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Length 208.1691 601 •...- ,. d 845.b968 15,625.0185 610 T16,616.S86 Tangent 114.6247 'UC► 1 15,448.8471 A 4 � :. 7V1 lbws•-•1 . �486, 15,7�8. 7A16 Delta Angle 59 38 09 16,6Z�. 4216 15,713. 7D65 702 16,754.9257 15,5f5. 1,524 � Curve #2 71 .c 16,580.9115 13,421.4387 , 15.457. 1'1,3 711 f 6,553 4 8�.1 j � Radius 4 5 7�:2 16,589. 1577 ! 1577 1',5,484.Sd18 . Arc. Length = 212.0574 t3oo 16,8.32.6972 115.72'�. 1 801 1 b 828.830-41 x 15,67, 4"y' Tangent 802 ?Q� 16 812. "� r 6 15,bs6. 6421 80� 16 7d5.5522 ` ,# Delta Angle 270 00 00 aC�4 ' - 15.584 462 16,754.825i 15,355.l5 4 16.748.9154.' 15.55�1«b8 805 I ao 16 7i1q. 7671 15,520. 1321 ` ,520. 1321 J 847 16,669.638A 15,489.i*5b1°, y � •, eu8 16,439. 99' e 15,459._1800. 809 16,590.34tii 15,428.704 -, 810 16,544. n� 19i 412.Qa9 0 , .�8.7u4 Bil 16 5174.8094 15�429. 4 r (k 812 16,510. 1 t)k441 :°5,445. 575 81 16.523.52109+ 1 8 :�1'4 ,490.68 k i • , 815 ib,526. w5�+b 15,492. 7880 r316 16,57'>. 794 15,498.861; j 16,589. 1577 817 ! •." 15,484. 5418 I ; s 16,605. 0191 25 4c►3 �? }' • , . 117 . � I at� 4:. a e ' : �* Ke I Y La yout out Notes r i{. \ TRANSPLANTED DECIDUOUS TREES 1. Contractor shalt' verify field measurements and conditions pr_or to construction . TRANSPLANTED CONIFEROUS TREES 2. Prior to construction, contractor shall stake out all .--...•..•.....:...I improvements and shall bring to the attention of the Prepared for: 1 ` Landscape Architect an S P y discrepancies. I�r11Sf1d 1"$�' "ItpTRANSPLANTED SSRUHS ` ` r 3. Contractor shall verify all grades and dimensions in the Corp. \ field and report any discrepancies to the Landscape EXISTING VEGETATiOIi w(r Architect. HAY811 fed 4 - 4. Contractor is responsible to see air or replace all items Q�iaeen^�yl, �f t / ' 'p p 08 47 50E� 26 - _ Now 3.4 5 \ � COORDINATE POINT an • rp damaged outside of construction limits, or items .•••.•• .... .I part of the identified' d° O 1 , \\ Z + disturbed on the site which are not CQ�1l3Ult#t1t>3; / \ I ♦ \ work of this contract. 7 1 ! ♦ PROPERTY LINE Y as -___-______ - 5. Contractor shall blend all work of this contract smoothly BUILDING SETBACK LINE '� .into existing conditions at construction limits. 4 • ,f \ a u t r \ ♦ �� \\ ; w - PC POINT OF CURVATURE 6. Contractor shallL visit the site to observe all existing site I 1 conditions prior,to start of work. PI POINT OF INTERSECTION 250 40 ♦ \ 7. Prior to project close-out, contractor shall remove all. I� 3 1\ PT POINT OF TANGENCY q' x y debris and excess materials from the site. �. '. - � 1 ?�• \ \ \ � \ \\ RP RADIUS POINT I • i \ ♦ 8 \ \ \ \ \ ` \ 8. All vegetation not indicated to be removed shall be maintained i // ♦ \ and protected during construction. ` I . 9T1+7U x \ 9. All work is to conform to the on o nsbur specifications. �, " ,�y 1 \ J ♦ \ \ \ , Town f QueeL� prt lAsl��el►� 10. Refer to Sheet L-1 Subdivision Plat for lot descriptions, 4"Iko®I fry - 1 i �, �• I Mmmm area calculations. pt o»s. and - • \ / 0,5 \ \ z, I W �11 i 1 A114RSE 010N=ER$ 6!4> Quakelr Rd � \ w Yam. 014na Falls, Me't ? ,. '� cam• \� � �`� i� / \ �• i � crtt(�•c( _ +IS•� , \ \\� \ `\/ 2 Plantingf Notes VAIN DUSE0 STE, \ Y. ?aka ever precaution SURYEIYORS . every p to avoid#damage to any Vegetation to re"ia. 37 Chester St. { Glens Fstrs, Now York ,* /o Contractor shall refer to utilities drawingL. r-.......