him if had a recommendation as to what month. MR. ROBERTS-Well, he's not going to know when he can do that, I guess, it depends on the frost. MR. CARTE-Right, I'm not sure when I can do that. MR. ROBERTS-Well, we'll see you when we can see you. 12 --- MR. NICHOLS-Wouldn't a pe:rcolation te:st from a pre:vious pe:rson be: good e:nough for that are:a? MR. ROBERTS-It probably would be: if he: has one:. MR. NICHOLS-We:ll, my son-in-law's got one: he:re: and he:'s only a little: ways from that prope:rty. MR. ROBERTS-The:y'd have: to be: pre:tty close: to the: se:ptic syste:m. MR. BROWN-A quarte:r of a mile:? MR. ROBERTS-That's not close: e:nough. MR. CARTIER-It has to be: on the: prope:rty. It's suppose:d to be: on the: prope:rty. MR. HAGAN-It's suppose:d to be: within the: le:achfie:ld are:a. MR. ROBERTS-Le:t's have: a motion to table:. MR. CARTIER-I assume: we:'re: tabling with the: agre:e:me:nt of the: applicant, corre:ct? Le:t the: re:cord indicate: that Mr. Carte: indicate:d ye:s. MOTION TO TABLE SITE PLAN NO. 9-90 CHRISTOPHER C. AND LORI L. CARTE, Introduce:d by Pe:te:r Cartie:r who move:d for its adoption, se:conde:d by Carol Pulve:r: To allow the: applicant to addre:ss comme:nts made: by Planning and Engine:e:ring Staff and also to de:ve:lop a cutting plan. Duly adopte:d this 20th day of Fe:bruary, 1990, by the: following vote:: AYES: Mr. Hagan, Mr. Cartie:r, Mrs. Pulve:r, Mr. Robe:rts NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Dybas, Mr. Caimano MR. ROBERTS-And I don't be:lie:ve: we:' 11 close: the: public he:aring on that, we: might as we:ll le:ave: it ope:n. SITE PLAN NO. 10-90 TYPE II WR-1A FRAlfl{ W. AND KATHLEEN V. ENGLAND HILLMAN ROAD, CLEVERDALE, SECOND LEFT OFF CLEVERDALE ROAD FROM ROUTE 9L SECOND HOUSE ON LEFT AFTER CURVE IN HILLMAN ROAD FOR THE ADDITION OF A COVERED ENTRANCE PORCH, A DEN, AND A GARAGE TO PRESENT STRUCTURE. (WARREN COUNTY PLANNING) TAX MAP NO. 12-3-34.1 LOT SIZE: .21 ACRES SECTION 9.010 FRANK ENGLAND, PRESENT STAFF INPUT Note:s from John Goralski, Planne:r (attache:d) ENGINEER REPORT Note:s from Wayne: Ganne:tt, Town Engine:e:r (attache:d) MR. HAGAN-State:d I have: a proble:m with Ite:m thre:e: on your e:ngine:e:ring re:port. An 8 ft. diame:te:r by 12 ft. de:e:p se:e:page: pit. In that particular are:a, I'd be: hard put to be:lie:ve: that you could go more: than 4 fe:e:t without running into Lake: wate:r. MR. GANNETT-State:d I agre:e:. MR. HAGAN-State:d so, isn't a 12 foot se:e:page: pit sort of supe:rfluous? You know, what's going to se:e:p? MR. GANNETT-State:d thatls why we:'re: re:que:sting that the:y give: us a pe:rc te:st. MR. ROBERTS-Aske:d, isn't a part of that syste:m alre:ady built, with the: ne:w tank? MR. ENGLAND-State:d it's in the: proce:ss of be:ing put in. 13 --' MR. GANNETT-Stat&d th& s&&pag& pits ar& shown as n&w, th& propos&d s&&pag& pits, is that corr&ct? MR. ENGLAND-Stat&d that's corr&ct. MR. HAGAN-Ask&d, but what purpos& will th&y s&rv&? MR. GANNETT-Stat&d that's &xactly th& r&ason why W& w&r& r&qu&sting th& p&rcolation t&sts. On& at half way and on& at th& floor of th& pit to v&rify that th&s& ar& not in ground wat&r. MR. HAGAN-Stat&d but th& standard p&rcolation t&st do&s not r&quir& th& t&st hol& to go b&yond two and a half f&&t d&&p. So, th& p&rcolation t&st, in my opinion, isnlt going to prov& a thing. Thatls why I hav& a probl&m with it. MR. GANNETT-Stat&d at th& standard d&pth, that's corr&ct, that's for th& standard l&achfi&ld. What th& h&alth d&partm&nt r&quir&s is that wh&n an applicant propos&s to US& s&&pag& pits inst&ad of a l&aching b&d, particularly d&&p s&&pag& pits, that th& p&rc t&st b& tak&n at th& bottom of th& s&&pag& pit to d&t&rmin& that v&ry thing that you'r& talking about. MR. HAGAN-Stat&d ok, that's why th&ylr& MR. ROBERTS-Stat&d that mak&s s&ns&. MR. HAGAN-Stat&d I didn't und&rstand that. MR. ROBERTS-Stat&d mayb& I should ask th& applicant, I gU&SS non& of th&s& t&sts hav& b&&n tak&n? Ar& you h&r& to r&pr&s&nt? MR. ENGLAND-Stat&d y&S, I'm Frank England. I was surpris&d at this b&caus& I thought that th& r&ason I was h&r& tonight was b&caus& som& of th& construction, a small part of th& porch and a littl& bit of th& d&n wasn't within 75 f&&t of th& Lak&. MR. ROBERTS-Stat&d you'r& right, that trigg&rs our r&vi&w. MR. ENGLAND-Stat&d actually, I'v& d&cr&as&d th& hous& by on& b&droom and in th& application I show&d th& p&rm&ability t&st that W& r&mov&d a 20 ft. by 30 ft. black top ar&a and that's now b&ing...grass. MR. HAGAN-Ask&d, how far from your adjoining prop&rty lin&s ar& you &xt&nding this addition? How clos& to th& prop&rty. MR. ENGLAND-Stat&d if you will look, sir, th&r&'s a sk&tch that I gav& you. MR. HAGAN-Stat&d y&S, I hav& on& sk&tch h&r&, but I don 't S&& th& s&tback from th& sid&lin&. MR. ENGLAND-Stat&d th& pr&s&nt structur& is th&r&. It's roughly 16 f&&t from th& north lin&, th& pr&s&nt structur& and I got a varianc& from th& Town to construct my garag& within 10 f&&t of that north boundary lin& and I will also hav& th& concurr&nc& of th& p&rson who liv&s on that sid&. MR. ROBERTS-Stat&d h& alr&ady has that varianc&, Jim. MR. HAGAN-Stat&d so W& can't qu&stion it. MR. ROBERTS-Stat&d no, I gU&SS not, not that part, but to answ&r your qu&stion sir, your s&tback from th& Lak& is what trigg&rs our r&vi&w proc&ss, but that giv&s us an opportunity to look at th& &ntir& sit& and W& always look v&ry h&avily at th& s&ptic syst&ms and it would app&ar that this on& mayor may not hav& b&&n prop&rly &ngin&&r&d and mayor may not r&quir& a s&ptic varianc& from th& Board of H&alth which is th& Town Board. I'm jumping ah&ad h&r& a littl& bit. MR. ENGLAND-Stat&d I got p&rmission from th& Town to put thos& in back b&yond 100 f&&t from th& Lak&. MR. ROBERTS-Ask&d, do&s h& hav& a s&ptic varianc& from th& Town Board on this? MR. ENGLAND-Stat&d y&s. Ask&d, from this Board? 14 '--' ---' MR. ROBERTS-Statèd no, that would bè from thè Town Board who act as thè Board of Hèalth in thè Town of QUèènsbury. MR. ENGLAND-Statèd YèS. MRS. YORK-Askèd, you did rècèivè a sèptic variancè? MR. ENGLAND-Statèd wèll, rèsolution 50, 1989 that was attachèd to my application. MR. CARTIER-Statèd wèll, what wèlrè looking at with this piècè of propèrty right now is, somèbody corrèct mè if I'm wrong, two variancès. Wè havè a variancè to add a porch on thè back of thèbuilding, Wè havè a variancè to put in a sèptic systèm within 200 fèèt of thè Lakè, and Wè havè a variancè to put a garagè in that dOès not mèèt thè sidèlinè sètback, is that corrèct? Arè Wè talking about thrèè variancès on this piècè of propèrty? MR. ENGLAND-Statèd wèll, it's a vèry small piècè of propèrty, sir. MR. CARTIER-Statèd that's thè point. or so? All of thèm in thè last couplè of Yèars MR. ENGLAND-Statèd wèll, I bought it in August of this Yèar. MR. CARTIER-Askèd, and YOU'Vè got thrèè variancès on thè propèrty so far? MR. ENGLAND-Statèd what I trièd to do is bring thè propèrty up to