1986-01-14 13 i TOWN BOARD MEETING JANUARY 14, 1986 TOWN BOARD MEETING Mrs. Frances Walter-Supervisor Mr. George Kurosaka-Councilman Mr. Stephen Borgos-Councilman Mr. Ronald Montesi-Councilman Mrs. Betty Monahan-Councilman i Mr. Wilson Mathias-Town Counsel s PRESS: G.F. Post Star GUESTS: Mr. Morton, Mr. Savale, Mr. Adamson, Mr. Ingalls TOWN OFFICIALS: Mr. Paul Naylor PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY SUPERVISOR WALTER 7:31 P.M. OPEN FORUM Mr. Bill Morton-Reading from prepared statement, when presented to the Clerk will be placed on file-On behalf of the Queensbury Outdoor Recreation Environment Assoc. formerly the Queensbury Citizens for Outdoor Recreation Environment congratulates each of you on your election or re-election to the Town Board. . . .Most if not all of you pledge to work for continued growth in Queensbury. . .I do know that Queensbury at the present time is programed for Urban Sprawl. . .the following factors will reflect on Urban Sprawl 1. Queensbury is one of the fastest growing communities in New York State its population is expected to double over the next twenty years 2. Building permits are being issued in record numbers 3. The Zoning Ordinance is designed to facilitate the pattern of sprawl . . .noted that farm lands is being discontinued and the property having been zoned for residential use is on the market. . .Our Association rejects urban sprawl as a preferred growth alternative, we hold that the idea of growth for the sake of growth is undesirable and unacceptable. We hold the idea of growth just for the sake of increasing our tax base to be socially unappropriate, we reject the view that our community is just an economy. Our preferred scenario for the future of Queensbury is based on balanced growth. 1. The diverse natural resource base properly managed, protected and utilized . . .2. The Community should maintain a strong and expanding economic basis consisting of primary export industries and secondary service industries, with individual tax base should support the intrastructure needs. . .3. Our Community should strive to a harmonious relationship be maintained between the man made and natural environment. . .Our Town Board and Planning Board should be guided by a land use ethic in decision making. . .Our agenda for a new beginning. . . an open space program built upon park and recreation area also 1. stream corridor management program 2. scenic roads program 3. wetlands protection program 3. scenic vista program 4. Critical Resource Protection Program 5. Beautification Program for Commercial Areas 6. Storm water Management Program with the sewering of Quaker Road 7. A system of connecting Walking, Biking and Cross Country Ski Trails linking Developed areas of Queensbury to the Warren County Bike Trail System. 8. Establish an urban greenway park on Hovey's Pond 9. Protection of Ground Water Supplies particularly around the landfill 10. Encourage a payment in lieu of provision for park land acquisition and Development and open space preservations 11. Establish a Park on Round Pond . . .Planning is required for this agenda. . .call for the reactivation of the Qsby. Conservation Commission, partially funded through State Purpose Funds and Grants. . . Mr. George Savale-Country Colony Drive-Representative and Trustee of the Masonic Hall Association-(Ltr. on file)-"We are interested in procuring the house and land on Lafayette Street not including the pond, and offer to renovate and add on to the existing building and make it available to the Senior Citizens, Scouts or any other nonprofit group of high moral standing" "to supply a way out of our own needs by having a home 14 in a commercial zone as required by the Zoning Regulations". .Reviewed the purpose and status of the Masonic Hall Association. . .asked for the Board's consideration. . . Supervisor Walter-We have talked about some kind of a joint consideration with the senior citizens . . .at this time we will take your letter under consideration and let you know of our decision. . . Councilman Montesi-We have been looking at Hovey Pond, whether it should be dredged, banks reestablished make it a healthy pond again . . . a walkway around that. . .if the Town was to sell the building and property an acre to the Masons. . .would the fact that, that may be a recreational area, a walkway with benches, would that have any interference with the Masons? i J Mr. Savale-None whatsoever. . .most of the meetings are held during the week and evenings. . .I presume it would be a daylight type park, there would be no conflict whatsoever. . . Councilman Montesi-Questioned the structural soundness of the building, had they looked at it. . .is it your intention to use the building or knock it down? Mr. Savale-That is a decision that we have not made. . .My basic idea would be to utilize the building gutting it at least as a temporary starting point with the idea of either putting a separate building to the rear of the structure or attaching