FEBRUARY 25, 1986
7:38 P.M.
Mrs. Frances Walter-Supervisor
Mr. George Kurosaka-Councilman
Mr. Stephen Borgos-Councilman
Mr. Ronald Montesi-Councilman
} Mrs. Betty Monahan-Councilman
Mr. Wilson Mathias-Town Counsel
PRESS: G.F. Post Star
GUESTS: Mr. Morton, Mr. Savale, Mr. Corbett
MR. GEORGE SAVALE-Representing the Masonic Hall Assoc. -Asked if the
Town has given any further consideration to the proposal of the Association
for the use of Hovey Pond.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-The proposal from the Association has been turned over
to the Recreation Commission for their recommendation, as of tonight
we have not heard back from the commission. . .Noted that the Senior Citizens
are not interested in the Hovey House, there is a matter of rehabilitation
of the house that makes the expense of it to bring it up to state standards
prohibitive. I will get ahold of you as soon as we know what direction
we are going to go. There were other persons that were interested in
the house, they have all been told that they will be notified as to what
the Town's intentions are.
MR. GEORGE SAVALE-It was suggest by a Board member that we be given a
lease to the property and the title remain with the town. We are not
interested in the pond at all, we are looking for a place to meet. . .
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-At the Recreation Committee Meeting they were sparked
to look again at this project. . .noted the possible removal of the house
for picnic area. . .Your group has felt that renovating an old building
would be cost effective in difference to purchasing a parcel of land
and starting with a new building?
MR. GEORGE SAVALE-We are looking at expediency as far as the old building,
we would ultimately plan to take the building down but we would like
to have the building as a starting point, it would give a contractor
a headquarters to work from. . .it would also give us an address to correspond
with and to hold committee meetings. . .
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-How many parking spaces are you talking about?
MR. GEORGE SAVALE-We are looking for twenty spaces. There is quite a
bit of acreage there consisting of a large parcel to the rear of the
building. . .noted that members of the organization will donate expertise
to the redevelopment of the property. . .
UNKNOWN-How large is the property?
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-It seems to me it is two acres or so of solid land. . .the
whole parcel is ten to eleven acres including the pond. . .I am delighted
that there is new interest in Hovey Pond. . .when I was reviewing the appraisal
and survey of the property I was excited to find out the historical significance
that close to Fort Amherst an area where George Washington visited, I
think there are a lot of things that could be done, in a vest pocket
park situation as a small park a quiet park and possibly a historical
park, it has a lot of potential.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-The Board Members, Mrs. Walter, Mrs. Monahan and myself
were in N.Y. last week for an Association of Towns meeting, an extremely
worthwhile meeting for me for a first time board member. Queensbury
has in place a master plan, Queensbury has a master plan for its recreational
needs for the future and we are working on updating that. That is no
small task, the Town of Colonie does not have a master plan we stand
a little head and shoulders above them in some respects, we are progressing.
We are looking toward the needs of our youth and we also still are concerned
and have the needs of the Seniors Citizens for a home. There is an area
that I would like to see the Board take expedient steps on and one area
we really need some work on, is the Conservation Commission. It was
established in our Town and may need to be established again. I do not
want this to appear as a bureaucracy, another form of paper work or another
board that a developer has to go through. I specifically want that conservation
commission to be an advisory board to the planning board and or the recreation
board. More than that I would like to use the conservation commission
to help me as a Board Member and the rest of the boards to give us a
land inventory. I would like to know how much land is left to be developed
in the Town, what the water resources are and specifically address the --
wetlands, if we are going to plan for the future needs of recreation
and industry. It is my intention to charge this Board with some expediency
to get that commission back, I would like to see the Board composed of
the talent we have at the College, we have geologists, biologists, chemists,
and there should be some business people or they may look at the conservation
board as a bunch of crazies that just want to see the birds flying around,
it has to be a balance of people. Some point in the future of the Town
of Queensbury we may want to take charge of the wetlands in our Town
and the State has provisions for letting the Town handle the permits
for the wetlands. We have to have a conservation commission that could
handle where we are going, there may come a time when the State of New
York says we are not going to let you develop this acreage, we may feel
the need for that to be developed that would take tax dollars away from
us, that is another consideration we may want to take. We would have
to be professional and get our information together before we approach
that subject.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-I would like to see it expanded into a Conservation
Environmental Council.