snuff bècausè IIVè bèèn around thè Lakè for many Yèars. I uSèd to go to boy scout camp up hèrè and I wantèd to rètirè up thèrè. I bought this propèrty and I'm trying to bring it up to what Wè want on thè Lakè. As you can Sèè, thè pèrmèability, I think by putting a garagè and thè dèn in, I'vè only incrèasèd thè pèrmèability onè pèrcènt. I think 81 pèrcènt of thè lot is still vacant. I put in drywèlls thèrè Wèrè nèVèr any dryWèlls, thèrè Wèrè no guttèrs on this placè. I'vè donè that to prèvènt thè runoff from going into thè Lakè. MR. HAGAN-Statèd howèvèr, whèn you bought this land, thèrè Wèrè nèW ordinancès èstablishèd, somè two Yèars bèforè you bought this land. ThèY Wèrè èstablishèd to prèvènt OVèrUSè of propèrty and hèrè on a small piècè of propèrty, just sincè thè timè YOU'Vè bought it, YOU'Vè had thrèè variancès grantèd and that's why wè'rè looking at it. MR. ENGLAND-Statèd I'm trying to bring thè propèrty up to havè it so that it dOèsn't do what, a lot of things arè going on in thè Lakè. MR. HAGAN-Statèd YèS, but somè of thè things you arè doing hèrè Wèrè thè vèry rèasons that thè Town èstablishèd cèrtain zoning laws and YOU'Vè alrèady gottèn pèrmission to brèak thèm. MR. ROBERT-Statèd wèll, sir, your intènt dOès Sèèm to bè sound. I gUèss what I'm qUèstioning is, on what basis did you gèt that sèptic variancè. Did thè ènginèèring, at that timè, did it satisfy thè Town Enginèèrs that thèsè dèèp pits would work? MR. GANNETT-Statèd in rèvièwing thè copy of thè rèsolution, it appèars that thè variancè was only for thè 150 foot sèparation distancè. MS. CORPUS-Statèd wèll, Wè don't know what was discussèd unlèss Wè look at thè minutès. Wè could possibly do that, if thè Board would likè. MR. CARTIER-Statèd in othèr words, possibly thè Town Board, opèrating as thè Board of Hèalth, dOès not havè...? Is this a possibility? MR. GANNETT-Statèd it cèrtainly is a possibility. This copy hèrè that I havè in thè packèt which appèars to bè a copy of thè minutès, only discussèS thè sizè of thè lot and thè difficulty in obtaining thè 150 sètback from thè Lakuhorè. It appèars to bè a variancè for thè distancè only. It also discussèS thè fact that thè applicant would also nèèd to Sècurè thè approval of thè Statè Dèpartmènt of Hèalth and I doubt that thè Statè Dèpartmènt of Hèalth would approvè this sèptic systèm without thè pèrc tèst data rèquirèd. MR. ROBERTS-Askèd, havè you had an ènginèèr dèsign thèsè for you? MR. ENGLAND-Statèd no, this is what was rècommèndèd by thè Board downstairs. Wè showèd it to thèm and this is what thèY wèrè...put thèsè in. 15 ',- --- MR. ROBERTS-Asked, the Town Board? MR. ENGLAND-Stated yes. MS. CORPUS-Asked, Mr. England, did you receive approval from the New York State Department of Health? MR. ENGLAND-Stated I talke:d to Mr. Fe:ar and he: said it was all right. MRS. YORK-Asked, do you have anything in writing to that e:ffe:ct? MR. ENGLAND-Stated no, but I think there's something in writing on my application to the: Town, stated that Mr. Fear had okayed it. MR. CARTIER-Stated I'm losing track of the time: line here:. We're: looking at a resolution dated Nove:mbe:r '89 and it says, the last item, "that the: Local Board of Health impose:s a condition upon the: applicant that he must also secure the approval of the: Ne:w York State De:partment of He:alth" and the way that reads, to me, is that that approval was not in hand when this re:solution was made by the Town Board acting as the: Board of Health. MR. ROBERTS-Stated passing the: buck a little:. MR. CARTIER-Stated I don't know what's going on, but in terms of time line:. MS. CORPUS-Stated perhaps a reading of the minutes would help the: Board. MR. ROBERTS-Stated weill, again, as I mentioned earlier in the: eve:ning, we have a problem with both your application and the: ne:xt application, insofaras, for whatever n~ason, the:y didn't get to the County Planning Board for their review this month and we're not re:ally suppose:d to be addre:ssing these until they have addressed the:m. So we:' rei, at the: ve:ry least, not going to be able to vote on these tonight, but Ilm going to hold the: public he:aring since: perhaps some: of your neighbors are he:re: and it might not require the:m to come: back out again, but since we: do have: a time: lag, perhaps some of the:se questions can be answered before: we readjourn eve:n as early as next we:e:k. Is this a possibility that we: can check out the engine:ering. If it re:quires up to date perc te:sts, there:' s too much frost on the: ground now, the same as the: pre:vious applicant, we can't, probably, do that at this stage: of the: game, but if it has bee:n already properly engine:e:re:d and approve:d by the: Town Board, it doe:sn' t be:hoove: us, I gue:ss, to throw that out, but we: don't know whe:re it stands, it doe:sn' t sound as though the:y we:re: looking that close:ly at it. As Jim says, maybe: a 12 foot pit he:re: we: might e:nd up with hydro static pre:ssure: that will e:nd up with a... I gue:sswe: ne:ed some: furthe:r e:ngine:e:ring to find out if those things will work. If the:y won't work we may have to have: some: kind of a, e:ve:n a diffe:re:nt se:ptic variance: or some:thing. Eve:n though we: agre:e: that your inte:nts se:e:m to be: honorable: he:re:. We:' rei at a stale:mate: he:re:, both by the: fact that we: can't addre:ss it tonight and the: lack of information. I gue:ss I'm going to re:commend that we: table: this to find out some: of the:se: answe:rs. MR. ENGLAND-Aske:d, could I ask that you table: it for at le:ast a month or so, be:cause: I pre:se:ntly live: ove:r in Boston and I have: to come: back ove:r he:re:, not ne:xt we:e:k and I know you have: a busy age:nda anyway, so it's probably just as weill. MR. ROBERTS-State:d sure:. Before: we: make: that final de:cision, le:t me: ope:n this to the: public. I think we: said we: would hold a public he:aring. Is anyone he:re: who care:s to comme:nt on this proje:ct? PUBLIC HEARING OPENED ART BUCKLEY MR. BUCKLEY-My name:'s Art Buckle:y. I'm a ne:ighbor of Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Mr. England and I can say, pe:rsonally, I've: sée:n what they've: done: the:re: and the:y are: absolute:ly upgrading that prope:rty. Now, originally, whe:re Mr. England would like: to put a bre:e:ze: way and a garage: and part of the: ne:w se:ptic system, had be:e:n anothe:r building on that prope:rty. It was a large: building, what they calle:d the: plaype:n. The: prope:rty was ftmce:d in and the:y had a building in the:re:, the: original owne:rs daughte:rs use:d to use: it for what the:y calle:d a doll house:. It turne:d out to be: a dog house:, that's what it turne:d out to be: and the:y had thre:e: dogs about like: this. Great big, the:y we:re: Gre:at Pe:rrianie:s. The:y had thre:e: 16 '-' -.../ and th&se dogs, you'd think el&phants had walk&d into th& yard. If you und&rstand what I'm trying to say and it was a m&ss. It was a