�. b 2 for locations 6f proposed utilities. I - _ J I ` g \ 1� `\ 3. Top soil 4 seeard all dist�urbrrd ar&as not scheduled to • �� • 0 I Q" \ A� \\ . 5 1 receive vee work. .ti E \\ \ I , 1 1\ \ '1 \` \ 15 \� \ 4. Plants shall be sited transplanted by tr**i spaftLand i 1 . .ti guaranteed for one year. Specimens shall S, y 1 be field II r / .¢ �� \ \ . 1�+'7 .� ---�\ +� 'i �O1 u�p \ \\ 14"i \ \Oj located by owner. rn \ �.. cP I �/ 3• \ \ I \ 241 N �_� \ i ti . . 1 \ U_ S. Location of all planting to be vorifield 'b rs tat_ _..... ....I \ c� \ \ Y Contractor shall 1maintain all work including watori st \\ 3�0 mowing, a protection from traf fie until final +eer amm R R. .a of the projeect - ao I \ \ 7• !Melt shall be sb"dd�ee a frer+e; of all frQlrer Q " a % 1 \ \ \ materials, applied to minimum, , 2 \ �• \ \ \ RP a n isnsra�- ebb Z' N C•(o � � � �� � 1 \ \ � 3s � 8.� Contractor is r"POas ible to rpoit or r l.44* f111 - , items damageed`ouesido a structiaa vita or dLstarbea On s�to which arelt not \ >P el f the sbrnt tieRd %nark of. this contract.. { 34 `\ 1 i _ \\ \ E 750 k 4 y � �-' \ 9. Mended topsoil back"fill shall '100s*3.at to (8) parts topsoil and, a3 � � . ► C \ � \ \ topsoil. --I � lo. Lawn Mix: 1 nY M1iZI�RT 1 *f .► as ' , :: � \ \ 1 � ` . , �• t ,� �• 1340 - � I \ tl~t vDrD � / �\ 30! / ___, _ ��...�■ ,. • 4rt'a., 0+0V i 200 Miadsemt >l to k �, ! j $ z• / �` - ----= -- -#- Q 7 V'1' �TT g-�`$' \ " 'r ; blue S E, :. - / \ �CK WELL --� _ 490 f 5� f E• \ - - i _ -` • lertnniai ill E 15 7 50 �--� -- -__ R A D ! - l ~- ` S ebhrO Oil { 1 doNb Drawn by:. ReAsions: " A. V ix• Sh 50' 0 25' 50' 100' Nth oest Title j xn Layout #, Scale: 1 - 50 , MEMAUT, x et She i S c+ � k y� + t� -r ►� Si c� a QZ t 0. vow . Q < . � I � �- ptTl�{ 601 • ' _^ \ t 2„ M INV. j IN 10 1 tNv, !�t� DW�2 DW 3 DW+�4 \ } PM 353 o Vim i NV O Lr- G I N V UT ��'t•1'p , 7�� i N V I N (o•S l tJ V I 3'+�3•°18 c"'t-tT FI.fJ�t�l ��-O f'� 0+00 352.36 1+00 354. 16 2+00 355.96 3+00 357.21 4+00 355.70 5+00 353. 24 b+00 352.83 7•,,•00 354. 92 9 O 0+25 352.81 1+25 354.61 2+25 356.41 3+25 357. 11 4+16.92 k555.33 5+25 352.83 6+25 353.2:3 7+06. 98 355. 08 0+50 353. 2b 1+50 355.06 2+38PC '356. _ 4+25 355. 12 '' 6.3 b+33 FT 353 4 5• _ + b� 3+50 356.84 5+50 35... 7+18. 98 35 'S3 + 4 +75 356.3E 4+50 354,,.48 5+62.69 MIN •_52.6 6+50 3,.". 79 0+75 353.71 1+75 355.51 +50 a56.84 - C y +99.8 MAX 357.21 2+75 357. 12 3+88 PT 356.07 4+75 S Q3 5+75 352.63 6t%=, 3,E)4. 3�, 4+83PC 353.63 �• PROFILE DW#2 - OUTFALL SCALE: Horizontal 1" - 50" Vertical. 1" - 5' ROAD PROFILE STA, 0+00 - 7+ 18e98 SCALE: Horizontal 1" - 50' Vertical 1" - 5-0' Grading / Drainage Notes �s � \\ s6, Prepare(i for: \ `\ Hiland Park 1. Prior to construction,the Contractor shall stake out all 21. Grade areas adjacent to building lines to drain away from �--'------�� \� improvements, verify grades, and any discrepancies shall structure and prevent ponding. Finish surfaces shall be Corp 1 be broughtto the immediate attention of the Landscape free from irregular surface changes. Architect. 