06-20-2011 Version 1 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING June 20th 2011 7:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY COUNCILMAN ANTHONY METIVIER 1.0PUBLIC HEARINGS 1.1 Renewal of Cable Television Franchise Agreement – Time Warner Cable 2.0PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR (LIMIT 4 MINUTES) 3.0RESOLUTIONS 3.1Resolution Authorizing Hiring of Seasonal Employees to Work for Department of Parks and Recreation 3.2Resolution Reappointing Donna Partridge as Member of Town of Queensbury Cemetery Commission 3.3Resolution Approving New Fee Schedule for Services Provided at Pine View Cemetery and Crematorium 3.4Resolution Authorizing Annual Administrative Fee Regarding Agreement Between Town of Queensbury and Mannix Marketing, Inc. 3.5Resolution Authorizing Town Assessor and Data Collector/Appraiser to Attend NYS Assessors’ Association’s Annual Summer Seminar 3.6Resolution Authorizing Commencement of Supreme Court Action Against Robert Silvernail 3.7Resolution Authorizing Transfer of $5,700 From Hudson Pointe Capital Reserve Fund #145 to Gurney Lane Recreation Area Capital Reserve Fund #157 3.8Resolution Authorizing Renewal of Marshall & Sterling Upstate, Inc., as Town of Queensbury Insurance Agent 3.9Resolution Authorizing Intermunicipal Agreement With Village of Hudson Falls for Shared Water Supply Services, Machinery, Equipment, Supplies and Support Personnel 3.10Resolution to Amend 2011 Budget st 3.11Resolution Approving Audit of Bills Warrant of June 21, 2011 4.0 CORRESPONDENCE 5.0 TOWN BOARD DISCUSSIONS 6.0 EXECUTIVE SESSION (IF NEEDED) ***Agenda Subject to Change Without Notice***