O'Neill Wastewater - Pre-ap setIPFIRFIRFIPFWell Casing24" CMPUP NM 288DeckIPF6" AshMag Nail Witness8" AshMag Nail Witness18" PineMag Nail Witness10" AshMag Nail Witness4.30L a n d s N / F o f T h o m a s J . & T e r r i E . K u b r i c k y Lands N/F ofCraig L. GoodmanLegendIPF = Iron Pipe FoundPPF = Pinched Pipe FoundIRF = Iron Rod FoundVincent D. O'Neill andAnnette J. O'NeillDated: October 13, 2016Recorded on: October 25, 2016B:5445 P:69John A. Gurba, Jr.,Sandra Bink andSuzanne AltmanToThomas J. Kubricky andTerri E. KibrickyDated: December 30, 2017Recorded on: January 09, 2018B:5694 P:311Alger C. MasonToAlbert ChaffeeDated: February 09, 1955B:411 P:197Ronald Gasparinetti andRoseann GasparinettiToEarl F. Crouse III andRose Marie GasparinettiDated: June 30, 1986B:684 P:458Alger C. Mason andJane M. MasonToReginald CrandellDated: April 12, 1954B:331 P:108Rip RapIRFIPFDockShedIPFIPFIPFIRFIRFIPFIPFDockCONC. RET. WALLBoat HouseSlateConc.Screen PorchWood DeckConcreteCrushed Stone DriveIRFIRFConcreteCatchBasin ParkingStoneCrushedIRFIPFConcrete PadScreen PorchPropaneTanksA.C.DECKCellarEntryDeckPatioCrushed Stone DriveCrushed Stone DriveCIRFCIRFCIRFCIRFIRFConc.Porch L1L2L3L4L5L6L7IPFIPF10'± To Shore(Tie Line)IPFIRFConcrete20' Right of Way17' Right o f W a y10' Right of Way17' R i g h t o f W a yOne StoryWood FrameHouseTwo StoryWood FrameHouse10'± To ShoreAdjoiningBuildingAdjoiningBuildingAdjoiningBuildingAdjoiningBuildingLands N/F ofEdie Perkins IrrevocableTrust 2011Lands N/F ofIsabella GrantLands N/F ofIsabella GrantLands N/F ofThomas J. UncherLands N/F ofThomas ValentineA-FrameCampRecorded on: January 07, 2014B:4920 P:81John A Gurba, Jr.ToJohn A. GurbaDated: October 19, 1993Recorded on: Obtober 19, 1993B:987 P:40Clara L. HickokToJames H. PerkinsDated: October 16, 1913B:127 P:472John A. Gurba, Jr.ToJohn A. Gurba, Jr. andSandra Bink andSuzanne AltmanDated: April 28, 2005Recorded on: June 06, 2005B:1449 P:258Dorothy KleemanToJohn Celeste andThomas ValentineDated: September 23, 2004Recorded on: October 19, 2004B:1412 P:201N 88°11'24" E367.76'N 11 ° 5 9 ' 3 9 " E 63.2 1 ' N 02°30' 3 9 " E 60.39' 10 4 . 4 1 ' S 2 4 ° 2 8 ' 5 9 " W84.23'S 87°58'29" WS 02°02'21" E 119.25'263.21'N 86°58'31" WN 84°38'18" E303.83'165.46'S 84°10'00" WN 04°03'30" E9.76'N 01°55'0 9 " E 59.81' 49.64'N 13°28'18" W50.55'S 86°10'00" W61335.9± Sq. Feet1.41± AcresArea8041.3± Sq. Feet0.18± AcresAreaRight of Way for Ingress and Egress(Deed Reference No. 7)12345891011Crushed Stone DriveCrushed StoneDrive10' Right of WayCrushed Stone Path(Apparent Encroachment)Stone Lined DitchStone FillStone Fill Concrete Pad Well Casing49.5'±AlongShore2.0'±3.5'±0.5'±WellCasingWell Casing1" = 60'EXISTINGCONDITIONSOVERALL LOTS-1PROPOSED WASTEWATER 85 PILOT KNOB ROAD TOWN OF QUEENSBURY APRIL 7, 2021 O'NEILL RESIDENCE WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK TAX MAP. No. 227.18-1-13, 227.18-1-16900 Route 146 Clifton Park, New York 12065 edpllp.com(518) 371-7621 E N V I R O N M E N T A L D E S I G N P A R T N E R S H I P, L L P. IMPROVEMENTS FOR B:411 P:197Ronald Gasparinetti andRoseann GasparinettiToEarl F. Crouse III andRose Marie GasparinettiDated: June 30, 1986B:684 P:458Alger C. Mason andJane M. MasonToReginald CrandellDated: April 12, 1954B:331 P:108IRFIPFDockShedIPFIPFIPFIRFIRFIPFIPFDockCONC. RET. WALLBoat HouseSlateConc.Screen PorchWood DeckConcrete Crushed Stone DriveIRFIRFC o n c r e t eCatchBasin ParkingStoneCrushedConcrete PadScreen Porch PropaneTanksA.C.DECKPatioCrushed Stone DriveCIRFCIRFCIRFCIRFIRFConc.Porch L1L2L3L4L5L6L7 IPFIPF10'± To Shore(Tie Line)IPFIRFConcrete17' Right o f W a y10' Right of Way17' R i g h t o f W a yOne StoryWood FrameHouseTwo StoryWood FrameHouse10'± To ShoreAdjoiningBuildingAdjoiningBuildingAdjoiningBuildingLands N/F ofIsabella GrantLands N/F ofIsabella GrantLands N/F ofThomas J. UncherLands N/F ofThomas ValentineDated: April 28, 2005Recorded on: June 06, 2005B:1449 P:258Dorothy KleemanToJohn Celeste andThomas ValentineDated: September 23, 2004Recorded on: October 19, 2004B:1412 P:201N 1 1 ° 5 9 ' 3 9 " E 63. 