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TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20040820 Application Number: a2004O820 Tax Map No: 523400-308-014-0001-052-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: FOREST MOBT E HOME,PARK For property located at: 183 PITCHER Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: ARC COMMUNITIES 14, LLC 900 Septic Alteration Residential Total Value PO BOX 790830 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78279-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address ; . Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2004-820 lot 47-49 BRIWOOD CIRCLE SEPTIC ALTERATION FOR LOT 47;AND 49 w $25.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Thursday, October 20, 2005 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) r.. Dated at the Town of eens X/e esday, October 20, 2004 SIGNED BY r`' for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code nforcement Application for Permit=Septic Disposal System Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 1. OWNER INFORMATION: /� Office Use Location of installation: �az File Permit No. Tax Map No. Fee Paid r� 1 Owner's Name: :.......................................................... ........................................ Address: 2. INSTALLER'S NAME PHONE NO. `1 , Z?C� 3. RESIDENCE INFORMATION: (circle year of dwelling, indicate#bedroom(s) and multiply#of bedrooms with applicable gallons per bedroom to equal total daily flow) Year of House: No of Bedrooms x Computation = Total Daily Flow 1980 or older x 150 gal/bdrm = 1980— 1991 3 x 130 gal/bdrm = 'N C3 1991 —present x 110 gal/bdrm = Garbage Grinder Installed yes_ / no _ R C Spa or Hot Tub Installed yes / no OCT 19 2004 4: PARCEL INFORMATION: (circle applicable information&indicate measurements) TOVVi'4 0i C;;_;;_;-l-,I,;FURY -,rQ CODE_ Topography Soil Nature Ground Water Bedrock or Impervious Material . Domestic Water SaWy Flat sand at what depth at what depth municipal Rolling loam feet feet well Steep slope clay if well; water supply _%slope other from.any septic-system depth: absorption is ft. other Percolation Test: (To be completed by licensed professional engineer or architect) Rate: minute per inch 5. PROPOSED SYSTEM: For New Construction: All individual sewage disposal systems must be designed by a licensed professional engineer or architect(unless installed in a Planning Board approved subdivision). Add 250 gallons to the size of the septic tank and leach field for each Garbage Grinder, Spa or Whirlpool Tub. Septic Tank: gallon (min. size 1,000 gal.) Tile Field: each trench ft. Total System Length: ft. Seepage Pit(s): number of size of each: ft. by ft. Size of Stone to be used: # / depth or thickness feet \ i 1 Bed.System Size: x � Alternative System: length and/or size 6. HOLDING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) Number of tanks: / Size of each: gallons 1 TOTAL Capacity: gallons Note: Alarm System and associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency. 7. SIGNATURE &INFORMATION FOR RESPONSIBLE PERSON(please read) For your protection,please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town of Queensbury,any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material misrepresentation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations with respect to this application and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. Signature of responsible person Date 1 UJs i)W1 of Quec nsbu,ry Sr,1vcl•�t :>»cl "Rewsil;e UitiIms:Ll ta)stt)it•r A1)1)MI(lix t. , ' t • All.-SORI'VION IN i,!-,I.) n �.� �•tit,1 pQNn ' �'1L4tr tN �/�1TF'it• ,T �•• tlt�ltT �!►If; �.. )LI • i 1. •� .�' sc t't iG .00, Ile, UCJ lit �OZ. _ r 7, SICNATUM &INFORMATIO FQ " �''T �•I�.l.,''�YVl�l,9'lxs3.•r✓•���vi� tyiem.�..,....�.. 4 r 71 Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: AM/PM Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/p'ir�, ;Depart: 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbu ,NY 128 �� spector's Initials: �� NAME: C�� f' PERMIT NO.: LOCATION: l r3 INSPECT ON: l g o RECHECK.: �? �4 Comments and/or diaeram Q - � Soil Type: a / lay Type of Water: unicipal' We11 Water cp Waterline separatio nce ft• b �' ; C'he �� Well separation distance ft• / _ Other wells: ft, 1 / Absorption Field: Total length ft. f Le 1,r Length of each trench Depth of trenches ft• Size of Stone L,JG— d Seepage Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping S' T e Building to tank �G►� �� '`�� Tank to Distributi Box w Distribution Box field/Pit t Opening Sealed: Y N/Partial Location/Separations Foundation to tank ft. Foundation to absorption of ft. Separation of Pits ft. Conforms as per Plot Plan Y N Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Side �HArPZ—D Middle Front Middle RearG System Use Status: pproved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected,please call the Building&Codes Office Disapproved U\SueHemingwaylBuilding.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Septic Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/ ID art: am/pm / 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: - J NAME: f (, +� PERMIT NO.: ` Sza LOCATION: G INSPECT ON: 165 RECHECK: Comments and/or diagram Soil Type: Sand/Loam/Clay Type of Water: Municipal/Well Water Waterline separation distance ft. Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Absorption Field: Total len h ft. lP LC Length of each trench ft. Depth of trenches ft. / Size of Stone Seepage Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Siz Type Building to tank Tank to Distribution Box Distribution Box to Field/Pit Opening Sealed: Y/N/Partial Location/Separations Foundation to tank ft. Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits ft. Conforms as per Plot Plan Y N Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Side OIL,C 14PAed Middle Front Middle Rear �T System Use Statu . 4 Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected,please call the Building&Codes Office Disapproved L:1SueHemingway\13uilding.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Septic Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: a Depa am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspect is In a s. NAME: PERMIT NO.: o LOCATION: SPECT ON: RECHECK: , Comments and/or diagram— Soil Type: Sand/Loam/Clay Type of Water: Municipal/Well Water Waterline separation distance Well separation distance Other wells: ft. Absorption Field: Total length ft. Length of each trench ft. Depth of trenches ft. Size of Stone Seepage Pits: Number Size: Stone Size: Piping- Size Type Building to tank Tank to Distribution Box Distribution Box to Field/Pit Opening Sealed: Y/N/Partial Location/Separations Foundation to tank ft. Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits ft. Conforms as per Plot Plan Y N Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Side Middle Front Middle Rear System Use Staters: pproved artial Approved and needs to be re-inspected,please call the Building&Codes Office Disapproved LASueHemingway\Huilding.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Septic Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 & - 20 f' Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: am/pm Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: Par* PERMIT NO.: -20011- Vzo LOCATION: - Orrk-INSPECT ON: RECHECK: Comments and/or diagram Soil Type: Sand/ Loam Clay Type of Water: Municipal/ Well Water Waterline separation distance ft. Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Absorption Field: Total length ft. Length of each trench ft. Depth of trenches ft, Size of Stone Seeoge Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Size Type Building to tank Tank to Distribution Box Distribution Box to Field Pit Opening Sealed: Y N Partial End Ca Inlet/Outlet Pipes&Baffles Y N Location/Separations Foundation to tank ft. Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits ft. Conforms as per Plot Plan Y N Engineer Report and As-Built Y N Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Side Middle Front Middle Rear System Use Status: Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected, please call the Building &Codes Office Disapproved Last revised 021006 Last revised 1/6/05 f,- TE �. OL(s # •O _o _. �,_-_ ExISTINCi SEPTIC TAWK 'i CE69 P0.0"s IZ f/1 a L MPTIE0)G1°.9AN E D1 CFku6j4ED O 1 I - - LLEO WiTlf LAND, GOdEI71rQ WITH Milli 4 rOP501L AMD .'59M09,0 TYPICAL_ _. ... r ___... . �.� -- I i - -- o e �Rva r;oN ©� `t , -- i �r user+red, or believe I saw evldene� �# T #. Qes, #ences, etc :,«.'mow,., . _ f - - "I N ter�s �h 1 ET u. . el , e OfSTR!auTIpry 15OX NL _ Ou'rLET u 48�LF YPL'1'+y 1 mR l ItT� �YsSii �5le 'i�,5 y,¢� g r of ! �.�. .._ _ , � docr r1,,2jIt, I also represent that I have 1750 G 15 E PT 1 C A N K -------------- E IL7 P I P6 �+►.I E �.N T ZN r a 4 ..� _ — -- -- _ _ P P�F©RA'r" Nv, r N set fort On the drag a -- — - AL(M N` T � f I"-E � thedfs�an ..ie _ .. fir- _ . _ �_ __�!' .. �. TYt'6'W IN-DRAtN UNITZ-LAID LEVEL >30vfr DUTl.6T 33IV Ur 4 .95 50LID PIPE I _..___ ._. _... _ d 7 A Q " .... y,. ,,. . ... .n. d 57 - -- y� �I SLPT7C TANK-- { - N E ATE CA; ja7� ,� I j SEPTic TA►.IK �:' _ U 2D.��1 CAU D J tVT-- LI©UID `�9 _ \. _ CAULrcEO JOI -r- SIGNATURE 17w0 GA Mauu ,� f�� :� . r ,� 33a< F�D �� Ll"YEL + \ LK E DI , .__ . _ 4`3 SANrrARY rLr �.. - -- .;.. _>. _.. _ -� - 4 5CLrD PIP'!E fsoR35a 'CA 9 I ^ I t � 5AhaITARY TEfS } } .tgLF TYPE' IN-ORAIN UNIT$-TYPiCr�A L � _.___ �+ `� i i = � � I I � c - — SEPTIC TANK- ►N.5-TALL LEVEr~ 1_ "41; -E 4'0 SOLID P►Pg - 1450 r:.F-C ' ' S30 GPO I 4 0 PERF'ORA7TO PIPE ON I-..JE►� I y' 1 % L _J ti [5 cr 35) TYPE m IN-ORAIN ON ITS- � S� CA�2oo; �� t ' LAID L15vEl -ryfO1ICAI. ^.4:+'?f#O \ ti i - O®SERVI�'z ta�rw PORT. 'r-YPICAL 3q0 �PD >5 ax t i — CRUSHEO .-STONE JD 41Affik r � 46L, 'TYPLrVIN-omAIN UNITS S E P TIC TANK SEC,-TION N 4 0 �RRORA-rt�D PrP6 ON E r..JEf,f NT s I N-DRA IN UN►T;a-LAID LEVEL I- ` I wATrrR SERV►C.L ! --- REMOI/EABLE COVER To yTRUG"I'IJRE•7YR- -- WATER MAI N ! HAFFL.E --� 0 .1 >---- L E r 'IC 15Ri WO D CIRCLE ' BAFFLE IN --- OUTLET !. F'wRCCi..A."r'ION RATE LESS 714AN 1- M !N. PrR INCH. EXGA'VA,rE 2 FT MIN• 1;,LYc�ND EACH `YPtE�;:.Ft AND 2 F-r. 15EL.sOW pSO-;- rOM PLO-r PLA Nac OF E.4C I-I TRENCH, o 2 P,r~PL/�t:L: Sd�iL. V�iTri At�''1�NCaED Soli-. N'r`S � � HAVIN�* PERCOLATION RATE OF' 6WIN REr-z II H, PLACE AND COMPACT 501L 1►,J �'' LIFT-,5 , 2, PERCOLATION RATE OF GMIN. PER INCH EQUALS Ae.1 �, CRUSHED -STONE C APPt_ICATi©N RA7-f� OF 1.0 CAI., PER ti.f=.it ���� SOLID P/foE Z 4? r3Rrwaoe G11gG'LE - sao Gfpn - __—____- C> I S `i'R I �U`i-t ON � C>X SECTION - FEaNCa alTYlf.r:s NTS 49 gRlWot�r GIRCt..r~ °- 3 0 6 Pt;7 - -- E'►EN a Taa'•AL 660 GPD = G(o0 S F 7SFlLF (OF �/- ' �; EL�JEN TYPE ')! �' UNITS REOUIRLrS 44.9 LF - q4 LF PROVfof;L7 ---- FERNGO f=ITTndG 01�TR I F3UT I CON & OX PLAN (I RUNS OF 4$ L,F EACH) LENCrTH ,50UD PIPE NT:3 ----F ILR N CO R►TT I N G � EI )3P$IWOOD CIRCL.I< - 450GP0 e` sft;NC> 53 13I41 WOOD CIRCLE - 330GPO 65 SRIWOOL) CIRCLP-- 3ctOGPD t"-'F'ERNCv FIT-YiNCa� °� ! SOLID PIPE -T 57 �jlgl WpOD CIRCLE- 454 G PD .2` TDTAL i(.20 G pD r /620 SF ; 7SP/L-F 0pr Ta SEPTfC ^ EWEN TYPfE '�3'�UNfTl9 REQUIRES Z3f.4 LF - 240 L.F. PROYIDEA TANK (S' RUN€, OF 4,t L.fr. 11A+4 H 3. 