1990-02-20 SP
FEBRUARY 20th, 1990
Subdivision No. 1-1990
Qu~~nsbury Economic D~velopment Corp.
9:50 P.M.
TAX MAP NO. 110-1-24.21
MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d bt m~ op~n with asking th~ Staff if you hav~ any comm~nts.
Youlr~ all in r~c~ipt of th~s~ comm~nts. LM~, sinc~ th~y'v~ b~~n in r~c~ipt of
th~s~ comm~nts, do you want to go through th~m all?
MRS. YORK-Ask~d would you lik~ m~ to r~ad th~ City of Gl~ns Falls comm~nts?
MR. HAGAN-Stat~d I think it would b~ a good id~a.
MRS. YORK-Stat~d ok, I' 11 waiv~ th~ Staff comm~nts b~caus~ th~y ar~ so l~ngthy,
but I f~~l that I should r~ad th~ City of Gl~ns Falls comm~nts and on th~ n~w
comm~nts from th~ Mr. Naylor' s offic~ and th~ comm~nts r~garding th~ involv~d
and int~r~st~d parti~s that I contact~d today and th~n you can d~cid~ if you would
lik~ me to r~ad Mr. Eddy' s comm~nts and the Water D~partm~nt and Waste Wat~r
D~partm~nt comm~nts. Th~ comm~nts from th~ City of Gl~ns Falls ar~ as follows
D~ar Nick: Your l~tt~r of F~b. 8, 1990 r~lat~s that I had approved your plans
for r~t~ntion and controll~d flow of rainwater at th~ Queensbury T~chnical Park
- Dix Av~. I had indicated, from th~ information you presented, that your propos~d
plan was interesting. In fact, it is the responsibility, I beli~ve, of th~ Town
of Queensbury Board to approv~ your plans. Revi~wing th~ plans and the soil t~sts,
it is difficult to assume that th~ following will not occur: 1. - Poor percolation
of th~ water retained by the berms. 2. - Unusabl~, flooded land resulting from
water held by th~ berms. 3. - That the berms will not be opened for driv~ways,
etc. 4. - That solid and vegetation accumulation will eventually fill to th~
top of the berms. 5. - That water will cross to City land from the west side
of Lot #9. Thank you for the opportunity to review the plans and drainage report
for the Queensbury Industrial Park. Our major conc~rn is to prevent flooding
at the Und~rpass on Warr~n St. In th~ past wat~r from the area of the pres~nt
Qu~~nsbury Industrial Park was not prop~rly channeled and reach~d th~ Und~rpass.
I realize that your commission from the Town of Qu~~nsbury does not cover this
scope of work. Please find ~nclos~d memo from Joe Sullivan, City of Glens Falls,
to L~~ A. York, Senior Planner Town of Queensbury and this is from Manning Cohen,
Superintendent of Municipal Operations. The lett~r he's referring to was previously
read to the Board and is part of th~ minut~s of a pr~vious m~~ting. Would you
like m~ to r~ad the Water D~partm~nt comments? No? Ok. I would lik~ to r~ad
Mr. Naylor's comments becaus~ we r~ceiv~d th~m today (on file). Today I contacted
th~ involved and int~r~st~d parti~s for th~ subdivision (on file).
MR. CARTIER-Asked, is Warr~n County DPW und~r any kind of tim~ line also?
MRS. YORK-Stated Roger(Gebo) told me he would try and get to it as soon as possibl~.
He didn't say he would tak~ until March 9th or anything.
MR. CARTIER-Stat~d what I'm asking is, do~s h~ hav~ that March 9th deadline also?
MRS. YORK-Statad yas, avarybody has that sama daadlina.
to avaryona at tha sama tima.
Tha information was sant
MR. ROBERTS-Statad it would appaar, than, wa' ra in troubb with SEQRA, having
had it daclarad a Class I projact raquiring us to notify all involvad agancias
and giva tham 30 days to raspond and that's, I guass, whara wa cama up with tha
March 9th daadlina. I guass wa' ra going to losa soma tima bacausa of SEQRA to
start with. Mayba that would giva us soma tima to answar soma othar quastions.
MR. LAPANN-Statad thank you. Good avaning. My nama is Jamas Lapann. I'm an
attornay in Glans Falls and I raprasant tha Quaansbury Economic Davalopmant
Corporation hara this avaning. Thara ara, cartainly, many commants hara by tha
Staff and by various agancias and what wa' d lika to do is to go through thasa
on a point by point basis and giva you an axplanation and soma suggastions for
how wa would proposa to, I'll giva you furthar information on thosa itams that
ara, parhaps skatchy and how wa ba ab1a to rasolva all of thasa mat tars to your
full satisfaction and quita a faw I think wa could taka cara of. I I d lika to
start going through thosa, if I could, starting with Mrs. York's commants on
Fabruary 15th, 1990 which is tha thraa paga notas. Starting with tha last two
paragraphs on that paga, in ganaral, I baliava that thosa daal with what I s going
to happan with this pond araa. I would lika to just addrass that by looking ovar
hara on this( rafarring to map). This is tha pond that wa' ra all talking, right
hara. It's on this drainaga aasamant that runs down through up abova from across
Dix Avanua, that we talkad about at Sketch Plan, down through, into this pond
hera, and through here. As I beliave you are aware, that in tha evantually project,
as Astro/Valcour intends to develop it, that, indaad, this will not ba tha way
this will and up, but there are only cartain ways that wa knaw to approach this
projact and whara would tha movamant of that pond ba. Whare would that all changa
and shift and this drainage aasamant taka placa? Tha way that wa'va submitted
tha projact is that it would take placa within tha sita plan, that the division
of tha lots throughout tha Park was what tha QEDC was saaking to achiava and that,
in and of itsalf, does not naad or raquira any altaration in this pond. Cartainly,
thara were a lot of commants and concarns that wara raisad about this pond and
wa'ra not shirking thosa. lndaad, what avantually will taka placa is that this,
if approval is givan, will not ba here. It will be a straight shot down from
hera, right down through to tha bottom, but that raally doasn' t apply to our
subdivision and tha raason why wa havan' t addressed issuas of what's going to
happan hara is that wa' ra not going to do, tha QEDC at subdividing, isn I t going
to do anything with this pond and tha parson that is going to do somathing with
tha pond is AVI, Astro-Valcour, Inc. Now, reprasentativas of AVI ara hara this
avening. We want to maka sura that your concarns ware addrassad, that quastions
that you had wara answerad to your satisfaction and tha opportunity for you to
find out what's going to happen and when and, as a mattar of fact, I think it's
quita important that all of tha concarns that ara outlinad in, and certainly thara
ara many of tham, ba addrassad and that they do be addrassad in a timaly fashion.
One of the concerns, I be1iava, is what is in tha bottom of this pond. First
of all, you hava to figura out how you' ra going to lat the watar out and whara
it's going to go and who 's goi~g to ba in charge of it. Aftar that, in my
confarencas bafora this avaning with the Planning Dapartmant, was what's in tha
bottom of that, what is in tha sadimant that's down thara and how can wa find
that out and how can wa do this in an ordarly fashion? There was soma thought
that, along tha way, that pond would naad to be drained and thare would nead to
ba an analysis made of the bottom bafore it was disturbad or moved in any way,
in casa thara ware some pravious hazardous matarials that might hava flowad down
and becoma sadiment hara in this pond and, somawhere along tha way hara tonight,
I know that the rapresentativas of AVI would like an opportunity to speak to you
and to get your feadback as to what your suggastions are as to whan would ba tha
appropriate time to taka tha watar out of this pond and maka the avaluation.
What would ba your raquiramants or suggastions as to how it should ba dona so
that it can ba done in an ordarly fashion and ona that complias with tha
raquiramants of tha Planning Board and Engineers and Planning Departmant? I'd
lika to saa if I could gat some feedback on that particular issua about this bafora
wa go any furthar through tha chacklist of the various mat tars.
MR. HAGAN-Asked, what would ba tha
datarminad, bafora thair purchasa,
not ba touched?
rasponsa from
that that pond
your. . . of Valcour if it was
could not ba altered, could
MR. LAPANN-Statad thay would not purchase the proparty.
MR. HAGAN-Askad, thay would not purchase tha proparty?