22. Information of all materials to be wend for the stare Haviland Rd 2. Existing utilities are shown bon elieved to be correct. The the plans, their location, sewer system'shall be submitted to and approved by the depth and dimensions are believ owner and City Engineer prior to being ordered. Queers sbury, New York �O _ Contractor is responsible for verification of locations, 23. All storm sewers shall be constructed accurately to lime LO and notification of appropriate governing bodies prior to and grade, properly bedded, and shall be so eonstrbcted excavation. that•,all joints are watertioa. Consultants: 24. The design of poured. precast. or prefabricated comerets: N08 47 50E \ 3. Contractor is responsible to repair or replace all, items -- 2 6 3.4 5 damaged outside of construction limits, or any items dis- have the a shall be tort PgptXill. standard, or egal, and \ Z have the approval of the Dept. of Public Marks an4/a+r M as- �` \\ turbed on the site whic:i are not part of the identified the Town Designated Engineer, prior to being ordered, work of this contract, 1 / 25. Erosion Control - Bay bales or filter fabric fencing shall 1 \ / I w� 4. Blend all work of this contract smoothly into existing be installed as per detail daring construction at the w t ` -� \ �J conditions at or before property line. base of slopes 3sl and greater Much traverses 30 feet N do' or greater distance. (D ; \ y7 S. Contractor shall visit the site to observe all existing 26. All areas disturbed by grading within and outside the right- ' 1 \ -" \ \ t w site conditions prior to start of work. of-way- shall be recovered with. a minimum 4" of topsoil, it {! 6. Contractor shall maintain proper signs, barricades, fences seeded, and maintained until a healthy strand of grass is established and accepted. • to properly protect the work, equipment, persons and p-m-rerty 12" CMP \ \ \ 0 w' front damage. 27. All vegetation not indicated to be removed shall be // \, \ / maintained and protected during'construction. (There trees �p5 D(o _ _ 7. Prior to project close-out, Contractor shall remove all (2" cal. a Greater} occur in a cut or till situation E 15250 ItJY• 1) \ \ \ \ l \ debris and excess materials from site. Also, any damage exceeding 18" grads, maintain trees at drip edge until OUT �irro,GJ / final field determination is made b it \ � \ \ \ \ to field or factory applied finishes shall be repaired. y Landscape Architect. / \ the Li► group, � \ \ � \ 1 8. Contractor shall strip all topsoil from all areas to be re- 28. "bore vegetation is to be removed clear trees amd grub \ / 41V •0 \ graded and stockpiled for later use on site. all stumps to a h of 24" below finish LMI&Cape AtehiteC% : � z ,o � 1 7� \ \ \ \ \ \ �' grade. '• 29. Prune and trim trees to remain as r the direction of \ \ 9. All areas requiring fill shall be brought to grade required 1?e 4681�IT�Qi1M42V the Landes Architect. The intent is to remove dead and/ in 8 lifts. General fill shall be free of deleterious 1 , rger than 2", and DW�'3 /� \ \ \ \\ \ ` material, and contain' no gravel la or broken branches and to clear limbs to a proper ¢eight, SarWogaSpri>ags.,N.T. compacted in an approved manner. where necessary. (518) 3'87-8t1d? Iit�► �}t�1,0 \ / p \ \ \ \ 1 30. Provide clean seed-free