2004-576 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ' 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building &Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number. P20040576 Date Issued: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number has been completed. Tax Map Number. 523400-309-009-0002-001-000-0000 Location: 200 LUZERNE Rd Owner. HOMESTEAD VILLAGE L P Applicant: HOMESTEAD VILLAGE L P This structure may be occupied as a: Mobile Home In Park By-Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. �r TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Roads Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20040576 Application Number: A20040576 Tax Map No: 523400-309-009-0002-0017-000=0000 Permission is hereby granted to: HOMF,STFAD VT[J,ACTF, L? p For property located at: 200 LUZERNE Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to constructor pl4ce at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: HOMESTEAD VILLAGE LP , 4294 ROUTE 5 Mobile Home In Park $18,400.00 Total Value $18,400.00 CALEDONIA, NY 14423 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency i , ij Plans&Specifications 2004-576 59 ALPINE AVENUE 840 SQ FT MOBILE HOME $29.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the T wn o ueen u day, July 27, 2004 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Application for Permit— Mobile Home Town of Queensbury, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 A building permit must be obtained before placement of mobile home on parcel. No inspections will be made until a valid building permit has been issued. Applicant Information Office Use File Permit NoD ��7 Address: Name: 1 4- 06 (D 9 - Fee Paid 6C<r,-Cz n xE CEIV Phone No. -,2,-(C, 0 .JUL 2 3 2004 Property Parcel Information ,y Owner Information TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODE Name: �Awr_ Proposed um of Placement: Property Location: 9 A1.0--itly-0-1 RYL Address: 'Roan, Avenue Name of Mobile Home Park: L��4mD �k (if applicable) Phone No. Tax Map Number L% I Mobile Home Information Zoning Information Approximate Value of Home: Sj'�p - Zoning Classification: New Home: (IF No Size of Property: 6(, ft.by 123 ft. Replacement Home: es No Size of Mobile Home: ft. by ft. Existing buildings: X C) Setbacks: front yard `3 4) ft. ; rear yard ft. Singlewide: ✓ Doublewide: Side yards ft.and ft. Number of Rooms: (exclude baths) t Number of Bedrooms: a Accessory Building(s): circle Number of Bathrooms: Detached garage: I car; 2 car, car circle: Gas Fireplace/Woodstove/Wood Fireplace Attached garage: I car, 2 car, - --car Storage building: Yes No Foundation Support: Other: TYPE SIZE&DEPTH Water Supply: well or municipal Piers x Runners x Is Septic Permit Required? Yes or No Slab X Further information requested on the reverse side o this sheet W !f Name of Installer or Mobile Home Dealer: Address: Phone No. Complete information below found on a"plate"or"sticker"which is affixed to the mobile home. 1. Insignia serial number. 2. Name of manufacturer. r, 3. Plan Approval Number. 4. Model or Component Designation: (New Home ONLI} 5. Date of Manufacture: /�/ o J AFFIDAVIT Town of Queensbury State of New York County of Warren I swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application,together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE,the ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or not, and that such work is 1 authorized by the owner. Signature:�s owner,owner's agent,architect,contract Special Conditions of Permit By. Form: 11/19/1999sh Code Enforcement Officer cn ' (9 W CD Z t� v- o J p L.