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TECHNICAL DATA SHEET CLOSED CELL FOAM SealTite™ PRO Closed Cell SealTite PRO Closed Cell is a two-component, medium density, one to one by volume spray-applied polyurethane foam. SealTite PRO Closed Cell is an insulation system designed for use in commercial and residential applications. Use in lieu of more traditional forms of insulating materials such as fi berglass, cellulose or other loose fi ll products. Typical areas where SealTite PRO Closed Cell is applied are exterior and interior walls, vented attics, unvented attic assemblies and between fl oors. TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Property SealTite Test R-Value 6.9 @ 1" 21 @ 3"ASTM C-518 Core Density 2.0 LB / Cubic Foot ASTM D-1622 Closed Cell Content > 90% ASTM D-2856 Sound Transmission Coeffi cient 41 ASTM E-90-85/E 413 Water Absorption < 2% by volume ASTM D-2842 Water Vapor Transmission - Permeance 0.8 perms @ 1" 0.23 perms @ 3.5"ASTM E-96 Air Impermeable < 0.02 (L/s-m2) @ 1" ASTM E-2178 Tensile Strength (PSI)60 ASTM D-1623 Dimensional Stability < 9% ASTM D-2126 Compressive Strength 47 ASTM D-1621 Fungi Resistance Zero Rating ASTM G-21 Building Code Certifi cations / Fire Test Data Evaluation Service Report IAMPO UES - 621 Building Types Approved I, II, III, IV, V-B: Nonstructural Insulation material Flame Spread ASTM E84 Class I < 25 Smoke Development ASTM E84 Class I < 450 ASTM C 1029 Spray Applied Polyurethane Thermal Insulation Meets or Exceeds Type II NFPA 285 Pass: Standard fi re test method for evaluation of fi re propagation characteristics of exterior non-load bearing wall assemblies containing combustible components. NFPA 286 Pass: Can be used without a 15-minute thermal barrier when covered with one of the approved intumescent coatings as shown on page 2. NFPA 286 AC377 Appendix X Pass: Complies with the applicable requirements of ICC-ES AC377 Appendix X for use in attics and crawlspaces without a prescriptive ignition barrier. UL 1715 Pass: Can be used without a Code prescribed 15-minute thermal barrier when included as a component in tested alternative thermal barrier assemblies. See THERMAL BARRIER on page 2. UL Listing FWFX.R38039 Exterior Wall System Component UL Listing FWFO.EWS0013 & EWS0029 Exterior Wall System Greenguard Gold GOLD: UL 2818 - 2013 Standard for Chemical Emissions for Building Materials, Finishes and furnishings. 100 Enterprise Drive • Cartersville, GA 30120 • 844.922.2355 www.carlislesfi .com 100 Enterprise Drive • Cartersville, GA 30120 • 844.922.2355 www.carlislesfi .com THERMAL BARRIER: Current International Building Code (IBC) and International Residential Code (IRC) require that spray polyurethane foam be separated from the building interior by a Code prescribed 15-minute thermal barrier or a Code- approved alternative. Gypsum board at a minimum thickness of ½" is a Code-prescribed 15-minute thermal barrier. The following products when installed per manufacturer specifi cations are alternative thermal barrier assemblies containing SealTite PRO Closed Cell: Approved Intumescent Coatings: DC315™ manufactured by: International Fireproof Technology, Inc Application Rates: 14 Wet Mils - 9 Dry Mils Fireshell TB manufactured by: TPR2 Corporation Application Rates: 20 Wet Mils - 12 Dry Mils Plus ThB manufactured by: No Burn Inc. Application Rates: 14 Wet Mils - 9 Dry Mils IGNITION BARRIER: SealTite PRO Closed Cell meets the requirements of ICC-ES AC377 and Appendix X for use in attics and crawlspaces without the use of a prescriptive ignition barrier or Intumescent Coating under the following conditions. a Entry is only to service utilities in the attic or crawlspace and no storage is permitted. b Attic or crawlspace areas cannot be connected. c Air from the attic or crawlspace cannot be circulated to other parts of the building. d In accordance with IBC Section 1203.3 or IRC Section R408.1, under floor (crawlspace) ventilation is provided as applicable. e In accordance with IBC 1203.2 or IRC Section R806, attic ventilation is provided as applicable. f In accordance with 2012 and 2009 IMC (International Mechanical Code®) Section 701, or 2006 IMC Sections 