2004-779 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development -.Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: P20040779 Date Issued: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20040779 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400-279-017-0001-060-000-0000 Location: 159 SUNNYSIDE Rd Owner: ROBERT WING Applicant: WING LANDSCAPE SUPPLY This structure may be occupied as a: New Commercial Building By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the ,r property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, , . Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code E o eme Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. 'BLDG. PERMIT NO. 2004-779 APPLICATION FOR A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY is hereby requested for the property located at 159 Sunnyside Road' for the following uses;' Vo.� Lan d�,ca .4-ng ApPiZ ,19," 2005 DATE , . SIGNATURE OF APPI1 ANT TEMPORARY,CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY The TEMPORARYCERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY is:hereby PPROVED a ( )DISAPPROVED' with the following,conditions: CvLt:icate,of Occupa' KO-y to be �J.sued upon compZeUo' n o 6 1) Fini,6,h Side Wa-Cizz. 2) Euky P&opane'T&nkj, Fin4A- h Olandi( ap Pa&,fain l crud no Pahl ng •S.ign. 4} Fin 4kl Handicap .Aeces-s to Main-EE�L�. 5) - Puvide pamceZ. Con/so-Udation.papeA­wank " TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY $10. D POI : )$IQQ.00 -received on A'v��c,i L' 19. �11'i Al Date of Issuance Director of Bldg. & "Co' e'En rcement THIS TEMPORARY'.CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ,EXPIRES 90 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE. NOTE: This:Certificate is NOT VALID unless signed by the Director of Bldg. & Code -Enforcement or his designee. ' T TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 0 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20040779 Application Number: A20040779 Tax Map No: 523400-279-017-0001-060-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: MgNCT T,ANDS+C;APE STTPPT,Y For property located at: 155 SUNNYSIDE Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construet;or,place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. !` I':,�`7 ! t T ie of Construction Value Owner Address: ROBERT WING 6 HOLDEN Ave New Commercial Building $250,000.00 Total Value $250,000.00 QUEENSBURY, NY 12804-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name:/Address; I'? ;;;Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 8 i A2004-779 5885 SQ FT MAINTENANCE'SHOP $882.75 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 (If a longer period is required,an application for,an extension`must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To eensb T d 'y, October 12, 2004` i � SIGNED BY 6 for.the Town of Queensbury. Director of`Building&•' ode E orcement i i Building Permit Application Town of Queensbury-Dept of Community Development,742 Bay Road,Queet sbury,NY (518)761-82516 A permit must be obtained before beginning construction. Permit File No. No inspection will be made until applicant has received a Foo Paid $ valid building permit. All applicants' spaces on this Rec.Fee Paid $I application must be completed and must appear on the Reviewed By: application form. V01+- Applicant: LRN'�Nt'i-l. c�SCfi�'2 S 1 Address: Sl-is Scaars ion Address: 6 ykmlb w PIV'I. Phone#(5�g ?k 3 - { Phone#(S 12 - f 119 Property Location; Lot Number: 51-1531 House Number 1 / Subdivision Name: Tax Map Number: 'Z--7.cl I -I •-•6 a . New Building: residence / ommerci 'Estimated Market Value of Construction: $ 2S_0)Oc)0 0 .Addition: residence/ commercial If an Addition,what will use of new addition be? - a Alteration: residence/ commercial , a No change to exterior size: residence/com'1 0 Other work(describe ) Check OccupancyWormation 1' Floor 204 Floor Other floor Total Below sq ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. Square Feet o Singlefinifly dwelling a Two PSk dwelling a Townhouse a Multifamily dwelling #of units Office j-k:,� S j895 a Mercantile - _ - a Manufacturing a 1 oar detached garage a 2 car detached garage 0 3 car detached garage 0 1 car-attached garage a 2 oar attached garage, a 3 car attached garage a Storage building- Commercial a Storage building- residential . a Other What is the proposed height of the structure feet Inches. Will any second-band or ungraded lumber be used? If so,for what? Type of Heating System: electric/-oil / gas,/Wood %forced hot air aseboard% ther:fi � Number of Fireplaces to be installed Number of Woodstove,�to be installed List below the persons)responsible for supwAsion of work as regards to building codes: 'Name- . _ . __.�_nddress--- �_ �.. PhoneNuinber - .- Builder O e,.eS =i-�s C_ 36 l- l`l6W Plumber aNDagjL Tk M' �>\X 1tvr 2 to 0o0 ova_ -793-35Sg3 Mason -747 -66 51 Electrician Mae dw -.N 4 6B Declaratio please sign below after you have carefhlly read the statement; To the best of my knowledge,the statements contained in this application,together with the plans and specifications submitted,are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code,the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted,and that such work is authorized by the owner. Further,it is understood that T/we shall submit,prior to a Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Compliance being issued,as requested by the Zoning Administrator or Director of Building and Codes,an As Built Survey by a licensed surveyor;drawn to scale,showing actual location of all tion. signature: - owner,owner's agent,architect,contractor rc RE@ . DRAFT COPY OCT 0 5 Z004 (3/21/03) + 'ENSBURY i a TO�NN OFaJ�� CHECKLIST ButLDls.�alma co®E NYS BUILDING CODE (BC) .. Building: 0114 t LA j13 &•PPM Sum NYS FIRE CODE(FC) NYS PLUMBING CODE (PC) Location: �xAWW (Siop_ 90A0 NYS MECHANICAL CODE (MC) NYS FUEL GAS CODE (FGC) Date: NYS ENERGY CODE (ECC) Reviewer: Publication Date: May 2002 COMMERCIAL& MULTIPLE DWELLING OCCUPANCIES No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 1 Jurisdiction BC-101.2 1 2 Flood Plain BC-1603.1.6 285 3 Separated or Non-Separated BC-302.3 18 Occupancies* S I 4 Occupancy BC-302 17 5 Type of Construction BC-Table 601 81 6 No. of Sleeping Units/Level BC-202 14 & No. of Units—Total 31 No. of Occupants BC-Table 1003.2.2.2 201 7 Covered Malls BC402 33 Hi-Rise (75' Rule) BC-403 36 91A Atriums BC-404 37 8 Basement Definition BC-502.1 71 JA (See page 8 of this check list) Legend: NR = Not Required NS = Not Shown NA= Not Applicable Note:- * Non-separated occupancies impose the most restrictive requirements JAM Page 1 of 10 No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 9. Heights & Building Areas Maximum Tabular Area BC-Table 503 72 eaav Maximum Tabular Height BC-Table 503 72 Maximum Stories BC-Table 503 72 Mezzanines BC-505 73 10. Sprinkler System (water) BC-903 168 Basement Sprinkler BC-903.2.10.1 170 Water Source Sprinkler BC-903.3.5 172 Water Source Site FC-508.1 31 11. Frontage & Sprinkler Credits Area Modifications (calc.) BC-506 74 Height Modifications BC-504 73 12. Height & Area Sumrnary: Ht/Area Ht/Area Tabular Area. BC-Table 503 72 ¢Z75'&0 '( y Frontage Credit BC-506 74 Sprinkler Credit BC-506.3 75 . Total Allowable.Area 266;r7 Max Aggregate Area BC-503.3 73 (Allowable Area/Fir. x No. of Stories up to 3 maximum) 13. Fire Apparatus Road FC-503.1 29 (150' rule) 14. Exterior Walls Distance Separation* BC-Table 602 82 ®� Exterior Wall Openings BC-Table 704.8 87 Parapets BC-704.11 88 Exterior Wall Coverings BC-Table 1405.2 257 Exterior Wall Finishes BC-Table 1406.2 261 — Combustible. * Distance separations are doubled if fire fighting water is not available (FC-508.1.3). NOTES; JAM Page 2 of 10 No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 15. Fire Rated Construction Incidental Use Areas BC-Table 302.1.1 17 � Accessory Occupancy BC-302.2 18 ` Mixed Occupancy BC-Table 302.3.3 19 YA— U 1 41 W— Control Areas BC-414.2 52 VA. Fire Walls BC-705, 89 Fire Barrier BC-706 91 Shaft Enclosure BC-707 92 r1r. Fire Partition (Tenant Sep.) BC-708 95 Smoke Barriers BC-709 96 Opening Protectives BC Table 714.2' 101 Fire Blocking BC-716 107 Draft Stopping BC-716.3 108 (�,�, ��p0o sr- AN tTry, 16. Space �Ps Min. Rm. Dimensions BC-1207.1 251 Min. Ceiling Height BC-1.207.2 251 b� 17. Ventilation (Nat. or Mech.) BC-1202.1 249 YlieZA- 18. Light (Nat. or Mech.) BC-1204.1 250 YYIk 19. Exits /J / Occupancy Load BC Table 1003.2.2.2 201 One Exit Permitted BC Table1005.2.2 224 Stair Enclosure BC-1005.3.2 224 Emergency Egress BC-1009.1 235 b - Distance of Travel BC-Table 1004.2.4 220 Soo Aisle Width BC-1004.3.1.1 221 sa'(44') Corridor Width BC-1004.3.2.2 221 n Capacity of Exits (calc.) BC-Table 1003.2.3 202 44 �a Corridor Wall Fire Rating BC-Tablel004.3,2.1 222 Corridor Dead End BC-1004.3.2.3 222 ©� Door Width BC-1003.3.1.1 . 208 36u Door Swing BC-1003.3.1.2 208 dam, Panic Hardware BC-1003.3.1.9 213 vine 20. Stairs Riser BC-1003.3.3:3 213 Tread BC-1003.3.3.3 213 Width BC-1003.3.3.1' 213' Headroom BC-1003.3.3.2 213 Vertical Rise BC-1003.3.3.6 215 Handrails BC-1003.3.3.11 215 JAM Page 3 of 10 No Topic Code Page Required Actual Section _ No. or Allowed 21. Structural Snow Loading---Ground BC Fig 1608.2 296 Snow Loading---Roof(calc.) ASCE 7-98 Drifting Snow BC-1608.7 295 . Ponding BC-1608.3.5 295 Floor Loading BC Table 1607.1 291 Balcony Loading BC-Table 1607.1 291 Wind Loading (calc.) BC-1609 297 Roof Walls Windows Seismic Loading (calc.) BC-1614 315 Foundation Depth BC-1805.2 398 22. Interior Finishes BC-Table 803.4 161 �' 23. Swimming Pools BC-3109 629 24. Sun Rooms BC Appendix 1 693A 25. Electrical Exit Lights or Signs BC-1003.2.10 203 O - Emergency Lights BC-1003.2.11.2 204 D�- Emergency Power BC-2702 611 General Lighting-Exits-Stairs BC-1003.2.11 204 26. HC ACCESS Exempt Buildings BC-1104.4 238 Parking BC-Table 1106.1 239 Route BC-1104.1 238 Entrance BC-1105.1 239 #of Sleeping Rooms BC-Table-1107.6.1.1 241 ©�^ #of Dwelling Units BC-1107.6.2 241 Toilet Facilities BC-1109.22' 244 Service Counters BC-1109.12.3 246 Areas of Refuge BC-1003.2.13.5 207 Signage Supplemental HC Req'mts Appendix E 681 27. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS BC-1704 379 Notes: JAM Page 4 of 10 No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 28. Fire Protection Equipment Central Station Monitoring FC-901.9 52 Sprinkler Systems FC-903 55 Other Extingushing Syst. FC-904 59 Kitchen Hood Extinguisher FC-609.8 41 Standpipe Systems. FC-905 62 �1 Fire Extingushers FC-906 64 Fire Alarm Systems & SD FC-907.2 66 Fire Alarm Boxes FC-907.4.1 72 Smoke Detection FC-907.2.10 68 Hi-Rise Fire Safety FC-907.2.12 69 Visible Alarms FC-Table 907.10.1.2 73 Smoke Control FC-909 75 Smoke Vents PC-910 82 Fire Pumps FC-913 85 29. Plumbing Code Fixture Count PC-Table 403.1 21 a Water Supply Service Pipe Size PC-603 33 Fixture Pipe Size PC-603.1 33 Pipe Material PC-Table 605.4 36 Labor Law Art. 10-A UFPBC-904.6 12,340 Pipe Insulation See Energy Code Backflow Prevention PC-Table 608.1 41 Sprinkler System PC-608.16.4 44 Lawn Irrigation PC-608.16.5 44 Pipe Freezing PC-305.6 14 Sanitary Drainage Drain Pipe Size PC-Table 709.1 54 Drain Pipe Material PC-702 47 Labor Law Art. 10-A UFPBC-904.6 12,340 Vent.Size PC-Table 910.4 63 Pipe Hangers PC-Table 308.5 17 Air Admittance Valves PC-917 67 Notes: JAM Page 5 of 10 a - No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 30. Mechanical Code Ventilation Rates MC-Table 403.3 24 Propane Below Grade MC-502.8.10.1 31 Dryer Exhaust MC-504 33 Kitchen Exhaust MC-506 . 34 Kitchen Hoods MC-507 37 Kitchen Make-Up Air MC-508 39 Chimney Termination MC-Table 511,.2 41 Air Plenums MC-602 47 Fire & Smoke Dampers MC-607.5.1... 52 Combustion Air MC-701 55 Confined Spaces—Def. MC-202 5 31. Fuel Gas Code Appliance Location FGC-303 18 Combustion Air FGC-304 19 Clearance to Combust. FGC-Table 308.2 25 Pipe Material FGC-403 46 Shut Off Valves FGC-409 53 Chimney Termination FGC-Fig. 503.5.4 63 Gas Vent Termination FGC-Fig. 503.6.6 65 Exit Terminal Location FGC-503.8 68 Clothes Dryer Exhaust FGC-613 96 Unvented Room Heaters FGC-620 99 32. Energy Code Prescriptive Method ECCC-Table 602.1(1) 50 High Truss Credit ECCC-602.1.2 51 Pipe Insulation—Heating ECCC-Table 503.3.3.1 44 d� Duct Insulation—Heating ECCC-Table 503.3.3.8 45 Pipe Insulation—Hot Water ECCC-Table 504.2 47 HWH Heat Trap ECCC-504:7 47 COMcheck Computer Software Compliance Report Required Notes: JAM Page 6 of 10 Project Name: i J Cr- L RN� p� S,�p� t� BP# 7 7 Address: Building Permit Submission Checklist Multiple Dwelling Commercial Prolec All items below must be checked either yes,no or not applicable prior to submission of any building permit to the Town of QueensburyBuilding Department. If any of the below items are lacking,the permit will not be accepted until such time as the application is deemed complete for submission. 1. Building Permit Application Completed... ............... ... ...... ........... Rm" Ono On/a 2. EnergyForm or Checkmate Energy Code Compliance Forms Complete... � Ono On/a (submit 2 copies) 3. Energy Code Inspector's Report from Checkmate Program......... ...... Ely'us Ono On/a (submit 2 copies) 4. Septic application completely filled out(if applicable)... ...... ... ... ... ... �s Ono On./a 5. Electrical Inspection Form... ...... Oyes Ono O 6. Two(2)sets of plans showing the following:..... ...... ................... L13's Ono On/a 6a. Floor plan(s)... .... ... ......... ... ... ...... ......... ... ......... ...... yes Ono On/a 6b. Foundation plan...-.... ...... ... ...... ............ ... ...... ... ........ ®yes Ono On/a 6c. Cross secdon(s)...'.... On/a ......... ... ......... ... ...... ... ......... ... ..... ( Yes Ono 6d. Elevations ...... ................................. ... ...... ....... ,®yes Ono On/a 6e. Design loads including floor,snow load,and wind load... ... Ns Ono On/a. 6f. Seismic design(required after Jan. 1,2003) [ Ono O 6g. Plans signed byregistered architect or engineer,signed..<—... Kyes Ono On/a and sealed by registered architect or engineer � 6h. Window and door schedule... ............ ... ......:........ ...... ... 05cS Ono On/a 7. Two(2)site plans showing location of the structure to be built,.....I... ❑no ❑n/a location of well or water lines,location of septic system or sewer line with all setbacks and separation distances shown,and all improvements to the property. 8. Solid Fuel Burning or Gas Appliance Form(if applicable)................ Oyes Ono 791/a 9. DrivewayPermit............ ... Oyes Ono a Date: 6 Staff Initial: L:\SueHemingway\Bdding.Pennit.FORMS\Generic Cbeckhst.doc January28,2003 Code Compliance and Informational Sheet for Permit Use Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Project for: C� !�,' e p Permit No. 2004 Applicant Name: �.D).� Zoning Administrator Tax Map No. ,a—/1I•l7_/^66 PP ROVED Application Lot No. House No. / 5f 8 2004 road,street Mobile Home Park: Subdivision: Planned Unit Dev. o ing Administrator TO WIN C 4/Parcel Size: l-� � acres Current Zoning: (April 9,2002 Zoning Ordinance)at time of this Permit Application Zoning Ordinance effective at time of Subdivision approval by Planning Board: b YEAR ZONING Note Regarding Approved Subdivisions: 1967 ....;.Y......... Prior to November 23, 1992;corner lot(2 1982 June Ll............ front yards)did not apply to zoning. 1988 September 19...... All new development must conform to 2002 April 9,2002........ current zoning. Setbacks: Existing RequireJd�f Proposed Zonina Information Front 1 �d5�3t The latest Zoning Ordinance Front 2�tu"r'JTicte 4 3 s y is effective April 9,2002 04corner and shoreline) ......... .................`................ Lncnl Lnw 1 of 2002 Side 1 � Side 2 Rear I Rear 2 /a > Shoreline ti Travel Corridor Overlay Zone Buffer i - Yes No meets depth,width&square footage requirements preexisting,nonconforming lot with proper setbacks required frontage on public road has required off-street parking permeable area is adequate(Requirement is %) building does not exceed maximum height(Max. ft.) Is lot in a Flood Zone? Floor Area Ratio worksheet required?Zone: WR-IA(effective Z.Ordinance 1988) Application appears to conform to the requirements of Section(s): of the local Town Code. Town of Queensbury Code Compliance and Informational Sheet for Permit Use Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Drawing Space and Comments: Parcel History Additional review required by Zoning Board of Appeals _Planning Board _Town Board comments: Zoning Board of Appeals File No. Action Resolution Date Use Variance Area Variance Sign Variance Other Planning Board File No. Action Resolution Date Site Plan Review 3 ��! Subdivision PUD(Planned Unit Dev.) Other Recreation Fees Paid Engineering Fees Paid Site Plan Maps on File Subdivision Mylar Signed and Filed REVIEWED BY STAFF(initial) DATF NOTES r6/e/"5� Town of Queensbury Application for Permit-Septic Disposal System Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 (519)•761-8256 1, OWNER INFORMATION; .............................................................................................. Office Use Location of installation: 15 I- 15 3 s cLm Tj!�s,Vie- - j File Permit No. �(— Tax Map No. ?�oti'� 1 / 6 a l o ► �- i (� Fee Paid Owner's Name: - - ...........................................................-.................................. Address: 6 kk0\be,-j NQE-. Qi 2. INSTALLER'S NAME : �S Se �- PHONE NO. 3. RESIDENCE INFORMATION: (circle year of dwelling, indicate#bedroom(s) and multiply#of bedrooms with,applicable gallons per bedroom to equal total daily flow) Year of House: No of Bedrooms x Computation = Total Daily Flow 1980 or older x 150 galtbdrm = 1980— 1991 x 130 gal/bdrnn = 1991—present x 110 gal/bdrm = Garbage Grinder Installed yes_ i no' ✓ Spa or Hot Tub Installed yes_ / no � 4: PARCEL INFORMATION: (circle applicable information&indicate measurements) Tonopzranhv Soil Nature Ground Water Bedrock or Im ervious Material . Domestic Water So ply Fla san at what depth at what depth 'cipal o ling loamy-feet feet wel Steep slope clay t well,water supply _%slope other from any septic-system depth: absorption is ft. other Percolation Tes,.: (To be completed by licensed professional engineer or architect) Rater minute per inch 5. PROPOSED SYSTEM: For New Construction: All individual sewage disposal systems must be designed by a licensed professional engineer or architect(unless installed in a Planning Board approved subdivision). Add 250 gallons to the size of the septic tank and leach field for each Garbage Grinder,Spa or Whirlpool Tub. Septic Tank: _gallon (min.size 1,000 gal.) Tile Field: each trench ft. Total System Length: ft. Seepage Pit(s): number of size of each: ft. by ft. Size o Stone to be used: # / depth or thickness feet Bed/System Size: x Alternative System: length andlor size 6. HOLDING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) Number of tanks: / Size of each: gallons /TOTAL Capacity; gallons . Note: Alarm System and associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency. 7. SIGNATURE &INFORMATION FOR RESPONSIBLE PERSON (please read) For your protection,please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town of Queensbury,any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material misrepresentation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations with respect to this application and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury.Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. C Leel— � Signature of res on ' le person Date • • • ,•,+ • • ''1'cnv'st •tif t�uec��t�lfui•y ' St:wt:rs stsul HowitlRr. Disposal (3131 iv t... _. Appolulix 0 { Ij-IF,IaI.) SPAIA LA'1'ION Ii:Ir�2t.31 itt�h]I��l�'1` "r POND V'jsrtl. ui ►/(►Tlr'it• •i �� J�" Gt tt'r4•i `15t1T11! CJ�f I.1�; � '• � lbuasr C� t1� � ' , ��f��'• 11�.ays� G • � � l � . ,, `... .•fo' n.MIL • - czar. 1' ' Afi�Jr7RPll�t 1 • •.... Rohn . •...