�. LLJ j `_ t„ C� o = W ci) :5 ID 0 s C L O •b L� 3 1 (t7 LU tC QCD CDE c ci dui �F Q�NQ vG QG m co uj U C C2U Q Ott)9rFD I O V,06 EfRI AF jw Fg�F� r i- ------_1,srtcE55 t.,jrjry ------ ----- •h1 r� F=:I 7 f .`+.� IUSrUt CFD 1u I f 1 sn y Mh=1&24 3E RN.U'Jtla9.4 fL ( IEl JPFA=735.13 il- t t,ry�� � I�'C 4fJ(Sxf.i3 SI tdt J�Pl al si �' I S41 U(H1�Its6F sf, U—J ED� KT.�IOS1:1191 s.0 ® �fJ t4htaS0S s( _� �. YfY 1iBT=?,tJ y.l — J— .J iTA FILE .W92E SEC. ILL <•iS _ �]vTslo s -7ANDARD SYSTEMS <�> LOCKING HARDWARE NOT PERu9TTED. )11 341 x s52 -- -----—----— 11121 13441563 0 +-I 115 34 571 �+ p -0;000 h-rel E-5p-9.2,3.4.5 5• DRAY)i EJY: :REY WJND lom--) n-►las E-I Do-1,2.3.4,5,5, �25 56 ssi a 73E 52 812 F DAh�JJ1b o?i 5 two?ZOxrSils o E-150-1,7 1d3 581 sH6ET -1-5$ InSO C E—?aQ=1 163 595 Box L£NGTH DMRIPT101s DRAW)UG NUMBER { • vEA Alc;Kt GDyy,u,"ON AEob.W NEii 704E 3• 171 g$5 ssa 604 5914-&-Wlt SC?a1-C1 11/1 01/2013 21:37 FAX HOMESTEAD R002 2i001 39345 ------Ir— -- TIrr HOMETTE CORPORATION SOLD TO: AFFORDABLE GREAT LOCATIONS INC 99 HORSESHOE ROAD 4305 ROUTE 5 P.0—BOX 220 LEOLA PA 17640 CALEDONIA, NY '14423 (717)656.2071 PRODUCT NAME CODE NO. SIRCHFIELD 1 49 FINAN ED B ;CONSECO FINANCE$ERVICINC3 CORP SHIP TO; AFFORDABLE GREAT Q)-CATI0NS,IN Q PRESOLD 4292 AVON-CALEDONIA RD. P 0 BOX 940 CALEDONfA, NY 14423 402 ALPHAREw7TA,GA 30009-0940 Approval ikiLt.j'Narrie Approvaf c*6 KATE#1 728527 4611 wwlb FT,irp, lan rms Qty. Option DeScrilpffon Amount SKYFIN 3 15"WIMMMY bHu I I EKIS Date Date Shipped How Shipped order Date UFline Date I 30#ROOF ZON E124"O.C.ROOF P 06/2(612000 HEN=RIETTA05124/2000 06/1912000 1 MAKE HOME 2 Elr:DROOMS U 1 STIPPLED CEILING Ord., DOM (HUD Tag,Date Gust. Order No. Date Tallied 0611 912000 AMY1908 06126/2000 6 VINYL WINDOWS W/GRIDS f�N,70, 1 BEACON HILL GRANDBERRY ,;PF-L:N C701 CT 1 16 CUFT FF REFER I MIMS-070 GAS FURNACE I FURNACE STACK EXTENSION 49-17-0 1 SO'x--14' 1 30 GAL ELECT-WATER HEATER 1 EXTERIOR FALICET-PRINT gip;............. `[�ECEIVEI CK-C—ATH THRUOUT 5 WATER SMUT OFFS TIO, SIZe WX 14' Overall length excluiles aPPLO—Ximaltally fc�OT:foot hitch. 2 BEDROOM CEILING LITES TECHNICAL INFORMATION I LRG,WH(rEE PATIO LITE FRT, �lflz'WCWOD ILVCalbrr R-Value Approximate Type 2 PHONE JACKS:SEE PRINT Thitkfmus I PORCELAIN LAV SINK cailing R-33 -10-1/2" Min. Wool QUEENSBU1 VIVI R-1 1 3-1/2" Fiberglass I OPT.GARDEN TUB BATH TOWN OF BUILDING ME)COD' Floor P-1 9 6" Fiberglass 1 TUB OVERDRAPE Rcof Lcaa Wiricl e Heat zome 1 SHELF AT W/D AREA 30 PSF� Z014E 1-15 PST- I WASHER/DRYER WALL H.U.D.t1--,@11cation Label NumBer(s) ULI-507994 VOLUME INCENTIVE PROGRAM 1,11W1ZWV0fGAhajjCPM@nQ Prozarr;aVplleskci this Invatce.For full Information (SUPPIlmallial we'ta Idl VIP Skyline Corpofilibri P.O.Box 743,mkmft IN 48515-0743 TOTAL PRICE WITH OPTIONS FRF: GRT 211 SALES 'PAX 224 NYMHA DUES( 232 NOTE.Sumu imoninU Hera,hrfudiq3 1161%.W1104?ltt,!Ixluk",�Prir)gp,LIM br.,Akci Brc raus cl sitar cararui RVITUCLU11. NOTICF:L:lt%S.0flJnAK(1,3,11 tar en.