MR. BILL MORTON--Queensbury Outdoor and Environmental Association-applaud
the intentions of the Town Board in embarking on the re-establishing
of the Conservation Advisory Council.
RESOLUTION NO. 62, Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. George Kurosaka:
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to re-establish the position of Town Historian
to record the activities and events occurring in the town for future
generations, and
WHEREAS, there is an allocation in the 1986 Town budget for this function,
RESOLVED, by the Town Board that Charles R. Eisenhart be and is hereby
appointed Town Historian for the Town of Queensbury to serve at the pleasure
of the Town Board at an annual salary of $1,000. and be it further
RESOLVED, that this resolution be retroactive to February 1, 1986.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
RESOLUTION NO. 63, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos:
WHEREAS, the 1986 Town budget appropriations for insurance coverage falls
short of the 1986 premium payments, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED, to transfer $57,409. from A3310599 to A2351910.440 to cover
the unanticipated costs of these excessive premiums.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
SUPERVISOR WALTER-As a matter of information the town budget provides
for $126,000. we are $57,409. short, we do have coverage, our coverage
is not the same as it was in 1985, our premiums in 1985 were $69,007.
you can see we are going to be paying $183,000, for less cover, however
ample coverage. Queensbury, like any other municipality has been caught
in the crunch where we are fortunate we have coverage. We have had our
Insurance Consultant as well as our agent shopping for the best buys,
we have coverage with several different companies such as Aetna, Hartford
and we feel confident. . .
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-We have lost excess coverage, we have not lost any
of our area coverage, which I think is important. Other towns have lost
areas of coverage we have not. . . .
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-I think you have done a great job, and I am pleased
that we have the insurance. It is a lot of money but it would be foolhearty
to go without it, or to try and self insure we just do not have a base,
it is the only option that we have.
-MOBILE HOME APPLICATION-Dirk M. Redington and Martina M. Redington of
98 Saratoga Avenue, So. Glens Falls, N.Y. location of mobile home-133
Fourth Street, owner of property Raymunda M. Ploof. . .change of ownership. .
DISCUSSION HELD-Town Counsel, reviewed with the Board the upcoming zoning
changes as relating to the placement of mobile homes. . .by changing the
zones anything outside of that zone will be grandfathered. . .it would
be a prior non-conforming use. . . .
MR. LAWRENCE CORBETT-I am representing the lady that is selling the property
and also the Redington's because their attorney is in Florida. . .This
property has been owned by Mrs. Ploof for nine years in exactly the condition
that she is selling it to this young couple. The only change she has
made in the property in the nine years is the screened in porch. The
addition that was added on over nine years ago is on a concrete foundation,
the attached garage is on a concrete foundation, it would take major
demolition to move this property. It should be considered as a residence,
but it falls within the mobile home category and that is why we are here.
I would ask this board to permit this application based on the extenuating
circumstances that it existed for nine years or more and this young couple
which to start out in this home.
RESOLUTION NO. 64, Introduced by Mr. George Kurosaka who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi:
WHEREAS; Dirk & Martina Redington has made application in accordance
with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury
a mobile home outside at property situated at 133 Fourth Street, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with
the requirements of said ordinance, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application
are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board, therefore
be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance,
the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on
March 11th, 1986 at 7:30 P.M. in the Queensbury Town Office Building,
Bay Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to
give proper notice of said public hearing in accordance with the provisions
of said ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
-Ltr. W.G. F. Volunteer Fire Co. Active List placed on file
-Ltr. Queensbury Central Active list placed on file
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-We have a memorandum from Dick Morse of Morse Engineering
that we have retained to do some inspections at the landfill to oversee
it in an engineering way. The quarterly tests were done and Mr. Morse
also made an inspection on February 19th the septic tank affluent was
loam and showed no sign of leaching and the landfill operation from the
previous day had been covered. Our sewage haulers after July 1st. are
no longer going to be able to put sewage in the Town of Queensbury pit.