�- ,rw}rrM•T"" , 7• _ SIQTNA'I.'UT.tE i Commercial Final Inspection Report Office No.: (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: V Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: am/pm Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,/NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: . NAME: /vG -��1 PERMIT#: Ol-i 777 LOCATION: , P��� DATE: 7 •� COMMENTS: Y N NA Chimney/"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Plumbing Vent Through Roof 6"/Roof Complete Exterior Finish/Grade Complete 6"in 10' or Equivalent Interior/Exterior Guardrails 42 in. Platform/Decks Interior/Exterior Ballisters 4 in. Spacing Platform/Decks Stair Handrail 34 in.—38 in./Step Risers 7"/Treads 11" Vestibules For Exit doors>3000 s . ft. All Doors 36 in. w/Lever Handles/Panic Hardware,if required Exits At Grade Or Platform 36(w)x 44"(1)/Canopy or Equiv. Gas Valve Shut-off Exposed&Regulator 18" Above Grade Floor Bathroom Watertight/Other Floors Oka Relief Valve,Heat Trap/Water Temp. 110 Degrees Maximum Boiler/Furnace Enclosure 1 hr. or Fire Extinguishing System Fresh Air Supply for Occupancy/Ventilation Combustion Low Water Shut Off For Boilers Gas Furnace Shut Off Within 30 ft. or Within Line Of Site Oil Furnace Shut Off at Entrance to Furnace Area Stockroom/Storage/Receiving/Shipping Room(2 hr.), 1 %doors > 10%> 1000 s . ft. '/a Hour Corridor Doors &Closers Firewalls/Fire Separation,2 Hour, 3 Hour Complete/Fire Dampers/Fire Doors Ceiling Fire Stopping,3,000 s . ft.Wood Frame Attic Access 30"x 20"x 30"(h),Crawl Space Access 18"x 24" Smoke Vents Or Fan, if required Elevator Operation and Si a e/Shaft Sealed Handicapped Bathroom Grab Bars/Sinks/Toilets Handicapped Bath/Parking Lot Si na e Public Toilet Room Handicapped Accessible Handicapped Service Counters, 34 in., Checkout 36" Handicapped Ramp/Handrails Continuous/12 in.Beyond [Both sides] Active Listening System and Si na e Assembly Space Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey,New Structure/Flood Alain certification,if req. D As-built Septic System Layout Required or On File Building Number or Tenant Address on Building or Driveway Water Fountain or Cooler Building Access All Sides b riveable Surface 20'wide Okay To Issue Temp. o ermanent C/O-) Okay To Issue C/C L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Forms\Commercial Final Inspection Report.doc _I _ ! ' I ; I iED - ' I I I i I I a IL - _ - evidence of .v believe - ��I b . ' aVe peen o+� red; i II I�r nc�s et - - I -- --- --- - - ----— h- - - =° - s ----- -- -- - - - - - i I r Se or e , �� i i I i L tiCfiS SIICn 1'S Il'JUSeS;-vve S 2eS' fe i I {lC i I dl I I - i I a�11 �, I I I i ; �, � p I I T - ! } o- Cli t''ia: 81=Q. � .?1'2.S c3 G . w.(?.Y. Shov'.,ii iT;. u3 t p diura'm. i BU p N, AI I Ti �, eS Setfcon I I i , I -- --- - - - - J_ L I G JI I I ' -SI ivATU►-E i AT I I , ! I �- -- --� -.L. i - - ----- - �- I I I j 1 I I � _L -I- -I- -- -I- J I I ' � I I I I I I ! i�l- I I_ _h -I- I � �� �•� I i � I i j i i i I J i I i i -- - _ l -- -- - - -- - - ! - -- -----!—- - -L !- --! 1- --- - -- - ---�- - - -- --� - i I I I i / , I I %� I I • ; i I ' i j I I -� i I I _I - ;-- !- -- - - i - I--- - _� -- �-- -- - -- - -L-1- - -- I I -- - I �- I ! 1_ I ` - I ! I I -V. I I -A J . 1 j , 1 1 1 . : r I Commercial Final Inspection Report Office No.: (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: 'Gf ),1-� am/pm Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: 0 CCU / oR PERMIT#: LOCATION: DATE: 7 L, .SOf/3 COMMENTS; / 1-de— w Y N NA PC LA-10 CL/0 Chimney/"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Plumbing Vent Through Roof 6"/Roof Complete ego Exterior Finish/Grade Complete 6"in 10' or E uivalent �`-� Interior/Exterior Guardrails 42 in. Platform/Decks _ Interior/Exterior Ballisters 4 in. Spacing Platform/Decks Stair Handrail 34 in.—38 in. /Step Misers 7"/Treads 11" Vestibules For Exit doors>3000 s . ft. All Doors 36 in. w/Lever Handles/Panic Hardware,if required Exits At Grade Or Platform 36(w)x 44"(])/Canopy or Equiv. Gas Valve Shut-off Ex osed&Regulator 18" Above Grade Floor Bathroom Watertight/Other Floors Oka Relief Valve,Heat Trap/Water Temp. 110 Degrees Maximum Boiler/Furnace Enclosure 1 hr. or Fire Extinguishing System Fresh Air Supply for Occupancy/Ventilation Combustion Low Water Shut Off For Boilers Gas Furnace Shut Off Within 30 ft. or Within Line Of Site Oil Furnace Shut Off at Entrance to Furnace Area Stockroom/Storage/Receiving/Shipping Room(2 hr.), 1 %doors > 10%> 1000 s .ft. 3/a Hour Corridor Doors&Closers Firewalls/Fire Separation,2 Hour, 3 Hour Complete/Fire Dampers/Fire Doors Ceiling Fire Stopping,3,000 s . ft.Wood Frame Attic Access 30"x 20"x 30"(h),Crawl Space Access 18"x 24" Smoke Vents Or Fan,if required Elevator Operation and Si a e/Shaft Sealed Handicapped Bathroom Grab Bars/Sinks/Toilets Handicapped Bath/Parking Lot Si na e Public Toilet Room Handicapped Accessible Handicapped Service Counters, 34 in., Checkout 36" Handicapped Ramp/Handrails Continuous/12 in.Beyond [Both sides] Active Listening System and Signage Assembly Space Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey,New Structure/Flood Plain certification,if reg. As-built Septic System Layout Required or On File Building Number or Tenant Address on Building or Driveway Water Fountain or Cooler Building Access AD Sides by 20' /Dr' le Surface 20'wide Ve/ Oka To Issue Temp. o ermane �C/O ej Z Okay To Issue C/C lGy e1�- L:\Building&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection Forms\Commercial Final Inspection Report/doc Septic Inspection Report Office No.(518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/� D art: am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: PERMIT NO.: / J LOCATION: ,� INSPECT ON: RECHECK: Comments and/or diagram Soil Type: Sand/Loam/Clay Type of Water: Municipal/Well Water Waterline separation distance _ft. Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Absorption Field: Total length ft. Length of each trench ft. Depth of trenches ft. Size of Stone Seepage Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Size Type Building to tank Tank to Distribution Box Distribution Box to Field/Pit Opening Sealed: Y/N/Partial End Caps Location/Separations Foundation to tank ft. Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits ft. Conforms as per Plot Plan Y N Engineer Report and As-Built Y N Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Side ` r Middle Front Middle Rear System Use Status: _ Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected,please call the Building& Codes Office Disapproved Last revised 1/6/05 169 Haviland Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Phone-518-745-4400 Fax -518-792-8511 Transmittal TO: DATE. December 01,2005 Mr. Dave Hatin RE. Wing Nursery Town of Queensbury 'Septic System As-Built 742 Bay Road. JOB NO: 47386 Queensbury,NY.12804 WE ARE FORWARDING THE FOLLOWING: 1 Copy signed and sealed Septic System As-Built drawing for Wing Nursery. Sincerely, r Thomas R. Center Jr. ,PE Cc: Rob Wing, Owner Commercial Final Inspection Report � lr Office No.: (518)761 825p 6 Date Ins ectio request received: � Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: /�, n 2 am/pm Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 , Inspector's Initials: NAME: C� l S���V PERMIT#: LOCATION: DATE: COMMENTS: Y N NA Chimney/"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Plumbing Vent Through Roof 6"/Roof Complete Exterior Finish Grade Complete 6"in 10' or Equivalent Interior/Exterior Guardrails 42 in.Platform/Decks Interior/Exterior Ballisters 4 in. Spacing Platform/Decks Stair Handrail 34 in.—38 in./Step Risers 7"/Treads 11" Vestibules For Exit doors>3000 s . ft. All Doors 36 in.w/Lever Handles/Panic Hardware, if required Exits At Grade Or Platform 36(w)x 44"(1)/Canopy or Equiv. Gas Valve Shut-off Exposed&Regulator 18")Above Grade Floor Bathroom Watertight/Other Floors Oka Relief Valve,Heat Trap/Water Temp. 110 Degrees Maximum Boiler/Furnace Enclosure 1 hr.•. or Fire Extinguishing System Fresh Air Supply for Occupancy/Ventilation Combustion Low Water Shut Off For Boilers Gas Furnace Shut Off Within 30 ft. or Within Line Of Site Oil Furnace Shut Off at Entrance to Furnace Area Stocla;oom/Storage/Receiving/Shipping Room(2 hr.), 1 '/Z doors > 10%> 1000 s . ft. 3/a Hour Corridor Doors&Closers Firewalls/Fire Separation,2 Hour, 3 Hour Complete/Fire Dampers/Fire Doors 'Ceiling Fire Stopping, 3,000 s . ft. Wood Frame Attic Access 30"x 20"x 30"(h), Crawl Space Access 18"x 24" Smoke Vents Or Fan, if required Elevator Operation and Si a e/Shaft Sealed Handicapped Bathroom Grab Bars/Sinks/Toilets / Handicapped Bath/Parking Lot Si na e Public Toilet Room Handicapped Accessible Handicapped Service Counters, 34 in., Checkout 36" Handicapped Ram /Handrails Continuous/12 in.Beyond Active Listening System and Signage Assembly Space Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey,New Structure/Flood Plain certification,if re �1' � As-built Septic System Layout Required or On File ? Buildin Number or Tenant Address on Buildin or Drivewa Water Fountain or Cooler Buildin Access All Sides_by 20' /Driveable Surface 20' wide Oka To Issue Temp. or Permanent C/O Okay To Issue C/C Last printed 6/3/2003 9:27 AML:\PamW\Building&Codes\Commercial Final Inspection Report.doc L� Final Survey Inspection Dept. of Community Development Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Date received: ��5 NAME: c-A0 c � LOCATION: 5D 21 Sun n p 1�, PERMIT#: aQ D L ` Final Survey Plot Plan AwDroved Denied The attached final survey has been received by the Dept. of Community Development. Upon review the survey has been: Craig Brown,Zoning Administrator Notes: 6\E-e—e,) Qo—q sso 1 j,-12 L:1SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Fina1 Survey Zoning Administrator.doc 0 ULW o Qa ao� o o Waq a0 o a LANDS N/F OF C Q O Z v X OCC HULLLANDS NIP OF W m Z ON 0 v v ~ 583/747 o YAGAR ^ z Z z 0 593/204 p 9 0 o c m Q Q WIRE FENCE REMAINS O i d' Nc0 O, N ~ _ Q 87042+53"E I .- N N� � � � RS S87°14'S3"E ANGLE ��p� 243.40' IRON 1-1 4" IPF 5 _ Z MAP REFERENCES: � 70 \0 ssa°32,'�3.",�_x � M N O IPF MAP OF A SURVEY OF A SUBDIVISION 518.93' _ 1" OF THE MARTIN J. McDERMOTT FARM BY: JOHN B. VAN DUSEN DATED: AUGUST 7, 1951 M MAP OF A SURVEY MADE FOR THOMAS L. & ALMA R. McDERMOTT BY: VAN DUSEN AND STEVES DATED: NOVEMBER 14, 1995 a~ O LANDS N/F OF SPATH G 549/557 z OCd � 0 U G Ds O O 195.35' OJ - TAX MAP NO. IP d 279.17-1-60 o Q a W CV AREA:w 896,684 sq. ft. z Ni 20.59 acres to to 0 ►� co 0 E� 1" IPFO LANDS N/F OF SPATE 549/557 :? .. u. IRS 82.50' 5 N84019'09"W IRS lit � �,Hjg x I I RF 177.82' _ ° S� �b11.2 � N84°20'47"W FRS W O !Z1 N 0 o c N 2 S' tRF IN CONC.O IPF NORTHEAST CORNER WOOD FENCE C ENCROACHES BY 2.4' co I� LANDS NIP OF NORTHWEST CORNER WOOD FENCE ;� BAY RIDGE VOLUNTEER 90.33' _ 3 ENCROACHES BY 3.75' o o y FIRE COMPANY, INC. PAM TAX MAP NO. HOUSE � � ` �" IPF " �P 02 290.05-1-47 ` E °D 02 � co �Z 90.00' i s 4.os' o ko N84°21'22"W .54 y 4i 41 o z _ CONCRETE (l., w x Wax 2 STORY SHED SHED 0.60' �`� }N 0:0 Q WOOD FRAME 0.10' pOz CO Q HOUSE /.o�c, /Iscl z o N LANDS N/F OF a4 _ HOUSE s Owve 3744/572 GHSE LANDS R DG$F �" LOU1092/319 LANDS N/F OF PORcm LANDS N/F OF ---� oNEp VAN DUSEN� LAN DS N F OF a / p� / 1272/183 / CONCRM ;, 844/53 TURNBULL LANDS N/F OF 0 z ANGLE WALK 844/56 OLSEN ACr 1204/234 G. IRON �IPF 149.96' PF 174. 16' ��• . 86°55'03 IN N83°16'461W N84019'56 W S UNNyS j 182. 10' " V1 ,p x in DE CIRF Pd O1" IPF r ,d AD 2 o B ��a =y .. LEGEND: a � IRFO = IRON ROD FOUND I IPF O = IRON PIPE FOUND PI IBFO = IRON BAR FOUND aid i� CIRFO = CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND a+ IRS O = IRON ROD SET/TO BE SET Co '0b = UTILITY POLE .-4 C.B.❑ = CATCH BASIN x = WIRE FENCE REMAINS Dole AIKKT 10, 2003 e = METAL FENCE EDGE OF WOODS soot T-60' S- 1 SEET 1 OF 1 McDERMOTT D729 DWG. NO. 03164A 279.17-1-47&60 ' Commercial Final Inspection Report Office No.: (Slt)761 f25G Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: p )Va am/pm Depart: am/pm 742 Bay %R.o , Queensbury,NiY'�12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: '% ``/ PERMIT#: ; LOCATION: S/ DATE: /3 6t 9 ' l Or COMMENTS: Y N NA Chimney/"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Plumbing Vent Through Roof 6"/Roof Com leteL -© Exterior Finish Grade Complete 6"in 10' or Equivalent F(e— 0;7 Interior/Exterior Guardrails 42 in.Platform/Decks / ,& Interior/Exterior Ballisters 4 in. Spacing Platform/Decks �'l��e� ur -/V Stair Handrail 34 in.—38 in./Ste " %Risers 7"/Treads 11 . Vestibules For Exit.doors>3000 s . ft. `(� All Doors 36 in.w/Lever Handles/Panic Hardware, if required Exits At Grade Or Platform 36(w)x 44"(1)/Canopy or Equiv. AI Gas Valve Shut-off Exposed&Regulator 18" Above Grade Floor Bathroom Watertight/Other Floors Oka Relief Valve,Heat Trap/Water Temp. 110 Degrees Maximum Boiler/Furnace Enclosure 1 hr. or Fire Extinguishing System a Fresh Air Supply for Occupancy/Ventilation Combustion Low Water Shut Off For Boilers '�,,, Al-6 -J2 Gas Furnace Shut Off Within 30 ft. or Within Line Of Site Oil Furnace Shut Off at Entrance to Furnace Area — Hi> • �• /�ti c c'!1 Stockroom/Storage/Receiving/Shipping Room(2 hr.), 1 '/z doorsfy- > 10%> 1000 s . ft. T u 3/a Hour Corridor Doors&Closers .�n s 4 A /p/ Firewalls/Fire Separation, 2 Hour, 3 Hour Complete/Fire n it/v �� Dampers/Fire Doors /� 'CeilingFire Stopin , 3,000 s . ft.Wood Frame — �, br-Q.-ee/ cenrc .1w(rc' Attic Access 30"x 20"x 30"(h), Crawl Space Access 18"x 24" ,`r AA 111L Smoke Vents Or Fan,if required Elevator Operation and Si a e/Shaft Sealed Handicapped Bathroom Grab Bars/Sinks/Toilets Handicapped Bath/Parking Lot Si na e Public Toilet Room Handicapped Accessible Handicapped Service Counters, 34 in., Checkout 36" Handicapped Ram /Handrails Continuous/12 in.Beyond Active Listening System and Signage Assembly Space Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey,New Structure/Flood Plain certification,if reg. As-built Septic System Layout Required or On File Building Number or Tenant Address on Building or Driveway Water Fountain or Cooler Building Acces Sides by 20' /Driveable Surface 20' wide Okay To Issue Tem r Permanent C/O Okay To Issue Last printed 6/3/2003 9:27 AML:\PamW\Building&Codes\Commercial Final Inspection lReport.doc Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal's Office 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone (518) 761-8205 Fax(518) 745-4437 Fire Marshal's Inspection Report Request 77 SCHEDULE � f - Received: Permit# ��{ INSPECTION ON: 7' CD5 Name: Lcej k��c2, no i-T'� ' d1V, Aft PM ANYTIME Location: APPROVED N/A YES NO COMMENTS EXIT ACCESS EXIT ENCLOSURE EXIT DISCHARGE _ MAIN AISLE WIDTH SECONDARY AISLE WIDTH EXIT SIGN—NORMAL X 1��j cc-- EXIT SIGN-BATTERY EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHER HUNG FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTION �( FIRE EXTINGUISHER HYDRO FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CJ` FIRE ALARM -FAN SHUTDOWN FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM �SCts C� FIRE SUPPRESSION-KITCHEN \lC FIRE SUPPRESSION-GAS i (Vt- ISLAND — (� HOOD INSTALLATION INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE COMPRESSED GAS CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLERS CLEARANCE TO ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC WIRING ENCLOSED COMBUSTIBLE WASTE _ VEHICLE IMPACT PROTECTION FIRE LANE F.D.SIGNAGE-UTILITY ROOMS NO SMOKING SIGNS MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY SIGN EMERGENCY EVAC PLAN 4KFOR OK THIS DATE M®TOK .� INSPECTED By COMDEVICHRISJ/W ORDILETTERS2001/F IRE MARS HALINS PECTIONRE PORT 11022001 WHITE-BUILDING DEPARTMENT COPY YELLOW-OCCUPANT COPY Site Plan Inspection Report Form Name: ` Location: _ Queensbury, NY 12804 QS Site Plan No.: Area Variance No.: Building Permit No. (if any):_ = "7P7 G Date: Dear Mr./Ms. ' During a site plan inspection of your project, the following deficiencies were discovered: 1 / 6z) o'C1z--z m Z&11 2) F 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) It is my expectation that these items will be addressed by Should you have any questions or comments please contact this office. Sincerely yours, Bruce Frank Code Compliance Officer Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/{Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury NY `12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: ��� C�^ PERMIT NO.: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: 27 sv RECHECK: Comments and/or diagram Soil Type: Sand/Loam/Clay Type of Water: Municipal/Well Water Waterline separation distance ft. Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Absorption Field: Total length ft. Length of each trench ft. Depth of trenches ft. Size of Stone Seepage Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Size Type Building to tank Tank to Distribution Box Distribution Box to Field/Pit Opening Sealed: Y/N/Partial End Caps Location/Separations Foundation to tank ft. Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits ft. Conforms as per Plot Plan . Y N Engineer Report and As-Built i Y N Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Side ci eu, Middle Front Middle Rear System Use Status: _7 Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected,please call the Building& Codes Office Disapproved Last revised 116105 -l. or- _---- -- __ ____ /� , �1 , , - � ,- , i �� -- ' - -_ -- , _- Final Survey Inspection Dept. of Community Development Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Date received: 3 NAME: C LOCATION: V U A fl 7 ' PERMIT#: Final Survey Plot Plan Auproved Denied The attached final survey has been received by the Dept. of Community Development. Upon review the survey h s een: 0 )R� raig B , Zoning Administrator Notes: r 6 (OF) 2�9. 6j L:\.SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Final Survey Zoning Administrator.doc M 0 O Q Z 0: O O a Q a LANDS N/F OF Q F F a HULL, LANDS N/F OF p v v O J W 583/747 YAGAR w w W O 593/204 9 z z C) WIRE FENCE REMAINS m Q Q O 0 0 � � Q \� 1 O N N ANGLE � O S87°42'S3"E 5 ,� �, I R 0)243.40' S87014'53"E IPF IRON ' 1-1 4" MAP REFERENCES: �+ 460. 10' _ \01 S 3"88°32'5 „E— _Y " N Z MAP OF A SURVEY OF A SUBDIVISION 518.93' 1 IPF 0) OF THE MARTIN J. McDERMOTT FARM y BY: JOHN B. VAN DUSEN DATED: AUGUST 7, 1951 b m A MAP OF A SURVEY MADE FOR THOMAS L. & ALMA R. McDERMOTT BY: VAN DUSEN AND STEVES DATED: NOVEMBER 14, 1995 O LANDS N/F OF >4 SPATH Gp�G 549/557 z Z U Ds � G y � 195.35' ���\� �O� TAX MAP NO. IP 96 JG 279.17-1-60 0 NN 0 w m a _ AREA: o d � ► 866,898 sq.ft. °cw� � 19.90 acres o c Z 0 E 1" IPFO LANDS N/F OF SPATH > 549/557 �� o IRS 82.501 � I t I N84 19'09"W IRS01 o o s. � � � � a <2iw y� L? N z wily 177-82' N84°20'47"W FRS -- Q'i 1 M O O NQ IRF IN CONC.O b � IPF ...18..6 55 '00�= NORTHEAST CORNER WOOD FENCE 149.98' ENCROACHES BY 2.4 o; LANDS N/F OF NORTHWEST CORNER WOOD FENCE of N BAY RIDGE VOLUNTEER 3 80.33' Pg710 ENCROACHES BY 3.75' FIRE COMPANY, INC. I TAX MAP N . No 1283/310 290.05-1-47 AREA HOUSE 29,803 sq.ft. ,'2» \PF Co CQ 15-05' 0.68 acres CID 490.00 `4 0 3 N84°21 22"W TTnn W o �0 G`�F V1 o - `°wA o �N �I ° z p w x o rn 2 STORY SHED SHED 0.60' �`� >4 o c N co WOOD FRAME �O o Co HOUSE LANDS N/F OF /'��` /�'� W Z o C.) HOUSE �vE REESE LANDS NIF F 374/572 L.OUGHRIDGB 16. PoRcn 1092/319 LANDS N/F OF �p VAN DUSEN1 LANDS N/F OF m 0 DRIVE 1272/183 TURNBUI.L LANDS N/F OF 1�'� a 4) conic 8 4/5g TURNBUI,L LANDS N/F OF z ANGLE WALK 844/56 OLSEN IPF 149.96' PF "' 1204/234 174. 1s' _ Q� N86°55'03"W N83°j �] 6 46"W N84°1956"W T S UNNyS j __ 182. 10' T� 1 E1 -�_ CIRF V 1 G.B. � 1� O e D 1" IPF V `7 Cd C.BE] LEGEND: a° '7 a m IRFO = IRON ROD FOUND , l Cd IPFO = IRON PIPE FOUND 1"'1 IBFO = IRON BAR FOUND Cd i.. CIRFO = CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND IRS O = IRON ROD SET/TO BE SET o� Co = UTILITY POLE m C.B.