total m&ss. Th&y n&ver bother&d to cl&an it up and they should hav& and all that, ev&ntually, had to l&ach into the Lak& and I know on one pi&ce of there property, this property over here, I saw the.m dig up a septic syste.m that was only 14 feet from the e.dge of the Lake from the. old building. I saw it myself and I know. Now, these peopl& have done nothing but upgrade. their property. They've spent a lot of money, a lot of time and I'm for it 100 perce.nt and to raise. a que.stion with you be.cause. I ran into this problem mys&lf three. years ago wh&n my wife and I built and lot s&tback. My wif& and I have a piece. of property that's a nonconforming lot. It's very odd shap&d and although it runs parall&l on the. south side, it's truncat&d north, in any cas&, it's angled and I think th& s&tback was 30 fe&t, overall, am I correct? So th&y didn't car&, at the tim&, how we acquir&d the(TAPE TURNED) 30 f&&t as long as we obey&d that setback and I und&rstand Mr. England's property is ...that perimeter, but I know it c&rtainly is on th& south side of his property. That IS all I hav& to say. MR. ROBERTS-Stated ok, thank you. PAUL HILL MR. HILL-My name. is Paul Hill and I gU&SS &verybody here knows me or has for a f&w y&ars anyway. I've be&n up at the Lake ther& sinc& 1950 and I've be&n pleased to s&& that we've got new neighbors the.re because, lik& what Mr. Buckley said, Mr. England her& is a big valu& to all our property up through there. b&cause b&cause the. addition h& wants for his entry way, there's anoth&r road that's going to &nhance that property tr&m&ndously. I know he.' s got a problem with his wat&r and I think, with &verybody's cooperation, he'll be able to get that put in ther& b&cause, it se.e.ms to m&, it's large enough to do th&m, be.sid&s that, h& do&sn't hav& 10 pe.ople living in that house. Already he's bê&n a big improv&ment. I see: it &v&ry night wh&n I come home and every morning wh&n I go up, so I'm int&rested in having nice. prope.rty all along our side of the Lake. MR. ROBERTS-Stat&d thanks Paul. I guess we're all agreeing, but w& want to mak& sur& th& syst&m will work. Anybody &lse in the audi&nce who cares to comment on this? If not, I guess w& close th& public h&aring on this and hold th& voting in abayanc& until we can h&ar what the County has to say and hop& that we can get some bett&r answ&rs to the questions W&lve raised tonight. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING MR. ROBERTS-Stat&d if th&re is no further quarr&l with this, w&'ll hav& a motion to table.. MRS. YORK-Asked do you want to just have thes& two p&titions on the first meeting for next month. Is that my understanding. MR. ROBERTS-State.d the. gentleman is not sur& he can be ready by that tim&. MR. ENGLAND-Stated min&, I just speak for myself, I'd like to put it off furth&r than that, if I could. MRS. YORK-Stated ok, b&caus& the Board usually doesn't like: to table. more: than thre:& months at a time.. MR. ENGLAND-Stat&d w&l1, no, I'll definitely mak& sure I make it b&fore th&n. Thank you. MR. SMITH-Stat&d I've got a probl&m with ours be:ing postpon&d, but I'll speak to that later. MR. CARTIER-Asked, Mr. England, do you have a copy of the: comme:nts from MR. ENGLAND-Stated yes, I do. MR. ROBERTS-Aske:d any other r&ason why we shouldn't agree. to postpon& this then? MR. HAGAN-Aske:d why are we tabling th& Smith's. MR. ROBERTS-Stated be:cause: th& County didn't address this, Jim. MR. HAGAN-Stated ok. 17 '-' --' MOTION TO TABLE SITE PLAN NO. 10-90 FRANK W. AND KATHLEEN V. ENGLAND, Introduced by Carol Pulver who moved for its adoption, seconded by James Hagan: Until Mr. England can come back with more information which will be within three months. Duly adopted this 20th day of February, 1990, by the following VOtè: AYES: Mr. Hagan, Mr. Cartier, Mrs. Pulver, Mr. Robèrts NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Dybas, Mr. Caimano /)lV SIm PLAII RO. 11-90 TYPE II WR-lA I<AIIOLYH W. SMITH ROIlTH 011 CLEVEIIDALJ! ROAD, 'J.,'D SECOND LEFT ON HILLMAN ROAD, PROPERTY AT JUNCTURE OF HILLMAN AND LAKE SERVICE ~'- ./ ROAD FOR AN ADDITION OF A COVERED WHARF CONFORMING WITH QUEENSBURY AND LGPC /' REGULATIONS FOR USE BY OWNER ONLY. (WARREN COUNTY PLANNING) TAX MAP NO. 8-12-34.2 LOT SIZE: 0.557 ACRES SECTION 4.020-D STAFF INPUT Notes from John Goralski, Plannèr (attached) MR. ROBERTS-Asked, Lèè, can Wè step back a minute with thè last projèct. Whl:re do Wè stand with SEQRA, actually on both of thèsè, although thèy'rè dissimilar. This onè, wè'rè talking about just a dock, and that isn't going to triggèr SEQRA, I would assume, but how about the last onè? MRS. YORK-Statèd it is rècommènded that thè England's projèct bè considèred a Typè II action becausè it would bè, undèr SEQRA, a construction of a minor structure appurtènant to an èxisting facility. So you could consider it a TYPè II action, in which caSè, you would not have to addrèss SEQRA. MR. ROBERTS-Statèd finè. MRS. YORK-Statèd that's thê Board's decision. You can do whatever you choose. MR. ROBERTS-Askêd is it alright to forgèt SEQRA in this rêgard? at thosê issuês, whèther you call it SEQRA or whèthèr you don It. looking at the issuès that would bè triggered by SEQRA, I would think. Wè I rè looking I mêan, Wè' re MR. CARTIER-Stated I don It know, do Wê havê to decidê that tonight? MR. ROBERTS-Stated well, I think Wê might not want to put that off, if all things fall in place. MR. CARTIER-Stated the rêason I asked that, if Wê dêcide to go that routè, some of thê things that are going to be addressed in thè enginêèring staff's comments also fit into ..SEQRA kind of thing too. MR. ROBERTS-Statêd alright, lêt's put it off. MR. CARTIER-Stated I gUèss what r'm saying is, bêfore I decide, I'd like to have anSWêrs to the issues that Mr. Gannett made. MR. ROBERTS-Statêd ok, let I s put it off then. Pllt a question mark as to whether or not we want to waivè that or not waivè it. MR. SMITH PRESENT MR. SMITH-Statèd I havê two commènts rèlativê to the application. First of all, complying with your date of submission, I submitted it for this Board meeting, I have arrangêd for a contractor. As you may know, itls very difficult to gèt a contractor to build a dock on Lake George. I have spent some money to securè a time in his schedule to build it. Postponing this project will imposè a hardship on us. Secondly regarding thê ramp, if we do put a ramp, it will be on thè northwest cornèr of that, 30 inches wide, going from the top of the deck to the property at the same elevation. MR. HAGAN-Statèd I havê a qUèstion rêgarding thè site plan, as to why you Sèt 18 '--" ---- th~ dock at th~ angl~ you hav~ b~caus~, actually, if you ~xt~nd it out to th~ shor&lin&, it's 43 f&&t and I think 40 f&&t is th& maximum allow&d. MR. SMITH-Stat&d forty f&&t in a p&rp&ndicular dir&ction from th& land and I b&li&v& th& drawing shows som& 37 f&&t. MR. CARTIER-Stat&d y&s. MR. SMITH-Stat&d