salt hay or threshed straw mulch 1 , DW+I<'2 I N \ \ \ �\ 1 10. All fill slopes 3:1 and greater to receive biogradable tobacco on newly planted areas, maless'otherwise indicated. nemulch �J I 5 05\ 7 \ \ \ cloth or approved equal for erosion control. Cloth shall be areal disturbed by wind or maintenance activities. ROW „� E g4•� \ \ \ secured to the soil by staples or wooden pegs and shall be lawn areas moist daily until lawn is established and L�� a--4 t \ placed not more than 3' apart along each edge of roll. ANreas acceptable to Landscape Architect. MQR.S E ENGINEERS , of tobacco cloth shall be fertilized and seeded as specified 31. All excavation for r on planting plan. rough grading and trenches is unclassified. / / Quaker Rd 32: See for notes on lawn printing. 1 I I I 11. Grade areas adjacent to building lines to drain away from Glens Falle, New York -3 prevent ponding. Finish surfaces shall be 33. elevate floor elevations shown are suggested finish floor structure and ' I � / \ I � / free from irregular surface changes. elevations. 34. Storm sewers shall be poly vinyl chloride pipe (PVC) 30' UTILITIES EASEMENT \�- $ 35`f / \ \ \ 12. The stockpiled topsoil together with additional topsoil as ASTH D 3034-78 or latest revision, and to the dimension VAN DUSEN & STEVES /� F� -3CPO,0 \ \ required, conforming to NYSDOT standards shall be applied and tolerances of classification SDR-35 as manufactured \ , \ to a depth of four (4) inches in lawn areas to the grades, by "Certain=teed•, John Uansvillc, or "Clow Corporation". .SURVEYORS \� \ shwon. Pipe shall be jointed with push-on joints consisting of \ \ \ a bell end or socket and spigot end. All gaskets shall be \ \ 37 Chester St. \ 13. When excavating and filling in tree areas, use extreme extruded or molded and cured in such a canner-that any caution to protect root systems of trees not designed for cross-section will be dense, tamogenous and free of amF Glens FaHs, New York po 3 I \ \ \ � \ \ removal. imperfections. The gasket shall be fabricated from a high grade elastamer compound meeting the requirements of � � \ \ � \ \ A143I/ASTM t-477-76. ��Pt..�►\fil\1bt ` \� / \ \ \ \ 14. All daily traffic in the vicinity of the site shall not w � � �_ Q I be'impeded. All access roads will be open and maintained \ \ \ \ '\ \ for emergency vehicles. t'4wc-d� f try �1- �b \ to 3� /O �\ \ \ \ 15. Contractor shall control dust caused by his operations �� 11 0i t 10a CMP �p / \ \ \ \ \\ \ chloride.by applying water or dust palliative, other than calcium qt I � -- �2i ,OOpj ' lD \\ \ (�\\ \\ 16. Contractor shall control noise to as great an extent as S 0 possible. All power equipment used during construction O 114V OIJT- �.Cj L-� \ > \ F J�P2.0 \ \ \ shall be e 7 � 1 w. \ ' ` \ � \ quipped with mufflers. E 1 500 I INN, IU 344 j.10, 17. Manufactured Items shall all be installed, connected and 5 I , \ \\ / r- \ \ , \ \.3 cleaned according ,to manufacturer's directions. _ �\\ \\ \ , \ �2 18. Contractor shall strip all topsoil from all areas to be r / � 30 \\ \ DW�4 \ regraded, and stockpiled for later use on site. \ CC9 \ \ 19. When excavating and filling in tree areas, use extreme O) t 3 \ \ /� \ ♦ ` \ \ caution to protect root systems of trees