701 and 703, combustion air is provided. g The foam plastic insulation is limited to the maximum thickness and density tested. h The installed coverage rate of coatings, if part of the insulation system shall be equal or greater than that tested. GENERAL PROPERTIES: SealTite PRO Closed Cell is a 2.0 pcf density closed cell insulating material. SealTite PRO Closed Cell is designed for use where insulation systems require superior air barrier characteristics along with the ability to minimize moisture infi ltration. SealTite PRO Closed Cell has a 6.9 per inch R-value rating while providing structural enhancement due to its semi-rigid nature when cured. When properly installed by a professional application company SealTite PRO Closed Cell quickly expands to fi ll the cracks, crevices, gaps and voids that exist in every structure. In addition, SealTite PRO Closed Cell will conform to the curves, irregular surfaces and spaces to form a superior thermal envelope around your entire structure. © 2020 Carlisle. 03.11.20 CSFI-10140 - “SealTite PRO Closed Cell Technical Data Sheet” Carlisle and SealTite are trademarks of Carlisle. EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENT RATIOS: The mix ratio is 1 to 1 by volume. The pre-heater temperatures should be set between 105°F – 135°F and able to maintain +/- 5°F. VAPOR RETARDER: When installed at a minimum thickness of 1" SealTite PRO Closed Cell is considered a vapor retarder. Consult local building code offi cials for specifi c requirements. Climate zone tables are available in current IBC and IRC publications. APPLICATION GUIDELINES: Polyurethane foam systems should be processed through commercially available spray equipment designed for that purpose by a qualifi ed professional applicator. Consult the current Carlisle Spray Foam Insulation application guidelines for SealTite PRO Closed Cell (Grade: Summer or Winter) OR SealTite PRO Closed Cell (Grade: Arctic) prior to installation. It is the responsibility of the professional applicator to thoroughly understand all equipment technical information and safe operating procedures that pertain to a spray polyurethane foam application. MATERIAL HANDLING: Due to the reactive nature of these components respiratory protection is mandatory. The vapors and liquid aerosols present during application and for a short period thereafter must be considered – and appropriate protective measures taken – to minimize potential risks from overexposure through inhalation, skin, or eye contact. These protective measures include adequate ventilation, safety training for installers and other workers, use of appropriate personal protective equipment, and a medical surveillance program. It is imperative that the applicator read and become familiar with all available information on proper use and handling of spray polyurethane foam. Additional information is available at www.carlislesfi .com or by contacting the Technical Services department of Carlisle Spray Foam Insulation. PROPER STORAGE OF RAW MATERIALS: Shelf life is Six (6) months from date of manufacture when stored indoors, in the original unopened containers and between the temperatures of 50° – 80°F. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: For additional assistance please contact the Technical Services department of Carlisle Spray Foam Insulation at (844) 922-2355. DISCLAIMER: To the best of our knowledge, all technical data contained herein is true and accurate as of the date of issuance and subject to change without prior notice. User must contact Carlisle Spray Foam Insulation to verify correctness before specifying or ordering. We guarantee our products to conform to the quality control standards established by Carlisle Spray Foam Insulation. We assume no responsibility for coverage, performance or injuries resulting from use. Liability, if any, is limited to replacement of the product. NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND IS MADE BY CARLISLE SPRAY FOAM INSULATION EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED; STATUTORY, BY OPERATION OF LAW, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CLOSED CELL FOAM SealTite PRO Closed Cell