MR. LAPANN-Statad that's right.
MR. HAGAN-Statad what you' ra asking us, in tha sacond braath, is to ignora this
issua so your subdivision can ba approvad and than you'll maka tha sala and than
Quaansbury comas up as tha bad guy bacausa wa won't lat tham altar that pond,
if tha casa should ba.
MR. LAPANN-Statad I'm not nacassarily looking for anybody to ba a bad guy hara.
All I can say is I know thay' ra going to ask for that and I just want to maka
sura that wa can all...
MR. HAGAN-Statad yas, but you'ra asking us to ignora that at this particular tima
and that's what's got ma confusad. How can wa ignora it, at this particular tima,
lat you go on with tha subdivision if you tall ma Valcour will not go through
with thair purchasa if thay can't mova that pond.
MR. LAPANN-Statad wall, wa would still hava a subdivision and wa could sall off
any of thasa lots hara. Wa could avantually, if wa could maka a .., wa could
aithar sail this to soma othar buyar who would buy it as is. Wa could mayba sail
it to AVI if thay'd lika to buy it.
MR. HAGAN-Statad I don't buy that.
and I'm sorry to say that.
I think this is just a stall on your part
MR. LAPANN-Statad all I can do is maka an accurata raprasantation of our position.
MR. HAGAN-Statad I think it's a davious prasantation. That's tha only way I can
pu tit.
MR. LAPANN-Askad, I'm sorry, what's davious about it?
MR. HAGAN-Statad wall, tha fact that you' ra asking us to approva a subdivision
and ignora what's going to happan to that pond in tha futura and I'm asking, wall,
if wa stata wa can't ignora it and tha pond can't ba toyad with, than you'ra saying
Valcour isn't going to buy that part of tha subdivision.
MR. LAPANN-Statad wall, I can go on tha fact that wa want through our Skatch Plan
and tha anginaars for tha Town approvad of tha fact that this pond could ba movad.
Thay approvad of tha way that this drainaga would ba handlad up hara and,
avantually, would flow down. I don't think wa'va baan sacrativa of tha dasira
to do this. I don't think wa'va baan trying to ba dacaptiva at all.
MR. HAGAN-Statad it was not brought up at tha pravious spacial maating. It was,
that it could ba dona away with?
MR. ROBERTS-Statad yas, I thought that was quita claar. Wa all agraad on it.
MR. GANNETT-Statad if I could clarify for tha Board, tha applicantls Skatch drainaga
plan for tha subdivision did proposa to ralocata that pond which would ba dona
as part of sita plan raviaw. Our concarn, on bahalf of tha Town, was that whatavar
amount of storaga is prasantly in that pond, ba maintainad somawhara alsa through
tha construction of soma aquivalant amount of ratantion. That concapt in tha
Skatch Plan for tha subdivision was tha ona that wa had racommandad tha Planning
Board approva and go along with and that still is tha prasant concapt that wa'ra
all talking about so far as I know.
MR. HAGAN-Statad wall 11m confusad bacausa somawhara in ona of tha maatings I
askad a quastion, whan thay spoka about modifying this pond, and I askad how could
it ba modifiad, in fact, I think tha anginaar stood thara and said you axpact
ma to maka plans whila I'm standing on my faat. That's why I'm confusad.
MR. ROBERTS-Statad I thought wa cama to a pratty good agraamant, though, at Skatch
Plan on this could ba dona and tha way it was going to ba dona and.. . now is to
spaak to tha Valcour about is tha initial stagas of invastigating it to saa tha
liability of this and, I guass, it's my parsonal faaling that that's your pond
and if you want to siphon it down and saa what's on tha bottom, why is that a
problam for us? It saams raasonabla to ma. Thara isn't raally that much watar
in that pond.
MR. CARTIER-Statad wall, to gat back to your original quastion, which is whan
do you want to addrass that pond. I would hava to say, it's got to ba addrassad
in such a way that you could show us, that without that pond, the drainage isn't
going to work on this entire parcel, without the pond. For me, ...a requirement
of the subdivision.
MR. LAPANN-Stated I think that's the issue that we reviewed at the Sketch Plan
and that the engineers for the Town have reviewed and recommended to be approved
and what was approved. That was our overall drainage plan that excluded the pond
and was presented and voted on and agreed on. Now, maybe the engineer could clarify
if we haven't fully presented information necessary to evaluate the drainage without
the pond, but I do believe we have presented that.
MR. ROBERTS-Stated that was certainly the plan. It sounds clear to me.
MR. GANNETT-Stated it may clarify things for the Board if the relocation of the
pond and the stream is, in fact, shown on the subdivision even though it'll actually
be constructed as part of the site plan improvements for that particular lot.
MR. ROBERTS-Stated and if Valcour, for some reason or another, didn't buy that
lot, they'd still have additional back up between the two roadways for retention
and the pond would still be there. An existing kind of drainage is still there
and not too much has changed. You can still talk about additional berming. One
thing, I disagree with the letter from the City that says I realize that your
commission from the Town of Queensbury does not cover this scope of work, thinking
about flooding the underpass. As far as I'm concerned, we do. We've been talking
about a neighborhood solution to drainage and we want to look off site for the
stormwater and do a thorough job. We've been asking that question from the
beginning. I think we've all solved it that it's work that's already been done,
it's additional ], we I re going to send it to the east through the other culvert.
I think that, somehow, we seem to be going backwards here.
MR. LAPANN-Stated that's my concern, that there's going to be problems with our
subdivision application based on things that have already been presented and
approved. It's a confusing situation granted. It's not a simpl£ò deal here and
I just want to make sure that in our presentation this ev£òning, that we don't
get voted down b£òcause of something that we didn't accurately or clearly present
to the Board memb£òrs.
MR. CARTIER-Stat£òd w£òll, I don't think you're going to get a vote tonight. I
donlt se£ò how you're going to get a vote tonight, exc£òpt in a vote in favor.
MR. ROBERTS-Stated w£ò can't actually, P£òter, because w£ò can't vote at pr£òliminary
until welve satisfi£òd SEQRA and we just realized we can't satisfy SEQRA until..
MR. LAPANN-Stated perhaps what w£ò could do is narrow those issues that would need
to be pr£òsent£òd at a future date.
MR. ROBERTS-Stated sur£ò. Maybe we b£òtter have a what if the stormwater, to have
plans for what if Valcour buys that lot and if th£òY don't, for stormwater
MR. CARTIER-Stated no matter who ends up with that lot, that pond is still going
to have to be addressed on£ò way or th£ò other.
MR. ROBERTS-Stated well,
it, that they could live
w£òll. They, apparently,
location. Maybe the next
th£ò next people might not feel they would need to move
with it if the present scheme of things works reasonably
would like to have a building covering part of that
people wouldn't have to.
MR. LAPANN-Stated what we would like to do is, we have structured our application
process to achieve a particular end which is, not only to divide up these various
lots here, but also to divide this lot right here, lot number 9, in a particular
fashion and that is, is to allow this pond to be relocated and for it to have
a straight flow through and that is the presentation we've made on a continual
basis and that's the pres£òntation that the engineers have reviewed and approved
and we stand here tonight, basically, having already had that approved at Sketch
Plan, I believe. I know that there will be more information about what's going
to take place, how this pond gets drained and that sort of thing and I know that
there are a lot of detailed concerns that the Planning Department raised and this
is the last on Page 1 of the comments.
MR. CARTIER-Stated you just used a word and confused me.
going to be relocated.
You said the pond is
"'-" ...-
MR. LAPANN-Stated it's not relocated. I'm sorry.
MR. CARTIER-Stated the pond's going to disappear. Ok.
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Stated when we first started discussion with Valcour, we believed
that the pond was a liability to QEDC and Valcour thought it was a liability to
Valcour and I think we should ... and agree that yes, we did not feel that the
Town of Queensbury or the QEDC did, in fact, want to maintain a pond in that
location for a number of reasons. Mainly insurance purposas and tha liability
attachad to it. It was at that point that Valcour did agraa that thay would accapt
tha pond and than, onca thay lookad at thair structura, as far as the production
was concarnad of tha new processing, thay falt that tha location of that building
would ba in their bast intarest to ba locatad in that particular position. At
tha tima, it was my understanding, whan the enginaers met in our last meating,
that tha watar retantion, tha flow through that parcal, would, in fact, ba aqual
to, in tarms of the ratantion process with tha schema that Morsa Enginaaring cama
up with, equal to that of the pond ratantion. Now, as I sit hare tonight, Ilm
not sura that wa' ra in agreament with that, and if we're not, I think we need
to clarify that bafora we mova ahaad bacause in ordar to clarify soma of tha other
concarns I think tha pond has got to be put aside and I.
