Queensbury Planning Board Agenda
Second Regular Meeting: Tuesday August 23, 2011 / Time 7 – 11 PM
Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road
Applicant(s) INWALD ENTERPRISES Application Type Site Plan 39-2010
Owner (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Jonathan Lapper Lot size 0.66 +/- acres
Location 38 Gunn Lane Zoning Classification WR
Tax ID No. 227.17-1-16 Ordinance Section § 179-5-060
Cross Reference AV 45-10, AV 26-10, AV 68-Warren Co. Planning 6/9/2010
08, SP 38-08
Public Hearing/Meeting 6/24, 8/17, 9/21, 9/28, APA, CEA, Other L G Park CEA
Dates 11/16/2010; 1/20, 3/15,
4/19, 4/26/2011
Not required for
Project Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes to construct a 697 square foot boathouse with sundeck accessed by
handicap access ramp above two existing docks. Boathouse in a WR zone requires Planning Board review and approval
Area Variance: Applicant requests shoreline & sideline setback relief for accessory structure [ramp]. Planning Board
to provide written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Planning Board shall make a recommendation to
the ZBA as per ZBA resolution dated 4/27/2011.
Applicant(s) GERALD MONRIAN, JR. Application Type Subdivision 6-2011
Preliminary / Final Stage
Owner (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 2.26 +/- acres
Location 47 Division Road Zoning Classification MDR-Moderate Density
Tax ID No. 308.20-1-32 Ordinance Section Chapter A-183
Cross Reference AV 51-11, BP 91-545
Public Hearing 8/16/11, 8/23/2011
Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of 2.26 +/- acre parcel into two residential lots of 1.13 +/- acres
each. Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) LYNDA JOHNSON Application Type Site Plan 56-2011
Owner (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Dennis MacElroy Lot size 0.47 +/- acres
Location 347 Cleverdale Road Zoning Classification WR-Waterfront Residential
Tax ID No. 226.12-1-18 Ordinance Section 179-9
Cross Reference AV 52-11, AV 93-04, AV 68-Warren Co. Planning 8/10/2011
04, AV 9-02, SP 43-99; BP
05-944, BP 99-709, BP 8247
Public Hearing 8/23/2011 APA, CEA, Other APA Wetlands, L G CEA
Project Description: Applicant proposes a 937 square foot residential addition to include attached garage, study,
powder room, and hallway space replacing existing detached garage with carport and shed space. Expansion of a
nonconforming structure in a CEA requires Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) EDWARD & PHILOMENA Application Type Site Plan 26-2011
VANPUTTE Modification
Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Jarrett Engineers Lot size 0.10 +/- acres
Location 23 Jay Road West Zoning Classification WR-Waterfront Residential
Tax ID No. 289.10-1-18 Ordinance Section 179-9
Cross Reference AV 17-11, BOH 24-10
Approved on 5/19/11
Public Hearing 8/23/2011
Project Description: Applicant proposes modification to an approved plan. Modification is described as removal of the
stormwater infiltration chambers as per the previously approved plan. Any modification to an approved site plan
requires Planning Board and approval.
Applicant(s) HOSPITALITY SYRACUSE Application Type Site Plan 54-2011
Owner (s) Frank Parillo SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Bartlett Pontiff Stewart & Lot size 4.62, 0.31 +/- acres
Rhodes; Bohler Engineering
Location 199 & 203 Corinth Road Zoning Classification CI-Commercial Intensive
Tax ID No. 309.13-2-2, 3 Ordinance Section 179-9
Cross Reference SV 53-11 Warren Co. Planning 8/10/2011
Public Hearing 8/23/2011
Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 2,800 sq. ft. Taco Bell. Restaurant and/or new commercial
use in a CI zone require Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) GREGG LABER Application Type Site Plan 57-2011
Owner (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 3.94 +/- acres
Location 319 Corinth Road Zoning Classification CLI-Commercial Light
Tax ID No. 308.16-2-4 Ordinance Section 179-9
Cross Reference SUB 10-10, SP 56-10, AV Warren Co. Planning 8/10/2011
Public Hearing 8/23/2011
Project Description: Applicant proposes multi-tenant use to existing on-site office space. Change and expansion of use
in the CLI zone requires Planning Board review and approval.
Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board