-rchandisc.coygract by this invalc cs ri e dcot=Mulliulo GRAND TOTAL payrnetll mu idire w vwrw do=r not poem until=eti v&,,vw-.racei*L�d by LZSS DEPOSIT The und,.raajiacl namy zcknow1-3dg&s delivery and zicceptance of BALANCE DUE NOTICE TO F)EALER;Whan zi=tiplirig cletivary,of this shipment be sure to exem ne tiginc carefully WWI nave Shortagr.or (SIGNATURE) DATE 021maw notef;on ywl;,r(;hw;x cut shool whk&must be mqunied by uie armr.We cu.naa�vssvnw euspoAsivilty for lVss of dmrmgo to horrici.In trurmll.unl&4s(MIM140 Of ithanISCil Of Carnage IS rrincla wrierip:topting delivery. WZWK RETURN THIS SIGNED ACCEPTANCE TO SEE CERTIFICATI UN K V— 'l�:.�r C-1.;'"..,-.l' I,f�.. N�. .N' c �.".,""j �I �.�7-'.-:�y;.��Fg..,"'- ;�;I.�� "P5.'�-Fff'.-7­'l l.t�-.'"7'. �!_ V.4, t­�,"�";.H.. "1,"-�.�t�-g­-_'�' -."..*'-�.,­. 'r"A --� -s ­ V - �q�' �,, 'ZI'_.I. -'4--".l..-'x A "-� :3 .''. ? M. 1 '.. .;'�. ,j .� ,p k_= ,Zk % j, " � PI ��,!X=' 4Y-- _ � 11 ­'-. ;., ;".. -,. 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Y. 1, ) I" : '.I' " FINAL INSPECTION REPORT ..MOBILE / MODULAR Town of Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 ARRIVI DEPART: INSP: DATE INSPECTION REQUEST RECEIVED: NAME: i I LOCATION: I 1' DATE: 1 Z PERMIT# MOBILE HOME MODULAR HOME FOOTINGS FOUNDATION BACKFILL FRAMING N/A YES NO 1. foundation support, pier spacing per manuf. ........................ 2. anchoring per manuf. ............... — — — 3. water line shut,off ................... . — 4. sewer line support @ 4 feet ....... — — — 5. heating crossover (dblewide) off grd. — _ 6. dryer vented outside ..:........:.......... 7.. skirting ventilated .................... — 8. hot water relief valve piping outside — — 9. deck, porches, steps, railing ........ — 10. furnace/hot water operating ........ — 11. garage fire proofing................... —— — 12. door closers ........................... — — 13. plumbing fixture ...................... —_ 14, foundation insulation (if appl.)...... — — — 15. smoke detectors ....................... 16. final electrical ........................ — — 17. variance required ..................... — — 18. data plate okay ....................... —_ 19. mobile HUD seal okay............... Model # Serial# Manufacturer Date of Manufacturer OKAY TO ISSUE C/O YES NO Comments: A G/p V�p,c5 /v,, Pc_G--+t�G— (fo nf7'��— .i�-ll� (CIF►=t �' A-TZ—L-i . FINAL INSPECTION Repoliklr MOBILE / MODULAR Town of Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 ARRIVE: DEPART:l;� INSP: 1 DATE INSPECTION REQUEST RECEIVED: NAME: LOCATION: AJ�� DATE: 6 `� PERMIT# J 6 MOBILE HOME MODULAR HOME FOOTINGS _ FOUNDATION _ BACKFILL_ FRAMING_ N/A YES NO 1. foundation support, pier spacing per manuf. ........................ — 2. anchoring per manuf. ............... —_ 3. water line shut,off .................... . _ 4. sewer line support (a 4 feet ....... _ 5. heating crossover (dblewide) off grd. _ — — 6. dryer vented outside ...................... — 7.• skirting ventilated .................... —_ 8. hot water relief valve piping outside — _ — 9. deck, porches, steps, railing ........ — 10. furnace/hot water operating ........ _ 11. garage fire proofing .................. _ 12. door closers ........................... 13. plumbing fixture ...................... —_ 14, foundation insulation (if appl.)...... — — — 15. smoke detectors ....................... 16. final electrical ........................ — 17. variance required ..................... — — 18. data plate okay ....................... 19. mobile HUD seal okay .............. Model H Serial 9 Manufacturer Date of Manufacturer OKAY TO ISSUE C/O. YES NO Comments: L--o