2004-627 Nextel TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20040627 Application Number: A20040627 Tax Map No: 523400-302-006-0001-055-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: NF,XTF,I, For property located at: 724 GLEN St in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS,Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: MARY JANE CANALS _ 28 FOX HOLLOW Ln - Sign Total Value QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency i - Plans&Specifications 2004-627 NEXTEL CHANGE OF COPY FOR FREE STANDING SIGN AND 2 WINDOW VINYL APP. $0.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,August 24, 2005 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To of eens e a ,August 24, 2004 D BY for the Town of Queensbury. SIGNS Q ry Director of Building&Code Enforcement R�A_ _ r -Fee Paid: TOWN OF QGEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbary, NY 12804 Approved By: — - (SI S) 761-8256 Permit #: 6 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION EO THE FOLLOWING-INFORMATION IS REQUIRED: I. Detailed drawing or photo of sign. 2004 2. Plot plan of location of sign. TOWN OF 3, Written consent of the owner of the building or land. QUND CODE . BUILDING AND CODE OWNER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS — TEL. ��1 g (p C>r,>o NAME OF APPLICANT �_ � r • �► ADDRESS \S BUSINESS NAME IF DIFFERENT: TYPE AND LOCATION Check What Applies: Existing Permanent Projecting Sign _✓ Temporary , Nan-conforming Existing Free-Standing r/ Wall _ New — Location: Tax Map Number k Address Proposed Setbacks from Property Line (front) — (side) _ If sign is to be illuminated," please check appropriate box: , Internal ('�, External ( ), Incadescent ( ), Neon ( );,Other ( ) . Size of Sign: Width ft. Length _ ft. Total Square Footage: ;i ; / Sign Copy: �,� _ J Cks - - fNQ Color and Material To B Use e Signature: Circ a One: p Nc nt, Qwner, contractor r agent. I HEREBY AUTHORIZE A PLICANT TO PUKE A SIGN ON MY PROPERTY OR BUILDING. Signature of Property Omer: ORIGINAL-Office Copy COPY-Applicant I Location: 374 Sign No. 01 Fw r �,. `3.4 t r°n Nexttyell Pylon,Sign >. a�. a5®,tCgte_reeeattrg ( 36'/z" 84" 12" iif i UDlf X .f t»�a L '��• 16 3'" 1 5" �]�o Alurninurat Single Pole I Flat Plex - �s L 9 Retainer 1.3/4" - - _�_,.-,._ N/A N/A u'L 33" 80'/Z" NIA NIA _may, Yes�}'�^ Yes�q ro-1 .,� ...3y .» �S. �$� y(�f�1J .iJ`�`.Y'"R ter" ,7 .'1` "�� - E3Tm �[7R iL'f� L'�Iti'l'✓473LA�S.YS' 41 4 rt F c kv CUSTOM 2 ► 1 AUG 2004` cusToM ;. DESCRIPTION F.REPLACEMENT PANEL-CITY(2) m B. (VINYL DECORATE ACRYLIC) 36'h" 84" N/A - MAX.SO.FT. MIN.SO. 1 ... _ N/A N/A ILLUMINATION N/A T.B.D. F 'Name Drawn By He • - n_ -- - 374.cdr SA R D. - Revised D. - ' 06/28/04 00/00/04 • • 1418Gmkurs!Rd. icon . Elk(,nxe Yrllage Illinois 60007 m.mny sawron. Location: 374 Sign No. 04 .p" � F Nex�al /lowe n N/A. o,m; s• e- • B 6" 6' � �@�ii�A �el • �� Olie� @ N/A F@at Vinyl 411A 6QWA - _ MIN .�•a&r Glass I es ' � r 1 i V B® B No. 1 1_011 CUSTOM • CUSTOM DESCRIPTION M WINDOW VINYL-OTY(2) B 31/2" 12" N/A �_ • • N 0.3 N/A ILLUMINAT • N WALL REPAIR N/A T.B.D. File Nam _ Drawn 374.cdr SAR Date Revised Date 06/28/04 00/00/04 • icon) 1418 FJmkars!Rd.H:/k Grove Village /llinois60007 S Location: 374 -� Site Plan N 00` 19' --►I Nextel. 47'-6" 03 L ff F 7. . 00, 02 L 01 40'SB(NTS) � E f- Glen Street 3. 4, ACTION R=REPLACE CODES X=REMOVE C=CUSTOM INDICATES INDICATES L=LEAVE SIGN PHOTOS N=NEW icon . TBD=TO BE DETERMINED Identity sowuons r� Location: 374 ZONING & PERMIT DATA FORM Street Address: 724 Glen St City,State Zip., Queensbury,HY,12804 Lease Number if Applicable;: Contact Name:_ Mau Contact:-Title..: Company Streets ,city. ST Zip Phpne:. 518-376-.6000 Fax: � Email; Are there>any lease restnctsons for signage? i Atltlitio.... mments ............. ............................................................. .................................................... ...,..... . ........................................, i