MR. ROBERTS-Statad I think wa'ra already in agraèmant with what you said. I was.
MR. HAGAN-Statad you said the pond would sarve as a retention.
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Stated the pond is currently serving as a retention.
MR. HAGAN-Asked, is that the only purposa it serves right now? It doasn't filter
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Stated not being an engineer, I'd have to defer that, I guess.
MR. HAGAN-Stated I'm just asking you for my education. Does it act as a filter?
Does it act as anything in connection with the activities in the wetland?
MR. GANNETT--Stated I don't believe there's an official designated wetland in
that area.
MR. HAGAN-Stated no, I said does the pond serve, in any way, in the same benefits
as a wetland. Doas it filter?
MR. GANNETT-Stated that's probably a function of how much shallow area it is.
If it I S a relatively deep pond, and Ilm not sure of the depth, I'm not sure how
much of that function it would serve. Our concern, on the engineering aspect,
was mainly for the purpose of reducing some of the peak storm flows in that stream
by at hast maintaining the same retention capability that was in the existing
pond and that was our principal concern on that.
MR. ROBERTS-Stated part of the water that leaves the pond is in the form of sheeting
isn't it, over a wide araa, Niagra Mohawk kind of a lower wetland area. It kind
of gets in further filtering before it ever gets to the culvert. Right now, the
pond kind of leaks. It doesn I t really have a good dam and I don't know when~
the water's coming out of it and how much good it is doing. Why don't we answer
the question, I guess we've been the question from Valcour, at what point can
they investigate the pond and drain it and find out what's there.
MR. JONES-Stated my name is Barry Jones. I represant Astro-Valcour and we Ive
got a couple of concerns, which is one of the reasons we're here tonight. Not
only do we have to prepare our environmental assessment, but, in addition, in
buying this piece, we have to do our own environmental ... and we also have to
test these soils for structural purposes to find out if we can build the building
that we want to build in that placa and then, if so, based on what soils are
actually there, can we build on top of them, do we have to remove them and replace
them with other soils. So, we need to, basically, drain the pond and find out
what's there for all these reasons and, part of our concern is that, a week from
tonight, we're going to be here with a site plan for what we intend to do with
this and we don't want to go in there prior to next week and just start doing
any of this unless we're headed in the right direction in the first place.
MR. ROBERTS-Stated maybe we 'va got a procedural matter we've got to clear up.
I would doubt if we're going to be ready, by next week, now, with tha SEQRA thing
having been thrown at us, we're not going to be ready for the site plan review
until after we've satisfied SEQRA either, are we?
MR. CARTIER-Stat~d that's corr~ct.
MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d so I think w~'v~ got a littl~ mor~ tim~ to answ~r som~ of th~s~
qu~stions. I think w~ might as w~ll canc~l n~xt w~~k's m~~ting now, am I wrong,
MRS. YORK-Stat~d I think you'r~ corr~ct.
MR. CARTIER-Stat~d forgiv~ m~ if I'm stating th~ obvious h~r~, but I think, som~how,
w~ hav~ this horr~ndous communications thing with this whol~ proj~ct. So, if
I'm stating th~ obvious, forgiv~ m~, but I want to mak~ .. .Qu~~nsbury cl~ar h~r~.
Sit~ plan approval for th~ Valcour Sit~ is not going to b~ consid~r~d until QEDC
has final approval.
MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d subdivision approval.
MR. CARTIER-Stat~d it's v~ry unlik~ly that w~'r~ going to look at final subdivision
approval. . . .
MR. JONES-Stat~d I und~rstand that.
MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d but, our tim~ tabl~ has kind of chang~d, unfortunat~ly.
MR. JONES-Stat~d By th~ sam~ tok~n, though, w~' r~ still int~r~st~d in th~ sit~
and w~ want to(TAPE TURNED) if w~ don't want to g~t in troubl~ down th~ lin~,
if w~ I v~ got to d~sign sp~cs to prop~rly account for th~ low~ring of th~ wat~r
in th~r~ without causing any damag~ down str~am. W~'v~ got to mak~ sur~ if th~r~ls
anything in th~ pond, w~'r~ not disturbing that. Th~s~ ar~ all things that w~'v~
got to tak~ car~ of and, basically, if w~ wait until March 9th or th~ w~~k following
March 9th or som~thing lik~ that, w~ don't
MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d you' r~ alr~ady talking about a concurr~nt r~vi~w.
to mak~ your r~vi~w as w~'r~ making ours, basically.
You n~~d
MR. CARTIER-Stat~d you ar~, in ~ff~ct, asking us if you can do, corr~ct m~ if
I'm wrong, you' r~ asking us if you can do sit~ work prior to final subdivision
MR. JONES-Stat~d actually, no. Und~r th~ contract that w~' r~ working out, if
w~ low~r that dam and w~ don I t g~t sit~ plan approval, .. to chang~ any of that
so w~ hav~ to put it back, w~ hav~ to r~stor~ it th~ way it is now. So itls not
pr~liminary work, in that s~ns~. W~lr~ not going to b~ draining this pond
p~rman~ntly to do th~ t~sting. It's a t~mporary thing to do th~ t~sting. If
th~ t~sting shows a probl~m, th~n oth~r things will hav~ to b~ don~. For instanc~,
if w~ drain th~ pond and find out that th~r~ ar~ hazardous wast~s stor~d und~rn~ath
its wat~rs, that I s totally sp~culativ~, but I'm just saying that for instanc~,
w~'r~ going to los~ control of th~ sit~ at that point, in any cas~.
MR. CARTIER-Stat~d I don't think you hav~ to drain th~ pond to t~st th~ bottom
s~dim~nt. Do you?
MR. JONES-Stat~d that I s going to b~ up to th~ ~ngin~~rs to d~t~rmin~ how b~st
to do th~ir analysis.
MR. ROBERTS-Ask~d, d~fin~ sit~ work? ...t~st borings and things ~v~n a subdivid~r
would mayb~ want to know.
MR. CARTIER-Stat~d that's my qu~stion. I don' t hav~ a probl~m with that. If
th~y start shov~ling a lot of soil around with a· bull doz~r, for m~, that's a
problam, but if you I r& just going out doing t~st hol&s and doing soil sampl~s,
you'r& right, I think that's som&thing you could inv~stigat&. You' v~ got som&
clay's in th&r~ and clay's do w&ird things som~ tim~s wh~n you build on th~m.
So, it' s appropriat~ that you ch~ck that out v&ry car&fully, but I don It hav&
a probl~m with that.
MR. ROBERTS-Stat&d ~v~n if h~ drain~d th& pond, couldn't w~ allow that.
MR. CARTIER-Stat&d I don't hav& a probl&m with that, but I'm not sur& I'm th~
guy who can sit h~r& and say, y~s, it IS ok to go ah~ad and do sit~ work.
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Stat~d w~ll, bt m~ just add to that also. As th~ own~r of th~
prop~rty, QEDC is saying, through contract, that, in fact, w~ can com~ in and
do t~st borings, br~ach th~ dam in ord~r to drain th~ dam to id~ntify any hazardous
wast~s that may b~ th~r~. w~ alr~ady know that th~r~'s a r~frig~rator and a coupl~
of stov~s down th~r~ that' s alr~ady b~~n pr~d~t~rmin~d and I think that you can
go in and g~t a shov~ful of, c~rtainly w~ eould do that too, but th~ kind of t~sting
that th~y'r~ having to do in ord~r to satisfy eorporat~ h~adquart~rs is, I hav~
to b~li~v~, b~yond what you and I ar~ talking about h~r~ this ~v~ning. So, in
our contract languag~, w~' r~ allowing that to happ~n conting~nt on ~v~rything
b~ing Aok, at which tima Valcour would purchas~ proparty, but that' s th~ position
w~'r~ taking at this stag~.