❑ = CATCH BASIN x = WIRE FENCE REMAINS Ddw AIKLT 10,2003 c = METAL FENCE = EDGE OF WOODS SC9b P-60' S- 1 sir 1 OF 1 McDERMOTT D729 DWG. NO. 03164A 279.17-1-47&60 a Commercial Final Inspection Report Office No.: (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: 34, am/pm Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: 22)/�- NAME: _�;� � PERMIT#: LOCATION: L� U �� 1� —R� DATE: c?, — Z 1-- COMMENTS: Y N NA Chimney/"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Plumbing Vent Through Roof 6"/Roof Complete 1) Exterior Finish Grade Complete 6"in 10' or Equivalent Interior/Exterior Guardrails 42 in.Platform/Decks ��,�� Interior/Exterior Ballisters 4 in. Spacing Platform/Decks Stair Handrail 34 in.-38 in./Step Risers 7"/Treads 11" Vestibules For Exit doors>3000 s . ft. All Doors 36 in.w/Lever Handles/Panic Hardware,if required Exits At Grade Or Platform 36 (w)x 44" 1)/Canopy or Equiv. Gas Valve Shut-off Exposed&Regulator 18" Above Grade �s��/ Floor Bathroom Watertight/Other Floors Okay I -`" ~- ---- ` - Relief Valve,Heat Trap/Water Temp. 110 Degrees Maximum ;s� `�✓��� Boiler/Furnace Enclosure 1 hr. or Fire Extinguishing System -- Fresh Air Supply for Occupancy/Ventilation Combustion Low Water Shut Off For Boilers Gas Furnace Shut Off Within 30 ft. or Within Line Of Site Oil Furnace Shut Off at Entrance to Furnace Area Stockroom/Storage/Receiving/Shipping Room(2 hr.), 1 '/Z doors > 10%> 1000 s .ft. 3/4 Hour Corridor Doors&Closers Firewalls/Fire Separation, Hou , 3 Hour Complete/FireDampers/Fire Doors Ceiling Fire Stopping, 3,000 s . ft. Wood Frame Attic Access 30"x 20"x 30"(h),Crawl Space Access 18"x 24" Smoke Vents Or Fan, if required ,�Qe Elevator Operation and Si a e/Shaft Sealed j Handicapped Bathroom Grab Bars/Sinks/Toiletsi Handicapped Bath/Parking Lot Si na e Public Toilet Room Handicapped Accessible P ,� 5;�;� Handicapped Service Counters, 34 in., Checkout 36" V. r �/ , Handicapped Ram /Handrails Continuous/12 in.Beyond Active Listening System and Signage Assembly Space Final Electrical II / Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey,New Structure/Flood Plain certification,if reg. 1 ��---�� As-built Septic System Layout Required or On File Building Number or Tenant Address on Building or Driveway Water Fountain or Cooler I /-!�w `S �"J� sn�, ►� Building Access All Sides by 20' /Driveable Surface 20'wide ��� "`r y- -✓ - -� Okay To Issue Temp. or Permanent C/O Okay To Issue C/C Last printed 6/3/2003 9:27 AML:\PamW\Building&Codes\Commercial Final Inspection Report.doc 1 ry' Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal's Office 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone (518) 761-8205 Fax(518) 745-4437 Fire Marshal's Inspection Report Request // � SCHEDULE Received: Permit.# OL4^ INSPECTION ON: t Name: 100 AM PM ANYTIME Location: APPROVE N/A YE COMMENTS EXIT ACCESS EXIT ENCLOSURE q �ar S ire —f EXIT DISCHARGE,::' ;:.. MAIN AISLE WIDTH SECONDARY AISLE'WIDT,H' EXIT.SIGN—NORMAL. Let-1 I EXIT SIGN-BATTERY.. EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHER HUNG z FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTION x FIRE EXTINGUISHER HYDRO _( FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE ALARM -FAN SHUTDOWN FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM (SG u S S `[ 0 . FIRE SUPPRESSION-KITCHEN FIRE SUPPRESSION—GAS x ISLAND HOOD INSTALLATION ���_ �` �� INTERIOR FINISHES . STORAGE COMPRESSED GAS CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLERS CLEARANCE TO ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC WIRING ENCLOSED COMBUSTIBLE WASTE .VEHICLE IMPACT PROTECTION FIRE LANE F.D.SIGNAGE—UTILITY ROOMS NO SMOKING SIGNS MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY SIGN EMERGENCY EVAC PLAN OK THIS DATE O F CO NOT OK V INSPECTED BY COMDEVICHRISJMIORDILETTERS2001/F IREMARS HALINSPECTIONREPORT11022001 WHITE—BUILDING DEPARTMENT COPY YELLOW—OCCUPANT COPY COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE,INC. Main Office 176 Doe Run Road-Manheim,PA 17545 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICQQATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL Permit No........................................Cert. 84785 Cut-in Card No........................ Owner.............&LT' GAAJO SCIVP1.IJG ......................................................................................................................................... �i/UA) 4Yscl0G /2/9, Location........................ .....�../........................................................................5 ............................... Installation Consisting of `.7.. ./... �..�a. l�L ....7........................�.t•............... LI 7L 1 ..... . ,as.�.... .. �.T... �. �...sLcr✓�.. 1.. ............. ....................:.............................................................................................................................................................. /t}/ZiiUyLJ Installed By....................... ....................................LZL�............................Lic.No.................................................. The conditions following governed the issuance of this certificate,and any certificate previously issued is cancelled:- This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date. Upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations,application shall be promptly made for inspection. Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege of may inspections at any time, and if its rules are violated,the Company shall have the right t r v ke t s ce tific c Date.................................................. INSPECTOR.. ................................................. ............................. M.,...{.e..N 117 P A I A T r °ZI 4 Rough Plumbing / Insulation Ins � � �n g g pec�o Deport Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection req=PM e ed�,Jz Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: Depart: °:_u aiirfi 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials NAME: PERMIT #: e2DU4--"7'7q LOCATION: 159 &uLnt k@g� INSPECT ON: �,—y _r-- TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A PVC: R-1,R-2, R-3,R4 Drain/Vents Cast Iron, Copper Drain/Vent/Comm. Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing/Nail Plates 1 % inch min. Drain Size Washing Machine Drain 2 inch min. Head or Air Supply Test Drain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 feet above highest connection for 15 minutes Cleanout every 100 feet/change of direction Water Supply Piping Cooper Commercial ; Cooper, CPVC,Pex One and Two-Family ��✓ , Insulation/Residential Check/Commercial Check t° ,^,,Gd Proper Vent,Attic Vent Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct work sealed properly/No duct tape COMMENTS: }% �jv� 'r� h LASueHemingwayMuilding.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doc November 17,2003 's RUCINSKI HALL ARCHITECTURE Ronald Richard Rucinski Ethan Peter Hall 627 Maple Avenue �JG Saratoga Springs NY 12866 Voice 518 580 1905 Fax 518 584 5012 Email rrr@nycap.rr.com ephall@nycap.rr.com Transmittal ZJ To: David Hatin—Town of Queensbury Building Department II 7 From: Ethan Hallvlb� 72 Date: 28 October, 2004 Re: Wing Landscape Supply Dave, Attached are 2 sets of revised plans for the referenced project. Rob is adding a set of double doors that will be strictly used for access to the display area by large items that would not be easily brought in through the main entry doors. I have also attached a revised Comcheck sheet for this revision. If there are any additional questions please give me a call to discuss. Regards, Ethan REVIEWED BY QATE- I's pi'►�� QtJL1'NSc'II1RY KILLING DEP'ARTMEW Ba (3d Orr arlr lirrted examinatian, Cf.�51y�!i;�,� 1nliih Our comments shall rrc, "� c;on ur J as indicating the Plans specifications are in full co:c� iianoe with the Building Codes of New York Siate. I FIM FCOPY C:\ACAD\Volt Landscaping\Paperwork\Transmina128 Oct 2004.doe Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: .41 Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: 61-"/r am/pm Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials:_- NAME: c ✓I SG t PERMIT#: O T-77 J LOCATION: / INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A Framin COMMENTS Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers r Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 %2 (w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses j Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min., Garage Fire Separation House side %2 inch or 5/8 inch.Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X..' . Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade J 4 LASueHemin-Way\Building.Codes.Inspecti on.FORM S\Framing Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Rough Plumlbin / Insulation Ins cction Rep or°tl�p Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: lC y,- am/pm Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: /j/ NAME: S PERMIT #: c-6477J LOCATION: S _ INSPECT ON: j S TYPE OF STRUCTURE: sj'6�4 Y N N/A PVC: R-1, R-2, R-3,R4 Drain/Vents Cast Iron, Copper Drain/Vent/ Comm. M Vent/Vents in Placembin /Nail Plates in. Drain Size Washing Machine Drain 2 inch min. /ffe-ad or it Supply Test Drain a d Vents 5 PSI 10 feet above highest nnection for 15 minutes Cleanout every 100 feet/change of direction Water Supply Piping Cooper Commercial �- Cooper, CPVC,Pex One and Two-Fanul Insulation/Residential Check/ Commercial Check Proper Vent,Attic Vent Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated s accs Combustion Air SMply for Furnace Duct work sealed properij/No duct tape COMMENTS: LASueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORM S\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doc November 17,2003 Rough Plumbing / Insulation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection reque ?recvQueensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: art: a 'p742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initi 1sv NAME: C /// PERMIT #;; Oq��7 ' LOCATION: ( ' INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A PVC: R-1,R-2, R-3,R4 Drain/Vents Cast Iron, Copper Drain/Vent I Comm. PlumbingVent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing/Nail Plates 1 % inch min. Drain Size Washing Machine Drain 2 inch min. Head or Air Supply Test Drain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 feet above highest connection for 15 minutes Cleanout every 100 feet/change of direction, Water Supply Piping „ Cooper Commercial CA16per, CPVC,Pex One and Two-Family sulation/Residential Check/Commeircial Check /j = Proper Vent,Attic Vent Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct work sealed properly/No duct tape COMMENTS: `f L;\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doc November 17,2003 Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/pm klepart:,. am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: l "co PERMIT#: (o `7, C":1.� LOCATION: ,7z A),J , c INSPECT ON: TYPE/OOF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A COMMENTS v' Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging ������/4 Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 %z (w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side % inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade LASueHemingway\Building.Codes.In spec ti on.FORM S\Frarning Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 RUCINSKI HALL ARCHITECTURE Ronald Richard Rucpnski Ethan Peter Hall 627 Maple Avenue Saratoga Springs NY 12866 RECEIVED Voice 518 580 1905 Fax 518 584 5012 JAN 2 7 2005 Email rrr@nycap.rr.com ephall@nycap.rr.com TOWN OF PLANNING OFFICE RY Special Inspection Report To: David Hatin From: Ethan Hall Date: 26 January, 2005 Re: Wing Landscape Supply— Rob Wing I have reviewed the installation of the shear walls, framing system and lateral force bracing for the referenced project. These items appear to be installed in conformance with the design drawings. To the best of my knowledge and belief these items are acceptable. If there are any questions please contact our office. Regards, �r' `� p1✓1c � Ethan P. Hall Architect 7 7Y o� C y 5 Xc: Rob Wing—Wing Landscape Supply C:\ACAD\Volt Landscaping\Paperwork\Special Inspection Report 21 Jan 2005.doc Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office - 'No. (518) 761 8256 Date Inspection request received: � Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: arn/ art: "Pm Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: 5 c n, NAME: PERMIT#: LOCATION: C-) INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: - Y IN I IV/A wining- - _7_7 COMMENTS Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers DE`� `�(j 1 ��b L ` Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 %z (w) 16 gauge (8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side % inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade LASueHeminsway\Buildin-.Codes,Inspection.FORM S\Framing Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office --- Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: -a-n/ m epart: pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: PERMIT#: ��G 7 7 LOCATION: K INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A COMMENTS $; raming ac Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 %z(w) 16 gauge (8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center OK 76 Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side % inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade LASueFlemingway\BuiIding.Codes.Inspection.FORM S\Framing Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 -1 C� Rough Plumbing / Insulation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: 1 .� Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: an-L/nm Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: Q ti r PERMIT #: / I LOCATION: INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A PVC: R-1,R-2,R-3,R4 Drain/Vents Cast Iron, Copper Drain/Vent/ Comm. Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing/Nail Plates ya 1 % inch min. Drain Size Washing Machine Drain 2 inch min. Head or Air Supply Test Drain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 feet above highest connection for 15 minutes Cleanout every 100 feet/change of direction P� " ILI Water Supply Piping uV rC'�� Cooper Commercial Cooper, CPVC,Pex One and Two-Family nsulation/Residential Check/ Commercial Check&oc, Proper Vent,Attic Vent Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct work sealed properly/No duct tape COMMENTS: LASueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORM S\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doc November 17,2003 Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: am/pm Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials:- NAME: ��1 � PERMIT#: v LOCATION: - 71AJA,,' INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A COMMENTS Framing v7 l Jack Studs/He ders ��Z l A-C- Bracing/Bridging ,. Joist hangers . Jack Posts/Main Beams � '�� C ✓ 1 C� ; �—� Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. i Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 '/z (w) 16 gauge (8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side %2 inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade LASucHerningway\13uilding.Codcs.Inspection.FORM STranning Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection r&qqfst received: Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: _ai De art: pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initial NAME: +�� I N PERMIT#: ✓ 7 7 LOCATION: I) INSPECT ON: / p TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A COMMENTS Framing Jack Studs/Headers �Jl %C— CA)z Bracing/Bridging cc Joist hangers ��✓J Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 %z (w) 16 gauge (8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side %2 inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Framing Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: f�P am/p Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: Lj PERMIT#: LOCATION: Z�,•,p,,�l' y,� �— r� INSPECT ON: M TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Framing Y N N/A COMMENTS Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. G�l/6 f�t %n.>Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. 7 - Stairwells 36 in. or more �,✓�e'e— 4," Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 %2 (w) 16 gauge (8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses � `!� Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or lesson center Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side '/2 inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Framing Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Framing / FirestoppingInspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: , Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: _ arn/ htn part: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: �`� NAME: �\J�J ' . � PERMIT#: Ll1-7/ LOCATION: INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: 40 Y N /a. COMMENTS , . : cv� ti._ JjEackStuds/Headers � Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 %z (w) 16 gauge (8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side % inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade LASueHemin-way\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Framing Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Framing / Firestopping Inspection ReportA . . Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection requ t received: I . Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: am/prt part: m/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: 1 L / PERMIT#: l LOCATION: Q INSPECT ON: — TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Framing Y N N/A COMMENTS Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 %z (w) 16 gauge (8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Ancho1 Its 6 ft. or less on center andd snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side % inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade L:\SucHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Framing Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection re st r eiv Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: m/p rt: am/pm 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initial . NAME: l') 1 0 C7 IT NO.: LOCATION: I p — RIB SPECT ON: RECHECK: Comments and/or diagram Soil T e Sand oa Cla T e of Wa . unicipa j Well Water Waterline se aration dist ft. Well separation distance Other wells: Absorption Field: Total length ft. Length of each trench ft. De th of trenches ft. Size of Stone See age Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Size Type Building to tank Tank to Distribution Box Distribution Box to Field/Pit Opening Sealed: Y/N/Partial Location/Separations Foundation to tank ft. Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits ft. Conforms as per Plot Plan Y N Location of System on Property: CA Front Rear Left Side Right Side Middle Front Middle Rear System Use Status: ppr d al Approved and needs to be re-inspected,please call the Building&Codes Office isapproved L:1SueHemingway\13uilding.