5ET 0ISTIRII5U-t ION TBOOX l.LVf';L.. At..-t_ GDrINE�GTION MUST 16E WATAR TIGHT 4. USE ONLY SOLID PIPE i5r-rWEEN RES IC)Et.LCE AND SEP'r is 7ANKy R15Ffk DETAIL BE-r'WEEN T-AtNK AN0 DrST ti$U'1'toP.i SOX AND BETWEEN 01STRIBLMION NTS € IROX ANa 15EGINNING, OFAMSORPTION TRENCH. 5, DISTRIMUTION I&Ox SHALL eE A MINIMUM OF P-0 FEET FROM ANY STF2UC-rURM. ..>' L<� .. 6. SEPTIC -YANK SHALL 15d A MINIMUM OF tO FEET FRO" ANY 4T RUCTURE, 2-v WA-rER TIGHT' CAP f �. GRAIDE 2-O I. NO POR`r ic)N OIr' 5�EPTIC SY6"rKM SMAL.,.L eE WITHIN 10D f=EET MrNIMv� MINIMUM J J J- SOLID PIPE AE; OVE CONC. SAND TOPSOIL (4') OFf A NY WELL) LAKE, ,TRLAM OR PDND. TIGHT JO► NT / - 6. CONTACT' UNOARGROUND PACIL_ITIES PRO'T6CTNE ORGANIZ..A -rION (UFAO) AT 1_800- %A- 741o2 a`OR U-nOTiES L.C�AT/ON PRIOR To DIG 34Naa. , CAP q, ALL. P►PE JOINTS MUS R.SE MAt?' yya+lTiSRT"tGNT, -�' ��; " CA POROUS FILL. tD, WORK MUST BE iNSPrEC:TLt�I PRIOR TO CCNERINGf 0. BY ARCHITECT I, � AP � O 4'o PERFORATED PIPE - LEVEL. FOR CERTIF*CATI0N OF CONpr'ORMiTY WITH AP"'RONIea PLAN, � '� r-4 ¢S PERFOR.aTED PIPE � 4`96 PERFORATED PIPE '' ` •I WITH Il4OL.ES& 5e7O'CLOCK . AMENDED SOIL � f- �'-`IN-DRAIN UNIT I ELJE:N TYPE)5' UNITS � � � z SOLID PIPE ABOVE COW N [ GEO-TEXTILE Fis.dR1C Z a ELJEN TYPE"! twopwN UNrr LAIO LEVEL SANfl • P»RFC3RATI D P►F+t o a AMENL?E1� 50i l a © o � W}rtAPPED WITH ;. CONGr�ETE �3ANz� s ` _ CQNGRETE .>ANt) .-- _ ;' ...�,..........�. .....,.... AMEND(£© t►C3ttr PERMF./►if�Lf> AMENDED 5 t L AMENDt�zt,� S�?I L ' IjE e>-rcK T'I Lr MATERtA i„ a - --- --- , - O D ` p a � 1 N z 4 ERo/A710M PORT OF-TAIL�. TRENCH E N C,� DETAIL NTS 2'-0 4' 2=0 I N- ORAI N TRENCH SECTION k+e NTS �ib �1 +'; 10 . 4 It is a Vio�Iti*n of the Laver Rw +fir forum.- , Untess Acting Under the Diretttian 4f s NEW YORK STATE DEI�ARTMETII' ` .tiff Licet+sod Arch'tW, to ARer boy Portis><t't of This GLENS FALiS (STRICT OFFICE .;,.� ,;�..` r �cwnem in any Way. ff any P:�rtitln ct this ''t / DOCurrent is so APered, tKo ,Herron Mchitect Sfha:i Affix to'.!^.tj por ion*a 4gefod t,it,Deal kjM the Not3t+en "AI!eted By' Foe wed by his ;plans for: S p Wure arW ttw Da*.e a Sub Aiter#*ft, and ,(` rn n I C LF e fall!Z4r lion of the A1�lr�ticltr. �"_ �`I GAP NING STAR > SERYI ' FOR are iiereby a r d by Q(PETER JMSEN ST PARK MOLE HOW WUR .