not designated ` ,\ / \ Z- �' "�L�irl \ \ 00 \ \ for removal. J. xt \\ \ 3�0 20. During grading operations, drainage of site and adjacent " \ \ \ areas shall be maintained continuously to prevent erosion 15 CMP �\ \ �\ \ \ or other damage. When it is necessary to interrupt' 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT i - 't �tt / �' \ \ Qom' �, OI \ \ \ ROD \ \\ \ drainage or other existing utilities, provide temporary \� \ \ , (n \ \ \ facilities until permanent work has been completed. <, 0 \ \ F D OS \ �"�� 5 1 �� 3Co2•o \ \\ \\\ \ \3s8 N r . • � � 30' DRAINAGE EASEMENT \ \\ O \��\ �\ \I \\ \\ \\\ \\ Of tv� CORNER DRAINAGE EASEMENT \\ \\ 6 Z 346 i � \ � \ \ 15750 3 44 . Key \ \ \\ BVC BEGIN VERTICAL CURVE --S(y0-- EXISTING GRADE '3 ` i t EVC END VERTICAL CURVE I 4 ' - -- ■ • 3fo0 PROPOSED GRADE / PVI POINT OF VERTICAL INTERSECTION • \\ �.✓/ \jy��� � � ROCK ELL R � � /� /i LP LOW POINT \ �N ROAD D /� '�" SPOT ELEVATION HP HIGH POINT E 157 50 �� ----. - -- --_ ( CENTERLINE D W*1 PROPOSED DRYWELL 3b6 3�8 V'1S 0 \ 0 ` 3 1 PROPERTY LINE, t �� \ \ t O S2 S� 3 60 36 PROPOSED STORM SEWER DW 1 u�ss S8 2 VG VERTICAL CURVE Date: 010 EXISTING CULVERT _ PROPOSED DITCTT 1 n4 Job #: 074o Inty IN 3�i'I.lg 1.2" CMP \ / \ wV �,�5 ��'('i.00-7 Drawn by:- r�,- \ ;NV IN 3I Revisions: \ NV C,Ltr 34-7,3 Sheet Title: La Grading/Drainage • 50' 0 25' So' 100' NORTH Plan �� Profiles Scale: 1" - 50' Sheet # f L-3 b - , .. Y - 6.: , , w :. , .,. T >_ .:. L-S -. - +.. ;,. N ,. T 3 • r 1 c : � T , #>V k -{ . 1 9Y } F M1 \ - 1 I ",¢ T 4, . . h ` r, r 5 d sty i� r v - Z. i ( s } a , , " 4 , ..: 1Yp F 9 a b y N £ /` _ ){ } y e . . - ♦ ; £ 31 y �.. y ♦'2 4 ' lo .Y' T•,mot f - d ... 7 Ib_ IT 4 =_ t'° � = h �� « . . F ,. 4 LAarn/ :- ,. a. l.irMf �M1 SOAd , Mlt &off►- « x i,_ ((��" 18 Q d k w•s � at ,r ,: _ . ": -:.* , r. r' `' i « ,J, : s .. � , ", , y" sob 4 4 = €„ > w - ,- (� ,. - u , - sk oy $N 2 { 1 ; -` y - , Pr ftWo 0-00AA sk r' � �• : - �y t. " r fiF r h ,: , e \ , l ¢ ; r - _ j 1 a 'q t '4k .f{ W ` y" ; `• L .- a 'Ki W x : _ 2 • ii TEST PIT RESULTS . : , SepMsa+wer 4,1987 � -"",> Y x v 0 <', k $ S ,t" " i + r C 3 @ $ - r+r t { ..• � tg � t , t . 3 ryn !. I - r , h e fi, , i "� .. . �,1 1 f �+ - - 3 �I 4 < z ` ,.*v, Y , h • LL ` a N n ti*Sy',y. a - :9 amp `a r t, � 1 , x a+,;rl.r . a _ r u ,} I x t y , , ` 2 . i .~ Ley - _ 1 � . 1 f -i K € a v , : cis �'�� s , d, 11- R3 - - \\ \ \ - / ` f T Eu , k // 1 (/J 1 \ YI O I, . , f P n H �t 1 �" .... s Oat:■:r :r 2 6 3.4 5' \\ z w y ,\ �� I ..■�.�„�„��. .off, \\ o r i 1 1� A i \ cD =wa N I 1 _ r .� I-,-R.I1I,oft"�I I��,.:,1m�',I�,�9�I.LI�I..I....-I.',-,—1 m'�r I"-�I-SI,1w)I I�..aS�I-.I.�.,.K—�*-I.,r�.�-j-l,.�j,4 I l,,I1t-%�1�lllll���I I�,l"1,-7--I O:,.A II�,,4,�I�,.—l I-�-I�II-,,.,-.l�,-,l-�*w1 I�.1.Ln,�,--,l,,,,-��,.-�..,1,1.l'I,I"��1,-�,,�,.� i~` � I \ `- \ ' I w rt . o , / * \ o w \ / \ \ 1 a ,$ II /\, \ F \ 1 \ \ \ \ �, •. . I \ y 1 / i 8 "z Vic• ll i 1 i *\ i \ „ 'x. \ .. \ T P .✓ \ \ t a r / 1 \ �a ; � ►` , 1 / I f SE C Ti1NC�TY� ' .."" ". c , `` \` -. i A/ /EfUT/ON BOX �T,Yr ' \\ \ \ \ W 10liI t \ i \ \ \ c '\ \ t> : 3 -' � N.\ \ \ 1 co / \ \ \ 15500 co \ _ \ ` \\ \a \ w� E I Nil \1 \ �_ --_\ I •� \ �"'� \ 3j2 x f, `1y/ yw• r` w 1 sr11�S1 i ) \ \ \ to ..