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Septic Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 MXC 03 2004 4: 59PM HP LRSERJET 3200 p. l ENGINEERING,NACE P.C. 169 Haviland Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Phone-518-745-4400 Fax -518-792-8511 December 03, 2004 Job#47353 Mr.Dave Hatin VIA FAX—745-4437 Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 RE: Modified Percolation Test Results Wing Nursery Dear Dave. This is to inform you that I performed two percolation tests in the proposed absorption field.area for the septic system being constructed for Wing Nursery. The results of the testing are as follows: Percolation Test#1 r Stabilization percolation rate- 1"in 14 minute,40 seconds Percolation Test#2 Stabilization percolation rate- 1"in 14 minute, 34 seconds The test was run in the native sand at a depth of 24 inches in a 30 inch deep hole. The holes were presoaked with 5 gallons of water. Percolation test #1 was run 7 times until it stabilized with three consecutive runs of 14:35, 14:37 and 14:40 respectively. Percolation test #2 was run 4 times until it stabilized with three consecutive runs of 14:23, 14:29 and 14:34 respectively. With the existing percolation rate, the design application rate for an absorption trench system is 0.80 gal/day/sf, The design flow for this facility per the approved site plan drawings is 180 gpd. Trench Length Required 180 gpd/0.80 gal./day/sqft=225 sgft 225 sqft/2 ft trench width= 112.51f The approved site plan design drawings show a septic system with two (2) - forty (40) ft long . absorption laterals based on a percolation rate of 5 minutes per inch. The owner was advised to install an additional forty (40) ft absorption trench, which will increase the total absorption field trench length provided to 120 if which is greater than the 112.5. if required based on the decreased percolation rate. DEZ 03_2004 4: 59PM HP LRSERJET 3200 p. 2 Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Thomas R. Center Jr., P.E. cc: Robert Wing Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: C � Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: arn/pm JDepart: am pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: _ NAME: ( /,'� y L oN,-,� Scr�', c. PERMIT#: -77 / LOCATION: S v-n� Se It-b, INSPECT ON: Z, TYPE OF STaucwik Y N N/A COMMENTS Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 '/2 (w) 16 gauge (8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center / Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side %2 inch or 518 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Framing Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Septic Inspection Report Office No. (S 18)761-8256 Date Ins ection re es r Iv d: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: l'pm D part: t t �pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: n. PERMITNO.: r0�( ' 77�? 14—" .._ LOCATION: Sid e INSPECT ON: i 7i RECHECK: Comments and/or diagram Soil Type-(San4goamy Clayy 1 Type of Water: Municipal/Well Water C) Waterline separation distance ft.Well separation distance %XT II, F,T9uWlft. Other wells: ft. Tn Absorption Field: Total length 110 ft. Length of each trench o' 0-ft. Depth of trenches Z- ft• Size of Stone \ i Seepage Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Size T e Building to tank Tank to Distribution Box Distribution Box to Field/Pit Opening Sealed: ()NI Partial Location/Separations Foundation to tank ft• ��.. p� ����� Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits ft Conforms as per Plot Plan Y N Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Si e. Right Side V Middle Front Middle Rear System Use Status: ���� �� � ��\�� �v pproved _ (1-c� g&Codes�ffice ,,,,PA artial Approved and needs to be re mspecQ plead a g Disapproved L:\.SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Septic Inspection Report.doo January 28,2003 Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: d,S-U am/pm Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: ),,0— PERMIT#: LOCATION: 1!�6nn INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is response 1AV) y providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofing/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. LASueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMSToundation Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date InspectijrXeeid: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: Depart: f L a m 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's In / NAME: RMIT#: LOCATION: L1' hs,, v INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monol' is Slab nforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallp our t,,t ,�,�y �r����✓ ,���� Reinforcement in Place Foundation Dampproofing y �%�� \D �-% �z LD bWt-�- vA Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofmg/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. LASueHemingway\Building.Codes.InspectionTORMSToundation Inspection Reportdoc January 28,2003 -1U et� Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-82.56 Date Inspectio}request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: /! am/pm Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: P��. t 77 � �(1 0 , , PERMIT#: LOCATION: _ INSPECT ON: if I a . TYPE.OF STRUCTU1311. Comments _ Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this pu_pr ose on site._ Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofing/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval um ing Under S a , � PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. LASueHemingway\Bui Win g.Codes.inspection.FORMSWoundation Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Rough Plumbing % Insulation Inspection Report � � � p p Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: part:` _ am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's.Initial NAME: Voc--r Llwj, 'fe PERMIT #: �y� 77� LOCATION: INSPECT ON: )► b TYPE OF ST U TURF: Y N N/A PVC: R-1,R-2,R-3,R4 Drain/Vents 'Cast lion, Copper Drain/Vent/Comm. Plumbin Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing/Nail Plates 1 % inch min.Drain Size Washing Machine Drain 2 inch min. Head or Air Supply Test Drain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 feet above highest connection for 15 minutes. Cleanout every 100 feet/chan a of direction Water Supply Piping Cooper Commercial Cooper, CPVC,Pex One and Two-Family Insulation/Residential Check/Commercial Check e A //V f Proper Vent,Attic Vent Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct work sealed properly/No duct tape COMMENTS: L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doc November l7,2003 Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-82.56 Date Insp ti n request received: _ Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am p Depart: —am/p 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: C PERMIT#: Ll` - LOCATION: _�' � INSPECT ON: � TYPE, OF STRUCtOPM Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinfor ent in Place e contractor is responsible for provid' g protection from freezing for 4 hours following the placement of e concrete. aterials for This purpose on site. oundation/Wallpour- Reinforcement in Place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofing/Water!#ofing Footing Drain Daylight or urfip/p Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above f'000t ng 6 mil poly for w t areas under slab Backfill Approv Plumbing Unde Slab PVC/Cast Copper FouRndat on Insulation Interior/Exterior Rr6ugb/Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\SucHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Foundation Inspection Report.doe January 28.2003 2-:- L/ Foundation Inspection Report Q Office No. (518) 761-82.56 Date Inspection req re e' ed Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: & an ' Depart: j© am/� 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: _ �lV e n 6' P , ZIT#: -- 7 LOCATION: _ ) _ INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Footings ^� Piers Monolithic Slab r _ Rei orcement in Place he contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of e concrete, ,Nfaterials for This purpose on site, oundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation/Watel proofing Type of Dampproofing/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- _ Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. LASucl-Iemingway\Buil ding.Codes.Inspection.FORM S\F oundati on Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection re est e ei d: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: a pm Depart: a 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initial NAME: L A P IT#: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofmg/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump. Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab . PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. LASucHemingway\Building.Codes.InspectionTORMSToundation Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 C-;) Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-82.56 Date Inspection re est r ceive Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: m/pm part: a m 742 Bay.Rd., Queensbtry,NY 12804 Inspector's Init als q -779, — NAME: cs � — PF IT#: LOCATION:]�3__ _ INSPECT ON: - -- _7 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments _ -_--- Y .N N/A otings— � G Piers Monolithic Slab inforcement in Place 7The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. J�4 terials for this purpose on site. _ ndation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place 'undation Dampproofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofing/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under SIab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation'Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. LASucl-lemingway\BuiIding.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\foundation Inspection Report.doe January 28,2003 I Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection re c est re i d: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: ai p Depart: n pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials. r NAME: ,RMIT#: — - LOCATION: _ �v, (.` TSPECT ON: � = . TYPE, OF STRUCTURE: Comments N/A ootings --- �LC.Vk � JEAN Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place V The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement ��T�E� of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site,_ _ Foundation/W allpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofing/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width �� 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under SIab e . PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. LASueHcmingway\13uiIding.Codes.Inspecti on.FORMS\Foundation Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 1.0/26/�2004 08:57 518-584-5012 RUCINSKI HALL PAGE 01 RUCINSKI HALL ARCHITECTURE Ronald Richard Rucinski Ethan Peter Hall 627 Maple Avenue Saratoga Springs NY 12866 Voice 518 580 1905 Fax 518 584 5012 Email rrr@nycap.rr.com ephall cQnycap.rr.com Fax - Sheet 1 of 1 To: John O'Brien—Town of Queensbury Building Department From: Ethan Hall Date: 26 October, 2004 Re: Wing Landscape Supply John, Regarding the footings at the above referenced project it is acceptable to this office to wet set the vertical reinforcing bars in the footing as discussed on the phone yesterday. If there are any additional questions please give me a call to discuss. Regards, Ethan CAACAD\Veit Lsndscaping\PVemorL-Tmc 26 Oct 2004.doc 1 1 10/05/2004 12:44 518-584-5012 RUCINSKI HALL PAGE 01 P�. RUCINSKI HALL ARCHITECTURE Ronald Richard Rucinski Ethan Peter Hall G� 627 Maple Avenue �J• Saratoga Springs NY 12866 Voice 518 5801905 OC o Fax 518 584 5012 /0 Jr 20 Email rrr@nycap_rr_com B PN pF 04 ephall@nycap.rr.com �R CpO� Y �AK Gofl� L=J tO.A GUIST u wj L' G:\!Ethan\paper work\rMpiatesV ettcnc=d,d% 10/05/2004 12:44 518-584-5012 RUCINSKI HALL PAGE 02 DRAFT COPY . (3/21/03) CHECKLIST NYS BUILDING CODE (BC) Building: j4IW(A LA,006WL&_. '6L4WL,-, ' NYS FIRE CODE(FC) NYS PLUMBING CODE (PC) Location: 6EAWW(51or—_ ( 4gwO NYS MECHANICAL CODE (MC) NYS FUEL GAS CODE (FGC) Date: NYS ENERGY CODE (ECC) Reviewer: Publication Date: May 2002 COMMERCIAL& -MULTIPLE DWELLING OCCUPANCIES No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 1 Jurisdiction BC-101.2 1 2 Flood Plain BC-1603.1.6 285 3 Separated or Non-Separated BC-302.3 18 Occupancies* 4 Occupancy BC-302 17 5 Type of Construction BC-Table 601 81 $ 6 No. of Sleeping Units/Level BC-202 14 & No. of Units—Total 31 IVA. No_ of Occupants BC-Table 1003.2.2.2 201 7- Covered Malls BC-402 33 _ Hi-Rise (75' Rule) BC-403 36 91A Atriums BC-404 37 8 Basement Definition BC-502.1 71 (See page 8 of this check list) Legend: NR = Not Required NS = Not Shown NA= Not Applicable Note: * Non-separated occupancies impose the most restrictive requirements JAM Page 1 of 10 10/05/2004 12:44 518-584-5012 RUCINSKI HALL PAGE 03 No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 9. Heights & Building Areas Maximum Tabular Area BC-Table 503 72 Maximum Tabular Height BC-Table 503 72 Maximum Stories BC Table 503 7.2 Mezzanines BC-505 73 10. Sprinkler System (water) BC-903 168 Basement Sprinkler BC-903.2.10,1 170 �I Water Source Sprinkler BC-903.3.5 172 Water Source Site FC-508.1 31 11. Frontage &Sprinkler Credits Area Modifications (Cafc.) BC-506 74 Height Modifications BC-504 73 12. Height&Area Summary; Ht/Area Ht/Area Tabular Area. BC-Table 503 72b� 5 Frontage Credit BC-506 74 1 4' 5»'s Sprinkler Credit BC-506.3 75 ,{ Total Allowable Area 'aiia� Max Aggregate Area , BC-503.3 73 (Allowable Area/Flr. x No,of Stories up to 3 maximum) 13, Fire Apparatus Road FC-503.1 29 �( , (I So' rule) 14. Exterior Walls Distance Separation" BC-Table 602 82 0�' Exterior Wall Openings BC-Table 704.8 87 Parapets BC-704.11 88 Exterior Wall Coverings SC-Table 1405.2 257 Exterior Wall Finishes BC-Table 1406.2 261 Combustible * Distance separations are doubled if fire fighting water is not available (FC-508.1.3). NOTES; JAM Page 2 of 10 10/05/2004 12:44 518-584-5012 RUCINSKI HALL PAGE 04 No. 'Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 115. Fire Rated Construction Incidental Use Areas BC-Table 302.1.1 17 � Accessory Occupancy BC-302.2 18 Mixed Occupancy BC-Table 302.3,3 19 Y11.. u l 41I. Control Areas BC-414.2 52 M $2. 2, Air— Fire Walls BC-705 89 Fire Barrier BC-706 91 Shaft Enclosure BC-707 92 r- Fire Partition (Tenant Sep.) BC-708 95 µme., Smoke Barriers BC-709 96 Opening Protectives BC Table 714.2• 101 Fire Blocking BC-716 107 Draft Stopping BC-716,3 108 16, Space r� Min. Rm. Dimensions BC-1207.1 251 Min. Ceiling Height BC-1207.2 251 17, Ventilation (Nat, or Mech.) BC-1202.1 249 rifP�l-E 18, Light (Nat. or Mech.) BC-1204.1 250 mew 19. Exits l Occupancy Load BC Table 1003.2.2,2 201 One Exit Permitted BC Table1005.2.2 224 Stair Enclosure BC-1005.3.2 224 Emergency Egress BC-1009.1 235 p - Distance of Travel BC-Table 1004.2.4 220 Aisle Width BC-1004.3.1.1 221 Corridor Width BC-1004.3.2.2 221 x Capacity of Exits (cala) BC-Table 1003.2.3 202 �'A' 0d Corridor Wall Fire Rating BC-Table1004.3.2.1 222 Corridor Dead End BC-1004.3.2.3 222 Door Width BC-1 208 36�� Door Swing BC-1003.3.1,2 206 ow- Panic Hardware BC-1003,3.1.9 213 20. Stairs Riser BC-1003.3.3.3 213 1� l Tread SC-1003.3.3.3 213 Width SC-1003.3.3.1' 213 Headroom BC-1003.3.3.2 213 Vertical Rise BC-1003.3.3.6 215 Handrails BC-1003.3.3.11 215 (zv�/s �C Im3E3.2.rz- 16r1' JAM ' Page 3 of 10 10/05/2004 12:44 518-584-5012 RUCINSkI HALL PAGE 05 No Topic :::Code page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 21. Structural Snow Loading--Ground BC Fig 1608.2 296 Snow Loading--Roof(calc.) ASCE 7-98 Drifting Snow BC-1608.7 295 Ponding BC-1608.3.5 295 Floor Loading BC Table 1607.1 291 Balcony Loading 13C-Table 1607.1 291 Wind Loading (calc.) BC-1609 297 Roof Walls Windows Seismic Loading (calc.) BC-1614 315 Foundation Depth BC-1805.2 398 22. Interior Finishes SC-Table 803.4 161 ore- 23. Swimming Pools BC-3109 629 24. Sun Rooms SC Appendix 1 693 �A 25. Electrical Exit Lights or Signs BC-1003.2.10 203 f ' Emergency Lights BC-1003.2.11.2 204 Emergency Power M2702 611 � General Lighting-Exits-Stairs SC-1003.2.11 204 26. HC ACCESS Exempt Buildings BC-1104.4 238 Parking BC-Table 1106.1 239 Route BC-1104.1 238 Entrance BC-1105.1 239 #of Sleeping Rooms BC-fable-1107.6.1.1 241 OJ�-- #of Dwelling Units BC-1107.6.2 241 Toilet Facilities BC-1109.2 244 Service Counters BC-1109.12.3 246 Areas of Refuge BC-1003.2.13.5 207 Signage Supplemental HC Req'mts Appendix E L681 27. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS BC-1704 79 Notes: JAM Page 4 of 10 -,_-10/05/2004 12:44 518-584-5012 RUCINSI<I HALL PAGE 06 No, Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 28. Fire Protection Equipment Central Station Monitoring FC-901.9 52 Sprinkler Systems FC-903 55 Other Extingushing Syst. FC-904 59 Kitchen Hood Extinguisher FC-609.8 41 Standpipe Systems FC-905 62 .. Fire Extingushers FC-906 64 Fire Alarm Systems & SD FC-907.2 66 Fire Alarm Boxes FC-907.4.1 72 Smoke Detection FC-907.2.10 68 Hi-Rise Fire Safety FC-907.2.12 69 Visible Alarms FC-Table 907.10.1.2 73 Smoke Control FC-909 75 Smoke Vents FC-910 82 Fire Pumps FC-913 85 29_ Plumbing Code Fixture Count PC-Table 403.1 21 t? . Water Supply Service Pipe Size PC-603 33 Fixture Pipe Size PC-603.1 33 Pipe'Material PC-Table 605.4 36 Labor Law Art. 10-A UFPBC-904.6 12,340 Pipe Insulation See Energy Code Backflow Prevention PC-Table 608.1 41 Sprinkler System PC-608.16.4 44 Lawn Irrigation PC-608.16.5 44 Pipe Freezing PC-305.6 14 Sanitary Drainage Drain Pipe Size PC-Table 709.1 54 Drain Pipe Material PC-702 47 Labor Law Art. 10-A UFPBC-904.6 12.340 Vent Size PC-Table 910.4 63 Pipe Hangers PC-Table 308.5 17 Air Admittance Valves PC-917 67 Notes: JAM Page 5 of 10 10/0512004 12:44 518-584-5012 RUC INSKI HALL PAGE 07 No, Topic- Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 30, Mechanical Code Ventilation Rates MC-Table 403.3 24 Propane Below Grade ' MC-502.8.10.1 31 Dryer Exhaust MC-5044 33 Kitchen Exhaust MC-506 34 Kitchen Hoods MC-507 37 Kitchen Make-Up Air MC-508 39 Chimney Termination MC-Table 511.2 41 Air Plenums MG-602 47 Fire & Smoke Dampers MC-607.51 52 . Combustion Air MC-701 55 Confined Spaces—Def. MC-202 5 31. Fuel Gas Code Appliance Location FGC-303 18 Combustion Air FGC-304 19 Clearance to Combust. FGC-Ta6le'308.2 25 Pipe Material FGC-403 46 Shut Off Valves FGC-409 53 Chimney Termination FGC-Fig. 503.5.4 63 . Gas Vent Termination FGC-Fig. 503.6.6 65 Exit Terminal Location FGC-503.8 68 Clothes Dryer Exhaust FGC-613 96 Unvented Room Heaters FGC-620 99 32. Energy Code Prescriptive Method ECCC Table 602.1(1) 50 High Truss Credit ECCC-602.1.2 51 Pipe Insulation—Heating ECCC-Table 503.3.3.1 44 Duct Insulation—Heating ECCC-Table 503.3.3.3 45 Pipe Insulation—Hot Water ECCC-Table 504.2 4.7 HWH Heat Trap ECCC-504.7 47 COMcheck Computer Software Compliance Report Required Notes: JAM Page 6 of 10 SCHODER RIVERS ASSOC. PROJECT: Volt Nursery/ SHEET: Cover Consulting Engineers, P.C. 2315-2 Route 9N. LOCATION: Queensbury, NY DATE: 6/9/2004 Lake George, NY 12845 BY: DWE Phone: (518) 668-2918 PC- 04-455 CHK: SMR Fax: (518) 668-2919 Lateral Load Analysis Masonry Requirements........................................................ 1 to 2 Truss Loads.......................................................................3 to 4 SnowDrift.........................................................................5 Gravity Loads (Not Included).................................................6 to 14 Lateral Analysis- Seismic....................................6................15 to 18 Lateral Analysis-Wind (Does not Control)...............................20 to 21 RoofDiaphragm.................................................................22 Chord Requirements........................................................... 23 Shear Wall Loads............................................................... 24 to 25 �l r�l F I f I r F-H 1 ��Cal i I IT z iPa 2) 71 X I APO -7-T-7, -. iry I I T It Ph Ml- I I I I ' �+Z�� I I I I � -�-- T-T-T —T-1— T I /d E E A F T7i 77- ----------- -I + ( ;�___� I � � ����` �����p _; -��Sl j-��2 i �S-PSI'��i -�—�;--- �: II Il � l , j -FT-7 -�OT21 rv! -T -7--- --__r-_ ------`--- -----------.-�.-_r____�-___�-% -fit-� -�-�---_- -1 I F T-7- 00" T --� I��-� i = 13� � �-i_DUQ��- F I 1141, ILI -I' j /k I i I ' I I _ I I =I - - -_1 I I I 1 I I_ J 1 �� - � ��/17 1,9 -V4 it -g4 I I I _ _i--I I 1 ____I-�_�-i- I i I I I ��� i 1 I ��-1!- I i T f M-� F1 eend 11 ...I- L 7-17 --------------------------- IH I ..I H H--11 ---L 1 1 1 1 L IIII I li+ L I II I I I I I 1 I I I -H 1111 LI 77 1--- -J-------- /I a�; ( I I I Ih Imo- I_ ! 