�'. _ „tea. ssouTHf�o Ls - NEW YORK 14e03 Wy far the State CCMIfftioner of Heath t31aI r9e,3ass + C Q 03 NTS f,- TE �. OL(s # •O _o _. �,_-_ ExISTINCi SEPTIC TAWK 'i CE69 P0.0"s IZ f/1 a L MPTIE0)G1°.9AN E D1 CFku6j4ED O 1 I - - LLEO WiTlf LAND, GOdEI71rQ WITH Milli 4 rOP501L AMD .'59M09,0 TYPICAL_ _. ... r ___... . �.� -- I i - -- o e �Rva r;oN ©� `t , -- i �r user+red, or believe I saw evldene� �# T #. Qes, #ences, etc :,«.'mow,., . _ f - - "I N ter�s �h 1 ET u. . el , e OfSTR!auTIpry 15OX NL _ Ou'rLET u 48�LF YPL'1'+y 1 mR l ItT� �YsSii �5le 'i�,5 y,¢� g r of ! �.�. .._ _ , � docr r1,,2jIt, I also represent that I have 1750 G 15 E PT 1 C A N K -------------- E IL7 P I P6 �+►.I E �.N T ZN r a 4 ..� _ — -- -- _ _ P P�F©RA'r" Nv, r N set fort On the drag a -- — - AL(M N` T � f I"-E � thedfs�an ..ie _ .. fir- _ . _ �_ __�!' .. �. TYt'6'W IN-DRAtN UNITZ-LAID LEVEL >30vfr DUTl.6T 33IV Ur 4 .95 50LID PIPE I _..___ ._. _... _ d 7 A Q " .... y,. ,,. . ... .n. d 57 - -- y� �I SLPT7C TANK-- { - N E ATE CA; ja7� ,� I j SEPTic TA►.IK �:' _ U 2D.��1 CAU D J tVT-- LI©UID `�9 _ \. _ CAULrcEO JOI -r- SIGNATURE 17w0 GA Mauu ,� f�� :� . r ,� 33a< F�D �� Ll"YEL + \ LK E DI , .__ . _ 4`3 SANrrARY rLr �.. - -- .;.. _>. _.. _ -� - 4 5CLrD PIP'!E fsoR35a 'CA 9 I ^ I t � 5AhaITARY TEfS } } .tgLF TYPE' IN-ORAIN UNIT$-TYPiCr�A L � _.___ �+ `� i i = � � I I � c - — SEPTIC TANK- ►N.5-TALL LEVEr~ 1_ "41; -E 4'0 SOLID P►Pg - 1450 r:.F-C ' ' S30 GPO I 4 0 PERF'ORA7TO PIPE ON I-..JE►� I y' 1 % L _J ti [5 cr 35) TYPE m IN-ORAIN ON ITS- � S� CA�2oo; �� t ' LAID L15vEl -ryfO1ICAI. ^.4:+'?f#O \ ti i - O®SERVI�'z ta�rw PORT. 'r-YPICAL 3q0 �PD >5 ax t i — CRUSHEO .-STONE JD 41Affik r � 46L, 'TYPLrVIN-omAIN UNITS S E P TIC TANK SEC,-TION N 4 0 �RRORA-rt�D PrP6 ON E r..JEf,f NT s I N-DRA IN UN►T;a-LAID LEVEL I- ` I wATrrR SERV►C.L ! --- REMOI/EABLE COVER To yTRUG"I'IJRE•7YR- -- WATER MAI N ! HAFFL.E --� 0 .1 >---- L E r 'IC 15Ri WO D CIRCLE ' BAFFLE IN --- OUTLET !. F'wRCCi..A."r'ION RATE LESS 714AN 1- M !N. PrR INCH. EXGA'VA,rE 2 FT MIN• 1;,LYc�ND EACH `YPtE�;:.Ft AND 2 F-r. 15EL.sOW pSO-;- rOM PLO-r PLA Nac OF E.4C I-I TRENCH, o 2 P,r~PL/�t:L: Sd�iL. V�iTri At�''1�NCaED Soli-. N'r`S � � HAVIN�* PERCOLATION RATE OF' 6WIN REr-z II H, PLACE AND COMPACT 501L 1►,J �'' LIFT-,5 , 2, PERCOLATION RATE OF GMIN. PER INCH EQUALS Ae.1 �, CRUSHED -STONE C APPt_ICATi©N RA7-f� OF 1.0 CAI., PER ti.f=.it ���� SOLID P/foE Z 4? r3Rrwaoe G11gG'LE - sao Gfpn - __—____- C> I S `i'R I �U`i-t ON � C>X SECTION - FEaNCa alTYlf.r:s NTS 49 gRlWot�r GIRCt..r~ °- 3 0 6 Pt;7 - -- E'►EN a Taa'•AL 660 GPD = G(o0 S F 7SFlLF (OF �/- ' �; EL�JEN TYPE ')! �' UNITS REOUIRLrS 44.9 LF - q4 LF PROVfof;L7 ---- FERNGO f=ITTndG 01�TR I F3UT I CON & OX PLAN (I RUNS OF 4$ L,F EACH) LENCrTH ,50UD PIPE NT:3 ----F ILR N CO R►TT I N G � EI )3P$IWOOD CIRCL.I< - 450GP0 e` sft;NC> 53 13I41 WOOD CIRCLE - 330GPO 65 SRIWOOL) CIRCLP-- 3ctOGPD t"-'F'ERNCv FIT-YiNCa� °� ! SOLID PIPE -T 57 �jlgl WpOD CIRCLE- 454 G PD .2` TDTAL i(.20 G pD r /620 SF ; 7SP/L-F 0pr Ta SEPTfC ^ EWEN TYPfE '�3'�UNfTl9 REQUIRES Z3f.4 LF - 240 L.F. PROYIDEA TANK (S' RUN€, OF 4,t L.fr. 11A+4 H 3. 