if my int&rpr&tation is corr&ct, w& ar& within th& MR. CARTIER-Stat&d w&ll, ok, but you'V& rais&d an issu& h&r& that b&comes som&what, for m& anyway, an int&rpr&tiv& issu&. Pl&as& don't misund&rstand ma. I'm addr&ssing what Mr. Hagan. .too. W& do hav& a 40 foot limit on th& l&ngth of th& dock, th& radius offshore:, th& radius as m&asur&d parpandicular to th& shor&lin& and so on. Unfortunatèly, I hav& a s&rious probl&m with that thr&& f&&t ovar.. b&causa Ilm afraid that what will happ&n is th& prolif&ration of this kind of thing wh&r& the: docks ar& twiste:d at an angle: to th& shore:lin& in ord&r to incre:asa dock l&ngth and still b& und&r the: 40 foot. It s&ams to m&, with a ralativ&ly minor adjustm&nt to th& south, W& could aliminat& that axtra 3 f&e:t and g&t it back to 40 f&e:t so that we:'re: not in an ar&a that's ... MR. SMITH-Stat&d th& dock was locate:d with tha advice: of paopla of things and sugg&stad that W& put it in in that dir&ction. was from tha Planning De:partm&nt. So, if tha inte:rpr&tat ion what we:'ve: be:an told, W& will addr&ss it. who do the:sa kinds Our int&rpratation is diffarant from MR. CARTIER-Stat&d what I'm saying is that, is th&r& a gre:at d&al of problam with rotating it slightly? MR. SMITH-Stat&d w& hav& it pOint&d in th& dir&ction that it's in. MR. CARTIER-Stat&d I'm not talking about pointing it in th& othar dir&ction or anything lik& that. IIm saying with a v&ry slight changa, wa can g&t in this 3 f&at and shorte:n this up so it is 40 f&at. What I'm afraid of is, in th& futur&, P&Op16 coming in with dock 16ngths, 47, 48, 50 h&t long and b& abl& to do that by twisting the:m slightly th& way you'r& doing. MR. SMITH-Aske:d, do&s the: drawing show 43 fe:&t? MR. HAGAN-State:d ye:s. MR. ROBERTS-State:d m&asuring it, though, pe:rpe:ndicular, th&y g&t it down to 37 fe:e:t. MR. CARTIER-State:d I und&rstand that. MR. ROBERTS-State:d now you're: m&asuring it from shor&line:. MR. CARTIER-State:d I fully und&rstand what you'r& saying. KAROLYN SMITH MRS. SMITH-State:d I think it was se:t in at that ang16 to conform with th& angb of th& house:. Also, th& ic& flow, it was r&commande:d to us that w& put it in at that angl& b&caus& W& would g&t th& chanc& of ic&. MR. CARTIER-Stat&d I'm not asking for a dramatic chang& in angl& h&re:. a v&ry slight change: in angl& would ge:t us back to 40 f&e:t. I think MRS. SMITH-Stat&d it was not put in th&r& to g&t an additional 3 f&&t. MR. CARTIER-Stat&d what I'm trying to avoid is ope:ning Pandora's box he:r& for futur& docks. MR. SMITH-Stat&d on& othe:r comme:nt as to th& location. If you have: visite:d th& sit&, you will not& th& dock to th& south. This ke:e:ps that dock ope:n for navigation. Rotating it in the: oth&r dir&ction will m&an to clos& down Mr. Buckl&y's acce:ss to his dock. W& would probably pr&f&r to shorte:n th& dock, if that's what you're: int&rpre:tation is. MR. CARTIER-Stat&d...l&av& it th& sam& angle:, but shorte:n it. MR. SMITH-Stat&d so you hav& 43 to 40 f&at. Wa would agr&& to do that. 19 MR. ROBERTS-Asked, is that something that everybody feels is important, although, I guess, except we' rè not going to vote on this tonight anyway. We can have a difference of opinion in the future maybe. MR. HAGAN-Asked, why are we not voting on this? MR. ROBERTS-Stated because the County hasn't had a crack at it. the paperwork did not get procèssed by the County. Without don't know anymore than that. Some how or other, assessing blame, I MR. CARTIER-Asked, is the applicant been given any idea when thè County is going to address it? MRS. YORK-Stated the nèxt County meeting, when is it, Jim? MR. HAGAN-Stated I think itls the 3rd Wednesday of the month. MRS. YORK-Stated I think it's the 2nd Wednesday of the month. MR. SMITH-Stated I have a tentative contract to begin construction March 1st based upon getting it in before the ice is removed and I understand you I re problem, but I guess I ask why, you're imposing a hardship on me because of somè mistake that's been made here by the Town. MR. HAGAN-Stated not by the Town. MR. SMITH-Stated or by, I'm not sure who it is. MR. ROBERTS-Stated this does put us between a rock and a hard place. The County's not meeting before next week, I guess. We know that. MS. CORPUS-Stated Mr. Chairman, I know you don't like to do it, at least you don't like to make a practice of making contingènt approvals, but this does seem to be a rare occurrence or a fluke, so to speak. That is one option, if the Board wishes to take some action. Again, the County's approval would have to be addressed because if the County denies this project, this Board would have to overrule that by a majority plus one, which is the special vote. So, that would be up to the Board if you wish to make a contingent approval or not or table it. MR. ROBERTS-Stated I don't know where to assess blame for what happened and maybe that is reason enough to consider this. MR. CARTIER-Stated I don't think that I s going to help the applicant because he's still got to go to County. MR. ROBERTS-Stated it might help about a week or something. It has to go to the County for probably the 2nd Wednesday in the month, when is it? MRS. YORK-Stated I believe it is the 2nd Wednèsday in thè month. MR. ROBERTS-Stated our mèèting is not until the 3rd Tuesday. the procèss up somèwhat. That would speed MS. CORPUS-Statèd and then therè would bè that considèration if the County did dèny it and you wishèd to rèhear it again to OVèrturn it. MR. CARTIER-Stated wèll, therè' s a coupl& of things, anyway. We I d be adding an awful lot of contingènciès hèrè and thè applicant has agreèd to shortèn it threè fèèt and I'd likè to Sèe that. Secondly, the applicant has also indicated a stairway or walkway tó thè dèck. It doesn't show on the plan. MR. HAGAN-Statèd if you havè a ramp from thè shorèlinè to thè dèck, from previous expèrièncè I can tèll you thè County will turn it down. MR. SMITH-Asked, do you havè a rècommèndation? MR. HAGAN-Statèd YèS. You can build a stairwell down to your dock and then back up to your dock and they'll accèpt it. That dOèsn't mean Wè can't overrulè. MR. ROBERTS-Statèd which we did at thè last mèèting. I won't spèak for all of us, but most of us don It necèssarily agrèe with that philosophy, dèpènding on thè shorèlinè, obviously. 