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I i �—_� I _��I—' I i •I j"•— [ I I I I i I { �—� ._:I I I_I--I I ' I � —, -- —I it , volt lanscape Date and Time: 5/27/2004 1:10:00 PM MCE Paramn2801� Conterminous 48 States Zip Code Central Latitude = 43.310665 Central Longitude' = -073.64566 Data are based on the 0.10 deg grid set Period SA (sec) °°g) 0.2 03 Map Value, Soil Factor of 1.0 1.0 0.0 ue, Soil Factor of 1.0 MCE Parameters - Conterminous 48 States Zip Code 280 Central Latitude = 43.349572 Central Longitude = -073.677666 Data are based on the 0.10 deg grid set Period SA (sec) (%g) 0.2 034.2 Map Value, Soil Factor of 1.0 1.0 010.1_ Map Value, Soil Factor of 1.0 MCE Parameters x Specified Soil Factors 0.2 075.6 Soil Factor of 2.21 V/ 1.0 035.4 Soil Factor of 3.50 ✓ MCE Parameters - Conterminous 48 States Zip Code - 12804 Central .Latitude = 43.349572 Central Longitude = -073.677666 Data are based on the 0.10 deg grid set Period SA (sec) (%g) 0.2 034.2 Map Value, Soil Factor of 1.0 1.0 010.1 Map Value, Soil Factor of 1.0 MCE SPECTRUM x SOIL FACTORS Fa = 2.21 Fv = 3.50 Period SA (sec) (%g) 0.000 030.2 0.4FaSs 0.094 075.6 To 0.200 0�5�6, T=0.2, FaSs 0.469 . 075.6 Ts 0.500 070.9 0.600 059.1 0.700 050.7 0.800 044.3 0.900 039.4 1.000 03� T=1.0, FvS1 1.100 �32.2 1.200 029.6 1.300 027.3 1.400 025.3 1.500 023.6 1.600 022.2 1.700 020.9 I i i f I � � I i i i I �- �._+ _!_ i ! l�! _ 1 _I i _t.___L_.� I L__ I � t � _i _• I I ` I 'i � . ! 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ROOM 3 IS-67 (le-r ,a-s• m b Qoyatm ou,00aR dspLAr o a no a PLAN SEISMIC REVIEW SUMMARY PROJECT: LOCATION: ZIP CODE: ITEM Value BCNYS BCNYS Code Section Page No. Site Class Table 1615.1.1 317 (default to site class D) j9s S Section 1615.1.1 316 S,(short period) Q, 3yZ Figure 1615(1) 318 S, (1 second period) (j, /p/ Figure 1615(2) 319 F.(site coefficient-short) Table 1615.1.2(1) 320 F„ (site coefficient-1 sec.) Table 1615.1.2(2) 320 Sm, (short period adjusted) Equation 16-16 317 S, (1 sec. period adjusted) Equation 16-17 317 S., (short period) Equation 16-18 320 Sp, (1 sec. period) Q . 2 3 ' Equation 16-19 320 Seismic Use Group Table 1604.5 287 Seismic Design Category T Table 1616.30) 324 (short period) Seismic Design Category Table 1616.3(2) 324 (1 sec. period) SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY This category determines the (most severe of above two) T design analysis and whether MEP systems.must be braced. Analysis Procedure Used si',-,, Section 1616.6 326 Building Components Subject To Section 1621 345 Seismic Design Requirements: - T h {, paA ��'�,`o-25 Architectural 5 u g p. C e c � �y 5 Section 1621.1.1 & 345 Mechanical ' /V,:: Ge,- P��r`�i y Section 1621.1.6 347 Plumbing — M o,-) a ditto 347 Electrical -e ditto 347 DO- 72 Permit Number Envelope Compliance Certificate Checked By/Date New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code COMcheck-EZ Software Version 2.5 Release 1 Data filename:C:\ACAD\Volt Landscaping\Volt.cck Section 1: Project Information Project Name: Wing Landscape Supply Designer/Contractor: Telephone: Document Author: Ethan Hall kucinski Hall Architecture Section 2: General Information Building Location(for weather data): Warren,New York Climate Zone: 15 Heating Degree Days(base 65 degrees F): 7635 Cooling Degree Days(base 65 degrees F): 366 Project Type: New Construction Building Type Floor Area Retail Sales,Wholesale Showroom 5460 Section 3: Requirements Checklist Bldg. Dept. . Use Air Leakage,Component Certification,and Vapor Retarder Requirements [ ] 1 1. All joints and penetrations are caulked,gasketed,weather-stripped,or otherwise sealed. [ ] 2. Windows,doors,and skylights certified as meeting leakage requirements. [ ] 3. Component R-values&U-factors labeled as certified. [ ] 4. Fireplaces installed with tight fitting non-combustible fireplace doors. [ ] 5. Dampers integral to the building envelope are equipped with motorized dampers. [ ] 6. Cargo doors and loading dock doors are.weather sealed. [ ] 7. Recessed lighting fixtures are sealed or gasketed. [ ] 8. Vapor retarder installed. Climate-Specific Requirements Gross Cavity Cont. Proposed Budget Component Name/Desgdption Area R-Value R-Value U-Factor U-Factor Roof 1:All-Wood Joist/Rafter/Truss 5772 38.0 0.0 0.028 0.051 Exterior Wall 1:CMU>8"with Integral Insulation Furring:Metal 3960 0.0 7.0 0.094 0.074 Window 1: Metal Frame with Thermal Break,Double Pane with Low-E Tinted,SHGC 0.65 211 --- --- 0.333 0.520 Door 1: Solid 51 --- --- 0.333 0.120 Door 2:Glass,Tinted,SHGC 0.65 42 --- --- 0.333 0.520 Door 3:Overhead 448 --- --- 0.083 0.120 Exterior Wall 2:CMU<=8"with Integral Insulation Furring:Metal 2330 0.0 7.0 0.101 0.074 Floor 1:Heated Slab-On-Grade,Vertical 4 ft. 389 --- 14.0 --- --- (a)Budget U-factors are used for software baseline calculations ONLY,and are not code requirements. Envelope PASSES: Design 10%better than code Section 4: Compliance Statement The proposed envelope design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed envelope system has been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements in COMcheck-EZ Version 2.5 Release 1 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page,they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge,belief,and professional judgment,such plans or specifications are in compliance with this Code. p Aa, 24 Principal Envelope Designer-Name Signature Date Permit Number Lighting and Power Compliance Certificate Checked By/Date New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code COMcheck-EZ Software Version 2.5 Release 1 Data filename:C:\ACAD\Volt Landscaping\Volt.cck Section 1: Project Information Project Name: Wing Landscape Supply Designer/Contractor: Telephone: Document Author: Ethan Hall Rucinski Hall Architecture Section 2: General Information Building Use Description by: Whole Building Type Project Type: New Construction Building Tune Floor Area Retail Sales,Wholesale Showroom 5460 Section 3: Requirements Checklist Bldg. Dept. Use [ ] Interior Lighting 1. Total actual watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts Allowed Watts Actual Watts Complies(Y/l) 10374 3205 YES Exterior Lighting [ ] 2. Type(s)of exterior lighting sources: _Fluorescent _Metal Halide . _High-Pr. Sodium Exceptions: Specialized signal,directional,and marker lighting;lighting highlighting exterior features of historic buildings;advertising signage;safety or security lighting;low-voltage landscape lighting. Controls,Switching,and Wiring [ ] 3. Master switch at entry to hotel/motel guest room. [ ] 4. Individual dwelling units separately metered. [ ] 5. Minimum of two switches,dimmer,or occupancy sensor in each space. Exceptions: Only one luminaire in space; Security lighting,24 hour lighting; The area is a corridor,storage,restroom,retail.sales area or lobby. [ ] 6. Automatic lighting shutoff control in spaces greater than 250 sq.ft in buildings larger than 5,000 sq.ft. [ ] 7. Photocell/astronomical time switch on exterior lights. . Exceptions: Areas requiring lighting during daylight hours [ ] 8. Tandem wired one-lamp and three-lamp ballasted luminaires. Exceptions: Electronic high-frequency ballasted luminaires not on same switch [ ] 9. Transformers meet minimum efficiencies listed in Table 805.6.1 or 805.6.2. Section 4: Compliance Statement The proposed lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed lighting system has been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements in COMcheck-EZ Version 2.5 Release 1 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page,they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge,belief,and professional judgment,such plans or specifications are in compliance with this Code. Paces Principal Lighting Designer-Name Signature Date Lighting Application Worksheet New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code COMcheck-EZ Software Version 2.5 Release 1 Section 1: Allowed Lighting Power Calculation A B C D Total Floor Allowed Allowed Area Watts Watts Building Type (ft2) (watts/ft2) (B x C) Retail Sales,Wholesale Showroom 5460 1.9 10374 Total Allowed Watts= 10374 Section 2: Actual Lighting Power Calculation A B C D E F Fixture Fixture Description/ Lamps/ #of Fixture ID Lamp Description/Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Fixture Fixtures Watt. x E 1 48"T8 32W/Electronic 2 28 60 1680 2 Metal Halide 75 W/Electronic 1 11 75 825 3 Incandescent 100W 1 7 100 700 Total Actual Watts= 3205 Section 3: Compliance Calculation If the Total Allowed Watts minus the Total Actual Watts is greater than or equal to zero,the building complies. Total Allowed Watts= 10374 Total Actual Watts= 3205 Project Compliance= 7169 Lighting PASSES: Design 69%better than code Permit Number Mechanical Compliance Certificate Checked By/Date New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code COMcheck-EZ Software Version 2.5 Release 1 Data filename:C:\ACAD\Volt Landscaping\Volt.cck Section 1: Project Information Project Name: Wing Landscape Supply Designer/Contractor: Telephone: Document Author:, Ethan Hall Rucinski Hall Architecture Section 2: General Information Building Location(for weather data): Warren,New York Climate Zone: 15 Heating Degree Days(base 65 degrees F): - 7635 Cooling Degree Days(base 65 degrees F): 366 Project Type: New Construction Section 3: Mechanical Systems List uanti System Type&DescLiption 1 HVAC System 1: Cooling:Field-Assembled DX System,Capacity<65 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser/ Single Zone 1 Plant 1: Heating:Hot Water Boiler,Capacity<300 kBtu/h,Gas,in floor radiant 1 Water Heating 1: Service Water Heater w/Circulation Pump Section 4: Requirements Checklist Bldg. Dept. Use Requirements Specific To:HVAC System 1 [ ] 1. Specified equipment consists of field-assembled components-efficiency documentation provided Requirements Specific To:Plant 1 [ ] 1. Newly purchased heating equipment meets the heating efficiency requirements [ ] 2. Systems with multiple boilers have automatic controls capable of sequencing boiler operation Requirements Specific To:Water Heating 1 [ ] 1. 1-in.pipe insulation on circulation systems [ ] 2. Automatic on/off control required for circulating systems Generic Requirements: Must be met by all systems to which the requirement is applicable [ ] 1. Load calculations per 199,7 ASHRAE Fundamentals [ ] 2. Plant equipment and system capacity no greater than needed to meet loads -Exception:Standby equipment automatically off when primary system is operating -Exception:Multiple units controlled to sequence operation as a function of load [ ] 3. Minimum one temperature control device per system [ ] 4. Minimum one humidity control device per installed humidification/dehumidification system [ ] 5. Automatic Controls: Setback to 55 deg.F(heat)and 85 deg.F(cool);7-day clock, 2-hour occupant override, 10-hour backup -Exception:Continuously operating zones -Exception:2 kW demand or less,submit calculations [ ] 6. Automatic shut-off.dampers on exhaust systems and supply systems with airflow>3,000 cfm [ ] 7. Outside-air source for ventilation;system capable of reducing OSA to required minimum [ ] 8. R-5 supply and return air duct insulation in unconditioned spaces R-8 supply and return air duct insulation outside the building R-8 insulation between ducts and the building exterior when ducts are part of a building assembly -Exception:Ducts located within equipment -Exception:Ducts with interior and exterior temperature difference not exceeding 15 deg.F. [ ] 9. Ducts sealed-longitudinal seams on rigid ducts;transverse seams on all ducts; UL 181A or 181B tapes and mastics [ ] 10. Mechanical fasteners and sealants used to connect ducts and air distribution equipment [ ] 11. Hot water pipe insulation: 1 in.for pipes<=1.5 in.and 2 in.for pipes>1.5 in. Chilled water/refrigerant/brine pipe insulation: 1 in.for pipes<=1.5 in.and 1.5 in.for pipes>1.5 in. Steam pipe insulation: 1.5 in.for pipes<=1.5 in.and 3 in.for pipes >1.5 in. ' -Exception:Piping within HVAC equipment -Exception:Fluid.temperatures between 55 and 105 deg.F -Exception:Fluid not heated or cooled -Exception:Runouts<4 ft in length [ ] 12. Operation and maintenance manual provided to building owner [ ] 13. Balancing devices provided in accordance with 603.15 of Mechanical Code for New York State [ ] 14. Hot water distribution systems>=600 kBtu/h must have one of the following: a)controls that reset supply water temperature by 25%of supply/retum delta T b)mechanical or electrical adjustable-speed pump drive(s) c)two-way valves at all heating coils d)multiple-stage pumps e)other system controls that reduce pump flow by at least 50% based on load-calculations required [ ] 15. Newly purchased service water heating equipment meets the efficiency requirements [ ] 16. Water heater temperature controls: 110 deg.F for dwelling units or 90 deg.F for other occupancies [ ] 17. Hot water distribution systems>=300 kBtu/h must have one of the following: a)controls that reset supply water temperature by 25%of supply/retum delta T b)mechanical or electrical adjustable-speed pump drive(s) c)two-way valves at all heating coils d)multiple-stage pumps e)other system controls that reduce pump flow by at least 50%based on load -calculations required [ ] 18. Stair and elevator shaft vents are equipped with motorized dampers [ ] 19. Exhaust air heat recovery included for systems 5,000 cfln or greater with more than 70%outside air fraction or specifically exempted [ ] 20. Kitchen hoods>5,000 cfm provided with 50%makeup air that is uncooled and heated to no more than 60 deg.F unless specifically exempted [ ] 21. Buildings with fume hood systems must have variable air volume hood design, exhaust heat recovery,or seprate makeup air supply meeting the following: a)75%make up air quantity,and/or b)within 2°F of room temperature and/or c)no humidification d)no simultaneous heating and cooling Section 5: Compliance Statement Mechanical Requirements Description New York State.Energy Conservation Construction Code COMcheck-EZ Software Version 2.5 Release 1 Data filename:C:\ACAD\Volt Landscaping\Volt.cck The following list provides more detailed description of the requirements in Section 4 of the Mechancal Compliance Certificate. Requirements Specific To:HVAC System 1 1. The specified cooling system'consists of field-assembled components.Documentation must be submitted showing the system meets New York State Energy Conservation Code equipment efficiency requirements for a comparable package equipment type and capacity range. Requirements Specific To:Plant 1 1. The specified heating equipment is covered by Federal minimum efficiency requirements.New equipment of this type can be assumed to meet or exceed New York State Energy Conservation Code requirements for equipment efficiency. 2. Systems with multiple boilers have automatic controls capable of sequencing the operation of the boilers. Requirements Specific To:Water Heating 1 1. Piping for the specified circulating service hot water system must be insulated with a minimum of 1-in. insulation having a conductivity no>0.28 Btu•in/(h•ft2•°F). 2. Circulating service hot water systems must have a time switch control that can automatically turn off the system during unoccupied hours. Generic Requirements: Must be met by all systems to which the requirement is applicable 1. Design heating and cooling loads for the building must be determined using procedures equivalent to those in Chapters 27 and 28 of the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals or an approved equivalent calculation procedure. 2. All equipment and systems must be sized to be no greater than needed to meet calculated loads. A single piece of equipment providing both heating and cooling must satisfy this provision for one function with the capacity for the other function as small as possible,within available equipment options. -Exception: The equipment and/or system capacity may be greater than calculated loads for standby purposes. Standby equipment must be automatically controlled to be off when the primary equipment and/or system is operating. -Exception: Multiple units of the same equipment type whose combined capacities exceed the calculated load are allowed if they are provided with controls to'sequence operation of the units as the load increases or decreases. 3. Each heating or cooling system serving a single zone must have its own temperature control device. 4. Each humidification system must have its own humidity control device. 5. The system or zone control must be a programmable thermostat or other automatic control meeting the following criteria:a) capable of setting back temperature to 55 degree F during heating and setting up to 85 degree F during coolingb) capable of automatically setting back or shutting down systems during unoccupied hours using 7 different day schedulesc) have an accessible 2-hour occupant overrided) have a battery back-up capable of maintaining programmed settings for at least 10 hours without power. -Exception:A setback or shutoff control is not required on thermostats that control systems serving areas that operate continuously. -Exception: A setback or shutoff control is not required on systems with total energy demand of 2 kW(6,826 Btu/h)or less. 6. Outdoor-air supply systems with design airflow rates>3,000 cfin of outdoor air and all exhaust systems must have'dampers that are automatically closed while the equipment is not operating. 7. The system must supply outside ventilation air as required by Chapter 4 of the Mechanical Code for New York State.If the ventilation system is designed to supply outdoor-air quantities exceeding minimum required levels, the system must be capable of reducing outdoor-air flow to the minimum required levels. 8. Air ducts must be insulated to the following levels:a) Supply and return air ducts for conditioned air located in unconditioned spaces(spaces neither heated nor cooled)must be insulated with a minimum of R-5. Unconditioned spaces include attics,crawl spaces,unheated basements,and unheated garages.b) Supply and return air ducts and plenums must be insulated to a minimum of R-8 when located outside the building.c) When ducts are located within exterior components(e.g.,floors or roofs),minimum R 8 insulation is required only between the duct and the building exterior. -Exception: Duct insulation is not required on ducts located within equipment. -Exception: Duct insulation is not required when the design temperature difference between the interior and exterior of the duct or plenum does not exceed 15 degree F. 9. All joints,longitudinal and transverse seams,and connections in ductwork must be securely sealed using weldments;mechanical fasteners with seals,gaskets,or mastics;mesh and mastic sealing systems;or tapes. Tapes and mastics must be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 181A or UL 181B. 10. Mechanical fasteners and seals,mastics,or gaskets must be used when connecting ducts to fans and other air distribution equipment,including multiple-zone terminal units. 11. All pipes serving space-conditioning systems must be insulated as follows: Hot water piping for heating systems: 1 in.for pipes<=1 1/2-in.nominal diameter 2 in.for pipes>1 1/2-in.nominal diameter. Chilled water,refrigerant,and brine piping systems: 1 in.insulation for pipes<=1 1/2-in.nominal diameter 1 1/2 in.insulation for pipes>1 1/2-in.nominal diameter. Steam piping: 1 1/2 in.insulation for pipes<=1 1/2-in.nominal diameter 3 in.insulation for pipes>1 1/2-in.nominal diameter. -Exception: Pipe insulation is not required for factory-installed piping within HVAC equipment. -Exception: Pipe insulation is not required for piping that conveys'fluids having a design operating temperature range between 55 degrees F and 105 degrees F. -Exception: Pipe insulation is not required for piping that conveys fluids that have not been heated or cooled through the use of fossil fuels or electric power. -Exception: Pipe insulation is not required for runout piping not exceeding 4 ft in length and 1 in.in diameter between the control valve and HVAC coil. 12. Operation and maintenance documentation must be provided to the owner that includes at least the following information:a) equipment capacity(input and output)and required maintenance actionsb) equipment operation and maintenance manualsc) HVAC system control maintenance and calibration information,including wiring diagrams,schematics,and control sequence descriptions;desired or field-determined set points must be permanently recorded on control drawings,at control devices,or,for digital control systems,in programming commented) complete narrative of how each system is intended to operate. 13. Each supply air outlet or diffuser and each zone terminal device(such as VAV or mixing box)must have its own balancing device.Acceptable balancing devices include adjustable dampers located within the ductwork, terminal devices,and supply air diffusers. 14. Hot water distribution systems with total system capacities of 600 kBtu/h and greater must have controls that:a) automatically reset the hot water supply temperature,based on heating load,by at least 25%of the design supply-to-return water temperature difference orb) reduce pump flow by at least 50%of design flow rate by using- adjustable-speed drive(s)on pump(s)- multiple-stage pumps allowing at least 1/2 of the total pump horsepower to be automatically turned off- control valves designed to modulate or step down and close as a function of load- other approved means(supporting documentation or calculations must be submitted). 15. Service water heating equipment must meet minimum Federal efficiency requirements included in the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act and the Energy Policy Act of 1992,which meet or exceed New York State Energy Conservation Code. New service water heating equipment can be assumed to meet these requirements. 16. Water-heating equipment must be provided with controls that allow the user to set the water temperature to 110 OF for dwelling units and 90 OF for other occupancies.Controls must limit output temperatures of lavatories in public facility restrooms to 110 OF. 17. Hot water space-heating systems with a capacity exceeding 300 kBtu/h supplying heated water to comfort conditioning systems must include controls that automatically reset supply water temperatures by representative building loads(including return water temperature)or by outside air temperature. Exceptions: -Where the supply temperature reset controls cannot be implemented without causing improper operation of heating,cooling,humidification,or dehumidification systems. -Hydronic systems that use variable flow to reduce pumping energy. 18. Stair and elevator shaft vents must be equipped with motorized dampers capable of being automatically closed during normal building operation and interlocked to open as required by fire and smoke detection systems. All gravity outdoor air supply and exhaust hoods,vents,and ventilators must be equipped with motorized dampers that will automatically shut when the spaces served are not in use. Exceptions: -Gravity(non-motorized)dampers are acceptable in buildings less than three stories in height above grade. -Ventilation systems serving unconditioned spaces. 19. Individual fan systems with a design supply air capacity of 5000 cf n or greater and minimum outside air supply of 70%or greater of the supply air capacity must have an energy recovery system with at least a 50% effectiveness. Exceptions: -Systems serving spaces that are not cooled and heated to<60 T. -Commercial kitchen hoods(grease)classified as Type 1 by NFPA 96 -Systems exhausting toxic,flammable,paint,or corrosive fumes or dust If an air economizer is also required,heat recovery must be bypassed or controlled to permit air economizer operation. 20. Individual kitchen exhaust hoods larger than 5000 cfm must be provided with make-up air sized for at least 50%of exhaust air volume that is uncooled and either unheated or heated to no more than 60 T Exceptions: -Where hoods are used to exhaust ventilation air that would otherwise exfiltrate or be exhausted by other fan systems. -Certified grease extractor hoods that require a face velocity no>60 fpm. 21. Buildings with fume hood systems having a total exhaust rate>15,000 cfm must either have variable air volume hood design,exhaust air heat recovery,or separate make up air supply. The proposed mechanical design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed mechanical systems have been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements in COMcheck-EZ Version 2.5 Release 1 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. The design professional shall provide to the code enforcement official a written certification that the required HVAC tests,system balancing,etc.,have been performed and the system is operating as designed. The design professional shall retain copies of the test reports to be provided to the code enforcement official,if requested.When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page,they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge,belief, and professional judgment,such plans or specifications are in compliance with this Code. 'V- k. aA41� 4 ,96r. 2&� Principal Mechanical Designer-Name Signature Date Permit Number Envelope Compliance Certificate Checked By/Date New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code COMchecl-EZ Software Version 3.0 Release 1 Data filename:Volt.cck Section 1: Project Information Project Name: Wing Landscape Supply Designer/Contractor: Telephone: Document Author: Ethan Hall Rucinski Hall Architecture Section 2: General Information Building Location(for weather data): Warren,New York Climate Zone: 15 Heating Degree Days(base 65 degrees F): 7635 Cooling Degree Days(base 65 degrees F): 366 Project Type: New Construction Window/Wall Ratio: 0.04 Building Type Floor Area Retail Sales,Wholesale Showroom 5460 Section 3: Requirements Checklist Bldg. Dept. Use Air Leakage,Component Certification,and Vapor Retarder Requirements [ ] 1 1. All joints and penetrations are caulked,gasketed,weather-stripped,or otherwise sealed. [ ] 2. Windows,doors,and skylights certified as meeting leakage requirements. [ ] 3. Component R-values&U-factors labeled as certified. [ ] 4. Fireplaces installed with tight fitting non-combustible fireplace doors. [ ] 5. Stair,elevator shaft vents,and other dampers integral to the building envelope are equipped with motorized dampers. [ ] 6. Cargo doors and loading dock doors are weather sealed. [ ] 7. Recessed lighting fixtures are:(i)Type IC rated and sealed or gasketed;or(ii)installed inside an appropriate air-tight assembly with a 0.5 inch clearance from combustible materials and with 3 inches clearance from insulation material. Climate-Specific Requirements Gross,,Cavity Cont. Proposed Budget Component Name/Description Area R-Value R-Value U-Factor U-Factor Roof 1:All-Wood Joist/Rafter/Truss 5772 38.0 0.0 0.028 0.051 Exterior Wall 1:CMU>8"with Integral Insulation Furring:Metal 3960 0.0 7.0 0.094 0.074 Window 1: Metal Frame with Thermal Break,Double Pane with Low-E Tinted,SHGC 0.65 200 --- --- 0.333 0.520 Door 1: Solid 51 --- --- 0.333 0.120 Door 2:Glass,Tinted,SHGC 0.65 42 --- --- 0.333 0.520 Door 3:Overhead 448 --- --- 0.083 0.120 Door 4:Solid 64 --- --- 0.333 0.120 Exterior Wall 2:CMU<=8"with Integral Insulation Furring:Metal 2330 0.0 7.0 0.101 0.074 Floor 1: Slab-On-Grade:Heated,Vertical 4 ft. 389 -- 14.0 --- --- (a)Budget U-factors are used for software baseline calculations ONLY,and are not code requirements. Envelope PASSES: Design 9%better than code Section 4: Compliance Statement The proposed envelope design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed envelope system has been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements in COM check-EZ Version 3.0 Release 1 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page,they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge,belief,and professional judgment,such lans or specificAons are in compliance with this Code. Principal Envelope Designer-Name Signature Date Permit Number Lighting and Power Compliance Certificate Checked By/Date New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code COMcheck-EZSoftware Version 3.0 Release 1 Data filename:Volt.cck Section 1: Project Information Project Name: Wing Landscape Supply Designer/Contractor: Telephone: Document Author: Ethan Hall Rucinski Hall Architecture Section 2: General Information Building Use Description by: Whole Building Type Project Type: New Construction Building Tvne Floor Area Retail Sales,Wholesale Showroom 5460 Section 3: Requirements Checklist Bldg. Dept. Use [ ] Interior Lighting 1. Total actual watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts Allowed Watts Actual Watts Complies(Y/N) 8190 3205 YES Exterior Lighting [ ] 2. Type(s)of exterior lighting sources: _Fluorescent _Metal Halide —High-Pr.Sodium Exceptions Specialized signal,directional,and marker lighting;lighting highlighting exterior features of historic buildings;advertising signage;safety or security lighting;low-voltage landscape lighting. Controls,Switching,and Wiring [ ] 3. Master switch at entry to hotel/motel guest room. [ ] 4. Individual dwelling units separately metered. [ ] 5. Minimum of two switches,dimmer,or occupancy sensor in each space. Exceptions: Only one luminaire in space; Security lighting,24 hour lighting; The area is a corridor,storage,restroom,retail sales area or lobby. [ ] 6. Automatic lighting shutoff control in spaces greater than 250 sq.ft in buildings larger than 5,000 sq.ft. [ ] 7. Photocell/astronomical time switch on exterior lights. Exceptions: Areas requiring lighting during daylight hours [ ] 8. Tandem wired one-lamp and three-lamp ballasted luminaires. Exceptions Electronic high-frequency ballasted luminaires not on same switch [ ] 9. Transformers meet minimum efficiencies listed in Table 805.6.1 or 805.6.2. Section 4: Compliance Statement The proposed lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed lighting system has been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements in COM check-EZ Version 3.0 Release 1 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page,they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge,belief,and professional judgment,such plans or specifications are in compliance with this Code. - ��- Palp. o fi Principal Lighting Designer-Name Signature Date Lighting Application Worksheet New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code COMcheck-EZ Software Version 3.0 Release 1 Section 1: Allowed Lighting Power Calculation A B C D Total Floor Allowed Allowed Area Watts Watts Building Tyne (ft2) (watts/ft2) B x Cl Retail Sales,Wholesale Showroom 5460 1.5 8190 Total Allowed Watts= 8190 Section 2: Actual Lighting Power Calculation A B C D E F Fixture Fixture Description/ Lamps/ #of Fixture ID Lamp Description/Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Fixture Fixtures Watt. D x E 1 48"T8 32W/Electronic 2 28 60 1680 2 Metal Halide 75W/Electronic 1 11 75 825 3 Incandescent100W 1 7 100 700 Total Actual Watts= 3205 Section 3: Compliance Calculation If the Total Allowed Watts minus the Total Actual Watts is greater than or equal to zero,the building complies. Total Allowed Watts= 8190 Total Actual Watts= 3205 Project Compliance= 4985 Lighting PASSES: Design 61%better than code Permit Number Mechanical Compliance Certificate Checked By/Date New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code COMcheck-EZSoftware Version 3.0 Release 1 Data filename:Volt.cck Section 1: Project Information Project Name: Wing Landscape Supply Designer/Contractor: Telephone: Document Author: Ethan Hall Rucinski Hall Architecture Section 2: General Information Building Location(for weather data): Warren,New York Climate Zone: 15 Heating Degree Days(base 65 degrees F): 7635 Cooling Degree Days(base 65 degrees F): 366 Project Type: New Construction Section 3: Mechanical Systems List Quanti1y System Type&Description 1 HVAC System 1: Cooling:Field-Assembled DX System,Capacity<65 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser/ Single Zone 1 Plant 1: Heating:Hot Water Boiler,Capacity<300 kBtu/h,Gas 1 Water Heating 1: Service Water Heater w/Circulation Pump Section 4: Requirements Checklist Bldg. Dept. Use Requirements Specific To:HVAC System 1 [ ] 1. Specified equipment consists of field-assembled components-efficiency documentation provided Requirements Specific To:Plant 1 [ ] 1. Newly purchased heating equipment meets the heating efficiency requirements [ ] 2. Systems with multiple boilers have automatic controls capable of sequencing boiler operation Requirements Specific To:Water Heating 1 [ ] 1. 1-in.pipe insulation on circulation systems [ ] 2. Automatic on/off control required for circulating systems [ ] 3. Unknown hot water system type. Efficiency requirements can not be determined. i Generic Requirements: Must be met by all systems to which the requirement is applicable [ ] 1. Load calculations per 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals [ ] 2. Plant equipment and system capacity no greater than needed to meet loads -Exception: Standby equipment automatically off when primary system is operating -Exception:Multiple units controlled to sequence operation as a function of load [ ] 3. Minimum one temperature control device per system [ ] 4. Minimum one humidity control device per installed humidification/dehumidification system [ ] 5. Automatic Controls: Setback to 55 deg.F(heat)and 85 deg.F(cool);7-day clock, 2-hour occupant override, 10-hour backup -Exception:Continuously operating zones -Exception:2 kW demand or less,submit calculations [ ] 6. Automatic shut-off dampers on exhaust systems and supply systems with airflow>3,000 cfin [ ] 7. Outside-air source for ventilation;system capable of reducing OSA to required minimum [ ] 8. R-5 supply and return air duct insulation in unconditioned spaces R-8 supply and return air duct insulation outside the building R-8 insulation between ducts and the building exterior when ducts are part of a building assembly -Exception:Ducts located within equipment -Exception:Ducts with interior and exterior temperature difference not exceeding 15 deg.F. [ ] 9. Ducts sealed-longitudinal seams on rigid ducts;transverse seams on all ducts; UL 181A or 181B tapes and mastics -Exception:Continuously welded and locking-type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at static pressures less than 2 inches w.g.pressure classification [ ] 10. Mechanical fasteners and sealants used to connect ducts and air distribution equipment [ ] 11. Hot water pipe insulation: 1 in.for pipes<=1.5 in.and 2 in.for pipes>1.5 in. Chilled water/refrigerant/brine pipe insulation: 1 in.for pipes<=1.5 in.and 1.5 in.for pipes>1.5 in. Steam pipe insulation: 1.5 in.for pipes<=1.5 in.and 3 in.for pipes >1.5 in. -Exception:Piping within HVAC equipment -Exception:Fluid temperatures between 55 and 105 deg.F -Exception:Fluid not heated or cooled -Exception:Runouts<4 ft in length [ ] 12. Operation and maintenance manual provided to building owner [ ] 13. Balancing devices provided in accordance with 603.15 of Mechanical Code for New York State [ ] 14. Hot water distribution systems>=600 kBtu/h must have one of the following: a)controls that reset supply water temperature by 25%of supply/return delta T b)mechanical or electrical adjustable-speed pump drive(s) c)two-way valves at all heating coils d)multiple-stage pumps e)other system controls that reduce pump flow by at least 50% based on load-calculations required [ ] 15. Newly purchased service water heating equipment meets the efficiency requirements [ ] 16. Water heater temperature controls: 110 deg.F for dwelling units or 90 deg.F for other occupancies Section 5: Compliance Statement The proposed mechanical design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed mechanical systems have been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements in COM check-EZ Version 3.0 Release 1 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. The design professional shall provide to the code enforcement official a written certification that the required HVAC tests, system balancing,etc.,have been performed and the system is operating as designed. The design professional shall retain copies of the test reports to be provided to the code enforcement official,if requested.When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page,they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge,belief,and professional judgment,suc plans or specifications are in com 1' nce with this Code. Ace Principal Mechanical Designer-Name S ature Date Mechanical Requirements Description New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code COMcheck-EZSoflware Version 3.0 Release 1 Data filename:Volt.cck The following list provides more detailed description of the requirements in Section 4 of the Mechanical Compliance Certificate. Requirements Specific To:HVAC System 1 1. The specified cooling system consists of field-assembled components.Documentation must be submitted showing the system meets New York State Energy Conservation Code equipment efficiency requirements for a comparable package equipment type and capacity range. Requirements Specific To:Plant 1 1. The specified heating equipment is covered by Federal minimum efficiency requirements.New equipment of this type can be assumed to meet or exceed New York State Energy Conservation Code requirements for equipment efficiency. 2. Systems with multiple boilers have automatic controls capable of sequencing the operation of the boilers. Requirements Specific To:Water Heating 1 1. Piping for the specified circulating service hot water system must be insulated with a minimum of 1-in:insulation having a conductivity no>0.28 Btu•in/(h•tt2•°F). 2. Circulating service hot water systems must have a time switch control that can automatically turn off the system during unoccupied hours. 3. Service water heating equipment used solely for heating potable water,pool heaters,and hot water storage tanks must meet the following miniumum efficiency: Unknown hot water system type. Efficiency requirements can not be determined. Generic Requirements: Must be met by all systems to which the requirement is applicable 1. Design heating and cooling loads for the building must be determined using procedures equivalent to those in Chapters 27 and 28 of the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals or an approved equivalent calculation procedure. 2. All equipment and systems must be sized to be no greater than needed to meet calculated loads. A single piece of equipment providing both heating and cooling must satisfy this provision for one function with the capacity for the other function as small as possible,within available equipment options. -Exception: The equipment and/or system capacity may be greater than calculated loads for standby purposes. Standby equipment must be automatically controlled to be off when the primary equipment and/or system is operating. -Exception: Multiple units of the same equipment type whose combined capacities exceed the calculated load are allowed if they are provided with controls to sequence operation of the units as the load increases or decreases. 3. Each heating or cooling system serving a single zone must have its own temperature control device. 4. Each humidification system must have its own humidity control device. 5. The system or zone control must be a programmable thermostat or other automatic control meeting the following criteria:a) capable of setting back temperature to 55 degree F during heating and setting up to 85 degree F during coolingb) capable of automatically setting back or shutting down systems during unoccupied hours using 7 different day schedulesc) have an accessible 2-hour occupant overrided) have a battery back-up capable of maintaining programmed settings for at least 10 hours without power. -Exception:A setback or shutoff control is not required on thermostats that control systems serving areas that operate continuously. -Exception: A setback or shutoff control is not required on systems with total energy demand of 2 kW(6,826 Btu/h) or less. 6. Outdoor-air supply systems with design airflow rates>3,000 cfm of outdoor air and all exhaust systems must have dampers that are automatically closed while the equipment is not operating. 7. The system must supply outside ventilation air as required by Chapter 4 of the Mechanical Code for New York State. If the ventilation system is designed to supply outdoor-air quantities exceeding minimum required levels,the system must be capable of reducing outdoor-air flow to the minimum required levels. 8. Air ducts must be insulated to the following levels:a) Supply and return air ducts for conditioned air located in unconditioned spaces(spaces neither heated nor cooled)must be insulated with a minimum of R-5.Unconditioned spaces include attics,crawl spaces,unheated basements,and unheated garages.b) Supply and return air ducts and plenums must be insulated to a minimum of R-8 when located outside the building.c) When ducts are'located within exterior components(e.g.,floors or roofs),minimum R-8 insulation is required only between the duct and the building exterior. -Exception: Duct insulation is not required on ducts located within equipment. -Exception: Duct insulation is not required when the design temperature difference between the interior and exterior of the duct or plenum does not exceed 15 degree F. 9. All joints,longitudinal and transverse seams,and connections in ductwork must be securely sealed using weldments; mechanical fasteners with seals,gaskets,or mastics;mesh and mastic sealing systems;or tapes.Tapes and mastics must be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 181A or UL 181B. -Exception:Continuously welded and locking-type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at static pressures less than 2 inches w.g.pressure classification. 10. Mechanical fasteners and seals,mastics,or gaskets must be used when connecting ducts to fans and other air distribution equipment,including multiple-zone terminal units. . 11. All pipes serving space-conditioning systems must be insulated as follows: Hot water piping for heating systems: 1 in.for pipes<=1 1/2-in.nominal diameter 2 in.for pipes>1 1/2-in.nominal diameter. Chilled water,refrigerant,and brine piping systems: 1 in.insulation for pipes<=1 1/2-in.nominal diameter 1 1/2 in.insulation for pipes>1 1/2-in.nominal diameter. Steam piping: 1 1/2 in.insulation for pipes<=1 1/2-in.nominal diameter 3 in.insulation for pipes>1 1/2-in.nominal diameter. -Exception: Pipe insulation is not required for factory-installed piping within HVAC equipment. -Exception: Pipe insulation is not required for piping that conveys fluids having a design operating temperature range between 55 degrees F and 105 degrees F. -Exception: Pipe insulation is not required for piping that conveys fluids that have not been heated or cooled through the use of fossil fuels or electric power. -Exception: Pipe insulation is not required for runout piping not exceeding 4 ft in length and 1 in.in diameter between the control valve and HVAC coil. 12. Operation and maintenance documentation must be provided to the owner that includes at least the following information:a) equipment capacity(input and output)and required maintenance actionsb) equipment operation and maintenance manualsc) HVAC system control maintenance and calibration information,including wiring diagrams, schematics,and control sequence descriptions;desired or field-determined set points must be permanently recorded on control drawings,at control devices,or,for digital control systems,in programming commentsd) complete narrative of how each system is intended to operate. 13. Each supply air outlet or diffuser and each zone terminal device(such as VAV or mixing box)must have its own balancing device.Acceptable balancing devices include adjustable dampers located within the ductwork,terminal devices,and supply air diffusers. 14. Hot water distribution systems with total system capacities of 600 kBtu/h and greater must have controls that:a) automatically reset the hot water supply temperature,based on heating load,by at least 25%of the design supply-to-return water temperature difference orb) reduce pump flow by at least 50%of design flow rate by using- adjustable-speed drivc(s)on pump(s)- multiple-stage pumps allowing at least 1/2 of the total pump horsepower to be automatically turned off- control valves designed to modulate or step down and close as a function of load- other approved means(supporting documentation or calculations must be submitted). 15. Service water heating equipment must meet minimum Federal efficiency requirements included in the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act and the Energy Policy Act of 1992,which meet or exceed New York State Energy Conservation Code. New service water heating equipment can be assumed to meet these requirements. 16. Water-heating equipment must be provided with controls that allow the user to set the water temperature to 110 OF for dwelling units and 90 OF for other occupancies.Controls must limit output temperatures of lavatories in public facility restrooms to 110 OF. LANDS N/F OF EMU 50/747 I LANDS NIF OF I YAGAR 593/204 L8�:42'53' E (TYPE C) BUFFER AREA �•••••.� �. 0.10 S8714'53"E A NQE 1 ExIS7ING TREES 10 REMAIN —� �"�' + �• ...�...,�, ,� of-t/4 FIF IRON 51&93' S8832'53"E 20' (TYPE B) BUFFER AREA �� ••� •� s —EXISTING TREES 70 REMAIN --� Mmm�x_ _ 1 I MATERIAL STORAGE — — -- — , MULCH,i STONE, ROCK, ETC. — ---- 1 I _ I 1IfSWALE _ _ I _ — '--- -- SWALE 1 GROWING FIELD I 1 LANDS N/P of I Bross od I 5W/667 1,000 GAL 2� 1 GREASE TRAP COVERED ! I STORAGE 1,000 SF NOTES DISTRIBUTION yd COVERE I 1 ti DIMENSIONS FOR SEPTIC Box �� STORAGE 1 SYSTEM PROVIDED BY U Z I CONTRACTOR // 8 5 - 40 LF LATERALS 1 200 LF TOTAL TRENCH LENGTH 1/000 GA D`�a 23cf� I 1 / SEPTIC T s $ o I IPF WHOLESALE NURSERY STORAGE 1 c � W EAVE 23 w I TRENCH 21 POND I �1 N WHOLESALE NURSERY ASPHALT 23 ELEV 178 I finI STORAGE �� a Z I 1 I I= FOR addo NUFam I 23 ^1 WCd 4 d r d IM o a4 a� w4 1 1 � 1 I 1 I I 1 LAN>I�F OF 1 ATH 6W/667 I Z I 82.50' O/ 0 N84'1909"w c 1 I i I i 1 W 1 I � N I i 1 I 1 I I Z 1 RETAIL PLANT I I 177.82� AM RETAIL PLANT SALES AREA I GROWING FIELD N$ o,�"W 1 I SALES AREA 1 I I ^ � r- 10,000 SF 13,000 SF I 1 :W 1 A A L _ i I o � CY 1 I o p m 1 I co i I SOD I m w" coNco $ 1 0 _ _ I 1 ) I I o 1 Q a � � I � a w 14Cv 9 98 —�00�E� � c� L LANDS N/F OF RETAIL NURSERY I RAY Rmn vowrn= � •�, STOCK STORAGE 0) 1 — — — — — — _ I FM PA nr, INC. 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LANDS N/F OF ''� ( Cal 1 ;A` .: r' LouwmDGE TO i BURY t H CONCRETE 1092/319 �.. . �: I i lit ;` C� HUGE �1-25-03 BY THE ( Cic - LAWN ( i CS ANS HAVE BEEN APPROVED UNDER AUTHORITY GARAGE NG rv .„ 1 { I I Site Statistics THESE P SOLUTION No. 52-2003 ADOPTED II EXISTING :'::: '.r. -': 2 STORY :v.• ;", 27q 17-1-60 OF RE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY. N.Y. HOUSE S ot:a� HOUSE :', STONE D TAX MAP PARCEL PLANNING BOARD OF TH N. r , _3 WiTH THE FOLLOWING CONOtTtONS MACE T' 4a 276'R Z01OSED USE -' WILL NOT ---------- PORCH NURSERY CBGG. 1• THE Data pit<Ilber�' 2003 �-- ..:.:�.: •, , res 898 sf� O 9 P.M.AppLiCANT'T HOURS OF OPERATIO I AMA, 1q. EXCEED 7 a.m. Revue II_------ cRusHED / •<".. ..�.. ( ( N THE FINAL PLANS I Noveaibetl� 25. 20�3 -:'' 20 v ALES CONCERNS VVtLL BE ADDRESSED AND ALL STONE � s-•GP •;.;>t•; / DRIVE ' `' =a: I I ( 2 AGREEMENTS WILL BE PLACED Rexxtid'lIA 3-GP i SITE UTILIZATION C.T.Male IO AND APPLICANT WILL OBTAtN C.T•MALE SIGN-OF ' AST JJ­ f3U1LDING AREA Sf A 2003 i t t3t�LD�G` 5- sf GATED AND THE �� ,I' 5,la w t�0 3. THE EAST ROAD ACCESS WILL BE BE LABELED AS EMERGENCY USE ` pORGH� •— -- s,---• L. . N84'19'Ss W I GOYERED STORAGE mments i•�O sf ACCESS �t'�-• d��' 7r : ; .:::`:..: C - 1• IPF 2 ONLY ON THE .1 - - _ 40 sf 0.81 FINAL PLANS. 30.o1R :.. -"•' o�— _82.10' - -I-A _ tqo%"LONGS 7.520 sf LIGHTING YVtI.L BE DOWN LIT WITH CUT OFFS. MPLAY GARi t"S G PHALT TOTAL BUt $ga842 sf 10.49. 4. ALL SIGN L ';:: s TS' 89. C757. Mkt. REC�UIRED� II II SUNNYSIDE ROAD � ANN� "-""�`" A F PAVEMEN 24.0• , 769.536 sf = 88. 134.0• RlM 197.28 PERMEABLE ARE 193.61 iNV ,_—__ ✓1 8" C.P.P. C.B. ❑ PARKING REQUIREMENTS per 300 5F = 5 BUILDING SETBAGKS Q gp PROVIDED DATE ,-- 4 ----- 1.440 5F at 1 SPACE p 77 5GB.3' II I ,4, F at 1 Per 300 SF 2 �• ZONING ADMINISTRATOR J RETAIL SAVES 23,000 S er 2 EMPLOYEES 5tDE ROAD�� 1q5-3' III- OUTDOOR NURSERY SALES 4 at 1 SPACE p GE per 300 SF = 5 FRONT CwU 50' 144.5' NUTDOOR5ERY EMPLOYEE5 1.440 5F at 1 SPA P FRONT LEAST ROAD 30' q10 q• OFFICE AREA YEE5 G at 1 SPACE Qer 2 EMPLOYEES = 3 REAR CNORTtt3' 30' CONSTRUCTION Ep1PL0 REAR CEAST> 7t SIZE �'iRK5 FUEL STpRAGE 2 Tq OTAL SPACES REat�RED PLANT LIST CiUAN. q4 SP�AGE5 PROVIDED Co t THE PROPOSE FUEL STORAGE AREA WILL BE ABOVE GROUND NAPPED AGGESSiBLE SPACES 50-TAtaGAL tVAME t3 ♦ B AND DESEL FUEL. 4 ARC, tiA SYt,1 AR g 3 � 3.5 �' GAi" TANKS FOR GASOLME PE g ♦ 5 ANK5 WILL BE MI5TALLED iLKGSTORAGE-LIANCE WfTH THE REDSPRE G�i-�Y 3 - 3.5" GAL ALL T FOR 5U 1REE5 YANA REDS 5 B ♦ B NY5 DEG REGULAS14N5 � PYRUJill 1111 S CALLER yT A5i't 42 10' H7 m„. 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I Low N/F OF Ouso f I / // Lam N/F of LMS 14/1 OF HOUSE �. V:. •-:t.`� / '\ / Asa 1rURNsvtt I i204/ AND 374/572 i I I � N JF of I e"/5 +204.5 t r // ~' / \\ / 1 I I T�53 -00.6+ 14/1 OF VAN DUSM r '~ • ' 1092/ Notes 1 1 onI / I GRETE / : .1.y�. / \ t AWN ` I d s e dlmen t C ALE DAMS) ♦ I BLOCK \ _ l l -meµ `;r..` '" \\ I ( I Erosion an S ENT TRAPS WAY B AGE 5WALE5 AND +� GARAGE \ s EXISTNG / `•:r' `7 \ I PHASES, E 5F AQ'I \ I V.> \\ 24� 276'R I, DI.IWG EARTHWO ENUN BE AiISTA�LL ATEO ON THE PLAN. 3Cab TI' \ \ \ 2 STORY / M1{ G WALL ` - HOUSE owe HOUSE 1 ./:n.; \ site Notes THE SED�1EzdT GONTOL IO{�et 200 SLOPES AND AS peter CII s 1 I BR S E5 15 p,{DIGATED POR SPOty516�YT AT THE TOE Of GRADED GE Of EXISTANG TOR, IT IS THE SOLE RE EVERY STORM THE SED�'IENT TROR DIASPLAGEMENT. AND ANY PAILlRES /. I. E1tIDE1'I roRCH / / ; : NNNI «. .::/ .r '{: ONVEt�ENGE Of mE Tp G �ORf?�lA mE f 1EL0 LOCATION Of 2, a BE IN P 2SATHIM4 O03 D Novem� 25a 20 / I �� -1 G ACTOR S. GTED J 1- Of THE GONTR OWNER hd to ALL UTIUTIE TO PROTECT SHAI-I- BE G�� G TOPSO�. VENT EROSION. I / CRUSHED I S W(TM THE UTILITY \ `;,` \ I I f n IE GONGTORVATION. GRADING . ALL BARE EARTH AREAS SHALL BE SEED O ARE KGLApEL WE5 C.T.Miles I STONE / / / / }l"•',. -,. / \ / I I SPON dWTY O G EXGA 3 SPREADIN IT IS G U �S MOM t)04AGE Dl �9 HOUR`-� OP THE NEW Y USHED BY 2003 / / s L EXIS Ihe� ............. :, ..: $► / s 1 AL WT10N. g AND EXGE55 SHALL G LST WITH �' Ind to Pler�r>i' .. •..:.. ER TROL AS PUB p,NO 4_ THE GON�AGTOR �dl,C:ort�� GONSTR ALL DEBRI FOR URBAN EK05ION AND SEDf GON \ , THE CONTRACTOR SHALL' 01SP0`�E N A LEGAL MANNER• STATE GON E NATION S�tE�- \ ....'::$ '; ::`':: � \ 3+ Off OP THE PROJECT `-ATE THE S�AND WATER feet HORIZONTAL TO 7 -- \_- - . - :: :3 :: . .... / CXr - - 1• '� - - _ _ - - MATERIAL AND GRADE --� / ACTS SHALL STAKE THE LOCATION WORK_ ,� .. ---� TELY g• NO GRASSED SLOPE SHALL EXCEED *" r GONTR LD PRIOR TO STARTIrIG THE ... - -- - - E f1E tMMEDIA VERTICAL- EET 5P-3 4. -HE THE BE of 5H N OLA-D TION I fo Y WITH U WORK 5 e 50L pMPL 197-7+ \ A5 F Of ALL NEW 5 QSTION GTOR SHALL G T ANY DISGREPATHE Of THE" POR J THE ATTENTION G. THE GONTRAOLLUTION P�VENTION �N' I _ S UNNYS ID E ROAD _ _ _ / - - - - BROOCH OUGHT TO WITH THE WOK' J - - STORMWAT� / - BEFORE `�r------ INV. 135'• J- ": G.9. NIV 193.61 8•C.P.P. tLM 196A I' �```� I __. 10 �--� �) .6 ��'m "m "" m AI am nth _ _1 - "" --- - -j % / \ - -/ -- - - - - - -- - _ _y �r ` ��� � '_"ice aM _ 1-L4'�F // / CL f I / _ 6 / - - -�- / / / / / �_- - - - - --,---__� �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZ�.x . 6L;�,L ,__"���A",;__� ------A=--�, \ r rr / f// \I-, �__ --- MATERIAL STORAGE / / \\ \ \ I I I - ` - - � �' / -1 DUSTING VEGETATION TO REMAIN // \ I i ') \ r 1 I � r- -_ UNur STORAGE AREA 15 RECIURED. y / _--- \ \ _ -11 \\ ` - - �RAMSHALL CLEARED oN CONTROL BLANKET - G' WOE MIK /�� \ \ \ \ 1 \\ 1 / \ SURFACCTO� TABLaED Wren I TYPE B - NORM AMEIWAN GREEN SO= DOUBLE BLAWET k \ \ \ \ / \ STONE• MACH OR I INSTALLED N ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTlJ Sf \ \ \ I �I \ RECOMMENDATIONS - STAPLE PATTERN G CGREM TO BE USED. \ II ' C \ :! ! \ I - - r �> WHO RY .... ... ... LESALE :,.: _ \ I - I i :c % E \: STORAG I I'llI .f. % (>. •` v •4• ...J'= A T EXISTING VEGETATION RE11 It j'J�D \ \. .•' \ I UNTL STORAGE AREA IS \ � \ �` ~` I I ^.;" _ \ �,. \ I vEGETATION STALL BE \ :.: \ " \y` \ 1 AND GRADCD _ CLE 1 1 I coNCReTe i t.' , ' 7' r,. / / / \ .:. \ SURFACE TO SrAeuz& wrtH 1 /' \ _ `- _ � <Y i s�o e 10 :. .<, :'.; , / \ / / / 1 \ \\ /1 J _ \\ MULCH OR sEEDw- I AREA To BE f . \ ..I. � - - f CONCRITEN `\..... s. ` , / 1 \ _/ / / \ ::; -N <\ \ 1 cLEAaED AND SEEDED \ � _ - 1 I �,'� nrRON `': .<'- ,`.:. ;, •. :�: `. \ I \j ` � / ti8 / \ \ \\ \\ ( STONE _ SEDA"ENT CONTROL -\ 1 \\;--__'/ \ � V :7 1 I \`,/ / 1 : _ , ( �- \\\� I \\ SW \ \ FENCE = /' \\ /`\ =k \ �► tJUILDIN6 4I ;,'• -,,: :~ ( i I \ �/ \ `- -- / \ 1 \ ,, \ % '.,. -` .�.",• / WHOLESALr: I `✓: \ \ jam _ \ _ \ ::. \ �� :;:'...Its .N ,;: :. of -.. :.� : w , :: _ ::: :j. I ; ' I , l _ I�rpr - I w ,�� ry. �...: :i ti :. ,:: :. «::. . .r�, / STD: ) / / \ \ \ - If - - - - / .� I \ :• '.. :PAftipvG;ARlrA::-'' :•� ''C:'' / EXISTING VEGETATCNI TO I / I \ e \ I \ \ j\\ •._'' "+ - , UNTI. STORAGE ANEA Is R � \_ _ _ I / 0o � / \ / \ -�J \ -.4+ •. ;<` .J. VEGETATION SHALL BE / i Fs / II / \ \ \ \ - \ ci ) \ \ / % :�,.' AND GRADED LEVEI- / \ \ f � \ \ ( :.. r ;•i SURFACE TO BE StADI.IZED WITM PROPOSED DETEN110N\ \ \ ,- '.. ' :, MULCH OR SEEDED. / I t T \ l .� r t.;' '.; , BASH O BE USED AS _ _ \ ,. - - - \ \ / \ \ \ - I.•' .: :;.- ).'. \ I ORARY SEDIMENT TRAP \ I �:..:.._.:_. \ 1 1 \ 1 \ i P \ _ ,90 :,':•:_ awaNGaA �sMPLEIE , 1 I _ I ATE XCA ND 'SEED. i �: \ a SI.T J \ /` \ 1 \ I ;~ :.; c.E PL�4K :<� t sEE aA /': \ caeao�• / . ';: 1. \ I l \ / \ \ I. �. cF MNN�IUM \ _� - \ 1 T �V pl�1 1 X ••r. / S RE(iURED / �ti r \I -- 1 1 \ 1 / 1 .,.' �'•i., \ S' �. \ \ 1 .• rp / / / \ �' :.� \ k 1 \ \ : ':: �, - \ 1 1 \ \ \ s do 9 \ \ \ 03 / \ \ Avg I / I \ / \ \ \ \ \ i 1 \ 1. / \ \ 3 - ti" \ I� Olt / -'' ,.A- 'r'. STORAGE RE 4 r° "'' :? ,. :�.. \ \ ` - \ \ \ \ 01D\:::::_ \ \ \ \ \ t� �:�'; ,' 1, LAWN \ r / / I \ h \ \ \ a GROWING FIELD ..�_ \ \ � � % PROPOSED DETENTION \ 1 � / 2 v3 \ ` _ _ _ y. <; BASH TO BE USED AS \. .`�. :>. - / \ \ ,y a EXISTING VEGETATION TO REMAIN I 1 > \ I \ \ / \ cs •0 9 ZA�TJL START OF PLANING. ONLY AREA \ ;•4• TEMPORARY 5E01'ENT TRAP J :,' I ":: :<:' `�:" \ -_ - _ \ / I -- - - TO 9E PIr4NTED SHALL BE CLEARED \ v IMt1EN P'ATi�1VC' \ -`�.•• .. \ I AND GRAM LEVEL \ _;- ''.. EXCAVATE SILT GRADE AND SEED. \ \ \ :;`ry v• .�. r - \ � - __ - \ \ \ \ \ / ` \ \ \ \ L1. I 1 DISTURBER AREAS TO BE MULCHO \ �. n. \ SEE GRADING AND GE PLAN \ \ \ J:, .L \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ // \ \ \ \ 40 y \ \ . . 1 � 1 \ \ \ \ ad Iny � b b + \\ i ,\\ \ . . �/ 1 \ l 1 1 1 / / \ \ \ I 1 \ \ \ j .0 ,� � � � a�.. \ / \ / I I I / / \ I 1 i \ \ \ \ \ 0 :4 .0 � I / \ 1."",\�� ..`: / \\ / I I 1 -- I / / / \ I \ 1 I \ \ \I 1\ \ \\ d I� °° � a � ::I I // \`\ I , \ ".;.. \ ,' \ i GROAN& FIELD r`___\ I I 1 / \ / I I \ \ 1 \ PQ 1/ / \ / ,- \ -/ \ I \ 20p_ J I I 1 1 \ / / \ \ I I \ \ / \ \ \ c�i ia O '31 � Ca / OUSTING VEGETATION TO CUIM \ \ \ \ P-+ / $ \ I UNTIL, STAR•r OF PLANTNGI ONLY AREAS / I I I I \ / / \ \ 1 \ ` / \ J , .. \ \ I TO BE PLArITED SHALL BEICLEARED I 1 I I I ,� / / 1 I \ \� \ // \ \ � I'' Z / 1 �40 � / ;' \ - LAWN I AID GRADE) LEVEL I 1_ , , `- � / / c � -\�\ '\\ ( \ 1 _j // I \ ; +:: DISTURBED AREAS To BE r` I __ \ \ \ \ `N' OR SEEDED. t -_ / \ I (^ 11 / \ \"I \ \_ \ \ \ \\ % _ - - \ �- -200--J / \ ` _ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ ,;� � �.' - ) ",.: '.> -_, --_ __s KS \ // 1 �D FI" \ \ Il it \ \\\ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ .-� / -, / 1 I \ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ f/ / ` ,:: \ eim I 1 // /\ 1 TART A� AREAS \ / \ \ 1-1 \ \ \ 1 1 \ \ 1/ / \ t 1 ) / / \ 1 To BE PLANTED SHALL-W-WEARED \ / \ 1) ) / / I \ \ \ l 1 1 \ / / AND GRADED LEVEE -� \ / / I / / :.1:1., I ." 1 1 / ; ( \ \ ALL DISTGRBED AREAS TO BE SEEDED. \ / \ / / / // �/ / 1 ! \ 1 I�� / �_ .....C' I .fS.•. ' / \ /\\ \ // \ \\ _ \\ I ' // �t� 1 ,\ \ \\ III L. p 1111111111'11 III 3-4 11 11 \ \ .?'• \ , 'ti.;: \ / \\ I /fv l / / ) 1 I \I r\ / / 1 \ „-� _ _-/ / v.\.��„, - r p �f II \ ..I.I \ 1 'rr.'i' �/ 1 i / J `�11�-'/ / l / /r\ I \J/ l \ / \ice -'- , x \\� '\ \ ,\\ Z \ I� \ � / / / \ / \ / \ \-,\\\\\ \\\ Ih I \ ~; \ ---Zoo \ / /i / / / /J (\ 1 \\ \ // // \ \�������\\\ II`� s N 1 \ = o' :1- / \ ,/ / / / / tier, 1 / , ( \ I \ ���\ \\ \��\`/ r- c } A \ I > / \ / \ 190 \\ Ian � Z \ \ :...' r 1 / / / `J �1 I / /� \ I 180 p 0 \ \ / / \ / // � �/ `�� I / 8/ / \ \\ I / v I' Q.; r 1 \ / \ ( \ / / �\ / \ I 1 / III;., m m I i 1 I \\ / /^\ \\ I RETAILS AND \ \ \ // // \\ I I \ / i \ / \ \,/ \ 1 1 .%1 \ / 1 / \ > 1 / / �G- 2 � Wr In cons. E-• / \ I I \ -\\ PLANT/STORAGE \ \ / / \ / \ \ / (5 Go _\ __- - _ I SA.P.P.P. REQUIREMENTS �� �, 1 .I. 40M ��� .IIIIIIIIIIII \ I l! - -j).mm �E�XIIS�ITING/VpE/�'�r��•A�TIIO�N� TGO RE/MVA�IN��1 // . = / // 1 / / \ // ) � L 6 / ( A srLt BE CLEARED / - ��' t / .-_1 \ / / 1. THE CONTRACTOR UNDERTAKING 51TE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT MUST SIGN .^ in C I i 01LiIER LANDS OF I � SURFAND ACE to BE STAeuzED Wpm / : :.:'.r / / I / \ �� / 1 THE CERTIFICATION ON THIS PAGE AND BE FAMILIAR WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS Of �I�,�) 0 0 I I /ROBERT WING I PA„° '� off ' // 4 :•1. '••:: ,/ 1 I 1 `\ \ t -- // THE SWPPP AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE NYS DEC SPDE5 GENERAL PERMIT FOR : cad / / ,,;:..:... .... / I \ \ I " STORMWATER DISCHARGES FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY - PERMIT No. GP-02-01. I;� (q5 K C i I / MOUSE /// / as- •`:: I / � \ I // ____ 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS 1I'�-t p i- - --'.DIP:' 1-� / ` L / / / i � \ I OF THE NYS DEC SPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGES FROM p \ \ / \ / / I / / 1•Irr l - x Q T_ \ \ \ / f / / CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY - PERMIT No. GP-02-01. COPIES OF THE GENERAL PERMIT p �/ \ � -. '.-,.>%..,'•:•<,:. / ", \ \ \ ARE AVAILABLE BY CALLING DEC C528� 402-8109. IIh ~ / \ \\ / / / : /"\ / \ ��t15F - \ - 3. A NOTICE OF INTENT CNOD MUST BE SUBMITTED TO DEC PRIOR TO INITIATING WORK. c I _ ./ ,.�'.. I \ / LANDS N/1r OP11% IRF I-nP`IPr - I' _ 4. THE SWPPP INCLUDES INFORMATION ON ALL DRAWINGS 5P-1 TO SP 4 AND THE 1I4� � a- / / CONCRETE / //0 -;'f. : // \, / f 374//572 s"ED � - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT. Ili m CL BLOCK \ / "."'::::.. - / I / I•IrP 5. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE THE III-{ � Z \\ GARAGE \ / // 1 ` ENGINEER CONDUCT AN ASSE55MENT OF THE 51TE AND CERTIFY IN AN INSPECTION 1 -"f : \ / ;' / \ REPORT THAT THE APPROPRIATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS HAVE BEEN ADEQUATELY IIF � / \ - MOUSE / / . -. `:°1` / PROP060 DETENTION \ INSTALLED. FOLLOWING COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. T'HE ENGINEER SHALL MAKE IIh� o \ EXISTING / ,`� BASINS rEt BE USED As \ WEEKLY SITE INSPECTIONS AND INSPECTIONS WITHIN 24 HOURS OF A STORM EVENT 0 / I Pews 1 2 STORY / `:' TEMPORARENT TRAP 1 OF 0.5 INCHES OR GREATER AND SFtALL PREPARE A REPORT AS REQUIRED BY THE GP-02-01. / 1 `i f \\ HOUSE / ! .. ...'/__'' WHEN DRIVEwAY IS COMPLETE I ! Ir 1. EXCAVATE SILT. SEED G. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A RECORD OF ALL INSPECTION REPORTS IN A SITE LOG -1 PORc" / / , �!';:�': c�tAONG AND OO BOOK. MAINTAINED ON SITE AND AVAILABLE TO THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY UPON REQUEST. "` c\ // \ Dr�vE / \ /- / �► -+cw 7'^ ':.1 \ 5. AT COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM A FINAL \ \ // -- / / % \ :'<. ' ®e 10' - 40' non. INSPECTION TO CERTIFY THAT THE SITE HAS UNDERGONE FINAL STABILIZATION AND \ 11� i; / - / / 400 OF MNHIxMr .•\ .:.:...; STORAGE 1 THAT ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS HAVE BEEN REMOVED. STORAGE REC ED �` :.:'. UPON GERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION A NOTICE OF TERMINATION CNOT3 SHALL BE \ 7,/ - - I\ // �4'- / \ 1 I 6' mrl CRUSHED STONE OVER FLED WITH NYS DEC. / \ ::� - LAWN / \ \ - / \ / / \ / '� COMPACTED 5UBGRADE AND -- _- --��mumft -� �`` �� • • FILTER FABRIC - -- - - - - _ S j jN �_; / \ I CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING � o . ..o° . .. - O : °O 6 . . . � - 8 C.P.P.>� �- c.e. ♦Y oAD --c - _ i > ° o° O - ' ' :o. O. NV II93.618 \ c 1. THE EXISTING SITE IS A DIRT BIKE TRACK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE 'a ° Site Areas 11 • O n. o O. - . ' - • ' - . - - - - _ _ - \ ALL EARTHEN JUMPS. DEPRESSIONS AND OTHER TRACK FEATURES AND GRADE �4 � ' �.: . o - . EXISTING STORM ��' � �- -- INSTALL coNrRUCIroN ROAD ENTRANCE AREA SMOOTHLY. AREAS OUTSIDE OF PAVEMENT AND BUILDING SHOULD BE SEEDED. .. p. : :::'° . ''.'. '' • . , . �. - 'N GROUND BUILDING AREA+ 7.520 sf S PER K � ' o - ' 9- O0. . . ':o.' ' LIMITS OF PAVEMENT• 89.842 sf 2.1 ACRES ' f � c-e• 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT THE CONSTRUCTION ROAD ENTRANCE AS P���L�V I ''ION RIM- 196� AS DETAILED IN THE LOCATION Of THE PERMANENT' DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE. �Cb "° . .. &h ° TOTAL AREA OF DISTURBANCES 655.988sf = 15.1 ACRES v °8: `/ 3. PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL MRI 1V"DiT10N THE SEDIMENT TRAPS CBASIN5) AND MAY BAY DAMS AS INDICATED ON THE PLAN o CONSTRUCTION SPEW ICAT1ON5 AND DETAILS AND AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. 1. STONE SIZE - USE NO. 2 STONE OR RUBBLE P„I_AN 4. THE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS ARE TO BE GRADED TO ACCEPT STORMWATER 3. �THICKNESS, ONGTH AS OT LESS THANUIRED BUT O6"�SS THAN �.� CERTIFICATION STATEMENT RUNOFF FROM PROPOSED PARKING AND SITE AREAS. THE TEMPORARY BASINS 4. WIDTH, 10' MNIIUIM• BUT NOT LESS THAT THE FULL WIDTH TO BE SIGNED BY CONTACTOR PERFORMING THE SITE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SEEDED WITH PERENNIAL RYEGRA55 AT A RATE OF 5 ibs. PER 1.000 5F. AT POINTS WHERE INGRESS OR EGRESS OCCURS. 5. FLTER FABRIC, WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR i CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO 5. CONSTRUCTION OF THE FACILITY CAN THEN PROCEED INCLUDING, WELL. SEWAGE TO PLACING STONE. COMPLY WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SWPPP FOR THE 3caJe T' - 40' G. SURFACE WATERS MAINTAIN EXISTING SURFACE RUNOFF OF 5TORMWATER. CONSTRUCTION SITE IDENTIFIED IN SUCH SWPPP AS A CONDITION OF DISPOSAL SYSTEM. UTILITIES. SITE LIGHTS. CURBING. WALKS. PAVEMENTS AND Data October 154 2003 MAINTENANCE STABILIZATION BUILDING. 7. MAINTENANCE, THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED N A CONDITION WHICH WILL AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE 5TORMWATER. I AL50 UNDERSTAND THAT PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY. THE OPERATOR MUST COMPLY WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF Ro,Aokxu THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE AS THE N.Y.S. POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM C5PDE5� 1. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM SEDIMENT TRAPS WHENEVER THEIR CAPACITY 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INITIATE STABILIZATION MEASURES AS G. SURFACE PREPARATION FOR THE GROWING FIELDS. THE SOD FIELD AND THE CONDITIONS DEMAND AND REPAIR AND/OR CLEANING OF ANY MEASURES USED 1 D'ocember 81 HAS BEEN REDUCED BY 5OZ. 50ON AS PRACTICABLE IN PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORAGE AREAS SHALL EE PHASED AS EACH AREA IS TO TRAP SEDIMENT. ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED. DROPPED. WASHED OR DEPOSITED GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGES FROM CONSTRUCTION R'Iareporld to Pknft ACTIVITIES HAVE TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. BUT REQUIRED IN ORDER TO PRESERVE EXISTING VEGETATION AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-Of-WAY MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. ACTIVITIES AND THAT IT 15 UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO CAUSE OR I3:mwd Comm la 2. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE INSPECTED WITHIN 24 IN NO CASE MORE THAN 14 DAYS. EACH AREA SHOULD BE CLEARED. GRADED AND THE SURFACE STABILIZED AS 8. WASHING+ WHEELS SMALL BE CLEANED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT PRIOR TO ENTRANCE CONTRIBUTE TO A VIOLATION OF WATER QUALITY STANDARDS. SOON AS POSSIBLE WITH BARK/WOOD GRIP MULCH OR SEEDED. ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WHEN WASHING 15 REQUIRED. IT SHALL BE DONE HOURS OF A STORM EVENT AND REPAIRED AND/OR MODIFIED AS REQUIRED TO BE ON AN AREA OF STABILIZED STONE AND WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED NAME GOOD WORKABLE CONDITION. 2. STABILIZATION OF GRA55 AREAS INCLUDES HYROSEEDING USING SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT AN INSPECTION OF THE SITE ON A DAILY BA515 TACKIFIER ON SLOPES OVER 5.1 OR SEEDING AND INSTALLING 7. FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF PLANTING AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ALL GRASS SMALL BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH RAN. A CONTINUOUS COVER OF STRAW MULCH WATERED INTO PLACE. AREAS. REMOVE ANY COLLECTED SEDIMENT. REMOVE MAY BALE DAMS. REMOVE ANY TITLE TO COLLECT LITTER AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AND DISPOSE OF LEGALLY. DEBRIS AND DISPOSE OF LEGALLY. FINAL GRADE AND SHAPE THE PERMANENT DETENTION BASINS. SEED AND MULCH. WN5TRZTION ROAD ENTRANCE SIGNATURE 4. ANY STOCKPILES OF FILL. TOPSOIL. EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE COVERED OR CONTAINED BY SEDIMENT CONTROL FENCE TO PREVENT EROSION. NOT TO SCALE DATE 5p ,5 SHEET 5 OF 4 l II "' 4. `:: HEAVY DUTY CAST RON FRAME ♦ COVER- AT OUTLET .• ,: . _ .y1. CONCRETE OR STONE 8" TRAFFIC LOAD PRECAST CONCRETE TOP y�p��p • ':`' :": a.• •. .. ., . . '�•' MARKER ABOVE ALL • BURRED COVERS • . .. .. PRECAST EXTENSIONS Y.. • • ., }. '', ;'' APPROXIMATE RECOMMENDED. -' . .. < r. .�'• _ AS REGURED . . 4 . , - .. FINISH GRADE i ... ,:: \ / / • .1. LAWN ..t. 'r r. 4:;'' / ' ., •• ,:, ," . .'ti• % - :, •a• •''• '+'� ABSORPTION MN TRENCH ` ' . :5TOryE, / / ._ �"\' ..,.': r, ` �: .' .. L•. . :t . CSEE TYPICAL DETAU / / LAWN :\ :. :: . INLET BAFFLE 12" MN. COVER OVER 6' MN. 4'-O" SEED GROWN . �:~ / ;;�..` \ PRECAST CONCRETE COVER ALL STRUCTURES AND SLOPES +\. 1. . 3. 1. 1 / DISTRBUTION BOX �:' .�.`' `: '.- BY FORT MLLER OR i 1 J coven ~:, .,t.. . ,•..._ ( STORAGE �" ",• , . • 3" EQUAL -.1--.17 H I J* J I •-�' ,<• •• LIQUID LEVEL :'. Go' MN. 24" MN. I :`:. . MN. SLOPE _ :- �::- - `••: •.+ . 1/4.. . I J CONC xso w Ins , :,\. ..�. ;�' r 4 . PER FOOT - Q Q 1. a o• I I PAfl FLOOD . .,\ •\ ° : . : ,,` MN. SLOPE II:==III:=l t=14M�� GROWING FIELD �,�. :�: . :� - . -, ._ .% ;; j v8•• _ I. J ( •h `p carlcRETE `' :�, ' ::,s PER FOOT ° ° ALL OUTLET INVERTS MAIa"LJI.1 SEASONAL HK:M ( 1 APRON LT EXCAVATE EXISTING SOIL .,' I J J6 1 I \ :-*-- `: ;, `" . ' ' .' SEPTIC TANK ° PEA TO SET AT THE PELT GROUNDWATERELEVATION I J O :�`': '�: BY FORT MILLER OR SAME ELEVATION. PRIOP FO fll. r i O .;:A `~ -, " GRAVEL USE SPEED LEVELERS ON 1 JS g 2 •�` .: -.\ Ems- INLET ♦ OUTLET DISTRIBUTION BOX ALI. OUTLET PIPES. 11 .-\ �••... CAREFULLY SELECTED FILL MATERIAL.. WELL GRADED LOAMY SAND. 1 rN f'° r `•\ .. < BAFFLES NOT TO SCALE OR WELL CRADEDLOAMY SAND GRAVELS. CONTAINING A MN011x•I OF ( ( D BOX 1.000 GAL . \ `-, f '~ -.. : . 102 SILTS OR CLAYS. NO ORGANIC DEBRIS. AND NO SOLO OBJECTS 6.. SEPTIC TAN( 2�soNs .•► y 8. ~: - j PVC at 6ARA6E :, 't ,.. LARGER THAN 3" FILL N 6" LIFTS RATE OF 3 TO v DIAMETER. N PLACE 8" sr000 SF ~�` INSTALLATION 05 PI TRAc" "ic MUMS. COMPACT GRourm PRESSURE �►• 6- Pvc t OF DISPOSAL FIELDS MOUNTED DOZER. SEWAGE at 1/4" :J.,, t N...., : :T . . • .,. A per FT. 'f , , . IRS I. CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING. u� DISPOSAL . . . . AND SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE N.Y.S. 1_WIFIED SOIL SYSTEM DETAIL .r SYSTEM ." f . , . < - . .. . _ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. AND /'' •f >' M IM UM 2x WIDTH ASTM F481-76 INSTALLATION OF THERMOPLASTIC PIPE AND NOT TO SCALE :. IAWN '� ,p '.. .. :�/: • .-.*•. . MAXIMUM 4x WOTH CORRUGATED TUBING IN SEPTIC TANK LEACH FIELDS. • y� N • ' Z NO HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE LIMITS :f ,.: r. / y` '� • •• : . , . "' ~ OF THE DISPOSAL FIELDS AFTER PIPE INSTALLATION HAS BEGUN. . . :.. •�O,' /LAWW ` :y .... 3. AFTER EXCAVATION 2' WADE TRENCH TO THE DEPTHS REQUIRED. • . . 6.O• �O .' . .'. . .. . t. OFFICE .,Y�:. . . •:, . r THE WALLS AND FLOOR OF EACH TRENCH SHOULD BE CLEANED 1.4w .`�'.'. , . :. :.:.,., :. :.,.:: ..•:: ' ti' :.' .:, .. PROVOE 3" SAND OR --� 000 O AND RAKED TO ACHIEVE AN EVEN SURFACE AND TO LOOSEN `.'. '\.'.\'.'.. 1. PEA GRAVEL UNDER TANK SMEARED SECTIONS OF TRENCH. GEOTEXTtE FABRIC 4. PLACEMENT OF CRUSHED STON PERFORATED PIPE AND GEOTEXTILE '- �' ANNUAL ♦ PERENNWL 1. �° a'.. '. .......' . . .. '.' . SEPTIC TANK - I p00 GALLON M, wx =) �_� - -I i I FABRIC SHALL BE AS MOWN. AND CARE SHALL BE .., --1,.• I- SEASONAL PLANTING ,',: : : �. .. " .\ ... '4 ':;- ,% NOT TO SCALE EXERCISED TO AVOID INCLUSION OF FINE GRAINED SOILS AND 1=11I = �: OTHER WASTE MATERIAL IN THE STONE AND PIPE ).'.'.'I.'.(.'.'.'.'.'. . ' S. THE PIPE SHOULD BE LAID AT THE GRADES AND TO THE 2" MI G" MN. RETAIL . .... '.. SEPTIC TANKS ---�► f . ..I. 1 • 1.440 SF ;: ,. . '• ` '. . . RELATIONSHIPS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING. MAINTAINING STRAIGHTon E..'J. .�'.... .-... - CONTINUOUS GRADES WITHOUT SAGS. HUMPS. SEPARATED JOINTS ' �j�. . • OR OTHER UNSUITABLE CONDITIONS. THE PIPE SHALL BE LAID r ,�.. 1. ALL UNITS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEW YORK WITH THE HOLES DOWN IN ALL CASES. v:'.'. '. :.: : .. . .. / ta�......... ....... ::.. ' . ., STATE DEPARTMENT CW HEALTH AND SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE S ... / 6. ALL DISPOSAL FIELDS SHALL BE GRADED TO SHED RAINFALL 4- PERrORATED PVC uTeRAI i `� / . . . AS MANUFACTURED BY FORT MILLER OR EQUIVALENT. SLOPE vu"-vat" Pelt FT. q,� ,�. �:'•••••.•.••••••••. . ' .• , . AND TO DIVERT SURFACE RUNOFF FROM ADJACENT AREAS AWAY Y .. '/. . - : , 2. STRUCTUR TO P FROM THE DISPOSAL FIELD. ' Lw'.'.'. .' .' :. .. ALL ES BE LACED ON FIRM. COMPACT SAND ORHOTM ;. .•:.=`: " /'.;:'r' t7�` i� q, /......... GRAVEL FOUNDATION. WHEREVER EXISTING FOUNDATION CONDITIONS L tND or ALL QSTRJDuroR PIPES M15T Be l' '�::, Q� Iri' j '' '.� ::: .-.:.:,.Z-:-''•,• '" : ARE UNSUITABLE, CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE PLACED AS 7. REMOVE LEAVES. ROOTS, PLANTS AND ORGANIC DEBRIS. PLOW SURFACE PRIOR PLUGclD UN.E55 lITERGOMEGTED /' .' � . .. ,•� . .. '�. ' '� ... . % _ : {t ' , . 'ti. • NECESSARY TO A STABLE FOUNDATION. TO SPREADING FILL MATERIAL /.</ /'•. I. �, v�..j. ... . .. ..... ABLE TION. L ALL uTMMS To al! Or EQUAL. LlNGTH< ..-.•4 . .. .. ... •fit' •' ...... ',• f ••. <. •• . /' - / �• j .'.'.'.'.. ... 3. SEPTIC TAN T IN 8. DO NOT USE HEAVY EQUIPMENT WITHIN THE ABSORPTION FIELD AREA. f . .•,EaVE.:' • .-/.... .�.. .. .. -� SEP C KS INSTALLED TRAFFIC AREAS SHALL BE EXTRA HEAVY .�/ �' _ ~ f{ .... . CONSTRUCTION DESIGNED FOR H 20 WHEEL LOADING. . /.. TREINGFF / . . ' 9. PLACE FILL AND ALLOW TO STABILIZE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEW YORK STATE STANDARD ABSORPTION 1 �ENGH I >I• ./•-: PROP LE . DEPARTMENT OF H. DEP E HEALTH STANDARDS. .'.'.'.. ... ..... ANDARDS. f, , ,•%Jrp, Ej'....... .... .. t. �_+- NOT TO SCJILE . .... .�. . ." . �. Aic� . : .. .. ..... :.. . \ r'. c ..... ...... :` r �, 5E1''i'IG SYSTEM DE5l6N . .. . . ....... ,. .;r. .. .> 6 § .... . . , i � w -W 1* \ ..... �.... z v \. lR1,U�ak1' �.... DESIGN FLOW - 15 EMPLOYEES ° R3 0 1 . . '�.. . . /.'.. .... .... . . .. .. .. ... . t: 14 co m ao . ..... ... N N N r DE BASED 0 t. ,. SIGN B ON 15 GAL./DAY/EMPLOYEE LESS 207 FOR L7'�� '� \'' ,, O :r .... .... .. ... .... i� 4:` _ �- 5TANDARD WATER SAVING FIXTURES 180 GAL. AY. t� r . . ,. r .. /D z s z o� z .'`� l: .. •• - SEPTIC TALC - USE LOOO GALLON SEPTIC T a � .' cURs:'. ;r-" ANK !. A P'� tGOI,.AT10N 'TEST•PERPORN� BY A RM615TERED EN61 WALL � .'' •j, fJ"� • n A COLA ON R Tf AMENDED P. ..I.• PER LADED sou_ ERC RATE 1 T RA MINUTES S CSE N �0 5 E PER NGH E O EL � O NOTE B OW) . . . ONDUG APTER TI•!E A SOILS HAYS �i TABI,,. .r4 PLAC.EDJS LIZED AND a a -n' :< - t ABSORPTION MODIfED SOIL SYSTEM SHALL BE USED N THE LOCATION `j c �/ :'\•. of THE PROPOSED SEPTIC SY T TO THE TIC DE516N OP TM ABSORPTION SYSTEM VMFIED POR GOMPL.IANM WITH TIC a o S EM ME o •,• -. PERCOLATION OF THE EXISTING SOu.. U . .. _ G 5Y5;� SE SYSTEM DE5i6H. A 1 '. ;• = PERGOI TION TEST I�J5T RESULT IN A ATlON a••�• PERGOI. RATE ';. �:. ... .. .. .. �.' :4 180 GPD / 12 GAL/DAY/SG.FT. 150 SQ.FT. OF TRENCH R£QIJRED ••.. USE 2 LATERALS a 40' LOIN _ S.F.�. I. t2 G EACH SO L.F. 160 5 . OP Ncrr LE56 THAN I Mi eo . N1TE PER INCH AND NOT MORE THAN 5 MII�tTES PER INCH. 4) r �. :i* -\-- -----, }. V vt O KIOSK FOR \ • . . Nat5ERY ~.: IN^ �•' oS d8 �i8 \ - . :. . . SEJWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ` , \\ c c y c / \\ ,. .. NOT TO SCALE F. '`s r J \ \ . .. . . .. . t •,•. cd v, w CURB..' - �' ;- Z m ' - ( :'SITE'(:IGtft'.I. ,.. \ •�• •. ~ \ < :I.•,* `ANNl1Al #i�ERE11N�L4t.: ` . : ... SMOOTH RUBBED INS" SMOOTH RUBBED FLASH on CURB \ ,•; I31=A50P(Ah-'PLANTIN4' 3/8" x 3/4" DEEP TOOLED JOINT ::": •` 1/2 IOMS 1" 5 BROOM FINISH ERPENt11CUl TO WALK TOPSOIL AND SEED \\ \ ~I ':/,�'•' TONE � 1/2" RADIUS 1•• 5<. 5M P AR �.:'% "..- '. .. : SITE LIGHTING IS FRONDED BY BUILDrNG MOUNTED S ' STONE ' ' ' /' R. FLOOD LK;HTS AT THE GARAGE DOORS AND POLE CONCRETE WALK DISTURBED AREA 1. \" SURFACED '/ '_' MOUNTED SITE LK:FITS ALONG TF� FRONT OF THE SEE CONCRETE DETAIL �` y�, c. " THE FACILITY WILL ONLY BE OPEN DURING DAYLICattT ° ' FNSFIED C:RADE •, EXCAVATE TRAIL INTO :\' .�' BUILONG y\\ \ \ \ p GRADE MATERIAL I p •, / / / / ; COMPACTED SW GRADE, � / • • , :. : :. : : :. . .. HOURS. `y/\\%\ \X/\\��Y\/1 p 6., x 6" NO. 6/6 WOVEN WERE h�SFt .aC 1� i N,, i / p .• p. //\'\`�\/\//\��l\�\\ ao ASPHALT p •• p .•: cFP 8.r SI�BASE COURSE 1.. TOP - CRUSttED STONE FINES 2.0 fG co o • / /��0 " p .•'p LAYS DOT SECT 304. TYPE 4 I� � / • p \\/ / \�\\�/\\\ o 1- 15� .• p • 08 MEGHANGALLY COMPACTED \ LO FG o o . \ � o COMPACTED TU 952 STD. PKOG I OR " 3 -0.5 FC °� ' p y\ \\/�,/1\1 t�R055 PITCH SURFACE L4 /ft mh. +� Z C • :•8 / 1 ':o p - :p \/\//A/� vp -•: • 0 08/ FN15hIED GRADEIi If I 0 BUILDING AREA LIGHTING AND SITE PLAN <Dr y\\/ \/�\/,�, C jy�/,/, - o .o..ate., o . Q.. $ I� � cv �� _ ooc3w c / / \/\\/\ O�j O /\/i�/ -i I I I I o °� o ctioo0 0 6" CRUSHER RUN STONE or r }- SGAL.E: I - 20 ENO o 0 6" SUBBASE COURSE \\ \\ \ o o \ - o GRAVEL SUBBASE Iy Z / /S � COMPACTED TO q57, MYS DOT SECT. 304. TYPE 4 .2STD PROCTOR \�i\\/i\�i\\i / / /\� / // / SLSGRADE COh�AGTEO TO _ I I I- MECHANICALLY COMPACTED Q . _�- SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO \\/\/\\/\\j�y� /\ \\ \/\j\\/ 90x STANDARD PROCTOR -I I I ( I (-III ( I I I I (-I I I 90z STANDARD PROCTOR \/�/�\�/ /��//\\�\/ /�\�/ -III- UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE=III- I�.T.� t I� 2 Mo 43 PO�JRED IN PLACE GC�NGRETE CURS STONE 5l1RPAGE PAVEMENT s r TOOLED SCORE JOINT. 9--Llll������� D i� 2 m SEE PLAN. 5' or. NOMINAL NOT TO SCALE NOT To SCALE NOT TO SCALE �_�- (G 0 EXPANSION JOINT I 1 � � ? C SEE PLAN. 25' oc max 4" WOE DIAG. �� � < STRIPING • 18"or- � K c CURB CtyP� 1� 0 m 8.0' 8.0' 8.0' ,� � .2 10 BROOM FLASH I�f- 1 0 0 10 TO WALK DIRECTIONI' FEMOENUC41M -" c cats 0 I� IY a- INTERNATIONAL NTEM11CM& SEED AND MULCH WE SLOPES I � Q 1 1/21, 3„ TOOLED EDGE. 1/4" RADIUS min SYMBOL Sd�TY SYMBOL OF I� t- ACCESSOTY BLUE BACKGROUND CROSS SLOPE- 1/8" TO 1/4" I c r/ WHITE SYMBOL 3' MN. 2' WIDE 3' MN. i I"'� c m f` PLAN P� FOOT CMAX 5/8" ft.) STERNER CONCORD FIXTURE 36" FENCE POST. 10' oc MAX BOTTOM Pu' 4" WIDE PANT MODEL No. GC-B-21-A-10-_-P-250-ttP5-_ DRNEN 16" MN INTO GROUND 1 on 2 I STRPING Ctyp� POLE No. RSA12-B-02 p 25o WATT tHGIi PRESSURE SODA N sueE SILT STOP FABRIC COLOR - MED. BRONZE `LOW EMBED G" MIN N BROUND BROOM FLASH SURFACE TYPICAL =I = ° ° ° 1 PERPENDICULAR TO WALK ,®,,,® I I-III-I 11 I-- UNDISTURBED GROUND FLU CURB AT -III=III i t=1 I I=1 I ° TOOLED SCORE JOINT EXPANSION JOINT SIBLE SPACES _ - III=I I I- 1 12" min. G-8" RIF RAP 1/4" R. 1/2" DEEP 3 -Ill- WITH ZIP STRIP + SE FILLER ,r� 43" DIA ALU.� _ _ 4" #2 BROKEN OR CRUSHED STONE WITtt ZP STRIP ♦ SEALANT POLE - COLOR TO MATCH FIXTURE - I l -��i�I I(� �I I I* 'I I I GEOTEXTLE FABRIC Gx6xG/G wwF TOOL BOTM EDGES PARM TOP OF SEALANT 1/2" BELOW FN. GONG. ALK ..� e•1 '' 4 : .. . .• . . .' ..' 4.000 pol CONCRETE -�.r �., x <. • .Ilk . • . 'k • . NO AT EACH SPACE @-��,���� L STOt�{L LIIW/ �I Y'V..E o ;.• :cR-` *'`6:o GRANULAR SUBBASE E o0 4'. o: p p ° �j�� LAYS DOT SECT. 304. TYPE 4 f�Y7U31.1 :� NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE . . ., 000 " • oo�.3b,•••.08 : COMPACT TO 957. STD FROG -,�I NOTE• THE SITE CONTRACTOR SMALL INSTALL �I I - I�I 11 - I 111� �1 I I I SITE LIGHTS As DETAILED. NCLUDNG BASES WITH CONDUIT I�rl I I . .I 1 I I . I - I .. I . .11 .II 12- x 18•' STUBBED AT 3' mh. FROM THE BASE. THE ELECTRICAL 51IBt�RADE COMPACTED TO CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL ALL CONDUIT RUNS AND i� A WIRING, INCLUDING WRING TO THE LIGHTING FIXTURE5. RUBBER HOSE FRICTION GUARD SSG" 907. STANDARD PROCTOR HANDICAPPED AC-�/E%ABLE PARKIN& SPACE � GUY WRE G v RUBBER HOSE FRIGnoN GUARD SITE NOT TO SCALE C*4RETE SIDEWALK HANDHO<E n n GUY WIRE PETALS NOT TO SCALE ai4~ a1AMreIt BUILDING 2'-0" -, 4 i9 . FINIS" G FNISHED GRADE - .t ZINC PLANTED ANCHOR +1I 3" dro. CEDAR STAKES ° ° ° € • 'i .. .' aMA�MTJFTTU2ER 5 R 8 ft LONG 8••f dkL G AR STAKES g°o ° WOOD OR ALUM EDGING N / REGOMI�tVDATION ° t e �°° °° 2" PVC CONDUIT L3" SHREDDED BARK MULCH 3" SHREDDED BARK MULCH Dates October'A 2003 1" TOP COURSE ASPHALT o O . • `-'��E 3 HIGH SAUCER 3" HIGH SAUCER Re�119IOr19 0 0 000 p Q ° T°o°° 7 CONCRETE BASE - 18" DIA - I / - 2. - -I, �"4 " BINDER COURSE ASPHALT #2 BROKEN STONE t .. . 4• 3.000 psi at 28 DAYS - - -� T - . . oo � 4 ° ° • .• . -11 I- I 1 I 11�1=1 ; I l i 1- I� I_ I I AMENDED PLANTING SOL o GRANA AR SUBBASE COURSE ° ° _ = I _ AMENDED PLANTING SOIL - I i a I E °D a o. o Q:o :o Q- -;. o LAYS DOT SECT. 304. TYPE 4 08 ° . . -)I IM I I-I- L' -i o �o O �:o.• COMPACTED TO 957. STD. PROCTOR o ° 00° FILTER FABRIC ° 1 E]I>=I I II I o:. O `lk d, SUBGRADE- UNDISTURBED OR 0 / COMPACTED TO 90z STD PROCTOR 1= I=111= - G." �,- / lE /j �.1 \< \///�//�/ ° I = G" min. I 1 I .. \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/ o O-.o - - - I -I I I /.\//.\//.\//.\//,\//.\//.\�/\�/\�/\� SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO o-: o o.. SUBGRADE r- 1 _ - - min� 90y STANDARD PROCTOR . . . .. =)I�i I -I I{-III=I I�I I 1-I NOTE �i I =1 I�I 11=1 I r-- I I=1 I� 121• min ALL TREES 3" CALIPER AND LESS SMALL BE STAKED AS SHOWN USING THREE STAKES ��_.� ASPHALT PAYS.=MENT - WALKS ANC PARTO SC SAYE DETAIL PEVESMAN SITE L16HT TREE PLANTIM DETAIL EVER6REEN PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE I � NOT TO SCALE M NOT TO SCALE - NOT TO SGA f I SHEET 4 C F 4