5ET 0ISTIRII5U-t ION TBOOX l.LVf';L.. At..-t_ GDrINE�GTION MUST 16E WATAR TIGHT 4. USE ONLY SOLID PIPE i5r-rWEEN RES IC)Et.LCE AND SEP'r is 7ANKy R15Ffk DETAIL BE-r'WEEN T-AtNK AN0 DrST ti$U'1'toP.i SOX AND BETWEEN 01STRIBLMION NTS € IROX ANa 15EGINNING, OFAMSORPTION TRENCH. 5, DISTRIMUTION I&Ox SHALL eE A MINIMUM OF P-0 FEET FROM ANY STF2UC-rURM. ..>' L<� .. 6. SEPTIC -YANK SHALL 15d A MINIMUM OF tO FEET FRO" ANY 4T RUCTURE, 2-v WA-rER TIGHT' CAP f �. GRAIDE 2-O I. NO POR`r ic)N OIr' 5�EPTIC SY6"rKM SMAL.,.L eE WITHIN 10D f=EET MrNIMv� MINIMUM J J J- SOLID PIPE AE; OVE CONC. SAND TOPSOIL (4') OFf A NY WELL) LAKE, ,TRLAM OR PDND. TIGHT JO► NT / - 6. CONTACT' UNOARGROUND PACIL_ITIES PRO'T6CTNE ORGANIZ..A -rION (UFAO) AT 1_800- %A- 741o2 a`OR U-nOTiES L.C�AT/ON PRIOR To DIG 34Naa. , CAP q, ALL. P►PE JOINTS MUS R.SE MAt?' yya+lTiSRT"tGNT, -�' ��; " CA POROUS FILL. tD, WORK MUST BE iNSPrEC:TLt�I PRIOR TO CCNERINGf 0. BY ARCHITECT I, � AP � O 4'o PERFORATED PIPE - LEVEL. FOR CERTIF*CATI0N OF CONpr'ORMiTY WITH AP"'RONIea PLAN, � '� r-4 ¢S PERFOR.aTED PIPE � 4`96 PERFORATED PIPE '' ` •I WITH Il4OL.ES& 5e7O'CLOCK . AMENDED SOIL � f- �'-`IN-DRAIN UNIT I ELJE:N TYPE)5' UNITS � � � z SOLID PIPE ABOVE COW N [ GEO-TEXTILE Fis.dR1C Z a ELJEN TYPE"! twopwN UNrr LAIO LEVEL SANfl • P»RFC3RATI D P►F+t o a AMENL?E1� 50i l a © o � W}rtAPPED WITH ;. CONGr�ETE �3ANz� s ` _ CQNGRETE .>ANt) .-- _ ;' ...�,..........�. .....,.... AMEND(£© t►C3ttr PERMF./►if�Lf> AMENDED 5 t L AMENDt�zt,� S�?I L ' IjE e>-rcK T'I Lr MATERtA i„ a - --- --- , - O D ` p a � 1 N z 4 ERo/A710M PORT OF-TAIL�. TRENCH E N C,� DETAIL NTS 2'-0 4' 2=0 I N- ORAI N TRENCH SECTION k+e NTS �ib �1 +'; 10 . 4 It is a Vio�Iti*n of the Laver Rw +fir forum.- , Untess Acting Under the Diretttian 4f s NEW YORK STATE DEI�ARTMETII' ` .tiff Licet+sod Arch'tW, to ARer boy Portis><t't of This GLENS FALiS (STRICT OFFICE .;,.� ,;�..` r �cwnem in any Way. ff any P:�rtitln ct this ''t / DOCurrent is so APered, tKo ,Herron Mchitect Sfha:i Affix to'.!^.tj por ion*a 4gefod t,it,Deal kjM the Not3t+en "AI!eted By' Foe wed by his ;plans for: S p Wure arW ttw Da*.e a Sub Aiter#*ft, and ,(` rn n I C LF e fall!Z4r lion of the A1�lr�ticltr. �"_ �`I GAP NING STAR > SERYI ' FOR are iiereby a r d by Q(PETER JMSEN ST PARK MOLE HOW WUR .�'. _ „tea. ssouTHf�o Ls - NEW YORK 14e03 Wy far the State CCMIfftioner of Heath t31aI r9e,3ass + C Q 03 NTS