98-156 • . MEEMMW . . Certificate of - Compliance Town Of Queensbury Warren County,New York February 28 Date . • 98156 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Perrnii has been completed. This structure may be used as a SEPTIC ALTERATION 552 ROUTE 9L Location Owner FREIHOFER, CHARLES III & TAX MAP NO. 2 . -1-3 By Order Town Board AA710F Director of Building & Code Enforcement • _ „ . . _ _ Application for SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT - ( Town of Queensbury Permit No. / Dept- of Community Development ._(p Building &Codes Office 742 Bay Road Fee Paid diti NY 12804 Location of property for installation: /'v/v - 9 f /,�;o�e ;mod 7 (:ft.< ., , aryl Property Owner's Name: G�.e., 777t— Property Owner's Mailing Addddress: .�.o �e.f_ e �✓- Installer's Name: %1/,0,f.- e%C ei Phone # -G,? -3 Number of bedrooms (if residential): 'V Total daily flow: o (residendai - compute CerV ; .—411" r Topography: flat, rolling, steep slope o Of slope• APR �.7 /sand, 1998Soil Nature: loam, clay, ohm/depth: I TOWN OF i1�L[31N0;�ND OODE Ground water: at what depth? feet / Bedrock or Imper::cls Material: at what depth? feet Percolation test: not required, recured -[raze min. per inch] Domestic water supply: municipal, �wel, c=.er If domestic water supply is a WFT T., ware supply from any sic absor_rdon is/*o r feet. PROPOSED SYSTEM * / 27. Sepdc tank:/—.id a gallon (minimum size:' 1,CCO gal.) /" Tile field: each trend feet / Tot<i system lens h: feet Seepage pit(s): number of --3 / size each: ft. by • ft Size of stone to be used: # / depth or t c-r- feet HOLDNG TANK SYSTEM: (if required) Number of rant: Size or each gallons Alarm system and associated electrical cork to be icspeeci by a certified agency. For your protection, please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of Town of Qaeensbury, any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any meteai misrepresentation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicas r. serail be I lave read the regulations with respect to.this application and agree to abide b►-;use and all rviuirementa of the Town of Q,wnsbury.Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. S is a re of responsible person.; ! Date: "`,/C A"? TOWN OF QUEENSBURY • BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Name k-14: Location tr5,57 R0' _ CIL Date '1-725s-ta Permit # SOIL TYPE: Sand-Loam-Clay- Results of Percolation Test- (if applicable) Rate-Minute/Inch TYPE OF SYSTEM: ABSORPTION FIELD: Total Length Length of each trench Depth of trenches Size of stone SEEPAGE PITS: Number- Size - ft. x ft. Stone size PIPING: Size Type Bldg. to Tank Tank to Dist. Box Dist. Box to Field/Pit Openings Sealed? Yes No Partial LOCATION/SEPARATIONS: Foundation to Tank feet Foundation to Absorption feet Separation of Pits _ feet Conforms as per Plot Plan Yes No LOCATION OF SYSTEM ON PROPERTY: (circle one) Front - Rear - Left Side - Right Side Middle Front - Middle Rear COMMENTS: SYSTEM USE APPROVED: Arrived: Departed: Building Inspector , . • •,..: , . 4 \,-. ••;‘, . . , . . _ . . . . , • . :,: • . . . . . , • , . . • . • 6 pt-e_prot, . • . . , . . . , . . . . . • ... , _ . . , . ., k • . , • 6tf . . ,. ... . . . .... . . . $ 1 . • . ,. • . . . ,, ' . i I 111114441 ... . , „. , . ,.,... ,.... . , ' i:Y ''.-'"- . . - , •. .7 .. . ,. .., . C . • .... . . . ;Fr . ... : . . „ ., ,. ,.. ,,,,, • •., .6---- k) . . . • ., . . ., . . .---- . ,..• . 0 .. i, .• • . :,' , . . . • , r . • . -....,,, . . „ . - . • . . • _ . . . __ , ______...- --:- • . . . .. . . , . . . -.'.= ' D'Ig.7 1 5(•I I, • ' , -'', . . . ••,, '. . r . . • - FF rP7 \.1 ic"-D ', . . ._.,, . — • . r)r) p RA Ne-;-5-' • , . . •,. ' FEB 2 8 2000 TOWN OF 01.IEENSBURY BUN DING AND car* ......._ -,.....,-----. . - \---r --4) -- " . ... - . - . . .... .. . . -.:<, • ...,,,,, . . . . . ... ..... . ., . .._—... „ 5 7-e• - c___ i NAME: • DATE: IN OUT JOB NAME&LOCATION: • TRUCK JOB DESCRIPTION: • 450 DOZER 850 DOZER BACKHOE • • TRACKHOE PAYLOADER FORD TRACTOR YORK RAKE . •.! MATERIALS: GRADER • CHIPPER LABOR - - TOTAL - ; JOB NAME& LOCATION: TRUCK JOB DESCRIPTION: 450 DOZER - 850 DOZER BACKHOE _• • TRACKHOE PAYLOADER FORD-TRACTOR:- -- ) . • - - _ _ YORK RAKE GRADER MATERIALS: - • CHIPPER LABOR TOTAL „ _ JOB NAME& LOCATION: • TRUCK JOB DESCRIPTION: 450 DOZER 850 DOZER BACKHOE TRACKHOE - PAYLOADER - FORD TRACTOR- YORK RAKE MATERIALS: GRADER CHIPPER • LABOR TOTAL CRANDALL EXCAVATING, INC TOTAL HRS. __ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING .& CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 • (518) 761-8256 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Name l-k oFF2 Location (ESL. RM E.. 9 L )Date c--Z1-9(2) Permit # 9c6--1,5 -1 G1 SOIL TYPE: Sand-Loam-Clay- IOResults of Percolation Test- (D(if applicable) Rate-Minute/Inch CCTYPE OF SYSTEM: ?ABSORPTION FIELD: Total Length Length of each trench IVILIJDepth of trenches T.: Size of stone SEEPAGE PITS: Numb: - Size - 1-1 ft. .> ft.,,,z} �► o�J� Stone size - 9 G-"skim, PIPING: Size Type Bldg. to Tank Tank to Dist._ Box - Dist. Box Openings Sealed? es No Partial LOCATION/SEPARATIONS .. Foundation to Tank ' feet Foundation to Absorvion _ feet Separation of Pits ti _ feet Conforms as per. Plot "Ian Yes No LOCATION OF SYSTEM ON PROPERTY: (circle one) Front - Rear - Left Side - Right Side Middle Front - Middle Rear COMMENTS: mod 6Jgir'1 SYSTEM USE APPROVED: YES Arrived: . Depar uil in actor I 7. \ -4.^•••••:-.. 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