MAPS & ELEVATIONSIPF CIRS CIRS Stone Pile IRF In Stone Pile CIRS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE E E E E EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES 83°07'47" E 263.57' S 5 0 ° 3 8 ' 0 2 " E 20 4 . 7 4 'N 41°04'45" E122.50'45.31'S 51°13'06" W150.00' N 83°07'47" W149.1 7' S 77 °1 8 '29" W 204 . 3 0 ' N 5 6 ° 4 0'0 4 " W125.8 ± Along ShoreIRF IRF IRF IPF ConcreteA/C Shed2 Story WoodFrame HouseDeckCoveredSundeckGarageConcrete WallPropane Tanks ConcreteAsphalt Driveway Gravel DrivewayAdjoiners House Adjoiners House UP NM 2 Lands N/F of Kieran Schrader Tax Parcel 289.18-1-16 Tax Parcel 289.18-1-17 5.0' ± To Shore 4.7' ± To Shore AREA 34311.8 Sq. Feet 0.79 Acres Lands N/F of Elizabeth Galloway Trust Lands N/F of Kieran Schrader GAS GAS GAS GAS E E E E W W W W SS SS SS SS Y:\Crotty - Glen Lake\C-1.0 Site plan.dwg, 7/19/2021 9:52:36 AM, pdfFactory.pc3 Queensbury, New York 1280419 Fitzgerald RoadRenovations to theY:\Crotty - Glen Lake\A-1.0 Existing plans.dwg, 7/19/2021 9:54:59 AM, pdfFactory.pc3 Queensbury, New York 1280419 Fitzgerald RoadRenovations to theY:\Crotty - Glen Lake\A-1.0 Existing plans.dwg, 7/19/2021 9:57:59 AM, pdfFactory.pc3 Queensbury, New York 1280419 Fitzgerald RoadRenovations to theY:\Crotty - Glen Lake\A-1.0 Existing plans.dwg, 7/19/2021 9:58:25 AM, pdfFactory.pc3