20 '~ MR. HAGAN-Statèd thè philosophy bèhind it is that it always Sèèms to bè that pèoplè with narrow shorèfronts arè thè onèS èxpanding thèir propèrty by building a ramp from thèir..to thèir dèck. MR. CARTIER-Statèd thè only othèr thing I hava and it's kind of a tèchnical thing, but it should bè on harè' too, as far as I'm concèrnèd, is that that lèngth of dock should bè shown from mèan low watèr linè and thèra's nothing on this diagram to indicata that that is shown as maan low watèr lina. Thè ordinancè rèads that mèasurèmènts for docks bè takèn from tha mèan low watèr linè and tharè's nothing on this skatch to indicatè that that's what that is. MR. ROBERTS-Askèd, this is an opan-sidèd dock. MR. SMITH-Statèd YèS. MR. CARTIER-Statèd oh, that was tha othèr thing. tha microphonè, by ownar only, usa by ownar only. èntail. I want to gat that on rècord. Could you dèfinè for ma, at Just axactly what dOès that MR. SMITH-Statèd no plans or no intèntions, whatsoèvar, to lèasè out, any spaCè on tha dock to a third party. MR. CARTIER-Statad third party. MR. SMITH-Statad yèS. MR. CARTIER-Askad who's thè sècond party? MRS. SMITH-Statèd I own tha proparty. MR. SMITH-Askad, is that claar anough. MR. CARTIER-Statad yas. MR. SMITH-Statèd thank you. MR. ROBERTS-Askad wall, is it you' rè fèèling, than, that you' ra not willing to do any contingancy voting on this, if it would possibly facilitata mora timè? MR. CARTIER-Askèd, what's gainèd and what's lost? Tha County still has to look at it. MR. ROBERTS-Statad Wè might gain a wèak. MR. CARTIER-Statad gain a wèèk. MR. ROBERTS-StaUd probably six days. MR. CARTIER-Askèd, what's lost? Do wa gat things back from thè County in thè six day, Mrs. York? MRS. YORK-Statad yas Wè do. MR. CARTIER-Askad, what's lost. MR. ROBERTS-Statad parhaps nothing if you ask thèm to submit a nèW diagram, as you spacifièds for tha filas. MR. CARTIER-Statad wall, I guass maybè I'm talking philosophically hèrè. MR. ROBERTS-Statèd right. MR. CARTIER-Statèd but thèn again, this is spècial, I don't know, mayba this is a spècial casa. MR. ROBERTS-Statad walva craatèd a hardship, somahow, along thè way, a papèr snaffu or somathing. MR. CARTIER-Statad now wait a minuta. Hèra's anothèr issuè. What if wa go ahèad and vota on this and tha vOtè if 4-0 and thè County disapprovas it? 21 ----- ---' MRS. YORK-Stat&d it's automatically d&ni&d and th& County do&s not lik& to r&h&ar th& sam& application. Th&ylr& v&ry strict about that. MR. CARTIER-Stat&d to answ&r your qu&stion h& can't g&t a building p&rmit until h& has approval, so h& can't start. Murphy's Law strik&s again. Pot&ntially w& gain a w&&k, w& gain th& applicant six days tim&. MR. ROBERTS-Stat&d whih w&'r& mulling this ov&r, I'll op&n th& public h&aring. Do&s anybody car& to comm&nt on this proj&ct? PUBLIC HEARING OPENED ART BUCKLEY MR. BUCKLEY-All I hav& to say is, I fully approv& of th&ir plans for building a dock th&r&. It has to b& an improv&m&nt. MR. CARTIER-I'm sp&aking only for m&. I'm uncomfortabl& with th& id&a of approving this conting&ntly, if that's a word, for som&what selfish reasons. I want mor& tim& to think about this. In t&rms of docks, w& hav& b&en addr&ssing th& continu&d &xpansion of uS&S on the Lake and so on and so forth and, in fairness to th& applicant, I'd lik& mor& tim& to think about it b&caus&, frankly, right now, if I vot&d on this, I'm so uncomfortable with the &xpansion that's going on in th& Lake that I'd probably vote no. MR. ROBERTS-How èould you t&ll a man that he couldn't hav& a dock if h&'s p&rmitt&d a dock? MR. CARTIER-I'm not saying h& can't have a dock. I'm saying that h& canlt hav& this dock. Mayb& something a littl& bit smal16r. That's a judg&ment call and I think that's what a Planning Board do&s,make judgem&nt calls. All I'm sugg&sting is I'd like mor& tim& to think about it. I'm trying to b& fair to th& applicant. Sitting h&r& when we only have a four m&mb&r quorum, 11m thinking it I s going to b& a 3-1 and it'll go down th& tub&s b&caus& I'm still not sur&. MR. SMITH-Two comm&nts. On&, obviously th& proc&ss her& has b&&n faulted in som& way and you ar& asking me to bear the hardship. I think, thinking aloud, that do&sn't quite seem fair. Numb&r two, I would lik& you to d&fine "somewhat smaller", if you might, so that if we hav& to r&submit, I know what "somewhat smaller" means. I'v& tried to comply with the r&gulations very carefully. I went to the Planning Board, they r&viewed it, said great. I w&nt to th& Lak& George Park Commission. They reviewed it, said great and I went to the DEC. Th&y reviewed it, said gr&at. Now I'm hearing that my interpretation and th&ir int&rpretation of the regulations are not right. So, I need to know what "somewhat smaller" is. MR. CARTIER-I understand and the reason 11m thinking out loud is I'm trying to b& fair to you, ok. I'm not trying to play games here. What I'm saying is, I want mor& time to think about it. That's to your advantage becaus&, hop&fully, the next time you are here, th&re will be more than four memb&rs. This is incredibly unfair to happen, to have four m&mbers sitting here. That's another thing working in your disfavor, again, through no fault of your own. MR. ROBERTS-Then it would app&ar the bett&r part of valor is to table this until th& County has first crack at it which is the way it's supposed to work and in the process, you'll have to read the Board and try to know how to satisfy m&mbers that are here tonight or hope that we have our oth&r m&mbers when you come back. I guess ther&ls no other solutions tonight. MR. CARTIER-Just to finish that off perhaps. a two prop&rties sid& by side and, as far as of &xpansion is going on. That house that was th&re before, is that corr&ct? Part of my conc&rn is w&'r& looking I'm concerned...a considerabl& amount you hav& built is larger than what MR. SMITH-That's right. MR. th& the CARTIER-So th&re's an property n&xt door, in prop&rti&s may appear to &xpansion ther&. Th&r&'s considerable expansion in t&rms of thre& variances. In spi t& of th& fact that be improv&d, th&r& is consid&rabl& &xpansion. MRS. SMITH-We're also taking a dock out. MR. CARTIER-Y&s, I und&rstand that. 22 '-- MR. SMITH-If you vièw thè projèct in its total, I would likè to comm&nt that Wè'V& don& somè oth&r things. Thè rèason th& variancè was approv&d and thè sètback of only 50 f&èt on that propèrty was Wè rèmovèd thrèè cist&rns within tWèlvè fè&t of thè Lakè. Wè movèd thèm from thè sitè and propèrly disposèd of thèm. Wè put in a nèW, conforming sèptic systèm within OVèr a 170 fèèt from thè Lakè. Wè rèmovèd a building within tw&lv& fè&t of th& Lakè, som&what small&r in tèrms of total squarè footagè. Thè nèW onè is 50 fèèt back from thè Lak&. Wèlrè adding considèrablè tax spacè to thè Town and our intènt has b&èn, without èxcèption, to comply with thè règulations, to comply with thè procèss and I gUèss it gèts a bit frustrating whèn you gèt to this point and you cannot èVèn find out what thè règulations arè. If you would inform mè of your conCèrns, I would bè glad to addrèss thèm. (TAPE TURNED) but to say that I should not bè ablè to put a dock in, or a somèwhat small&r dock, I havè a gr&at dèal of troublè with that. MR. CARTIER-I und&rstand èxactly what you arè saying. All I'm saying is, I want morè timè to think about it. That may not sound fair to you, but, as far as I'm concèrnèd, Ilm trying to bè fair and I think itls bèing morè fair to you by saying I'd likè to think about it. MR. SMITH-Can I makè onè rèquèst. MR. CARTIER-Sur&. MR. SMITH-That you communicatè your