�tSONyJ \ \ ;'f''_ . , t I II 6 T.i? �i \\ \\ \\ f 1\ \\ \ \ \ \ o I li r 1 � \ \ \\ _ 1 \ \ \ \\ \ \ 8 N SFr i l c- \\ _- \\ oo \I \ �\ \\\ \ Y . 1 \ ` ` \ \ 1 \ Ste\ ./� 1 \ \ 1 \ \ 366 Z ' " \ I \ f \ 50 \ . 157 I. 114 4 s % \� i cam \ \ I i \ E gem la + '— \ I 1 I / \ ` 1 \ ` \ „W i Yk .„11 of � ` \ . 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Ik.1I 4 II*i%\I.Ip.\\IN\\\-.\-\1"\I.\-\j.I I\,\.1\%\N 4\I\0�1%(\�.P(.-I,.-N.A-.I"-\NIN'l l 1"\N1,—\\1—-"1*\***\%-I�U1\1 Nm \\ft-""�1 I\II 10a1 4.1%P\\%-ft\A1\(\\-\1�.1\-\14\\\\0 1\ N\�"\\N\\.\T\\\.-\\0�/P\\I \\\4I\\r\\\\ _-r— -`_-_, —-may 7 "TTg-' � - __ .r/m.,,-<-�,1.�,-,1-,-a-\..-,-\/Iz N-/-..Z-I;.>*/.NA.�,,\\W 0z-I\1, ' •• `\ \ i /' LEACH FIELD . DESIGN SCHEDULE _„ - -- E7 - . 5 _ _ NO. 8edtoOrnS ;, 1— ,^ . , \ " ! a 8 225 0 3 S 3 %? -* 3 4 W. I g 3 � \ \ I I O S? SQ ,` �S 0, h \ 11 3 3S 8 g }, 4 , , 4 � \� \ '�O s 4 12WCol. IA 4 6 —. r i, µ �, ` ,I \\ h �\. UTILITIES PLAN -SEWER -* 4 1250 Gd. 1 300 4 '� '"'}', Y #yea fit♦.' 1 \ I � � c r �� �. :'` \\ / \I SCALE: I"=5d 3' �� I ,� � 1= � „ s 1'. F .: -I 1\ s � > e S~ e :5 fr�+, - • f •f } I .Y y �j, t' -Y}' uwtv - — t NS > 4 r f t 1. y�g i 1 . L 4M s }y.. ,- - _, - '- .; _ I� , f ,. e _.. : t ' • y.. milliIT Y 100 10 rr N :• Y k e L♦ i F' r1t xQ; 8 b 1 tr a t, r �1 t V h d r: Emmo !Z-cl-al P. V S �r•pare�d f©r: h 4 j 6 V/t. v� ROAD -tocawr[T d II�nc � . ov \ , ou/ "Y1 ' d. F yam,•. tl /�► �,� k I ' � r; /P'C 1-10 .P. , NOS 47 5 0 E 263.45' \ 1 �wwmo � � \ Z r� y N �O *41 \ / • kY$ Lk E 15 2 5 1It M\04ME 1 _i N1505\ MORSE FEN 40 so C-1 'E an tea- n VAM /p'CAP c } + o- y \ • \ MO c+� 1 V 'S\ co 1 — \ — • \ / \ \ \,\\ ��O • emu e;f I�ie / N ' ti 00 IN 157 50 8, { 344 34? \ \� \ \ �\ CAP 340 tz 30' -� I1 SO do `�S? B"C.L.6t .P.`�4 emu? `?S0 ae Dot•: 0 Job f' �- \� h\ UTILITIES PLAN- WATER b�-" i � �wn { - SCALE: I A \ � ��_�� . , Ro 111w r Y� hw r 3 e � it fr e E .. - . '...... _ _ � .. • . 4r, .1� :-S st �Lya�'x";' tl �'r� �� S.,�J,' F i 'N 1 •t ,g+ Y i t 1 , 4S y At 1?WWv p ys lhal AM"CANK. Vo �rrr =1tro�• PtXr ■ - r4et t, ru i°t,AcC-, L , RIM t TREE PLANTING SHRUB PLANTING FLARED END _ 2 3 h S, fi., i�IEEN�-4 F_-2 S(0-v -f72 t k�Te ACID aim" • . 3 i 5o 2iewr• of• WAY' a * { OropSred for:,.,r (o`QS H 1and *Ph �a 3=4" 6=p' 5=0• IZ=O' i2=0" 5=0" -'p, 3'�" p "r' PD' .i > orp' 1 ' — 7 . :� kle@I13X3tlfll' , #_• , rY r.' 4 �dhE Z" ' Z 1 2 j E FL Jw C.Qnsult»nts: ;jlti110�,Q 1 TOE GOUZSE- ? Q. . r�Jf"O N ova V _ IZ M! h tIEK 4 SIG WMFq-t]9 OFF- ... S �• x `� 1 + Pilldop J sad - _, Goripa�7 a►c 4 � JTIN� D; : • w 'a I�R t�G.Pfi{ IJJO MUA�A�iS OF ¢ u Ottyr e0 sr�e6�ogt: � ,� G3nP ,. WATHO MAIN /Z'L-4 ; >k _: - � Saracto�at T Q C SECTtONAL ROA BASIN 4 5 NT2 NTH MOR SE Glems Felt, N j AN DUSEN A S lYsY r � a ^uovlp�(2) 4'-D LONG *5 sue• 1 --d � � � All,, cz Woos FA ' .SIN- IN70 &PCVN() 4ANGi_c tl r TOWAR-D Az,1AGEty 1Flu- �� •`• a �d 01 a.1 tau -ED SI_,fF--- . N+;•r-5cutiC OR 577-&.w FL�AL.1=15 �,VZ:Nv GC)S+ST;�_VG--1 ON A:5.=mzz-'�15tON CON T ZOL_— I x. EROSION CONTROL PIPE BEDDING ` 2 x 2 x 3 NQ.�rwrr�o �� u 5 50%9TH 'rb STD ts. IHIZ006114 N : a, co►v z �t,oft-t v ^J.5 H art C 2 i'e fz-S `,KF,) ,.f sups of;,; yam. t'-0 (VA4ZIF,*) 3 t 1 O•G. *.%n • ( IY�. fir' ) .^ )•. b o brawn, 1),Y I � N L • meet 'rit to= .. EROSION- CONTROL DRAINAGE SWALE Cross-Section � � y 9101 , ' 7;',... _ ,. .. .- .._.. . _ ._._..._., _ ,,.... .-:: .,..,...r-: _.....: ..:-. ;-„ r .. a t�, x- �` t it i I ... ,.: I� X Y 5. .. 1p _.r, T) Ic:• r . Y i. ., ♦ % xF •.i..-, x' t '� 3 4 .ri•;t k ,f L . 4 s.' ' «. ! a,- �; rr x, .°� C I; . " k ' F�,y 1. r - r > . _ , . r z P• ,. , , _ 3 a ` : x{„5' I; ., x 3¢ ;:;,. LOCATION GROUND SURFACE f1 STAKE , . s,-• ,, - _ .: ?• % !. . 3 k... 7 MANHOLE COVER 12 t MANHOLE COVER , r . . '— " , 4 I "a 11, , :. - INVERT Ot=_INLET 2••A$OVE r ,, ,r 1 . . � • MN.1L�T tItVE11T pi�?CTLET I . � =r r -•- ---- LIQUID I.E�/EL:I I - OUT�.ET---s► w,- rX y:�, .. _ c -� _�� -f$ _L_ - - lKlo 101NT f''0 fiS3,` - 1 — .,` _ _ .� die•• - •• CAU . - - ,fix, +"r, • tiltNLtARY TEE '� I d ry.# *. ~ SANITARY TEE --,- _ - t ,1 j " : sY. = e..: 11AFFLES MAY BE USED • ,. - INSTEAD Of SANITARY TEE- - • . Va Ive BOX Now Hydrant Assembly ` _ •;, • t ,, a F 4 *'A 4 ,• Mitt/ - Per Town:of Queensbury Water Depar ment "'k . . 8 60"MAX Standords & Speciftcotions '^ !, -_ LIQUiD DEPTH • • tf"MINIMUM x -_ , i WALL THICKNESS FOR `- �: Existing or Final Grade k_ �' a POURED IN PLACE • k+ '+•` _ , 11 Gat® VOIVe X � pi .e •1 .... r . .i;,. •*• .. , j 1 '+ • CONCRETE 6 Min .. Size As Noted ` �': _. r . • I . _._. . v"' ,- V _ ... . _ _ -. 0 Ir BOX � � , -- ........ h' . lrCTl(NV - VIEW Hydrant Dri p S I -.,< - ._ d! E , k ," a , *" Bockti8 Ae Per Detoile I;1 ,« Concrete Thrust Block Poured 6"Gote lAalve �0 Wafer Moin See Plans and Specification .;!: q Against Undisturbed Earth. Block ;o C ( Fittings _ Far Location) ; . �. . To Have Soa1e I3eoring Area As Crushed Stone •- t As Rego) _. :.: :4 �- For P Provide _ ; F . ,� ,- .. .- .,.• .•.. .• 8 DIa. lug Opening , , .. § ---•—�• A10 I 3 F.. k _!.!_-- - • ,� _• • ) Ik! .! . • �«-•. •.'.j .4.i�.• •• • "".,' For ti d. Drip. ,,. �:;� •; r� y I SEAL I I �« +. .•�1�t,. ;. ... A " I. . • . t -8-o-j.B0"0II,;"4*..0.I- . ` A j 'I.L I 4A 1 1I ,I/, „j • `'. i r• _ '1 20"MIN ( ! 0 ,y L. ,!` ' , -• 1 , qn e 9 Fittings Ier I p - 1' RiNc g Undisturbed Earth • ,}' •� BOLTS i (As Reld. --f- It�t - *° v I ! :'• I — III .5 N I , N { I- 1 ) .< 1 Concrete Blocking - '�n►- o ' , 6`o Die. Ductile �, • 'O. • 11i( I t on Pipe c o .,.,. _ ' ..,_ e .r' • «• . •.• •.. ` •• • Mechanical Joint Mechanical Joint '� •'e` ' ,. �1-III=111-� - , . . . Oia. Pipe As I. Anchoring Coupltng Anchoring Coupling Noted Mechanical Joint Anchoring Coupling � r z PLAN VIEW t�_ s.� ,._, ,. *„ _ >:.:, 6 < S uare ConcreN Blockingrrr " ... . Concrete Blocking ,• r ..9 - -. , • - !- s - ,, W ` TYPICAL CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK TYPICAL HYDRANT INSTALLATION 2"_3" 6"-8"- 12" VAWE °+� F r ' Y � �,.,r,' , � Praoa r Not To Scale Not To Scale �x 71i - - ;T4 NOT TO SCALE II •#1 £� x .� 17 ,_ x , .,. _ .mow - ': ,�+� ub 0� 1h I I •► y e y ' e r. ' FINISH GRADE �Y tlI - . � •�, �� ,D.,o.. _ TOPSaL,CONE,GRAr1EL FINISH GRADE OR TOP OF PAVEMENT N , o;• ASPHA T. 1. w L ( SEEj. i .0 t. •• ': e- . ' �, • • APPROPRIATE DETAI K+! ALL DISTURBED AREAS REPLACE ,..,,p, 4' 'J. • % RFAGE TO ORIGINAL COIOtTION ; ij �, _twzi _ SU CARRY TO FIRM OROUNO � ,•"s!