MRS. PULVER-Stat~d supposing th~ QEDC want~d to do that on thdr own. Go in and
t~st tha wat~r and drain it. Th~r~ wouldn't b~ any probl~m with that, would th~ra?
MR. CARTIER-Stat~d I don't hav~ a problèm with..but, as I say, I'm not th~ guy
who givès approval for that.
MR. JONES-Stat~d I think our concarn is not so much w~ n~~d approval tonight.
I gu~ss w~'r~ h~r~ to assur~ you that w~'r~ not jumping th~ gun on our sit~ plan.
W~'r~ not going in ah~ad of tim~ to start actually working on tha proj~ct b~for~
w~'v~ got sit~ plan approval. What wè'r~ going to b~ doing is t~st work.
MR. HAGAN-Stat~d I think it's just common s~ns~ that w~ go along with this, not
just talking about avarything baing tamporary.
MR. JONES-Statad it's a part of our contractual obligation.
MR. CARTIER-Statad lat' s throw it around a littla bit. In tarms of sita work,
you'ra talking about tast borings to find out what, dapth to badrock, d~pth to
watar tabla, modaling, soil typas, what ~ls~?
MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d and all th~ pollutants th~y'r~ talking about.
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Stat~d plus w~'v~ got to drain tha pond in ord~r to g~t to tham.
MR. CARTIER-Askad, th~y'va got to do tèst pits? Thay'v~ got to do t~st borings?
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Stat~d that's it. Taking a ..of dirt...in diam~tar, 6 fa~t daap.
I think our purposa for suggasting or gètting your cons~nsus is m~raly that, wh~n
w~'ra in thara doing that, wa would lik~ not to hava th~ Planning Board h~ar about,
w~' ra in th~r~ doing som~ things without pra~mpting or having full information
and I think that's our sharing of that information. Thank you vary much.
MR. PULVER-Statad I would think tha QEDC would hav~ dona that in advanca to find
out whath~r or not ...rathar than wait till now.
MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d did you want to go through soma mora of th~s~?
MR. LAPANN-Stat~d as to thosa commants on tha bottom of Paga 1 of 3 raally, I
would only say, in thos~ two paragraphs, that I think g~n~rally say, what's going
to happan with this pond, who's going to taka car~ of it, and what's going to
happ~n thara. Th~ answar, th~n, I would lik~ to say is, AVI I s going to do tha
work with it, th~y'r~ going to tak~ car~ of it. Thay'r~ now going to tast it
to find out th~ prop~r way to do it and that's what's going to happ~n with th~
pond. Th~ subdivid~r's not planning to do anything with that pond. Our r~qu~st
is that it's going to b~ mov~d, or that th~ straam is going to b~ mov~d, but that
tha work is going to ba dona by AVI and ask~d that th~y addr~ss that in th~ir
sit~ plan.
MR. ROBERTS-Statad you had som~thing, Wayn~.
MR. GANNETT-Statad I just want~d to rais~ a point I think that th~ subdivision
is th~ appropriat~ plac~ to show any ~as~m~nts which ar~, in fact, from th~ drainag~
~as~m~nts going to b~ cr~at~d. It may ba Astro-Valcour that I s going to do that
work of th~ r~location of th~ pond, but I think on~ of th~ Board' s conc~rns is
that wh~n th~r~ is an ~as~m~nt craat~d, that that b~ shown on th~ subdivision
MR. LAPANN-Stat~d I guass what w~' r~ r~ally going to b~ doing is r~locating an
~as~m~nt that ~xists th~ra today, that has axist~d for som~ tim~ and that wa
c~rtainly hava no probl~m with outlining strictly wh~r~ that would b~, a 30 foot
widð ðasðmðnt and I would ask that Wð bð allowðd to do that in this prOCðSS.
As to thð mattðrs on Pagð 2 of 3, in rðgarding thð connðction of strððts in
adjoining subdivisions and also, this also addrðssðs a lðttðr by Mr. Naylor datðd
Fðbruary 20th, 1990. It involvðs connðcting this proposðd roadway in our
subdivision with thð propðrty adjoining it and I could say affirmativðly to you
this ðvðning that thð QEDC cðrtainly has no objðction to connðcting thð littlð
adjoining propðrty. If that's what propðr planning is, that's what Wð want to
do and Wð would suggðSt that, ask that Wð bð allowðd to, at somð point in timð,
connðct with thð adjoining propðrty who, I bðliðvð, is Mr. Charlðbois, and wð'rð
not awarð, at this point in timð, as to ðxactly what his plans arð. I bðliðvð
that his roadway, as proposðd, is in a diffðrðnt location than ours, but that
Wð cðrtainly would bð happy to work togðthðr with him to connðct this roadway
with ours. I'm not surð what additional work would bð nððdðd at Prðliminary Stagð
for us to addrðss that particular issuð. I don't know if thðrð arð any furthðr
ðnginððring studiðs that nððd to bð donð or if thðrð arð any furthðr drawings
that nððd to bð prðparðd or submittðd. If thðrð arð, could you communicatð thosð
to us?
MRS. YORK-Askðd now, or at anothðr timð?
MR. LAPANN-Statðd wðll pðrhaps, if Wð' rð not looking to sððk any approval this
ðvðning, Wð could schðdulð a mððting. I do apprðciatð all thð givð and takð and
dialoguð that Wð'Vð had so far and I'm surð that Wð can continuð to do that.
In thð third major paragraph, concðrning thð turning radius on tha roadway. I
bðliðvð thð arða that's in concðrn is this turn right hðrð, is that corrðct?
MRS. YORK-Statðd yðS.
MR. LAPANN-Statðd this turn right hðrð and it I S also shown ovðr harð. It's my
undðrstanding that thð araa that's raally in quðstion is now thð propðrty of tha
Town of Quaðnsbury. It's tha dðdicatðd roadway and I'm not going to ignorð that
fact and wð'ra not saðking to pass thð buck. Thðrð might bð an avðnuð of ramoving
an island that stands in thð middla of this, right in thð middlð of this, basically,
is whðra it is. Pðrhaps if this warð rðmovðd totally, that any vðhiclðs that
wðrð making a turn to go towards Quakar Road would havð an ðasiðr timð of it.
I don't know if that would ba an appropriata solution, but that's cðrtainly
somðthing wald suggðSt and if Wð ara having somð pðoplð in this arða doing paving
and major road construction, cartainly, ðvðn though thð road is not ours, it's
now thð Town of Quaðnsbury' s road, Wð cðrtainly would ba happy to accommodata
any dðsign changðs that wa could at that timð to makð sura that thð projact would
ba a wðll plannðd and ordðrly ona.
MR. CARTIER-Statad I assumð youlrð also including trucks going out that way.
MR. LAPANN-Statðd as thð trucks going out making this turn, that's corrðct.
MR. CARTIER-Statðd ok.
MR. LAPANN-Statðd I'm not surð ðxactly. I don't havð a proposal, as Wð stand
hðrð today, as to what thð bðst way to do that is. Unfortunatðly, thðrð is a
drain catch basin sitting right smack in tha cornðr thðrð as it axists today,
but I donlt know if that nðgatðs thð opportunity to widðn this turn, I don't raally
know how thðsð trucks turn, or narrow tha madian ovðr thðrð, whatðvar nððds to
bð donð. I'm not suggðsting that thð QEDC taka on all tha axpðnsð of altaring
tha Town of Quaðnsbury's roadway at this point in tima, but Wð cðrtainly would
likð to work togðthar with thð Town in whatavar way Wð could to achiðvð that ðnd.
MR. CARTIER-Statðd sincð Wð I rð talking about that, maybð this is thð placa to
throw this in. Ona of thð concðrns I hava tharð is that, you' ra going to havð
truck traffic going by what, ðvantually, will bðcomð a child carð cðntðr. Somðhow
it's going to havð to bð addrðssad, as far as I'm concðrnðd, is tharð any spðad
limits, childrðn playing signs, whatðvðr's nðcðssary. I lika tha idða of a child
carð cantðr, but thðrð nððds to ba somðthing thðrð to sðparata thð mixðs.
