ENGINEERING COMMENTS900 Route 146 Clifton Park, NY 12065
(P) 518.371.7621
July 2, 2021
Laura Moore
Town of Queensbury
742 Bay Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
Regarding: 40 Dark Bay Lane
Tax ID 239.18-1-37
Site Plan and Variance Applications
Dear Laura:
We have received your pre-submission comments for the above referenced project, dated May 18, 2021, and
we offer the following responses:
Site Plan:
1. Copy of Deed to be provided
Response: A deed has been included in this submission
2. Page 3 site data – confirm square footage of hard surface – does this include the macadam drive area
that is shared, also confirm total square footage of permeable paver
Response: The hard surface area includes all paved and gravel surfaces within the property
boundaries including the existing macadam drive and neighbor’s driveway. The calculations have
been revised to show the total square footage of permeable pavers as well as the 50% reduction.
3. Page 3 setbacks – see notes above – confirm new construction area setbacks – this area is subject to a
75ft shoreline setback as it is located in the APA area Rural Use area. Please add height measurement
to elevations to match proposed. Any new roof line height information is useful.
Response: The application has been revised to spell out what the proposed setbacks are being
measured to. The building elevations have been revised to include the requested dimensions.
4. Page 2 confirm floor area of attached garage – each floor, also master suite upper level. Include exterior
Response: The calculations for the floor area ratio have been on the proposed building plans.
5. Page 6 and 7 – need information on lighting, shoreline plantings, existing floor plans and elevations
Response: Note has been added to sheet S1 of the plan set requiring all site lighting to be
downward facing and dark sky compliant. The existing tree buffer on the northeast corner of the
property will remain and a planted rain garden is proposed on the lake side of the home as well.
Existing floor plans and elevations have also been included in this submission.
900 Route 146 Clifton Park, NY 12065
(P) 518.371.7621
June 20, 2017 Shaping the physical environment
Variance Plan:
1. Copy of Deed to be provided
Response: A deed has been included in this submission
2. Page 2 site data – confirm square footage of hard surface – does this include the macadam drive area
that is shared, also confirm total square footage of permeable paver
Response: The hard surface area includes all paved and gravel surfaces within the property
boundaries including the existing macadam drive and neighbor’s driveway. The calculations have
been revised to show the total square footage of permeable pavers as well as the 50% reduction.
3. Page 2 setbacks – see notes above – confirm new construction area setbacks – this area is subject to a
75ft shoreline setback as it is located in the APA area Rural Use area. Please add height measurement
to elevations to match proposed. Any new roof line height information is useful.
Response: The application has been revised to spell out what the proposed setbacks are being
measured to. The building elevations have been revised to include the requested dimensions.
4. Page 3 confirm floor area of attached garage – each floor, also master suite upper level. Include exterior
Response: The calculations for the floor area ratio have been on sheet V-1 and the proposed
building plans.
5. Page 5 – need information on lighting, shoreline plantings, existing floor plans and elevations
Response: Note has been added to sheet S1 of the plan set requiring all site lighting to be
downward facing and dark sky compliant. The existing tree buffer on the northeast corner of the
property will remain and a planted rain garden is proposed on the lake side of the home as well.
Existing floor plans and elevations have also been included in this submission.
6. Page 1 project description needs to be updated – describe project work to building and site
Response: Page 1 has been revised to include the project description.
Enclosed are the revised submittal materials for the variance and site plan applications. Please feel free to
contact our office at your convenance if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Brandon Ferguson, P.E.
Environmental Design Partnership