• ;t;+% ,0,:•; SUITABLE BACKFILL = I, 1.slll_, "7I1; n, "�. �� < �� ,. �� 1. E 4 f.�'• COMPACTED TO 9'S% NOTE r L THE EXCAVATED TRENCH MATERIAL SHALL ' t ,, ACCESS PLUCs � i �•' �'A ` "��e,, MODIFIED PROCTOIt. M 4 BE DEPOSITED AT THE SIDES OF THE { I u .; SECTIt3i�i A-A SECTIOM B-O I - ANDGRADE .--.,,0 , Z ..r z !i ='w e,, MAXIMUM PAYMENT • • • A , . b DECLARED TO BE UNSUITABLE BY THE r ! 49 i ; :"�, MAXIMUM PAYMENT o p ENGINEER. BACKFILLINa IN TRENGtES tN ;, , , , _,: 3t{I�Ilir' r � I V . LINE !�a�� ,b•, tl;�r� g LINE Q WHICH PIPE HAS BEEN LAID SHALL 8E € ' y _ -` ' DEVOID, OF STONES LARGER THAN 3" FOR 11 •� -t,s�f .r:1,- • a AT AST F T A V T T P f� =.t� LE ONE 00 80 E t•IE 0 OF Satr9 • Ill I i• �. -kI ;:• •• e V • THE PIPES. UNSUITABLE EXCAVATED . TOP CASTING �. �: ;'+:�.�•:•. " V W C MATERIAL H ASP AT MUCK,ROCK, T _' e. e .s x SUCH E uG o , ETC. CORPORATION STOP ,...., ` A B ); a -. '• __� ' = 2 RE PACEOEwITH OM ATERI�AM ACC'eP THE ITAHI.ETE DTO MUELLER 'ORiSEAL' �� i - ... k1, Y : ..11 -~ I SERVICE BOX - , , DIAMETER PIPE , , 't THE ENGINES R. I • P of Mn�sE E Y � i .t � CEMENT LINED DUCTILE ....`o/:-.- -% W 2. COMPACT ALL BACK FILL TO 9'S% MQDiFiED C.�1l If jrI CURB STOP IRON PIPE-{SIZE AS SHOWN •• 4, 1• F— o _, _ �I '�' w'�;i• ;' �.. :,.�F, ` C 11 PROCTOR. Glen$ Ilr�l►, •Ir 1'f. ON PLAN.) .•i. s + �. , , WATER LINE 10 . . VAN Dt1SEAL• L T SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL 12" ,� ,7 $ URV� " 1., � ", It - COMPACTED TO 95% MODIFIED SELECT GRANULAR tY" 12" I -` POUR AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH _ _ PROCTOR. FILL C.L.D.I.P,. MAIN vY. as is COPPER TUBING tlie�ia ;w #< 11 , PL RLAN DIAMETER OF PIPE .0•PROPOSED PIPE i »y4 • # ;F - wl��..-.. . '.err'- •M. ,,'F :, I RIZON "A• SE OS - TEES - ,'F • " .' _ • , .; T" U T BLOCK DETAILS . CURB STOP WITH BOX TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL SEWER TRENCH DETAIL TYPICAL RVICE E 1V� TK'�+i QETJ�I�• , ,- y, —�--- r1>rsrrin��e�••r�r�r Not To Scale N07 TO SCALE ,• ,• � Not is $cafe Not to Scale -- - ` a � V { ' WATER LINE �. l ;P g sg . Thrust lock area for al Toes,Rends and Plugs. 1 _ x Not To Scott .w.,..ti.•..,•17-.;;-,*+ -I t . a �. '� �I. e• K I Ty •7 - . - ;;4 i.: ' - j < y .a' � .. f s T S`? d 0 T r,;; t ;t . SEE SCHEDULE FOR NUMBER OF LINES I r, >"f ' •;A �. r•✓ . r • .. - e ti . 11 3 STRAW,HAY —_—,. OR LEAVES ' } 20' a COVERED WITH UNTREATED BUILDING PAPER •t j _ �•• N •e v t ' }}'' `:S tiT I $UILDI NG LINE SEPTIC TANK{BY FORT MILLER) ,,�_ •._ _,.,, • p . M I 4 a r y'-- `-"� ; w 4 PERFORATED RIGID P.V.C. 6 1 1 %� .. I t . . . 'r 4 P.V.C. 1 4 P.V.C.11 _ -��+.:; ` ' '� / n /FT. 1❑ 1/4 /FT. .�." — - MIN 2'I' ~a;- ; MIN.- 12" MAX. i .Isa-�&IW""�l,�' 2� ' 013TRi®UTION --` -- ._.__._. 4" P.V.C. PERFORATED . < •` BOXMY FORT 7=1011 It� �I I DSt6: { Ill _ ,.. , i , ENOs CAPPED s' ! RIGID PIPE SDR 3S . ' MIN. Mk.LER) SEE TYP.SECTION R PERTY Jvb LINE b {•f'. EFFECTIVE LENGTH 10' 6 MIN. i • ,., Drawn bar:• ��f � 1", L i �:o4 x. SLOPE I/16-1/32 !FT. 4 I I/2 _ ;, ' RB3il > 1!E>Ri = CRUSHED STONE -• �••� ' I; < 24'I 24''TO GROUND 1. ( i,; WATER,MIN. `, TYPICAL LEACH FIELD SYSTEM TYPICAL SECTIC.}N s ®I Tine: f Not To Scale �, � , �} 4 k �' .3'e NOT TO SCALE ,; J, � :r . v , �4 a i� a { ti �.•.� ai y' ." { r1 , , 1 :_ 1.