thoughts to mè so that I know how to addrèss thèm. MR. CARTIER-Whèn? MR. SMITH-Whènèvèr your thèrè. I'm simply trying to comply. MR. CARTIER-I agrèè. I undèrstand. Thank you. MR. ROBERTS- I think you also ought to rèalizè that Wè' Vè bèèn approving docks, about of this magnitudè, routinèly, and I think you'r& probably within your rights. I disagrèè with Pètèr talking about trying to cut down your sizè of thè dock. I think you' rè èntitlèd to this sizè dock. You might want to prèss that, but I gUèss Wè arè still at a point in tabling this. Wè might as wèll havè a motion to that èffèct. MOTION TO TABLE SITE PLAN NO. 11-90 KAROLYN W. SMITH, Introducèd by JamèS Hagan who movèd for its adoption, sècondèd by Pêtèr Cartiêr: To rèspèct dUè procêss, if not in agrèèmènt with thè applicant, that this sit& plan bè tablèd until thè County has had timé to také thêir nècèssary action. Duly adoptèd this 20th day of Fêbruary, 1990, by thè following vot&: AYES: Mr. Hagan, Mr. Cartièr, Mrs. Pulver, Mr. Robèrts NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Dybas, Mr. Caimano MR. ROBERTS-Stat&d Wè might just as wèll kèêp thè public hèaring opèn. MOTION TO ADJOURN THE FIRST REGULAR MEETING OF THE QUEENSBURY PLABNING BOARD, Introducèd by Pètèr Cartiêr who movèd for its adoption, sècondêd by Carol Pulvêr: Duly adoptèd this 20th day of Fèbruary, 1990, by thè following VOtê: AYES: Mr. Hagan, Mr. Cartiêr, Mrs. Pulvèr, Mr. Robêrts NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Dybas, Mr. Caimano On motion mêêting was adjournèd. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Richard Robèrts, Chairman 23 ',-- OLD BUSINESS: Patition for a Changa of Zona P2-90 *Naw Nama Addad Sita Plan No. 85-89 Sit a Plan No. 3-90 Sit a Plan No. 77-89 Subdivision No. 22-1989 PRELIMINARY STAGE NEW BUSINESS: Sita Plan No. 9-90 ----- LOCATION MAPS February 20, 1990 Planning M6eting Robart and Shirlay Sandars *Diana Carp6nt6r (Staff Not6s and Map attach6d) Ann6 Parrott (Sa6 latt6r and map attach6d) John Doty d/b/a U-R6nt All (Staff Notas attach6d) Scott McLaughlin (Staff Not6s and Map attachad) Shultz Subdivision (Staff Not6s attach6d) Arzalia H. Shultz .J//7 i.(Jc"r~ðN MAP' r .,. ,. 'C_&. ) Christoph6T C. and Lori L. Carta (Staff Not6s attach6d) ~$ t .g (,~ ~.~ \ N t.llze~E /iU), fc/lFsr P4Jt.t:':\. I'IðI3ILE ~\ itð.'IE t: viZ r Go ~ 'c.. NEW BUSINESS: (Cont'd) Sita Plan No. 10-90 Sita Plan No. 11-90 ~ LOCATION MAPS February 20, 1990 Planning Meeting Frank W. and Kathlean V. England (Staff Notas attachêd) 0, (;.. "I,' _~ ,':' ')~'- ~':C\' -<":o"~~')N 1 '; ,.1 ~"-'-, ,-. . ' " .... . .f """1·, Karolyn W. Smtth (Staff Notês attachêd) ,. ,. ,. .,. .' .' .'.' f._. a.,' Aa' .. - '- TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Plaftfti"8 Department -NOTE TO FILE- Mrs. Lee A. Yark, Senior Planner Mr. John S. Goralski, Planner Mr. Stuart G. Baker, Assistant Planner Date: February 2., 1990 By: Lee A. York Area VariaDce UIe Varimace - Sip Varimace == IDterpntatiaa Other: Subdi.uïaa: Sketch. Prelim' _ _ mary', Site PIaD Rntew ~ Petition for a CbaDøe of Zcae Freshwater Wet.1aDd8 Permit Fiaal AppUcatiaa Numben PZ-90 AppUc:aDt'. Name: Robert and Shirley Sanders / Diane Carnenter MeetiDa Date: Februarv 2.0. 1990 ............................................................................................ When the Planning Board reviewed the Sanders' Petition for Rezoning, !hey recommended tmat the neighboring property owners be contacted to see if they wanted to join the Petition. Diane Carpenter, the adjacent neighbor, has joined the Petition to be rezoned U-1A. The Carpenter property is a salvage yard of ±5 acres north of Sanders Road and east of VanDusen. The property abuts the Niagara Mohawk property which would cUlTently act as a natural buffer area. The salvage yard is a Light Industrial use and is cUZTently considered a preexisting nonconforming use. I have added the Carpenter property to Petition No. 2.-90 (P2.-9C1)1 rather than have a new Petition created. The Board can use the existing documentation in its review. Our attorney suggested that you, once again, review the Petition and pass a resolution addressing both properties. ' LA Y /sed .. ._~~-~~- I ¡ £ùt ¡ Ii It.¡ I=ble. I I, ,-.. ¡if , I I I , 8' I I C\J I rc::( III) I d I~ 11511:[ .. I I \ I \. -------:--~~------j I ,/ --_ I ( --- ----- ' I êJ I ø~i~~r ~ -- . 1 I tj' ~ ~ "A' I \ßI, -~~ ~.~ltroc I ð I~ ~ \~' I Gora~~ I B I . \!:\ '-/\ t ~. --~~_. I ' ~ ~ ,.. ~ ';;11--- r 2' ", '" ~ ' -.ß \ 71 ~ "'\ "" !~ \ ~ ~ ~ I' \ ~ ~ ~Jj Çjî b Vl , 1- ~ \ ~ . 'µ -:\ J Ie "t ~ 1 ~ ~ I -: { , \ - '2.1ì·O - I, C1.J'o'~ n· ðCJ-· .5!) . . 10" W ø 1=èIe. -- 5.3~ . G ......_---------------~ --- -- --- - -- -.. 55L.Ã ~ CD IT. [R 55 ....- ~--------- - ----~-- --.....---------- ,/--- / --- , f, '~n r,)lòe found c-/ . , -4 5 ' 7~· . 2'25· 0' ..--" "- \J tJ ~ f35hed ~ 1 \&J ~ Total area -=-7 '- 'Reðlde.nce ---1 / 1 I , --_\- I \, I ,.... t" B c - - - --. 4 .-- ---- -- ...0 CQ... ~ - ,... t> <ð \ Lot" ;;; ".., ~k 2> >- ~<P ~ ,. ~' -:> ~ 0~ ~ C.\~ ... ...... , ¡ ",. t-: N u.J It)f 0: , i ! \3 N ~ ~ -, c: -. .----------.-- SITE PIAl IlEVlEWII1 <65- ð ~ To: Queensbury Planning Board From: Anne M. Parrott Re: Site Plan Review Dear Sir, ï~"~ ufl1c~,...JiO P Y 'LANNI ZONINr DEPARTMENT ~ February 20, 1990 Would you please table my site plan review until your March Planning Board meeting? At that time I hope to have taken my request for a septic variance to the Town Board. Thank you again for your continued assistance and understanding in this matter. / ~~)l~ Anne M. Parrott \ I ¡ :1 (\ ~ é~:í'~<Y'~~ Ii' \ --S:(L-~~y/f- fov.~ - ¡¡ii ·~e--- ~~. W"I,,{e.'" --' \ . ) j \ \ ( ¡ ! 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E COpy -- TOWN OF QUEENSBURY PlAnning Department -NOTE TO FILE- Mrs. Lee A. York, Senior Planner Mr. John S. Goralski, Planner Mr. Stuart G. Baker, Assistant Planner Date: February 13, 1990 By'. S B k tuart a er Area VaaUDce U. Variance == Sip Variance _ Interpretation Other: Subdtriáaa: Sketch, -y- Site Plan Rmew - - Petition for a ChaDge of Zœe - Freshwater WetlaDda Permit P!r'eIim~-- _ -T' FúuLI Applicatioa Number: Site Plan Review No. 85-89 Applicant's Name: John Doty d/b/a U-Rent All MeetiDg Date: February 20, 1990 ............................................................................................ This application was tabled by the Board at the January 16, 1990 meeting for submission of additional information. At this time, the public hearing was kept open. In response to the Board's recommendation, the applicant has submitted a more detailed site plan. This plan shows a berm along the northerly boundary of the Wynn property to direct drainage away from their poorly drained "wet" area. Vegetative screening buffers have been proposed for the north and south ends of the property to protect existing streams. A traffic flow pattern is also clearly shown. It should be noted that the septic tank shown under the employee parking area is an existing condition. This septic system is scheduled to be abandoned once this property is connected to the Town sewer. SB/pw . t ~ RtST·FRQST ASSOCIATES. Pc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS '---' SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 3 - q D -- 21 BAY STÆET POST OFFICE BOX 838 GLENS FALLS. NY 12801 518·793-4141 I...... ."'C......