a large addition to house the public facility. . . Councilman Borgos-You mentioned you need a commercial zone. .do we know that for sure. . . Mr. Savale-Noted that they were told that by the Building Inspector. . .reviewed the terminology of fraternity. . . Mr. Charles Adamson-Assembly Point(statement on file)-Congratulates the Town Board for moving the open forum to the early part of the meeting. . .l. The Town and County Boards are planning concerted action against pollution and millifoil in Lake George, the County will initially provide the money to hire one inspector, one inspector will not be enough. .questioned where the funds will come from for the serious problems that will arise in the future in the Lake George Park. . .Local User Base funding will be crucial from now on, refer to assessments on launching fees, camping fees, dock rental and mooring rental taxes, bed taxes and funds from the already existing taxes on docks in Lake George. . .shouldn't the tax that Queensbury collects on docks on State Lands and State Waters rightfully go toward saving and protecting the lake? The Town needs to address user fee issues. 2. Ask the Town to address the rebuilding of Quaker Road asked for a progress report on a monthly basis. . .3. town stationary bears the address Queensbury, N.Y. 12801. . .no public relations could go further by putting Queensbury on the map. . . .4. Sand and presumably Salt also are washing from the Warren County Highway Dept. facility on Bay Road into the outlet from Glen Lake. . .Queensbury should take action to stop this stream pollution. Councilman Borgos-You stated that we have a lot of things to do that are more important, please realize from my point of view that there is nothing so important as to hear the public speak, that is why we moved the open forum to the beginning of the meeting and we will sit back and listen to you all night, thanks for coming. Mr. Ingalls-I would like the Board to think about how to solve the ground ` water problem in Ward I Dist. 3 where we have a new town dump, old town dump and two industrial dumps and a little bit away the Fort Ann Dump, "$ other than a regular water district being established. . .some otherway to get water piped up to the people who want it, which might be safer for them. . . Supervisor Walter-Asked for further comments, hearing none the open forum was closed. . . RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION TO APPROVE MINUTES RESOLUTION NO. 27, Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. George Kurosaka: RESOLVED that the Town Board minutes of January 3rd. 1986 be and hereby are approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent:None Supervisor Walter-It is interesting to note, tonight was our first open forum at the head of the meeting. One of the facts that was mentioned when we were considering changing open forum form the later part of the meeting to the head of the meeting was that the people who were interested making statements to the Board were only self interests and not interested in what was happening as far as the Town. I would like you to know that two out of four who addressed the Board this evening have already left the meeting. I do not know myself whether, it is great to have people have their say, as Mr. Borgos's says but it is my idea that residents of the Town should be interested in the Town's business and what kind of transactions the Town Board is making which will reflect as far as the future of the Town is concerned and many very important items are part of the business of the evening. We will take some looking to see how many times this does happen and just where we will continue to have open forum. Councilman Kurosaka- That was the problem, you forced them to sit. . . Discussion held: Resolution authorizing Supervisor to sign contract for snow and ice removal. . .Supervisor Walter-We are not very happy with the amounts that the Town is being paid for snow removal. . .Mr. Naylor 6 has done a cost accounting of what it costs. . .I have asked the county if we can negate the contract at the end of the year and the answer -- was yes, I think we will not go along with this contract in the subsequent years. . .Highway Supt. Naylor-The price has been pretty much where it has been for ten to fifteen years and I do not think government at least in the Town of Queensbury hasn't stood still for the last fifteen years, how come it has in what we are being paid. . .I just want a fair shake for our taxpayers, I feel we are carrying the county. . . .noted he started the Bare Pavement policy and that was raised $100. since last year. . .Supervisor Walter-We will wish to work with our County Supervisors and seeing if we can negotiate a higher amount for our highway Dept. to be reimbursed. . .Councilman Montesi-Would it be unusual for them to give us more money, more than they are giving any other Town? Supervisor Walter-It would be unusual, that is the reason why Paul was saying as a voice of one he