MR. LAPANN-Askad, would that ba somathing within tha subdivision location or would
you suggast that would ba mora appropriata, if wa do gat tha subdivision, onca
thðy do a sita plan ovar hara. Whan would you suggast would ba a good tima so
wa'll makð sura it gðtS dona?
MR. CARTIER-Statad I would think in tha subdivision bacausa it I s difficult for
somðbody that's doing tha sita plan for child cara and hava to gat tha Town to
placa signs and so on. Plus, thara maybð truck traffic alraady coming in by tha
tima, I don't know.
MR. LAPANN-Statßd ok, wßll, Wß cßrtainly arß going to makß somß additional matßrials
and wß' 11 makß somß suggßstions along thoSß linßs that, to protßct thß childrßn,
that might bß in, what is shown on thßsß maps, as lot numbßr 2. As to thß last
paragraph on Pagß 2 of 3, rßgarding thß traffic study. I can say that I would
rßfßr to thß lßttßr submittßd to thß Planning Board by Mr. Gannßtt, datßd Fßbruary
20th, 1990 whßre he states that, "based on the assumption that parcel 9 will be
accessed only from Warren Street, the subdivision dOßs not appear to impose an
unduß burden on Dix AVßnue traffic" and if there needs to be some additional traffic
studies done on Warrßn Strßet, in addition to that, we will be certainly happy
to provide those, but it appears to me that thß Towrt's engineßr has reviewed that
and suggested that the traffic situation is not going to be a major impact, correct
mß if I'm wrong. I know you're not spßaking for the DOT.
MR. GANNETT-Stated I'll let DOT spßak for themsßlves.
MR. ROBERTS-Stated in speaking for themselves, thßY don't agree with the figures
that we'vß gotten so far. Is that correct?
MR. GANNETT-Stated that may be. I'vß not had any conversations with the people
at DOT the information that was presented in thß traffic study indicatßd to us
that there would not bß a problßm with traffic on Dix Avenuß based on all of thß
lots except for lot 9, using Dix AVßnuß ßntrancß.
MR. ROBERTS-Stated you're saying Dix AVßnue...that's farther down thß road, though.
Farther off of this intersection, I guess, is where level of sßrvicß.. seem to
be. The question is, how far do we go with our traffic study, I guess. Is that
the problem or to look down Quaker Road and Dix Avenuß east of Quaker Road. How
far away from the site are we obligated to be concerned about?
MR. GANNETT-Stated I think I could that answer better once I'vß had a chance to
find out what the State's concerns werß. Just going by the information that's
prßsentßd here, I'm not sure that I can determine what thß State's concerns werß,
that they may have some other concerns that I was not aware of in reviewing the
applicant's traffic study.
MR. LAPANN-Stated again, they may find that, although the traffic study submitted
was not exactly what they werß looking for, that they havß no real concerns and
that the traffic is just fine on Dix Avenue, even as submitted.
MR. GANNETT-Stated it may still be an open issue until the State has addressed
their concerns.
MR. CARTIER-Stated I don't understand what you just said. Did you just say if
you talk about lots 1 through 8 only, the traffic on Dix Avenue is not a problem?
Traffic on Dix Avenue, however, becomes a problem if you include lot 9, is that
what youlre saying?
MR. GANNETT-Stated that's not exactly what I'm saying. Thß traffic study that
they've submitted does not show lot 9 coming on to Dix Avenue so there isn't any
numbers gßnerated to show whethßr it would or would not be a problem.
MR. LAPANN-Statßd again, we'rß not proposing to entßr on to Dix Avenuß.
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Statßd there will be no access to lot 9 from Dix Avenuß.
access only Warren Street, lot 9. Is that correct, Jim?
MR. LAPANN-Statßd thatls correct.
MR. ROBERTS-Stated I might raise an interesting question about firß and emergßncy
access. You could probably reach firß hydrants from the back side of the building,
eVßn put it out the front section.
MR. SCARTELLI-Stated thßrß's a hydrant oppositß the building.
MR. LAPANN-Stated I'd like, next, to talk about the top of Page 3 of 3 and that
rßgards thß City of Glßns Falls. It certainly has beßn our intention to fully
satisfy the City in their concerns short of going down and putting in a new culvert
or drainage system down on Warren Streßt. I did havß a convßrsation with both
Manning Cohen and Joe Sullivan today. I spoke to them spßcifically about the
lßtter that Mr. Cohen sent and all I can tell you, I do not have the letter, as
I stand herß today, from Manning Cohen or Joe Sullivan, that says anything other
than the on~ th~y did submit. I would sugg~st that th~ l~tt~r th~y submitt~d
do~s not show a full und~rstanding of our drainag~ syst~m as propos~d, but I can
say, that asid~, that both Mr. Coh~n and Mr. Sullivan stat~d that th~y did not
want to stand in th~ way of this proj~ct and had no major conc~rns about it.
Th~r~ w~r~ only two conc~rns that th~y did hav~ about th~ proj~ct. Th~ first
is that th~ ov~rflow of th~ pond, which will b~~liminat~d in our proposal. Th~
s~cond is, what's going to happ~n down on Warr~n Str~~t. How ar~ w~ going to
avoid probl~ms with th~ flow that's down b~low and I think that, at th~ Sk~tch
Plan, it was d~t~rmin~d that this applicant, for subdivision approval, n~~d only
addr~ss th~ ar~a, th~ flow of th~ wat~r through our particular subdivision and
that that's what w~ hav~ addr~ss~d is that w~ ar~ not going to imp~d~ or caus~
a probl~m with th~ flow of th~ drainag~ ~as~m~nt as it go~s through our proj~ct
and w~ hav~ account~d for th~ tr~atm~nt of stormwat~r runoff on our sit~s and
that that is what th~ ~ngin~~rs hav~ r~vi~w~d and what th~ Planning Board has
approv~d. So as to th~ two conc~rns of th~ City, on~ r~garding ov~rflow of th~
pond and th~ oth~r r~garding an offsit~ condition, I would stat~ that w~ will
provid~ additional docum~ntation for you, but that in my discussion with both
Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Coh~n, th~y did not want to stand in th~ way of th~ proj~ct
and had no major conc~rns about it and I would lik~ to submit additional
docum~ntation on that aft~r w~ hav~ an additional m~~ting with th~m.
MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d this was sch~dulèd as a public h~aring. Is anybody from th~
City h~r~, I wond~r? Is th~r~ anybody in th~ audi~nc~ who car~s to comm~nt on
this proj~ct?
MR. LAPANN-Stat~d n~xt, Ild lik~ to addr~ss som~
Ass~ssm~nt Form. In particular, I' d lik~ to addr~ss
3 on th~ long form ~nvironm~ntal ass~ssm~nt form.
issu~s on th~ Environm~ntal
qu~stion Numb~r 20 on Pag~
hazardous wast~s?"
"Has th~ sit~ ~v~r b~~n us~d
is this th~ qu&stion?
for th& disposal of solid or
MR. LAPANN-Stat~d that's corr&ct. In discussing this with Mrs. York today, I
und&rstand that th~r~ was som~ conc~rn about wh~th~r th& Planning Board would
want som~ furth~r clarification or affirmativ& stat&m&nts on th& part of th~ QEDC
r~garding this particular it&m and I'd lik~ to stat~ this ~v~ning, for th~ r~cord,
that, to th& b&st of th& knowl~dg~ of th~ QEDC, th~ Qu~&nsbury Economic D~v~lopm~nt
Corporation, th& applicant h&r& tonight, that this sit~ has n~v~r b~~n us&d for
th~ disposal of solid or hazardous wast~s, to th~ b~st of our knowl~dg~, as w~
ar~ h&r& tonight.
MR. CARTIER-Ask&d, th&r& IS no old quarry on that sit~.
th~ r~frig~rator on th~ pond.
With th~ exc&ption of
MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d th~ pond would probably b~ th~ old quarry, though, wouldn't
it, if th&r& w&r&?
MR. CARTIER-Stat~d I don't know. Is th~r~ an old quarry on that prop~rty?
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Stat~d no.
MR. LAPANN-Stat&d th~ n&xt conc&rn I'd 1ik& to addr&ss is on Pag~ 4 of th& long
form and that's qu&stion Numb~r 8 r~garding blasting and I b~li~v& that th&r&
may b~ som~ blasting in doing our propos~d roadway. It's impossibl& to t&ll at
this point, but w~ did som& blasting in th~ d~v~lopm~nt of our initial roadway,
Progr~ss Boul~vard and th~r~ may v~ry w~l1 n~~d additional blasting around th~
tim& that w~ do th~ oth&r road blasting. I would sugg~st that whoavar wa would
contract to do such work would b~ fully ragulatad or lic~ns~d or approv~d blasting
company and would cartainly hav~ to ...blasting in complianca with all tha
MR. CARTIER-Stat~d l~t m~ toss som~thing in hara that may ba a ralativaly minor
issu~ I'm just raising a quastion and, again, it goas back to clays, soma clays
and I'm not suggasting th~s~ clays ara Som& clays, wh~n subjactad to shock
und&rgo what's cal1ad liquous action, thay liquify and wh&th~r thos~ clays on
th~ prop~rty ar~ thos~ typa of clays might ba a qu~stion ... In my ~xpari~nca
with ..clays, thay do soma waird things.
MR. LAPANN-State:d ok, thank you. Ne:xt, I'd like: to talk about Ite:m Numbe:r 14
on that same: page: "Will surface: are:a of an e:xistingwate:r body be: incre:ase:d or
de:cre:ase:d by the: proposal?" and I'd like: to ask Nick Scarte:lli to addre:ss that
particular issue:.
MR. ROBERTS-State:d se:e:ms like: that should be: a ye:s, if we:' re: going to e:liminate:
the: pond.
MR. SCARTELLI-State:d we:ll, of course:, if we: e:liminate: the: pond, the: only incre:ase:
we:'re: going to have: in wate:r surface: is what is going to be: re:taine:d in the: ditche:s,
one: be:ing be:twe:e:n the: me:dian and the: othe:r be:ing in the: outle:t ditch through the:
propose:d Valcour prope:rty. So it may be: de:cre:asing it, ye:s.
MR. CARTIER-State:d you are:, you're: e:liminating a pond. The: surface: are:a de:cre:ase:s.
MR. SCARTELLI-State:d we: 11 , whe:n you actually de:cre:ase: it that de:pe:nds upon what
the: le:ve:l of the: wate:r is at the: time:.
MR. CARTIER-Aske:d, but you're: going to fill the: pond in.
MR. SCARTELLI-State:d ye:s.
MR. CARTIER-State:d the: pond is actually going to be: gone: so the< surface< is going
to de<cre<ase: to ze:ro. I don't think it's a big issue:.
MR. ROBERTS-State:d I don't e<ithe:r.
MR. CARTIER-State:d- it's just that a matte:r that it should not be< no, it should
be: ye:s.
MR. LAPANN-State:d we: will make: an alte<ration in that. The: ne:xt ite:m that I'd
like< to addre<ss has to do with Page: 7, que:stion Numbe:r 5, "Will the: propose:d action
affe:ct surface: or groundwate:r quality or quantity?"
MR. SCARTELLI-State:d one: of the: ite:ms unde:rne<ath that Ite<m 5 says that, "Propose:d
action would use: wate:r in e:xce:ss of 20,000 gallons pe<r day." I think that action
that the<y're: talking about has to do with if the<re: was going to be:...on the: site:.
This has, of course:, Town wate:r that's going to be: put on the: site:. (TAPE TURNED)
MR. ROBERTS-State:d the< ope:rable< word is "significant". I think we: I re: talking
significant he<re: e:ve<n if we: said ye:s, the<re: would be: a small amount.
MR. SCARTELLI-State:d I think the: quantity that we<' reo talking about for the< total
use< of the< building thatls pre:se:ntly on the: site:, I think, some:whe:re: around 20,000
MR. CARTIER-Aske:d, are: you saying that re<fe<rs to the: drawing out of we:lls?
MR. SCARTELLI-State:d no, 11m just saying, it says groundwate:r, "significantly
e:ffe:ct groundwate:r".
MR. CARTIER-State:d "surface: wate:r or groundwate:r".
MR. SCARTELLI-State<d ye<s, it says "quality or quantity of surface: or groundwate<r".
MR. CARTIER-State:d ye:s, but the< que:stion, the: othe<r side: of that, whe:n you're:
done< using that 20,000 gallons, what do you do with it?
MR. SCARTELLI-State:d we< I re< putting it into the: se:we:r.
it on site:?
You me<an why do we: use<
MR. CARTIER-State:d ye:s.
MR. SCARTELLI-State<d as dome:stic wate:r.
MR. CARTIER-State:d alright, I unde<rstand.
MR. LAPANN-State<d the< ne:xt page: I just want to touch on is que:stion Numbe<r 17
on Page< 10 and that involve:s impact on public he:alth and just to state: that we:
are< planning, this, again, touche:s on inve:stigation of this pond, and we:'re:
ce:rtainly going to inve<stigate: it. It's going to be: inve:stigate:d and ....anticipate<
that th~r~ isn't going to b~ a probl~m.
it. .
Th~ fact that QEDC is not finish~d with
I b~li~v~ that that go~s through th~ comm~nts of Mrs. York and th~ F~bruary 15th,
1990 comm~nts. w~ hav~ addr~ss~d th~ l~tt~r of Mr. Gann~tt conc~rning th~ traffic
study and th~ l~tt~r Mr. Naylor, th~ highway sup~rint~nd~nt, conc~rning m~~ting
th~ roadways. I know th~r~ ar~ s~v~ral it~ms that w~ ar~ going to provid~ within
a m~~ting with th~ Planning D~partm~nt and th~ ~ngin~~ring conc~rn th~ adjoining
of th~ roadway to th~ adjac~nt prop~rty. W~lr~ going to provid~ additional
information about th~ traffic saf~ty conc~rning th~ child car~ c~nt~r. If th~r~
ar~ any oth~r qu~stions conc~rning th~ sit~, I' d c~rtainly b~ happy to answ~r
th~m. w~ hav~ th~ ~ngin~~r h~r~, w~ hav~ th~ r~pr~s~ntativ~s of AVI h~r~ to answ~r
any qu~stions that you may hav~ or that ~ngin~~r has.
MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d I think w~'v~ addr~ss~d most ~v~rything, hav~n't w~?
MR. HAGAN-Ask~d, did I miss it, or did you say you addr~ss~d th~ l~tt~r from Manning
MR. LAPANN-Stat~d y~s, I did. L~t m~ just m~ntion that bri~fly. I'd spok~, today,
with Manning Coh~n and with Jos~ph Sullivan about that particular l~tt~r and,
as I said, I don't hav~ a l~tt~r h~r~ today from Mr. Coh~n saying, go ah~ad with
th~ proj~ct, but what I would sugg~st is that, along with th~ mat~ria1s that w~
will b~ submitting with this proj~ct, that I fully anticipat~ that w~ will submit
such a l~tt~r. As h~ ~xplain~d to m~, his int~nt was not to stop or in any way
hind~r th~ moving forward of this and that w~ will b~ m~~ting with him to go through
all of our chang~s and addr~ss th~ir two conc~rns which ar~ th~ pond runoff and
th~ ar~a down by Warr~n Str~~t.
MR. YORK-Ask~d, is th~ Board going to r~qu~st modifi~d plans and a modifi~d long
form, th~n?
MR. CARTIER-Stat~d I would think so.
MRS. YORK-Stat~d I would think so too.
MR. ROBERTS-Ask~d, a modifi~d long form?
MRS. YORK-Stat~d som~ of th~ answ~rs on this on~ w~r~ r~ctifi~d and I would lik~
a. .
MR. CARTIER-Stat~d in oth~r words, w~' r~ going to s~~ pap~rwork that r~fl~cts
all th~ things that w~'v~ discuss~d tonight.
MR. YORK-Stat~d y~s. Is that your und~rstanding?
MR. LAPANN-Stat~d thatls my und~rstanding, y~s. Thank you v~ry much.
MR. CARTIER-Stat~d just so w~'r~ on th~ sam~ wav~l~ngth. Mayb~ I'm ov~rly conc~rn~d
about this, but I just want to, I'v~ b~~n trying to k~~p a list of ~v~rything
w~'v~ b~~n talking about. Issu~s d~aling with th~ pond, th~s~ ar~ v~ry g~n~ral
comm~nts, through road to th~ Charl~bois prop~rty, traffic studi~s, traffic flow
within th~ subdivision, ~as~m~nts, n~w ~as~m~nts shown, City of Gl~ns Falls
conc~rns, plus any oth~r comm~nts by Staff, traffic control what~v~r n~~ds to
b~ don~ around futur~ child car~ c~nt~r. Hav~ I miss~d anything?
MRS. YORK-Stat~d if you want to talk to th~ Town of Qu~~nsbury Highway
Sup~rint~nd~nt about modifying that op~n ar~a th~r~, pl~as~ f~~l fr~~.
MR. LAPANN-Stat~d I would lik~ to, wh~n w~ submit th~ information r~garding th~
chang~ of th& roadway to th~ adjoining parc~l, I' d c~rtainly lik~ to clèan up
all th& issu~s that w~ hav~.
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Ask~d, L~~, do you s&~ a probl~m with thatt knowing what you know,
from wh~r~ Claud~ Charl~bois is coming in from. Is th~r~ a pot~ntial probl~m?
MRS. YORK-Stat~d I don't think so. Mr. Charl~bois, I'm sur~, would b~ happy to
work with you and th& Planning Board has alr~ady told him, at th&ir first r~vi&w
of this Proj~ct, that th&y would want his roads to link up with yours. So h&' s
awar~ of that.
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Stat~d I hav~ sat down with Claud~ and had som~ conv~rsation and
. . . his road was going to coma in th~r~ and just that modification, w~' r~ off,
mayb~, by a f~w f~~t.
MR. ROBERTS-Statad and you'ra lot lina's baan changad...
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Statad not raally...
MR. LAPANN-Statad what I would ask is that wa do hava an opportunity to prasant
tha information that wa discussad tonight at at tima that would mova...tha Staff..
that wa'ra undar from our applicant.
MRS. YORK-Statad if I hara from DOT or anyona a1sa, as soon as possibla, I will
lat tha Chairman and tha rast of tha Board and your paopla know and ....taka what
action is appropriata.
MR. ROBERTS-Askad, you'ra thinking about a spacial maating?
MRS. YORK-Statad no, I'm not. I'm not thinking about anything. If I hara from
DOT or any of tha othar agancias any aarliar than anticipatad, I will immadiataly
lat you know.
MR. CARTIER-Statad with ragard to a spacial maating, if wa' ra going to go to a
spacial maating, I would lika not only to sat a spacial maating data, but also
submit a submission daadlina for that spacial maating data.
MR. ROBERTS-Statad cas a by caSa basis, or, wa don't want to maka that a routina.
MR. CARTIER-Statad no, but what I'm saying is in a casa lika this, I think in
fairnass to applicant's and in fairnass to Staff, thair ought to ba a submission
daad lina.
MR. ROBERTS-Statad mayba that's what wa' ra thinking about now. I guass wa don't
know, raally, whan wa'ra going to ba abla to gat tha othar agancias in lina, whan
tha work is going to ba dona.
MR. LAPANN-Statad I can say that wa'ra going to mova along with this with as much
spaad as wa possibly can to gat all thasa issuas claanad up and gat tham ovar
to tha Staff and Enginaar...so that's our gama plan, if that's accaptabla, but
wa would hava it in as soon as wa possibly could. I thank you vary much for your
MR. ROBERTS-Statad I'm not just sura, whan to say it naads to ba in, a waak, 10
days prior to any spacial maating to giva Staff tima.
MR. CARTIER-Statad what about submission daadlina data. What kind of tima doas
Staff naad batwaan a spacial maating and tima to raviaw stuff coming in.
MRS. YORK-Statad wall, tha problam with spacial maatings is, as wa found out during
tha concapt approval of this, is that wa hava Staff raviaw with all tha Dapartmant
haads thara only ona tima a month. That's why wa hava our daadlinas sat up tha
way thay ara so, tha following waak wa hava to gat all tha Dapartmant haads togathar
and raviaw projacts, so if anyona has commants at that tima, wa can gat tham.
So, if you hava spacial maatings, that is not always occurring.
MR. ROBERTS-Statad in othar words, it pracludas anything baing put on tha fast
MRS. YORK-Statad wall, not raally. If I faal that thara mayba a concarn by tha
Watar Dapartmant or Highway Dapartmant, I will run tha plans ovar and ask tham
to look at tham, but somatimas thara is somathing on this, too, that tha Dapartmant
haad, sitting thara, will pick up. So, that's a considaration for tha Board,
that you hava to ba awara of. Tha raason tha structura is tha way it is, is for
a logical raason. For tha Planning Dapartmant to hava tima to raviaw tham, I
would say a waak is raally sufficiant.
MR. ROBERTS-Statad wa' ra gatting down, now, mayba mora to datail.
and, parhaps wa I ra talking about Wayna or tha anginaaring wouldn't
Dapartmant haads possibly.
Towards tha
raquira all
MRS. YORK-Statad wall, most of tha Dapartmant haads hava mada thair commants at
this point.
MR. ROBERTS-Statad that's right.
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Ask&d, if this goes to March 9th, and with a little luck, it might
not, but if it gO&S to March 9th, ar& we still looking, th&n, at the pr&liminary
approval and th&n it would b& anoth&r month b&for& W& g&t the final approval?
Is that th& sc&nario, just to h&lp m& with it?
MR. ROBERTS-Stat&d I don't know. W& hav& two oth&r m&&tings, I gU&SS, lat&r in
th& month, p&rhaps one of thos& m&&tings could be a sp&cial m&&ting lik& W& IV&
done her&.
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Stat&d but, I gU&SS, l&t' s open it up to thê r&gular mêêting and
say to Dav& Baar of Valcour, tha bast wê'ra going to bê ablê to do for you, Dava,
as far as our approval for subdivision, and we nêêd to gêt subdivision approval
befora you' ra going to bê looking at thê sitê rêviêw ,is that what I hêard you
MR. ROBERTS-Statad right.
MR. CARTIER-Statêd final subdivision approval.
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Statêd right, which, if &varything happanad and Wê didn't gat into
any spacial maatings, but if it happên&d on a rêgular basis, Wê I rê looking at
March 9th, April somathing or oth&r.
MR. ROBERTS-Statêd wall, March 9th is alrêady going to bê a spêcial mêêting.
Wa don't havê mêeting than.
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Statêd oh, I'm sorry, ok.
MR. CARTIER-Statad wait a minutê.
spacial mêating?
Havê W& just dêcidêd Wê' ra going to hava a
MR. ROBERTS-Statad wêll, no, Wê don't know whan wê'll bê rêady Yêt. That's what
I was trying to gêt out of you. Ara Wê willing to go for a sp&cial mêêting as
êarly wa can addrass SEQRA, as aarly as Wê can gêt thê othêr aganciês to sign
on and kêêp this on a littla bit of a fast track and mayba finish it up latar
in tha month for final and sita plan.
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Statêd my undarstanding is that, by law, this information has to
bê on your dêsk by March 9th, is that corract?
MRS. YORK-Stat&d yas.
MR. CHAMPAGNE-Statad or earliêr. Now, this is just a numbar crunching process
whêra Wê just gat tha information in and if it m&ats tha &nginaêrs satisfaction,
it's rêport&d back and that givês us prêliminary approval.
MR. CARTIER-Statêd but, Wê just wipêd out Staff timê to look at it. If it comas
in the 9th and wa havê a maating tha 9th, Staff hasn I t got a chancê to look at
it, right?
MRS. YORK-Statad right. I mêan, you would havê your nêW plan to us prior to that.
MR. CARTIER-Statêd sUPPOSê Wê talk about a ma&ting, 11m thinking off thê top of
my haad, March 9th is wh&n avarything has to bê in from avarybody. Add a waak
to that, that III giva you a wêêk to look at anything that's going to comê up,
maybê thê 16th.
MR. ROBERTS-Statêd parhaps Wê could do naxt month, what Wê triad to do this month.
MR. LAPANN-Statad my only rêquast on that is, according to our davêlopêr that
we'rê all working togêthêr to try and gêt it in hêrê, that if hê dOêsnlt gat start&d
tha first faw wêaks of March, that wa'rê going to bê looking at a sarious problam
with thê liability of thê Projact.