Where they intend it to go, I do not know what Encon is going to do about
that. It will go to Glens Falls Sewage System when that new plant is
ready, that has been the agreement, but what happens in the interval,
I think we are going to have to talk to ENCON about it.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Septic haulers will not be able to take septic waste
into any landfill that does not meet the requirements of part 360. There
are no landfills around that meets the requirements of 360. We have
a town with a very small exception, that has nothing but septic systems,
some of those systems for what ever reason need to be pumped, ENCON is
telling our local haulers that there is no where for them to dump it.
If you can figure out the rational of that, it is not the case of just
that they cannot go to Queensbury, they can't go to Lake George, Bolton
Landing, South Glens Falls or any other place that I can name. There
are no landfill that are currently meeting the requirements of Part 360
in this area. It is a problem and I have written a letter to Mr. Holden
in Warrensburg asking him, if at this time, they will allow septic haulers
in Queensbury to dump their sewage at the existing Glens Falls Treatment
Plant. Part of our contract with the City of Glens Falls to put garbage
in our landfill since it was under the refuge agency of Warren County,
they had agreed to accept our septic. However Encon has never approved
any septic from outside the City of Glens Falls going into the treatment
plant. Encon is saying they want the landfills to conform with part
360, my letter also said to Mr. Holden that we did not intend to comply
with part 360 because we were deeply involved with getting our garbage
to the resource recovery plant and in bringing the landfill to the requirements
of part 360 would be well in excess of a million dollars, I did not think
we would go in that direction. That letter was sent ten days ago, I
have not had a response.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Have you contacted our state legislators, gone beyond
the Warrensburg Office? — -
SUPERVISOR WALTER-I have talked with our State Legislators, I will put
it in writing.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Again Encon has put the cart before the horse, it
would have been more logical to find a place for this material and then
say you can't put it in the landfill.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Betty and I sat in on the hazardous waste disposal
and landfill meeting in N.Y. there are 367 community landfills in the
State of New York, only 48 operate under permits. It is extremely expensive
proposition to get them to conform. There are presently in N.Y. State
97 with specific orders to close on a specific date. We are a little
ahead of those people. . .it is a serious problem because also the requirements
for recycling have not been nailed down yet either.
RESOLUTION NO. 65, Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. George Kurosaka:
RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as appears on the February 25th Abstract
and numbered 608,638-639 totaling $190,650.00 be and hereby is approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
RESOLUTION NO. 66, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves into Executive Session to
discuss negotiations.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi,Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
- Absent:None
RESOLUTION NO. 67, Introduced by Mr. Ronald Montesi who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves back into session.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mrs. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
RESOLUTION NO. 68, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos:
Resolution forthcoming from Town Counsel, to be found on page
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
RESOLUTION NO.41, Introduced by the entire Town Board:
WHEREAS, on January 28 , 1986 the space shuttle Challenger was
destroyed in an accident killing all seven members of its crew, and
WHEREAS , the death of these space pioneers is a national tragedy, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board mourns the loss of life and the destruction
of the dreams and hopes of all the flight' s observers and wishes to
express its deepest sympathies to the members of the family of those --
killed, j
RESOLVED, that the entire Town Board expresses grave and sincere
sympathy to the members of the families of Richard Scobee, Pilot, --
Michael Smith, Judith Resnik, Ellison Onizuka, Ronald McNair and
Gregory Jarvis, Astronauts and Christa McAuliffe, Teacher.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs . Monahan, Mrs.Walter
Noes : None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 68, (1986) . Introduced by Mrs . Betty Monahan, who
moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos:
WHEREAS , the Town Board has been advised that certain property
adjoining the recreation facility at Gurney Lane is being offered
for sale, and
WHEREAS, the Recreation Commissioner has recommended,, the acquisition
of additional land for recreation purposes,:
RESOLVED, that Wilson S. Mathias, Counsel to the Town Board is
hereby authorized to negotiate for the acquisition for such lands
on such terms which are favorable and in the interest of the Town
of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Noes :