_ ¿)PílWf~. J~ FEB 16 19C O ,1 FilE ((;;- .. \..ì _ J 'LANNING. ¡OHINr DEPARTMENT February 15, 1990 RFA #89-5000.03 Town of Queensbury Office Building Bay and Haviland Roads Queensbury, NY 12804 Attn: Ms. Lee York, Sr. Planner Re: John Doty, Site Plan 3-90 Dear Ms. York: All eng ineering cOßlßents have been sat isfactorily addressed on the above referenced project. Very truly yours, ~ïROST ~~~annett, P.E. Ma~i~g Project Engineer P.C. WG/cmw enclosure cc: Planning Board Members e GLENS FAU..S. NY·I.ACONIA. NH .' . - ~ --- TOW N OF QUE E N SB U R Y PlAnni"fJ Department -NOTE TO FILE- Mrs. Lee A. York,Senior Planner Mr. John S. Goralski, Planner Mr. Stuart G. Baker, Assistant Planner Date: February 16. 1990 By: Stuart G. Baker Area Variance Uøe Variance - Sign Variance == Interpretation Other: SubdiWIioa: Sketch, _ PrelimiDary, X Site Plan R~ew - - Petition for a ChaDge of Zone - Freshwater WetlaDda Permit FiDal Applicatioa Number: Site Plan No. 77-89 Applicant's Name: MeetiDg Date: Scott McLaugh lin February 20. 1990 ............................................................................................ This Site Plan Review submission was tabled by the applicant in December, 1989. Since that time new information has been submitted which addresses the engineering concerns raised by Rist-Frost. However, some Planning concerns remain which must be addressed. The aesthetic impact of the applicants equipment sales and repair business must be minimized. The Board may wish to approve the application with the following stipulation: That the applicant submit to the Planning Dept. a plan showing the following details: A) Location of all required buffer zones B) Location and maximum number of equipment to be parked on premises Such a plan submitted would serve as a basis upon which the Zoning Administrator can enforce new and past conditions placed upon this use of this property. SB/pw ; ~ ~ 21 BAY STREET POST OFFICE BOX 838 GlENS FALLS. NY 12801 518·793...141 fl L E ( 0 P Y ¿)~ftwr~~ ~ FEB 161990- -----' RlST·FROST ASSOCIATES. pc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS SITE PlAN REVIEW NO. 7 7 -8q February 15, 1990 RFA #89-5000.077 )LANNING a ZONINc, nEPARTMENT Town of Queensbury Office Building Bay and Haviland Roads Queensbury, NY 12804 Attn: Ms. Lee York, Sr. Planner Re: Scott McLaughlin, Site Plan 77-89 Dear Ms. York: We have reviewed the above referenced project in regards to the previous engineering comments. We feel that all engineering concerns have been adequately addressed. As correctly noted by the applicant, the use of pretreatment with seepage pits was a recommendation and not a requirement for smaller projects. Very truly yours, ~OST Æ~nnett, P.E. Man~ing Project Engineer P.C. WG/cmw enclosure cc: Planning Board Members e GLENS FALLS. NY·I.AOONIA. NH .. ----.-,.-- DAT...."'HTCOIII', 7001ll.~1I1'. IANMATEO.CA._ = a i ~ i ': ~ '~ i ~ >t ~ 1'" ¡ _~L"~ ; ~.,., ~ ~ ...: ~ ~~:t 1.- " 1'1 .., t> I' "1 \ì' " \:\ ~~~ -, 'i '" ~ "' ,... '" () " I' ~ ~ ~ <:ì ~ ¿: , ~ IJ' ~, ~ , \' ~ ... IU (). .. (' PI " ~ . ~ :t ~~ ~ '" '-'~ <'- "" " ... ~ ~ &' t '" i' ~:::\ è ~ I> ~ ~ ~ """ ... ~ ('~ ~ '- "-- -II , ... ,,^I ~ ~ ;... t'\.. v... "a~\ r\ III ~.. ì .. , .. - . ",I ~ ~ ~'o \t,o "':.. .., ~ L\: t ~; " ; r "ti I" jill, .: '1t: ~, '" " N ..... ~ , ~ I\ ~ '^ ~ 'h ~ " ~ I' è:: " :"f -"" 11\ ... .... t ~ \¡ ~ " '" \t ... '1 I"- " ~ '" ~ " ~~ t' .., è ~ (\ it ~ ,.. ~ " '" ~~ I " (a ~ \I" .. 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N,,~ ~ ~ I , \\ t Iè' '-z' ~( ~._, \ ~ f- \ ! WAre-It'- I - .$4'"~ne I I 1--1 I I ' : it= ....,....... , " ------ i ~ ~ ~"" ~~,. 4f r-. lie ~'I':r' /' >!t~~ ~~" ,I t' ~/ ~ I , "- ! \\ ~ ... t, , ~ ¡. tA ~¡ t\ '" ~ ~ l ~ I . I ""- \~ " ~ ( I t\ II ~ 14\ I I I ¡ ¡ I! .-_-.11 /" ( " I /.:r.s- '" ~ Rð. '-\ ~ ~~~ '-~..., .,~~ ~ ~~ ...." " '\ - ~~c ( ~ '~~ 1 ~, ~<:' ~ .. --~,,~ ~1:. t'" 0 ~ ~ 1"'1 ~ c:- ~ (~ I ", ~ t ~~ ',,... I:: ~ . .- . ç. "'-- ~ ''t I --y L-_ & Ch'~¡I!¿~ C.'::07S"S/¿f/C:; Aa .. - "---' ---- TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ptSlftftiftg Department -NOTE TO FILE- Mrs. Lee A. York, Senior Planner Mr. John S. Goralski, Planner Mr. Stuart G. Baker, Assistant Planner Date: February 13, 1990 By'. S B k tuart ;:¡ ¡:or Area Variance U. Variance - Sign Variance := IDterpretaticm Other: --1L 5ubd.måoa: _ Sketch, -Ã- PrelimiDary, Site Plan Re.iew == Petiticm far a ChaDge of Zœae Freshwater WetlaDds Permit FiDal Applicaticm Number: Subdivision No. 22-1989 Applicant'. Name: Arzelia H. Shultz MeetÜIg Date: Februarv 20. 1990 ............................................................................................ The applicant received Sketch Plan approval at the December 26, 1989 Planning Board Meeting. The following alterations have been made on the Sketch Plan: the driveway on Lot I has been moved westerly, fill septic fields have been added on Lots I & 2, sewage design parameters were amended, and a grading plan has been shown. It should also be noted that a large area of Lots I & 2 has been shown to remain in its natural fields/brush state. The Board may wish to have the applicant show wh ich, if any, roads ide trees will be removed for the proposed driveways. Also, the location of telephone and electrical lines to the proposed homes should be noted on the Final plat. SB/pw ,. ~ RIST·FROST A.'B:)CIATES, PC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 21 BAY STREET POST OFFICE BOX 838 GLENS FALI.S. NY 12801 518, 793-4141 .. SUBDIVISION NO. ~ ~ - / Q'i9 ~ ".... ..wc"'....;_' .. ~)~aw[~)~ ',,~ FEB 16 1990 f'lJ F , L E I ... February 15, 1990 RFA #89-5000.522 )LANNING I ZON'He DEPARTMENT Town of Queensbury Office Building Bay and Haviland Roads Queensbury, NY 12804 Attn: Ms. Lee York, Sr. Planner Re: Shultz Subdivision, Subdivision 22-1989, Preliminary Dear Ms. York: We have reviewed the above referenced project and have the following comments: 1. A waiver has been requested from a drainage report since the total impermeable area is increased by only 1%. It is agreed that due to the small amount of increased runoff from the site, this request is reasonable. 2. Erosion control measures should be provided, as necessary, in accordance with NYS Guidel ines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control. Very truly yours, RIST-FROST P.C. ~nnet ,P.E. . Man~~g' Project Engineer WG/cmw enclosure cc: Planning Board Members e GLENS FAL.L.S. NY·l.ADONlA. NH - ~ - -../ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Planning Department -NOTE TO FILE- Mrs. Lee A. York, Senior Planner Mr. John S. Goralski, Planner Mr. Stuart G. Baker, Assistant Planner Date: Februarv 16. 