has not convinced the other Highway Supt's. that they should be fighting for this increase. . .he has the records of what it cost per mile to maintain the roads in the winter. . .Councilman Borgos, requested that the resolution be reworded to reflect that the annual rate as proposed by the County does not cover the costs of snow and ice removal. . . RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUPERVISOR TO SIGN CONTRACT FOR SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL RESOLUTION NO. 28 , Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos: WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury and the County of Warren have heretofore entered into an agreement dated January 1 1985 providing for an annual rate of $1,000. per mile for snow removal and sanding to control ice and snow on paved County roads in the Town of Queensbury and an additional $600. per mile for Bare Pavement Policy, and WHEREAS, although the annual rate for snow removal and sanding to control 16 ice and snow on paved County roads in the Town of Queensbury has exceeded $1,100. per mile and the additional Bare Pavement Policy has exceeded $660. per mile; rates set by Warren County and WHEREAS, we are now in the snow removal season NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that 1) The Town Superintendent of Highways agrees to remove snow and sand and control ice and snow, and keep open ditches and culverts on all paved County roads in the Town of Queensbury at an annual rate of $1,100. per mile for 19.43 miles of roadway, 2) In addition to the payment of $1,100. per mile of snow, sand, ice control and clearing of ditches and culverts, the County shall pay to the Town for Bare Pavement Policy for 12.89 miles of roadway at an annual rate of $660. per mile, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury is hereby .authorized to sign this Amendment of Agreement. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent:None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT TO ENTER PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO TOWN HIGHWAYS RESOLUTION NO. 29, Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi, who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. George Kurosaka: WHEREAS, Section 147 of the Highway Law of the State of New York authorizes the Town Highway Superintendent to enter private property adjacent to town highways in order to protect such highways for purposes such as providing drainage ditches, or removing obstructions, or other lawful measures, and WHEREAS, Section 147 requires that prior to entering such private lands authorization by the Town Board must be obtained, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this authorization shall remain in effect throughout the calendar year 1986. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent:None Highway Supt. Naylor-Basically this is notification that the Town Board is supporting the Highway Supt. Councilman Borgos-If you do any damage on the private property you will have to repair it? Highway Supt. Naylor-yes. COMMUNICATIONS Ltr. Fire Marshal Bodenweiser-requesting permission to attend Code Enforcement Training Courses. .on file RESOLUTION TO ATTEND COURSE 1 M RESOLUTION NO. 30, Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to N. W. Bodenweiser, Fire Marshal to attend the Code Enforcement Training Courses held March 26th to April 10th, 1986 and April 21st. to April 25th, 1986 at the Warren County Municipal Center and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes all reasonable and necessary expenses. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent:None Ltr. Bay Ridge Fire Co. -Active List as of January 1, 1985. . .on file Ltr.-Mr. Mack Dean-Building and Zoning Administrator-requests permission for Assistant Building Inspector Vic Lefebvre and Bill Britton to attend a training course at the Warren County Municipal Center. . .on file RESOLUTION TO ATTEND COURSE RESOLUTION NO. 31, Introduced by Mr. George Kurosaka, who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Mr. Vic Lefebvre and Bill Britton, Assistant Building Inspectors to attend Course 40 "Introduction to Code Enforcement Practices" at the Warren County Municipal Center from January 27th through the 31st. 1986 and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes all reasonable and necessary I expenses. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent:None REPORTS -Town Clerk's Monthly Report on file -Building & Zoning Monthly Report on file Councilman Borgos-Apologized for being late, he had a conflicting appointment. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 32, Introduced by Mr. George Kurosaka, who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as appears on the January 1986 Abstract and numbered 1 through 235 and totaling $172,680.36 be and hereby is approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent:None On motion the meeting was adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk