SOLAR-0250-2021 Office Use Only Fr Permit#: 29 -, 4) 2-85 0-2-QZ.1 Permit Fee:$ a5 742 Bay Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 www.gueensbury.net Invoice#: rjo Flood Zone? Y N Reviewed By: SOLAR PANEL PERMIT APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION: Project Location: 16 Ridgewood Ct. Tax Map ID#: 266.3-1-73.5 Subdivision Name: PROJECT INFORMATION: Residential: Commercial Other: Single Family X Multi-Family Are the solar panels? x Purchased Leased Estimated cost of construction: $ 15,055.00 Total System Capacity Rating (sum of all panels): Solar PV System: 12.24 kW DC Select System Configuration: AAA 19 21 Supply side connection with micro inverters7,0 op '021 Supply side connection with DC optimizers C QRY Supply side connection with string inverter Load side connection with DC optimizers Load side connection with micro inverters Load side connection with string inverter Solar Panel Application Revised January 2021 DECLARATION: 1. I acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to the issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period.Any changes to the approved plans prior to/during construction will require the submittal of amended plans,additional reviews and re-approval. 2. if,for any reason,the building permit application is withdrawn, 30%of the fee is retained by the Town of Queensbury.After 1 year from the initial application date, 100%of the fee is retained. 3. Ifthework is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 4. 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and a complete statement and/or description of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 5. A third-party electrical inspection will be completed at which time the Town of Queensbury's Building and Codes Enforcement department will be contacted to complete an inspection of the final installation of the solar panels. Please sign below to affirm that all answers are correct and that you have met all of the conditions and requirements to submit a unified solar permit. I have read and agree to the abovq: Homeowner's Signature ate Solar Co. epresentative Signature D to Solar Panel Application Revised January 2021 t CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL . • Property Owner(s): Name(s): Kevin O'Leary Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 16 Ridgewood Ct. Queensbury NY 12804 Cell Phone:_(518 )683-8188 Land Line: Email:olearyk327@gmail.com • Solar Contractor: Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Business Name: Tesla Energy Operations Contact Name: Amy Keyser Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 326 Old Niskayuna Rd, Latham NY 12110 Cell Phone:_(518 )390-5527 Land Line:_( ) Email: akeyser@tesla.com • Electrical Contractor: Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Business Name: Contact Name: Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone:_( ) Land Line:_( ) Email: Contact Person for Compliance in regards to this project: Amy Keyser Cell Phone: ( 518�.390-5527 Land Line: � ) Email: Solar Panel Application Revised January 2021 MCI ':OWNER AUTHORIZATION Job 4 1281955-00 16 RIDGEWOOD CT Lot 5,Queensbury,NY 12804,US' Property Address: 1 Kevin O'Leary as Owner ofthesubject .property hereby-authorize TESLA ENERGY OPERATIONS.INC.to act on my behalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this.building permit application. Signature of Owner: Date:. Signature: Kevin O'Leary(Apr 13,202 13:31 EDT) Email: olearyk327@gmail.com 5 L ,F� Tesla Energy 3055 C:eaw e{:t;%Pft San Mateo.CA W.02 650 838'028 ;-653 528- 1.129 r:"a.tr .•�,". ,.. T• :fnp. ::Girt,. .r,, �n; , .. a 5�.. -f, :.I. .',:J l�':'1.:t'.•{!i:•i:�,•iF:{' 'it�•�.(',t'{':!: i•h• : ,•t. ,.t I r'F'.: •r,�. ... .. 'ri— ��t cI.• :I'::"C k):�+.rtat;:uS{.•..:d:'.cs: ,i•:1r. .. .- I TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDEa S PT. Revie Date:- March 16, 2020 Re: Tesla Retrofit PV Structure Qualification Certification Letter Tesla's Retrofit PV product is an assembly consisting of Zep ZS Comp and Zep ZS Span mounting hardware for comp shingle or tile roof coverings and PV modules using the Zep Compatible frame. Please refer to the product data sheets, UL listing, and installation documentation for further information. The Tesla Retrofit PV assembly is used on roofs with a minimum 3/12 pitch, is installed with staggered attachments (see installation manual)and does not exceed 3.5psf. Installation of the Tesla Retrofit PV assembly offsets load in areas of the roof designed to support a roof live load and provides a lower-friction surface than the existing roof. The weight of the offset live load or difference in accumulated roof snow load as a result of reduced surface friction (in regions where the roof snow load is greater than the roof live load)will exceed the weight of the PV assembly. Consequently, the net additional loading impact to existing gravity load resisting elements is less than 5%for the framing of pitched roof structures with existing roofing material comprised of comp shingle or tile. Note that this assessment does not apply to structures with existing metal roof coverings in regions where roof snow load is greater than roof live load. The PV system alteration increase in the lateral demand of the existing structure is less than 10 percent. The existing structure is adequate to support a PV alteration per 2018 IEBC to 503.3 & 503.4 1 certify the installation of the Tesla Retrofit PV assembly on existing structures with: a) existing roofing material comprised of comp shingle or tile roof coverings and b) no existing structural damage; meets the criteria outlined in the "Alterations" section of the "Prescriptive Compliance Method"chapter of the IEBC and is therefore permitted by 2017&2020 NY state building code without alterations or strengthening of the existing framing. Paul Zacher,P.E. Professional Engineer T:916.961.3960 x101 email: paul@pzse.com °F Ne A� iy y 2PJ�K. zA ctiF�� t xP o /a,02 091365 v� AR�FESSI( T 5 L Fi Tesla,Inc. 3500 Deer Creek,Palo Alto,CFI 94304 ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES JURISDICTION NOTES A AMPERE AC ALTERNATING CURRENT BLDG 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID-INTERTIED VIA A UL-LISTED TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING CONC CONCRETE DC DIRECT CURRENT POWER-CONDITIONING INVERTER. EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR (E) 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. BUILDING DEPARTMENT EXISTING EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING FSB 3.A NATIONALLY-RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY Based on our limited examination co FIRE SET-BACK GALV GALVANIZED GEC GROUNDING SHALL LIST ALL EQUIPMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR GND GROUND HOG HOT ART. 11D.3. with our comments shall not be construed(a'.eS DIPPED GALVANIZED I CURRENT Imp CURRENT AT 4. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING - w Indicating the plans and Specifications are in MAX POWER Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT kVA MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, :� -_n Tjt.- fal! compliance with the Building Codes of KILOVOLT AMPERE kW KILOWATT LBW LOAD A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE d 4d° t� dw York State. BEARING WALL MIN MINIMUM (N) NEW NEUT HAZARDS PER ART. 690.13(B). " :r sJ NEUTRAL NTS NOT TO SCALE OC ON CENTER Pl. 5.EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE ;'� �—� a•=��� PROPERTY LINE POI POINT OF INTERCONNECTION MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED BY ! PV PHOTOVOLTAIC SCH SCHEDULE S STAINLESS PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART.210.5. [ ;R STEEL STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS TYP 6.CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL COMPLY it; § TYPICAL UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY V WITH ART. 250.97, 250.92(B). VOLT Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER Voc VOLTAGE 7. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER BUILDING AT OPEN CIRCUIT W WAIT 3R NEMA 3R, RAINTIGHT OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE RDO TOWN OF QUEENSBURY DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 690.31.(G), BUILDING&CODES 8. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY UL LISTING. 9.MODULE FRAMES BE UL-LISTED LOCATIONSHALL PR00DED BY TREED AT THE 266.3-1-73.5 SOLAR-0250-2021 MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING HARDWARE. O'Leary, Kevin 10. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL,AND POSTS SHALL BE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. 16 Ridgewood Ct Solar Panel Installation VICINITY MAP INDEX Sheet 1 COVER SHEET Sheet 2 SITE PLAN Sheet 3 STRUCTURAL NEWS Sheet 4 THREE LINE DIAGRAM LICENSE GENERAL NOTES Sheet 5 ALTERNATE ELECTRICAL TIE-IN METHODS Cutsheets Attached 1. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2020 NYS UNIFORM CODE. 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2020 NYS FIRE CODE. MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: ZEP SOLAR 01WE WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2020 AHJ: Queensbur Town, Warren Count BUILDING CODE OF NYS. REV BY DATE COMMENTS y y 5. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NYS. MFAM�MMEWS 6. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2020 UTILITY: National Grid(Niagara Mohawk) EXISTING BUILDING CODE OF NYS. 0011 Nnw-THE HEOMM HEIM -- JB-1281955 00 amma DEWTOR DM CONTAM 9VU NOT BE USED FOR NE Kevin Oleary 12.24 KW PV ARRAY Sai Nirveesho Raichur T 5 L n OMEW OF MYOK E .n er-NOR Hamm MMM sxML n BE°1M0SE0"""OLE OR w ZS Com V4 w Flashing-insert 16 RIDGEW OD CT PART TO OHM 00190E THE REOP®IYS iva'm�a "'"' sHanwha Q CELLS: Q.PEAK DUO—G6+ SC 340 Queensbury, NY 12804 PC SALETESA EOI� �YE„T.NTHOUT THE IEETIFN aim PAGE WE' S ER. MY. aOE PEFMVMM OF TEA NC. Tesla 7.6 Teslo 3.8 5186838188 COVER SHEET 1 4/12/2021 PITCH:30 ARRAY PITCH:30 MP1 AZIMUTH:142 ARRAY AZIMUTH:142 MATERIAL-Comp Shingle STORY:2 Stories G� Roof access O� Ground access (E)DRNEWAY Front Of House � k Roof access ,/ �� \ LEGEND Ground access (E)UTILITY METER&WARNING LABEL INVERTER W/INTEGRATED DC DISCO &WARNING LABELS ® DC DISCONNECT& WARNING LABELS ® AC DISCONNECT&WARNING LABELS \ / x DC JUNCTION/COMBINER BOX&LABELS DISTRIBUTION PANEL&LABELS o \\ \� � � LOAD CENTER&WARNING LABELS DEDICATED PV SYSTEM METER RAPID SHUTDOWN O STANDOFF LOCATIONS \ CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR L SV �3` — GATEUIT RUN ON INTERIOR xti cE O HEAT PRODUCING VENTS ARE RED a INTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS DASHED \ x SITE PLAN 1N Scale:3/32"=1' Iy�E 01' 10' 21' s C011FUU nAL—THE WOMM110N nORH JOB'AlWC J B-1281955 0 KWD* °ma` CDNTADED slut NOT CE TUSED TEA THE Kevin Oleory 12.24 KW PV ARRAY Sal Nirveesho Raichur T 5 L n SUIL ar A06MO EXCEPT 0Pr TESA INC..NOR YgB71ND sTSFnL s,Au IT eE osaAl�n n rNaE w Fn ZS Comp V4 w Flushing—insert—Insert 16 RIDGEWOOD CT PART TO OlIERS W1571E THE FEC mrs THE SALE o�OF> VE u366Hanwha Q CELLS: Q.PEAK DUO—G6+ SC 340 OUeenSbUry, NY 12804 TMA Eq"ENT.1TH-1 11E 181— PAGE NNE: SM. REV.' DATE `E"I"m01°F ""c Testa 7.6 Tesla 3.8 5186838188 SITE PLAN 2 4/12/2021 S1 (N) PV MODULE (E) MOUNTING PLANE (MP) PV SIDE VIEW (��TYPICAL NTS PV MODULE 5/16"x1.5" BOLT WITH 5/16° FLAT WASHER INSTALLATION ORDER ZEP LEVELING FOOT LOCATE ZEP ARRAY SKIRT (1) LOCATION,AND DRILL HOLE. --------- --- -------- ZEP MOUNTING BLOCK (4) ATTACH FLASHING INSERT TO ZEP FLASHING INSERT L2)1 MOUNTING BLOCK AND ATTACH (3) TO RAFTER USING LAG SCREW. (E)COMP. SHINGLE (1) 2 "MIN. INJECT SEALANT INTO FLASHING (E) ROOF DECKING (2) [(3)INSERT SEALANTO EVENLY 0 OICH VER ROOF PENETRATION. 5/16" DIA STAINLESS LOWEST MODULE SUBSEQUENT MODULES STEEL LAG SCREW INSTALL LEVELNG FOOT ON TOP (4) OF MOUNTING BLOCK & (E)RAFTER SECURELY FASTEN WITH BOLT. S1 STANDOFF scale:1 1/2"=V CONFUMu-THE INFOW,O H13M - JB-1281955 00 owma OE�"M DM CONTAM SMALL NOT BE U POR n,E Kevin Oleary 12.24 KW PV ARRAY Sal Nirveesha Raichur T 5 L n SHALLit BE DI a w NOLE CR N NOR S C mp" Flashing—Insert16 RIDGEWOOD CT PART To oTHRS Cumm THE rEaPENrs ZS Com V4 w oecAM7AVA EXWTIN caruECnox wTx MODALS Queensbury, NY 12804 THE SALE AM USE OF THE RLSPECT11 36 Hanwho 0 CELLS: Q.PEAK DUO—G6+/SC 340 TEAA EUNMTNT.MITMOaT THE IILTIEN INUM)t PALE NAME' am., AEk a1TL PERVMON OF TESL""` 5186838188 Tesla 7.6 Teslo 3.8 STRUCTURAL VIEWS 3 4/12/2021 --GROUND SPECSIN ERTER SPECS MODULE SPECS BOND GEC TO ELECTRODE AT PANEL VATH -(1)38 kW Tesin Inc 1534OW-00-E(24OV) -00HmMa a•m1.4I31� C.0 ax-G5+3w IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP PV NedlG 340TA 31'91 PTC,4OWI.Bart Fr,MC4.ZEP,1000V -(1)7A kW Teelo Na 1538000-00-E(240h Vaa40.66 V Vpma)c33.94 V Isc AND Imp ARE SHORN IN THE DC STRINGS IDENTIRER (E)MAIN SERVICE PANEL 200A Inverter 1 (E)MRI(Q MAIN ORCUFr BREAKER 200A AC DISCONNECT (N)125A Load Center RA a 2 TESLA 3.8 F 60A C zoA/zP Ll 10° 2-12 MODULES L, I PER SIRING ------------------------- r - -cIx -- 1 .oc oa E ----------------------------------------- -E�-- ---------- JJ Inverter 2 7.6 I z , 1 I �All O 2-12 MODULES -__ _ sEc� i PER STRONG TO 120/240V I SINGLE PHASE i L_ kGC ac. P. UTILITY SERVICE , ---- --- -- oc o0 I I I 1 'ECC ON ROOF TO HE ROUTED IMIERE NOT SUBJECT TO PHYSICAL DAMAGE WHEN ROUTED SUBJECT TO PHYSICAL DAMAGE THE SIZE MUST BE INCREASED TO/8 SOLID BARE COPPER' Rapid Shuldom devices an root to contrd conductors inside and outside the array in compl mce with 690.12 B 1&2 Voc*= MAX VOC AT MIN TEMP OI (2)YSOD/6C 4/0-/8 C' (i)Lead Casty;125A 120/240V,NEMA 311 /E/'� GD Pleaoo sae Ma wbhq dotal Pogo for more Mamwlio. D� hou Plcoh9 Cmnmtor,Yoh 4/0-4,Sap 8-14 _(1 pV BAa6®BREAIaR-20A /'1li F (1)Dleaomlecll 66A.240Va0.Fue6N,NEW M (1 pV BAaffEtD BREAKER-40A -(t)Eiand/r brd Hit;60-1000,Gemd Daly(DO) Yap tEstA,e6DV 13A -()ame R Fuse Kit -(2)FuK 60A,25OV,Gass RKS PV SAONED OCP MIN CONDUCTOR SIZE MAX VALUES AWG A RN-2,Elack r�'-rr�ARG#10.TH9N-2.Black r0 2 AN F%PV Wk%6DOV,El-k Vac*-487.92 VDC Lu=10.52 ADC (1)AWG A DDIN-A Red O roF(1)AWO 110,THIN-2.Rod VmP =240 VAC Imp=16 AAC O R (1)AN p0.THHN/IHYN-2.Green EGC VmP -407.28VDC TmP=10.02 ADC (1)AWG 11;11110-2.V6Re NDITRAI. YmP =240 VAC IMP =SIB AAC � (1)AN(R0.THVN-2,Gh- ECC -(I Cmduit KN:31r EMT .....�./.(1.).CandWt qF,3/1'PIT...................................... ........(I)AxWno nW74.9rW.kGP....-.())q?t11Iajk 4'.w......... ..................................... W1T:(I)AWG tts.THIN-Z Boat ........(1)iws' ttikd(-2,Rod O LUI-(1)AWa(6,THEN-2,Red O i(1)AWG FO,1HM+-2.Gram EGC V(1)Cmdde K-240 �31r EMT 32 AAC (I)AN(8,THIN-2.WNte NEUTRAL VmP =240 VAC Imp- AAC raw!. ...-..(.I)c�g M4?/S'.NT......... ............................................................... COHMESITWL-TIE WORWRON KOM Jmtal®a JB-1281955 00 a1srGE& amCONTAW SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE Kevin Oleary 12.24 KW PV ARRAY Sai Nirveesha Roichur T 5 L n �'iT BE o O E IN�o INC..N0R '�"'R0 s"'°k 16 RIDGEWOOD CT PART TO OTHERS OUTWE THE RECIPIENTS ZS Com V4 w Flashin -Insert ORGAWT10.EXCEPT N CaUlECTION VITH MODULES: Queensbury, NY 12804 THE SALE NO USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (36)Hanwho 0 CELLS: O.PEAK DUO-G6+/SC 340 TESTA EWIPIIDIT.Mir' 7 WRITTEN Kola PAM NAB: SHEET., KEN DATE IL PERMIMON OF TES LA Nc Testa 7.6 Testa 3.8 5186838188 THREE LINE DIAGRAM 4 4/12/2021 THIS SHEET INCLUDES ALTERNATE CODE COMPLIANT TIE—INS, IN ADDITION TO THE PREVIOUS SHEET. LICENSE FIELD CREW TO DETERMINE WHICH CODE COMPLIANT TIE—IN WILL BE INSTALLED. CA g 688104 C-10 BREAKER BACKFEED AND RELOCATED LOAD(S)IN BREAKER BACKFEED IN NEC COMPLIANT SUPPLY SIDE CONNECTION WITH DISCONNECTING MEANS LOAD SIDE TAP WITH DISCONNECTING NEW NEC COMPLIANT DISTRIBUTION PANEL DISTRIBUTION PANEL SUITABLE AS SERVICE EQUIPMENT AND RATED PER NEC MEANS PER NEC (E)MAIN SERVICE PANEL RATED FOR IGOA MINIMUM (E)MAIN SERVICE PANEL RATED FOR 100A MINIMUM(E)Distrdwtion Panel ((E))MAIN SERVICE PANEL RATED FOR 1OOA MINIMUM (E)MAIN SERVICE PANEL RATED FOR IOOA MINIMUM (E)6 OR FEWER MAN DISCONNECTS (N)Load Center (E)6 OR FEWER MAIN DISCONNECTS g (E)LOADS (E)MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER RATED FOR 1OOA MINIMUM AC DISCONNECT (E)6 OR FEWER MAIN DISCONNECTS AC DISCONNECT 7 7 (E)LOADS B 6OA/2P (E)LOADS t60Al2P B 60A B 60A A A \• B (E)LOADS B A — , r _ rAHF rL-�•J� _J ' ' ' 1 (E)LOAD EGC ' ' -- -__-J -----� -- EGGKiEC_J • Z 2 Z I 2 • I I I NEUT i TO(E I LOADS I 1 I I ' ' I (E)DL*R)uUon Panel I 1 i I I I I I BREAKER FEEDING DISTRIBUTION PANEL BREAKER FEEDING DISTRIBUTION PANEL BREAKER FEEDING DISTRIBUTION PANEL AND DISTRIBUTION PANEL RATING TO COMPLY AND DISTRBU71ON PANEL RATING TO COMPLY AND DISTRIBUTION PANEL RATING TO COMPLY WITH NEC 705.12 WITH NEC 705.12 WITH NEC 705.12 OI f �/p0 B (1)PY BACla13D e>tEvcER-BOA OI (2)In'�f.,P`PI a-,Cml edec Main 4/a-4,Tap 6-14 !B� (2)Rt W PCPi3dnq Connate:Main 4/0-4.Tap 6-14 _(2)YNlr �2Cannsetr,2 Port B (1)Din m¢t 6aA 24oft Fua K wu 3R (1)Dimmer 60k 24OVae,Fwmle,NEMA 3R B (1)Load Center.120/24OV.NFMA 3R - -(1)trand/Neulyd KIL'60-100A,General Duty(0a) -(1)Gund/NmtrW IQ 80-t00A,Cmerd Duty(DG) -(1)&s*w,6OA/2P,2 SpawPV BACIOEED BRF V -0)Clam R Fun lot -(1)Clan R Few Kit -(2)FERRA2 /iR60R M BAOgM OOP (2)FERRAZ 9UNWR/iR60R PV BACK M OW iusq Class ItKS Fug BOA,25oV,f5an A(5 1 AWG�THWN-2.Bloch r�'L 1 AWC A THWN-2,Bluk O (1)AN A THNM-2.Red Ow:(1)A11C A THIN-2.Red (1)AWO A SdW fte Cappa GEC -(1)Cmddt Kit 3/4'EMT (1)AWG A 1H94-Z trees ECC/GEC (1)CmdrH 104 3/4'EMT ............................................................... CONFIDDITIAL TK NIM`T'ON HMM -- JB-1281955 00 DE M CONTAV4D sxAu NOT BE USED FOR THEBDIER Kevin Oleary 12.24 KW PV ARRAY Sol Nirveesho Raichur ," 5 L n s'ALL IT BE 0 0 ww m+�ORI IN Nos �1E1h 16 RIDGEWOOD CT PART To OTHERS 001510E BE REOPRHrs Z$Com V4 w Flashin -Insert ORC M110K EXCEPT IN CaNIO nol 10TH Mca►ES Queensbury, NY 12804 THE SAME AND USE OF RE RESPECn1E 36 Hanwha Q CELLS: Q.PEAK DUO—G6+ SC 340 TESLA EOIPMENT,1WTR E'n wDTIFN WORM PAM ROLE s n. �Y. DATE PQa0m0q�'m"�" T.I.7.6 Tesla 3.8 5186838188 ALTERANTE ELECTRICAL TIE—IN METHODS 5 4/12/2021 Labell W9RNWG PHOTOVOLTAIC POWERSOORCE : 1+� y�Gh�7 'in`�kn _ PH070VOLT,41C SYSTEM ��7u� '(pp���LI. �.ti,F�il tltl�L UL'dJ � , , ' EQUIPPED WITH RAPID LGC k�I"',LI�r+},� 13 NEC.90 SHUTDOWN .90 E+�51Li<b1�1�iirl�_. .90 Per Code: PHOTOVOLTAIC DC NEC 690.113.13 DISCONNECT a CAUTION -'• C' .DUAL POWERSOURCE Per _ MA%IMUM VOLTAGE SECOND SOURCE IS Code:NEC � � PHOTOVOLTAIC�SYSTEM , MAXIMUM CIRCUIT CURRENT _ Pe Code: MAXRATED;OUTPIIT CURRENT OFTHE CHARGE CONTROLLERNEC 690.53 _ OR DE-TO'-DCCONVERTER (IF'INSTALLED) WARNING '• Per INVERTER OUTPUT ode: NEC 70 CONNECTION DO NOT RELOCATE' THIS OV ERCURRENT WARNING Per Code: pEVIcE ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD •, , 1.13 IF A GROUND F'AUIT IS INDICASED NORMALLY GROUNORD CONDUCTORS MAY BE UNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED Label Location: ' ELECTRIC SHOCKHAZAR❑ Labell-o THE pC CONDUCTORS OF THIS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE UNGROUNDED.AND PHOTOVOLTAIC AC w-•NEC 690.13.13 NIAYBEENERGRED DISCONNECTPer Code: ABB/Delte Bolivia Inverter SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPIDPer Code: n,AKIMun�Ac A •• SHUTDOWN OPERATING CURRENT - M1IAXIMUMAC V' NEC 690.54 Label Location: F4 AIM,S a n••a• Lail Per „• WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD Code;, Combiner DO NOT]•OUCH TERMINALSNEC 690.13.13 TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZEq �Distribution IN THE OPEN POSITIONInterior (LC):Load Center (M):Utility Meter (INV):Inverter With Integrated DC Disconnect I Pa'-1W MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION OUO Format,ndudbg Dame) _ (1740+10_10.40mm) Walght 47.4bs(21ay� ma Front Ca 0131n(32mm)tnlnm ly pre-stressed glass - - wah eml-renecUan techlrology m"O Beck Cover Composite N. Freme Blecker.tl.deluminum u�P Cull 6.20 monocrystolrine O.ANTUM solar half cells '•L.�® �.. Junctianeo. 2.093.98.L26-2.36+0.59-0.711n(63-101.32-60.15-18mm), W� ^^. Promctionclass IP67,Wb bypass diodesNNG Cablo 4mm1 Solar cable;(+)z43.31n(1100mm),(-)z43.31n(1100mm) Conn-, St9ubli MC4;IR68 ...emu .ma m7 .w•T�I^v^^a . : . ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS POWER CLASS 330 335 340 345' MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS,STC'(POWER TOLERANCE+5 W/-0 W) Powardt MPP' Pw, IW) 111 115 340 141 C3CELL5 E Short Circuit Currant' Asp [A] 10.41 10.47 10.52 1058 •, GUMFgT7 c OF-C-11 V.U.91' Vw M4015 4D 41 40.88 40.92 Current at MPP I_ IA) 9.91 9.97 10.02 10.07 Vollageet MPP Vw IV] 3329 33.62 33.94 34.25 EI1141ency 4 1%1 z18.4 z187 :19.0 z19.3 2O7B V�M1M MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS,NMOV � N�\ QEELLS Pow MMPP P_ IW) 247.0 250.7 264.5 258.2 E SM1on Circuit Currant Ir [A] 8.39 843 SAS 852 E Own Circuit Voltogo Vac IV] 3788 38.10 3834 38.69 O.ANTUM TECHNOLOGY:LOW LEVELIZED COST OF ELECTRICITY f cpnantm MPP I.. [A] Tao ZB4 789 Z93 (..) Higher yield per surface area,lower BOS costs,higher Voltegoet MPP V_ IV] 3LES 31.97 3227 32.67 �j power classes,and an efficiency rate of up to 19.5%. 'Measummammlura P_, 3%;66;.:S%at STC.1000W/m',26.2°C.AM LBercor11rgmlECe0.043-'900W/m;NMOT,apeNwnAM is Q CELLS PERFORMANCEWARRANTY PERFORMANCEAT LAW IRRADIANCE ` INNOVATIVE ALL-WEATHER TECHNOLOGY Ere--T-----r------r--------- �' Alleaetse%mn<mlw power de�mg 1� Optimal yields,whateverthe weather with 3 '� (J. � -""'....>..e.. nrst Tnereaner ma..osa% � � � � I.e. wnr. excellent low-Ilght and temperature behavior. �� dogredetion perypnr.At knst031% m �-- I 1 ............... oinom�ndpowcr uPto lO yaara At g mestafi%dnpmliul power yto �- ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE O' Long-term yield security with Anti LID and Anti PID Technology', Audamv4Wmm�aPaa�m W.- w s um Hot-Spot Protect end Traceable Quality Trs.QTM. oa.F.11-auasnercormn rh Iq, tlmwanamy mmwplwomLs `0 a�rtw,r.1 ? eaWnomanL-elbnd yuareWxllw 2R ZEP COMPATI11.1 FRAME DESIGN '°„, ,wr, ` W' Typical modum perkxmenceuMerlaw nearenceronaa<nen 7 High-tech black Zap CompatibleTM frame,for Improved aesthetics, c—mSTOm 11som(25°G=OWim') easy Installation and increased Safety. ,TEMPERATUREGOEFFICIENTS Tomperatum Coofrlclont o11, a f%/K) .0.04 Tamporn....Coeiticionlof Vac B i%/KI -027 A RELIABLE INVESTMENT Temparaturo Coaffialontol P, V 1%/KI -0.30 Na IModulo Opareting Tompemturo NMOT ITI 1C9s5.4(43s3•C) Inclusive 25-year product warranty and 25-year gE Ilnear performance warranty'. PROPERTIES FOR SYSTEM DESIGN Maximum syemm valmoov,.. M l000 oEc)noao ryU vrota<uon cmaa n " STATE OF THE ART MODULE TECHNOLOGY M..imum SwI..Fuse Rnllna [A DCI 20 Fir.Retina based-ANSI/UL 11.3 C(IEC)7TYPE2(uL) (V Q.ANTUM DUO combines cutting edge cell separation M...Design Load.Pu07Pu11(UL)- [bs/fig 50(2400Pa)/50(2400Pei PQtt V"Modulo Tempereturo -40-Fupma185'F and innovative wiring with Q.ANTUM Technology. M...Tan Loa C,Push1PuR(UL)r Ibs/Rd 75(3600Pe)/75(3600Pe) on Continuous Duty (-40°C upto+BS°C) 'APrtencormil'ma aurnSn9 m IEC/TS fi2e04-12015.metlwd B(-]SOON,188N •see InsmWaUm Manual 'San debeheetonrev fpr furmeriniarmetlon QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATES UL 1703,CE-cw 11.J S.AEC M N.9.M,2C 6D30,wN a App&atbn CNssII,US PefenlNp 9,893,235(eobrcety THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR: DVE CE SA*.4 .1' , �aort�PPnanon ^,° aO mJdoM 4Nuevlel o-,lldcys No1s:InneYeUan insWctioro must ba mlmwed.Bea NakrsmOst end opers4ngmenualorconW<t ourterMicel servl�dsparmmnt brfurererniormabononepvsowd nstalWUonandrrsa dweramda<L CCL1 S 400SIP O mCemr Dir .Ina. EngineeredlnGermeny ` ` 4009pecaumCemorDme,SuIm1400,IMro,CAB281B,U5AITELH949]4969981EM4iLtrquiryCusgcOuomlWEawww.q-uLLvu T = 5Ln GENERAL NOTES • DRAWING OF STANDARD MCI WIRING DETAIL FOR ANY GIVEN STRING LENGTH ^D • IF INITIATED, RAPID SHUTDOWN OCCURS WITHIN 30 SECONDS OF ACTIVATION AND LIMITS VOLTAGE ON THE ROOF TO NO GREATER THAN 165V (690.12.B.2.1) • MID CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER (MCI) IS A UL 1741 PVRSE CERTIFIED RAPID SHUTDOWN DEVICE (RSD) DC+ J—BOX J—Box J—BOX J—BOX J—BOX J—BOX MCI MCI RETROFIT PV MODULES DC- • MCIS ARE LOCATED AT ROOF LEVEL, JUST UNDER THE PV MODULES IN ACCORDANCE WITH 690.12 REQUIREMENTS 1 • THE QUANTITY OF MCIS PER STRING IS DETERMINED BY STRING LENGTH — NUMBER OF MODULES BETWEEN MCI UNITS = 0-3 — MAXIMUM NUMBER OF MODULES PER MCI UNIT = 3 J—BOX J—BOX J—Box J—BOX — MINIMUM NUMBER MCI UNITS = MODULE COUNT/3 Mcl PLEASE REFER TO MCI CUTSHEET AND PVRSA INSERT FOR WAN,INFORMATION OWAN, PV Wire, 600V, Black DC T = SLn GENERAL NOTES • DRAWING OF STANDARD MCI WIRING DETAIL FOR ANY GIVEN STRING LENGTH • IF INITIATED, RAPID SHUTDOWN OCCURS WITHIN 30 SECONDS OF ACTIVATION AND LIMITS VOLTAGE ON THE ROOF TO NO GREATER THAN 165V (690.12.B.2.1) GD • MID CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER (MCI) IS A UL 1741 PVRSE CERTIFIED RAPID SHUTDOWN DEVICE (RSD) DC+ qq� g00E DOE gDDE DIODE BODE qq� Y01 SOLAR ROOF TILES DC- a MCIS ARE LOCATED AT DECK LEVEL, JUST UNDER THE 1 gODE gDOE goDE qq)E °°°E gooE gaoE Yq TILES IN ACCORDANCE WITH 690.12 REQUIREMENTS • THE QUANTITY OF MCIS PER STRING IS DETERMINED BY STRING LENGTH — NUMBER OF TILES BETWEEN MCI UNITS = 0-10 RODE goof amE awE owoE Rau aoDE — MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TILES PER MCI UNIT = 10 Yq — MINIMUM NUMBER MCI UNITS = TILE COUNT/10 Dim amE amE aooE PLEASE REFER TO MCI CUTSHEET AND PVRSA INSERT FOR O WAG, PV wre, 60OV, Black DC MORE INFORMATION SOLAR INVERTER' i SOLAR SHUTDOWN DEVICE , The Testa Solar Shutdown Device is part of the PV,system rapid r Testa Solar Inverter provides DC to AC conversion and integrates with the Testa'ecosystem, shutdown'(RSD)function in accordance with Article 690 of the including Solar Panels,Solar Roof,Powerwall,and vehicle charging,to provide a seamless 1=_ - includnable energy experience. t 'applicable NEC.When paired with the Testa Solar Inverter,thesustai PVRSS is _ initiated by any loss of AC power.' KEY. FE - • integrated rapid shutdown,arc 2x the standard number of MPPTs'for fault,and ground fault protection' high•production on complex roofs No neutral wire simplifies installation ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS . _ I Nominal Input DC Current Rating 0.) 12 A Electrical connections MC4 Connector - Maximum Input Short Circuit Current(1,,) 15 A Housing Plastic ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Maximum System Voltage 600 V DC Dimensions 125 minx 150 minx 22 min MODEL NUMBER 1534000-xx-y 1538000-xx-y Dimensions 660 mm x 411 mm x 158 mm(26 in x 16 in x 6 in) (5 In x 6 in x 1 in) OUTPUT(AC) 3.8 kW 7.6 kW Weight 52IW RSD MODULE PERFORMANCE Weight 3509(0.7711h) Nominal Power 3.800 W 7,600 W Mounting options Wall mount(bracket) Mounting Options ZEP Home Run Clip Maximum Number of Devices per String 5 M4 Screw(fl10) Maximum Apparent Power 3,328 VA at 208 V 5,656 VA at 208 V 'Door and bracket can be removed for a mounting weight of 371b' Control Power Line Excitation MIS Bolt(5/16") 3,840 VA at 240 V 7,680 VA at 240 V Nail/Wood screw Maximum Continuous Current 16 A 32 A QQ Passive State Normally open •• o� Breaker(Over<urrent Protection) 20 A 40 A Maximum Power Consumption 7 W �� Y R ® Nominal Power Factor 1-0.85(leading lagging) Warranty 25 yearsRIP - _- THD(at Nominal Power) 15% Aq 25D mm INPUT(DC) 660 min COMPLIANCE INFORMATION MPPT 2 4 1 M4 Screw Input Connectors per MPPT 1.2 Certifications UL 1741 PVRSS PVRSA(Photovoltaic Rapid Maximum Input Voltage 600 VDC Shutdown Array) 650 min 150 min M8 Bolt DC Input Voltage Range 60-550 VDC DC MPPT Voltage Range' 60-480 VDC PVRSS Maximum Current per MPPT(I_) 11 A Nall/ _ 158 l RSD Initiation Method Loss of AC power Wood Screw Maximum Short Circuit 15 A I� 4l1 min min Compatible Equipment Testa Solar Inverter --7I--- ----f1---- Current per MPPT 0.) ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS .PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperatures -30°Cto45°C(-22°Fto113°F) ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Peak Efficiency' 97.5% 98.0% Operating Humidity(RH) Up to 100%,condensing Ambient Temperature -40°C to 50°C(-40°F to 122°F) 22 mm 125 min CEC Efficiency' 97 5% Storage Temperature -300C to 70°C(-22°F[0 158°F) Allowable DC/AC Ratio 1.4 Maximum Elevation 3000 m(9843 it) Storage Temperature -30°C to 700C(-22°F to 158°F) Enclosure Rating NEMA 4/IP65 Customer Interface Testa Mobile App Environment Indoor and outdoor rated Internet Connectivity WI-Fi(2.4 GHz.802.11 b/g/N• Enclosure Rating Type 3R Ethernet.Cellular(LTE/4G)s Ingress Rating IP55(Wiring compartment) AC Remote Metering Support WI-FI(2.4 GHz,802.11 b/g/n), Pollution Rating PD2 for power electronics and terminal wiring SOLAR SHUTDOWN DEVICE REQUIREMENTS PER MODULE RS-485 compartment.PD3 for all other components Protections Integrated arc fault circuit interrupter Operating Noise 0 1 m <40 db(A)nominal,<50 db(A)maximum The following modules have been certified as part of a PV Rapid Shutdown Array(PVRSA)when installed together with the Testa Solar Inverter and Testa (AFCO,Rapid Shutdown Solar Shutdown Devices.See the Tesla Solar Inverter Installation Manual for guidance on installing Tesla Solar Inverter and Solar Shutdown Devices with Supported Grid Types 60 Hz,240 V Split Phase For the 7.6 kW Solar Inverter,performan 60 Hz,208 V Wye 240 V or 5.37 kW at 208 V when o ce may be de-rated to 6.2 kW at other modules. perating at temperatures greater than Required Number of Testa Solar See Soar Shutdown Device 45°C. Brand Model Required Solar Shutdown Devices Shutdown Devices per Solar Module Requirements perhlodule on page COMPLIANCE INFORMATION Testa Solar Roof V3 1 Solar Shutdown Device per 10 modules Warranty 12.5 years Hanwha - O.PFAK DUO RLK-G5 1 Solar Shutdown Device per 3 modules Grid Certifications UL 1741.UL 1741 5A,IEEE 1547,IEEE 1547.1 _ . 'Makimum e—orl- Hanwha Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G6t 1 Solar Shutdown Device per 3 modules 'Expec d e(nei-cy ponding final CCC listing. Safety Certifications UL 1699B.UL 1741.UL 1998(US) -- 'Cellular eonrec;vi:y st4ect to ne:wo operator service coverago and signal s:engbl, Emissions EN 61000-6-3(Residentia0,FCC 47CFRIS.109(a) T =S L ri NA 2021-7-11 TE<_LA.COvI,'E\'=RGV I'SolarCity I ®pSolar Next-Level PV Mounting Technology 14SOIarCity, I ®pSolar Next-Level PV Mounting Technology . ZS Comp Components for composition shingle roofs / Ir 4 Mounting Block Array Skirt Interlock Pad No.8504633 Pad No.850.160E or 500-0113 Pad No.850-1398 or 850-1613 Listed to UL 2703 Listed to UL2703 Listed to UL 2703 Flashing Insert Grip Ground Zap V2 Pad No.860-1628 Pad No.850.16U6 a850.1421 Part No.8504511 Listed to UL2703 Listed to UL2703 Listed to UL467 and UL2703 e011pA Description PV mounting solution for composition shingle roofs h r- �aOdv' Woks with all Zap Compatible Modules Auto bonding 1.11.41sted hadmre creates structural and electrical bond • ZS Comp has a UL 1703 Class K Fire Rating when installed using modules from any manufacturercertilled as•Type 1'or 7ype 2- Captured Washer Lag End Cap DC Wire Clip @US7E0 Part No.850-1631-001 Pad No. Part No.850-1509 Speclflcotlons a50.1631-002 (L)850.1586 or 850-1460 Listed to UL 1565 850-1631-003 (R)850-1598 a 850-1467 • Designed for pitched roofs 850-1631-004 • Installs In portrait and landscape orientations • ZS Comp supports module wind uplift and snnv load pressures to 50 psi per UL2703 • Wind tunnel report to ASCE 7-05 and 7-10 standards • ZS Comp gmlmdirlg products are UL fisted to UL 2703 and UL 467 • Zs Comp bonding poducts are UL fslsd to UL2703 • Engineered for spans up to 72"and cantilevers up to 24• • Zap wire management products fisted to UL 1565 for wre positioning devices Leveling Foot Pad No.850-1397 ' zepsdarcom - zepsclarmm Usted to UL 2703 This daoan ddoes not—'ate arty expreaowrrooty by lap Saw or obandas laoArm or Berdc 78p saHfa solo waa—ty is cerdaimd ht to written pvdua waeenly far This dorr+ment does M aewo erg'e�wam"by Zep Solar or about lb phoducb or amines.Zap Sdar§rob wmrenlyb-Awwd In flm x+abn prodaa warrenb foreachcnsl product The end�user do--tabonsNpped MM Zap Soler'e pmduda cansOtums de arts eped6ntbm relenad fo h tho product wanonfy.The watpnar h haler, earth pmdud ,wd�user documentelbn shipped with Zep Sole/s produce wns6aRm Mo�olo eped6mtaru refarretlbin the produdwaoaNy.Thecustomorhedefy respdefarvwfyug MewlhbOdyof ZepSobfepmdudsforeachuse.Specfirs4onsarewbledbchangewibmdwbw.PeeM a Apps:.pda.enat ®spublefuwdfying Oresubvctyofzepsolwspmdudsfroeacbuse.SpedkauwseresubleciboangevaMMnotee.Patenha Amp ispale.00m 13oane9p 6 0 0-18 39 0 01 RwD Datola%eaponed:Pp02a,20161122AM DUWmeN#BON1839001 R D Daelostmgohted:Pp929,20161112AM PVRSA Model:ZS Rapid Shutdown Array PVRSA Model:Solarglass Roof Rapid Shutdown Array (Applicable to ZS Comp,ZS Span,ZS Ramp,and ZS Seam) Category QIJR,Report Date:2021-03-05 Category QIJR,Report Date:2021-03-05 Table of Essential Elements Table of Essential Elements Firmware Firmware Versions Certification Versions and Certification Function Manufacturer Model No. and Checksums Standard Function Manufacturer Model No. Checksums Standard PVRSE Mid Circuit Tesla MCI-1 N/A UL 1741 PVRSE PVRSE Mid Circuit Tesla MCI-1 N/A UL 1741 PVRSE Interrupter(MCI) 1550379' Interrupter(MCI) 1550379' 7.6 kW:1538000' V1,DSSCAB80 UL 1741,1998 - 7.6 kW:1538000' V1,D85CABB0 UL 1741,1998 Inverter Tesla 3.8 kW:1534000' VS,8A3CA3F2 PVRSS/PVRSE Inverter Testa 3.8 kW:1534000' V1,8A3CA3F2 PVRSS/PVRSE PV Module Tesla SR60T1 N/A UL 61730 Q.PEAK DUO 8LK-GS/SC315 Diode Harness Tesla SRDTH N/A UL 9703 Q.PEAK DUO BLK-65/SC320 SR-B12X PV Module Hanwha Q.PEAK DUO BLK G6+/SC330 N/A UL 1703 Q-CELLS Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G6+/SC335 SR-B13X Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G6+/SC340 PV Wire Jumper(s) Tesla SR-B14X N/A UL 9703 Q,PEAK DUO BLK-G6+/SC345 SR-B1Mini ZEP 85D-1613-001 Pass-Through Box Tesla SRPTB-4 N/A UL 1741 Interlock Tesla ZEP 850-1388-001 N/A UL 2703 PVRSA Initiator' ZEP 85D-1281-001 (See installation Non-Specific N/A N/A N/A Ground Zep Tesia ZEP 85D-1511-001 N/A UL467 requirements below ZEP BSG-1172-002 UL 2703 I Dedicated PV system AC circuit breaker or AC disconnect switch,labeled per NEC 690.12 requirements. ZEP 850-1509-001 s DC Wire Clip Tesla ZEP 85D-1448-001 N/A UL 1565 Applies to variations of this part number with suffix of two numbers and one letter. Note:PVRSA Installation requirements may reduce the effective equipment and component ratings below the individual Homerun Wire Clip Tesla ZEP 850-1510-001 UL 1565 equipment and component PVRSE ratings in order to achieve PVRSA shock hazard reduction requirements. PVRSA Initiator' (See installation Non-Specific N/A N/A N/A PVRSA Installation Requirements requirements below) Max system Voltage 600 Vdc I Dedicated PV system AC circuit breaker or AC disconnect switch,labeled per NEC 690.12 requirements. Applies to variations of this part number with suffix of two numbers and one letter.. Max Array Internal Voltage After Actuation 165 Vdc(cold weather open circuit) Max Series-Connected Panels between MCls: 10 Note:PVRSA Installation requirements may reduce the effective equipment and component ratings below the individual equipment and component PVRSE ratings In order to achieve PVRSA shock hazard reduction requirements. Other Installation Instructions: 1. An MCI must be connected to one end of each series string or mounting plane sub-array string. PVRSA Installation Requirements 2. Verification that MCIs are installed with 30 or fewer modules between MCIs shall be documented for Max System Voltage 600 Vdc inspection,by voltage measurement logs and/or as-built string layout diagrams. Max Array Internal Voltage After Actuation 165 Vdc(cold weather open circuit) 3. The dedicated PV system AC circuit breaker or PV system AC disconnect switch shall serve as the PVRSA Max Series-Connected Panels between MCIs: 3 initiator and shall be sized and installed in accordance with NEC requirements.The specific part shall be Other Installation Instructions: identified on the as-built system drawings. 1. An MCI must be connected to one end of each series string or sub-array string. 2. Verification that MCls are Installed with 3 or fewer modules between MCIs shall be documented for inspection,by voltage measurement logs and/or as-built string layout diagrams. U! Certification Mark of UL on the Installation Instructions Is the only method provided by UL to identify products 3. The dedicated PV system AC circuit breaker or PV system AC disconnect switch shall serve as the PVRSA manufactured under its Certffimtion and Follow-Up Service.The Certification Mark for these products includes initiator and shall be sized and installed in accordance with NEC requirements.The specific part shall be the UL symbol,the words"CERTIFIED"and'SAFETY,"the geographic identifier(s),and a file number.` Identified on the as-built system drawings. UCertifcation Mark of UL on the Installation instructions is the only method provided by UL to Identify products Lmanufactured underits Certification and Follow-Up Service.The Certification Markfor these products Includes the UL symbol,the words"CERTIFIED"and"SAFETY,"the geographic idendfierfs),and o file number.' RX Date/Time 0512612021 06:16 15162731202 P,007 May, 28. 2021 7:56A MD IA No. 6796 P. 7/7 DIDDLE DEPARTME lNT INSPECTION AGENCY, INC. '6rt&that the electrical wiring to the a ectrical equipment listed below has been examined and is approved as being In accord with the National Electrical Code applicable governmental, utility and Agency rules in effect on the date noted below and is issued subject to the following conditions. Owner: Date: Kevin O'Leary 06/17/2021 Occupant: Location: Solar PV System 16 Ridgewood Ct Occupancy: Queensbury,Warren Co. NY �ingle Family Dwg- Applicant: TESLA 326 Old Niskayuna Rd. Latham, NY 12110 L J No, Joseph A.Holmes T ` -141518151947EL Equipment: 36 -Solar Modules; 1 -AC Disconnect; 1 -Line Si4 Tap; 1 -3800 Watt Inverter, ttdr�ue pECE0V � E. MA� 2 S ?.0?? TOWN OF'QUECENSBURY BUILDING&CODE This cenlfieala applies to the electrical wiring to the electrical equi ment listed immediately null and void. This certificate applies only to the use,occupancy and above and the Installation inspected as of the above noted date based on a visual ownership as indicated herein. Upon a change in the use,occupancy or ownership inspection. No warranty is e;.pressed or implied as to the mechanical safety,efti• of the property indicated above,this certificate sttall be immediately null and void, ciency or fitness of the equipment for any particular purpose. This ce 'ficate shall in the event that this certificate becomes invalid based upon the above conditions, be vaild for a period of one year from the above noted date. Should t e electrical this certificate may be revalidated upon reinspection by Middle Department system to which this cenificata applies be altered in any way,Inelutling but not limit- Inspection Agency,Inc. An application for inspection must be submitted to Middle ed to,the introduction of additional electrical equipment and/or the rep element of Department inspection Agency. Inc. to initiate the Inspection and revalidation any of the components installed as of the above noted date,this cerliffic Ekts shall be process, A fee will be charged for this service.