1990 By: Stuart G. Baker Area Variaøce Uøe Variance == Sip Variance _ Interpretation Other: Subdi~oa: Sketch, Prelim' - - mary, X Site Plan Re.iew - Petition for a Chaøge of ZoDe - Freshwater WetJaøds Permit FiDaI Application Number: Site Plan No. 9-90 Applicaøt's Name: Christopher C. & Lori L. Carte Meeting Date: February 20, 1990 ............................................................................................ A number of concerns have been raised by the Engineering staff which should be addressed before any approvals are granted. The Board may wish to also require a clearing plan of the property, as well as request that the proposed building site be staked out to aid in visualizing the actual location of the proposed duplex. SB/pw ,. .----.-. RIST-FRQST AS8X:IATES. P,C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS "--' ....... ."".:......."""- ¿)~ilW~~ SITEPLAlREVlEWNO. Y-9.Ù ~ F£B 16 1990 -, fILE ( 0 r 1 JLANNING . ZONIN(, OEPARTMENT February 15, 1990 RFA #89-5000.09 ~ 21 BAY STReET POST OFFICE BOX 838 GLENS FALLS. NY 12801 518·~'''1 Town of Queensbury Office Building Bay and Haviland Roads Queensbury, NY 12804 Attn: Ms. Lee York, Sr. Planner Re: Christopher C. & Lori L. Carte Site Plan 9-90 Dear Ms. York: We have reviewed the above referenced project and have the following comments: 1. A statement regarding stormwater management should be provided. Drainage flow patterns should be indicated on the site plan. Erosion control measures, where necessary, in accordance with NYS Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control, should be provided. 2. Design calculations for the subsurface disposal system should be provided including the design flow. 3. A percolation test with test pit log indicating the test date and depth to groundwater, mottling or bedrock should be provided. 4. Two absorption fields connected to one septic tank are not recom- mended unless a siphon or other method ensuring proper dosing of each field is used. The use of one septic tank for each field would be advisable. 5. The sizing of the water line should be provided since it serves a two family house, with 400± feet of line. Very truly yours, 'Ø}ROST A ~~{~~nett. P.E. Mana ing Project Engineer P.C. WG/cmw enclosure cc: Planning Board Members e GLENS FALLS. NY.LÞa)N1A, NH t ._-~'-'--'-- ~ ~J - --.-/ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY planning Department -NOTE TO FILE- Mrs. Lee A. York, Senior Planner Mr. John S. Goralski, Planner Mr. Stuart G. Baker, Assistant Planner Date: February 20. 1990 John Goralski By: Area Variance Use Variance - Sign Variance - Interpretation SubdiYision: Sketch, _ Pre1imiDary, -X Site Plan Review - - Petition for a Change of Zone - Freshwater Wetlands Permit Final Other: Application Number: Site Plan Review No. 10-90 Applicant'. Name: Frank & Kathleen En2land Meeting Date: Februarv 20. 1990 ............................................................................................ The Englands wish to add 731 sq. ft. of building area to a house on a 9,320 sq. ft. lot. The Board of Health has granted a sept ic variance for a new septic system and the Z.B.A. has granted a shoreline setback variance. The Englands are proposing to install three drywells to handle the stormwater runoff from the addition and the existing structure. It appears that the Englands have gone to some lengths to mil igate any problems caused by the addition. What the Planning Board must consider is whether the expansion on a significantly undersized lake shore lot is appropriate in this case. I would recommend that this be considered a Type II action (construction of a minor structure appurtenant to an existing facility). Therefore, SEQRA does not need to be addressed. JG/pw " <-_.__.~ ~ RtST·FROST ASSOCIATES. P,C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ---- ,t.".. ~_- J PWLL'1 (0 P Y ~ FEB 161990 ~j SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. / D - q ù 21 BAY STREET POST OFFICE BOX 838 GLENS FAL.LS. NY 12801 518· 793-41.1 lfllE )LANNING a IONINt DEPARTMIN" February 15, 1990 RFA #89-5000.010 Town of Queensbury Office Building Bay and Haviland Roads Queensbury, NY 12804 Attn: Ms. Lee York, Sr. Planner Re: Frank W. and Kathleen V. England Site Plan 10-90 Dear Ms. York: We have reviewed the above referenced project and have the following comments: 1. Construction details for the drywells and septic system expansion should be provided. 2. Percolation test(s) with test pit data indicating test date and depth to groundwater, mottling and bedrock should be provided. Two percolation tests should be made for each pit, one at halfway depth and another at the floor of the pit. 3. An 8' diameter x 12' deep seepage pit is proposed for the septic system expansion. Due to the depth of the pit, test pit data will need to be considered before the size of the pit is approved. If the percolation rate is slower than 30 min/inch seepage pits are not recommended. If the percolation rate is faster than 5 min/inch, it is recommended that seepage pits not be allowed unless extensive pretreatment is provided. 5. Drainage calculations for the drywells shown, should be provided. 6. Although there, is no increased water usage at this time, if addit ional bedrooms are added in the future, the sept ic system adequacy would need to be checked. 7. Provide erosion control measures in accordance with NYS Guidelines where necessary to protect the lake. Very truly yours, ~~OST, OCIATES, .. ~~~nnett, P.E. Ma~i~g Project Engineer WG/cmw enclosure cc: Planning Board Members e GLENS FAU.S. NY· LAOONIA. NH ~---_.- -- --- tit- .. - '- ~ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY P12nning Department -NOTE TO FILE- Mrs. Lee A. York, Senior Planner Mr. John S. Goralski, Planner Mr. Stuart G. Baker, Assistant Planner Date: February 15. 1990 By: John GOT~l~ki Area VariaDce Uøe Variance - Sign Variance == Interpretation Other: SubdiYÜlioa.: Sketch, _ Pt'eIimiDary. ---X.... Site Plan Reriew Petition fer a CbaDge of Zone - Freshwater WetJaDds Permit FiDal ApplicatiaD Number: Site Plan Review No. 11-90 Applicant's Name: Karolyn W. Smith MeetiDg Date: February 20. 1990 ............................................................................................ The applicant wishes to construct a 667 square foot U-shaped crib dock and boathouse. They also propose to remove an existing dock on the property to the north. The plans provided do not show any access to the top of the boathouse. If there is going to be a ramp or stairway, it should be indicated on the plan. This may add to the visual impact of the project. The Planning Board should consider the cumulative impact of continued development along the shoreline. JG/pw " .---~---.- .