MR. ROBERTS-Statêd wall he's alraady missêd that. Thêra's no way wê'rê....
MR. LAPANN-Statêd I undêrstand that and what I would ask is that if, for êxamplê,
within tha naxt 10 days, that w&'ra abla to gêt th& mat&rials in and th& Planning
D&partm&nt, than, had a wêak to rêviêw êvarything that W& put in, all thê am&nd&d
matêrials, that onc& that final numb&r com&s in, p&rhaps a short&r timê pariod
from wh&n that final numbar comêS in till th& tim& of a sp&cial m&&ting. I
appr&ciat& &v&rything you'V& dona. I'm just asking that, giv&n th& fact that
w~ g~t ~v~rything in, it's just w~ want to add to that. Mayb~ th~ ~ngin~~r or
L~~ could giv~ a sugg~stion as to how long you think it would tak~ for that final
traffic study onc~ it cam~ in until wh~n you'd b~ r~ady to r~port on it.
MR. GANNETT-Stat~d wdl, I think th~ w~~k that w~'v~ b~~n talking about is a
r~åsonabl~ tim~ to r~vi~w all th~ mat~rials.
MR. LAPANN-Stat~d so if you hav~ all th~ mat~ria1s and you 'v~ r~vi~w~d th~m all
in a w~~k and at th~ ~nd of that w~~k you g~t th~ DOT r~port, th~n, how long would
it b~ from that?
MR. GANNETT-Stat~d that r~ally d~p~nds on what's in th~ DOT r~port. If it turns
out th~r~' s no big disagr~~m~nt on traffic numb~rs, that may b~ a formality.
If th~y hav~ a major probl~m with th~ traffic analysis, th~n that may r~quir~
som~ additional work on your part to clarify that.
MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d mayb~ w~ I r~ willing to just bav~ it up to Staff to do it as
fast as they g~t all the information in from th~ oth~r ag~nci~s. Information
from you, and put a m~eting tog~th~r. I don't know how fast you can g~t th~ oth~r
ag~nci~s to sign off right now, do you.
MRS. YORK-Stat~d no, that's th~ probl~m.
MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d that's what may hang us up, but we hav~ no control ov~r it.
MR. LAPANN-Stat~d all I can say is that this applicant could not ask for mor~
coop~ration and assistanc~ than w~ 'v~ r~c~iv~d and w~ c~rtainly would appr~ciat~,
and leave it up to th~ Planning D~partment and th~ engine~r, if that's acc~ptable
to you, to schedul~ a m~~ting wh~n th~y ar~ pr~par~d.
MR. ROBERTS-Stat~d w~'v~ tri~d to be coop~rativ~.
our tun~.
I gu~ss w~' re not changing
MR. PULVER-Stat~d I think th~y hav~ a tough job.
On motion m~~ting was adjourn~d.
Richard Rob~rts, Chairman
F f l-
planning Department
Mrs. Lee A. York, Senior Planner
Mr. John S. Goralski, Planner
Mr. Stuart G. Baker, Assistant Planner
Date: February 15. 1990
By: Lee A. York
Area Variance
Uøe Variance
== Sign Variance
_ IDterpretatioa
--L SubdiftBioa: Sketch. X Prelim'
- - :mary,
Site Plan Rmew
== Petition for a ChaDge of Zone
Freshwater WetlaDda Permit
AppUcation Number:
Subdivision No. 1-1990
MeetiDg Date:
Queensbury Economic Development Corp./Queensbury Technical Park
Special Meeting: Tuesday, February ZO, 1990 following the regularly scheduled
Applicant'. Name:
The application is for an industrial subdivision off of Dix Avenue. The Queensbury
Economic Development Corporation is the owner of the proposed eight lot subdivision.
The Technical Park proposes to divide 3Z.3 acres into parcels ranging from 1.31
acres to 15.96 acres.
This subdivision plan has some inconsistencies with regard to the Va1cour Site Plan
(lot number 9, 15.96 acres). The subdivision plan shows the pond as existing and does not
show any drainage way modification. The Valcour plan indicates that the pond will be
filled and a new drainage way will be constructed. The proposed drainage way is to drain
the lots in the northern part of the subdivision and exit onto the lands of Niagara Mohawk
to the south. QEDC does have an existing agreement with Niagara Mohawk to drain onto
their property.
The Board should determine what the status is, of the pond, as part of the CUlTent
drainage area, and what it will be in the future. If it is to be filled in, we need to know
how this is to be accomplished, and how the CUlTent water retained in the pond will be
dealt with. We should be assured that the removal of the pond will not affect the City
or other properties. We also need to know who is to be responsible for filling the pond
and how the project will be handled. The Board should be assured that the hydraulic
functions of retention, sedimentation, and cleansing of the waters which passed through
it will be carried out in the proposed drainage way. If contaminates or particulate matter
have been held in the pond, the Board should make sure that the drainage way can filter
the same materials. We also need to know who will maintain the proposed drainage way.
If it is to be the Town, an easement with Valcour should be executed. We should have
a grading plan showing before and after contours of the pond and drainage way. The
drainage and erosion control plan should also identify these items.
page 1 of 3
The traffic report on this project has been requested by DOT and Wan-en County
Our. Regulations require (page 33, Subdivision Regulation.);
6. Continuation of Projection of Certain Streets
The an-angement of streets in the subdivision shall provide for the continuation
of principal streets of adjoining subdivisions, and for proper projection of
principal streets into adjoining properties which are not yet subdivided, in
order to make possible necessary fire protection, movement of traffic and
the construction or extension, presently or when later required, of needed
utilities and public service such as sewers, water and drainage facilities. Where,
in the opinion of the Town Board, topographic or other conditions make such
continuation or projection undesirable or impracticable, this requirement may
be modified. Approved future connector links shall be dedicated at the same
time the principal streets are dedicated.
There is in existence, a Planning Board Sketch Plan approval on the adjoining
Charlebois Industrial Park (Major Commercial Subdivision No. 88-1). The approval on
this subdivision shows a roadway which merges into the Technical Park. It would be
appropriate for the Technical Park to plan a linkage of roadway and services with the
adjoining subdivision. This would provide truck access to the entire industrial area via
interior roads.
The unnamed street intersecting Progress Blvd. should be named on the plans. The
intersection of the two roads may cause a problem to the large trucks entering and existing
the facility. From a review of "Architectural Graphic Standards" - Seventh Edition, it
would appear that the turning radius will be tight. Upon entering and making the turn
onto the unnamed street, it is likely that a large truck will have to swerve into the Rozelle
entrance way to make the curve. Conversely, upon exiting, a large truck turning from
the unnamed street onto Progress Blvd. will probably enter the median. The situation
is tight. What may improve it, is to shorten and nan-ow the median at the southwest end
of Progress Blvd.
The traffic report states that the intersection of Progress Blvd. will operate at no
less than a level of service "B". The data in the report substantiates this. The roadway
capacity analysis conducted by Wan-en County DPW on September 19, 1988 (attached)
states that Dix Avenue, east of Quaker Road, is at a level of service "D". Dix Avenue,
west of Quaker Road, is at a level of service "C" (documentation attached). The rational
for requesting a traffic study is to determine traffic impacts on existing roadways and
intersections from a proposed development. Conclusions about the intersection of Dix
Avenue and Progress Blvd. do not address what the additional traffic will do to traffic
movement on Dix Avenue and how the developer can mitigate the impacts. As I have
stated, Wan-en County DPW and DOT have requested to review this study. I will attempt
to get suggestions from them about this, and what their concerns would be as soon as
page Z of 3
The Board requested that the developer's agent get a letter from the City addressing
their earlier concerns. We have received this, and I have attached it for your consideration.
In reviewing the Environmental Assessment Form, I have highlighted some items
which I felt the Board should clarify.
Page 4 states that blasting may occur on the site. You may want to discuss this
before checking that there will be no site changes. Also, on page 4, number 14 states
that the surface area of an existing water body will not be increased or decreased. This
should be clarified. I have duplicated the EAF and "stared" statements that I feel should
be discussed or clarified.
LA Y /sed
page 3 of 3
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