2 1 ' N 02°30' 3 9 " E 60.39'N 84°38'18" E303.83'165.46'S 84°10'00" WN 04°03'30" E9.76'N 01°55' 0 9 " E 59.81' 49.64'N 13°28'18" W50.55'S 86°10'00" W8041.3± Sq. Feet0.18± AcresAreaRight of Way for Ingress and Egress(Deed Reference No. 7)1110' Right of WayWell Casing49.5'±AlongShore2.0'±3.5'±0.5'±WellCasingPROPOSED WASTEWATER 85 PILOT KNOB ROAD TOWN OF QUEENSBURY APRIL 7, 2021 O'NEILL RESIDENCE WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK TAX MAP. No. 227.18-1-13, 227.18-1-16900 Route 146 Clifton Park, New York 12065 edpllp.com(518) 371-7621 E N V I R O N M E N T A L D E S I G N P A R T N E R S H I P, L L P. IMPROVEMENTS FOR SHEET 3SHEET 21" = 30'EXISTINGCONDITIONSS-2 IPFIRFIRFIPFWell Casing24" CMPUP NM 288DeckIPF6" AshMag Nail Witness8" AshMag Nail Witness18" PineMag Nail Witness10" AshMag Nail Witness4.30L a n d s N / F o f T h o m a s J . & T e r r i E . K u b r i c k y Rip RapIRFIPFIRFIRFIPFIPFIRFIPFConcrete PadCellarEntryDeckCrushed Stone DriveIPFIRF20' Right of Way17' Right of Way10' Right of Way17' Right of WayAdjoiningBuildingAdjoiningBuildingAdjoiningBuildingLands N/F ofThomas ValentineA-FrameCampN 88°11'24" E367.76'N 11°59'39" E63.21'N 02°30'39" E60.39' 10 4 . 4 1 ' S 2 4 ° 2 8 ' 5 9 " W84.23'S 87°58'29" WS 02°02'21" E 119.25'263.21'N 86°58'31" WN 04°03'30" E9.76'N 01°55'09" E59.81'61335.9± Sq. Feet1.41± AcresAreaRight of Way for Ingress and Egress(Deed Reference No. 7)Crushed Stone DriveCrushed StoneDriveCrushed Stone Path(Apparent Encroachment)Stone Lined DitchStone FillStone Fill Concrete PadWell CasingSHEET 3SHEET 2PROPOSED WASTEWATER 85 PILOT KNOB ROAD TOWN OF QUEENSBURY APRIL 7, 2021 O'NEILL RESIDENCE WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK TAX MAP. No. 227.18-1-13, 227.18-1-16900 Route 146 Clifton Park, New York 12065 edpllp.com(518) 371-7621 E N V I R O N M E N T A L D E S I G N P A R T N E R S H I P, L L P. IMPROVEMENTS FOR 1" = 30'EXISTINGCONDITIONSS-3 IRFIPFShedIPFIPFIPFIRFIRFIPFIPFSlateConc.Screen PorchWood DeckConcrete Crushed Stone DriveIRFConcreteCatchBasin ParkingStoneCrushedConcrete PadScreen PorchPropaneTanks A.C.DECKCellarEntryDeckPatioCrushed Stone DriveCIRFCIRFIRFConc.Porch L1L2L3L4L5L6L7IPFIPF IPFIRFConcrete17' Right o f W a y10' Right of WayOne StoryWood FrameHouseTwo StoryWood FrameHouseAdjoiningBuildingAdjoiningBuildingAdjoiningBuildingAdjoiningBuildingLands N/F ofIsabella GrantLands N/F ofThomas J. UncherLands N/F ofThomas ValentineN 02°30' 3 9 " E 60.39'263.21'N 86°58'31" WN 84°38'18" E303.83'165.46'S 84°10'00" WN 04°03'30" E9.76'N 01°55' 0 9 " E 59.81'50.55'S 86°10'00" W8041.3± Sq. Feet0.18± AcresAreaRight of Way for Ingress and Egress(Deed Reference No. 7)Crushed StoneDrive10' Right of WayWell Casing2.0'±3.5'±0.5'±WellCasingWASTEWATERPLANS-4PROPOSED WASTEWATER 85 PILOT KNOB ROAD TOWN OF QUEENSBURY APRIL 7, 2021 O'NEILL RESIDENCE WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK TAX MAP. No. 227.18-1-13, 227.18-1-16900 Route 146 Clifton Park, New York 12065 edpllp.com(518) 371-7621 E N V I R O N M E N T A L D E S I G N P A R T N E R S H I P, L L P. IMPROVEMENTS FOR 1" = 30' IPFIRFIRFIPFWell Casing24" CMPUP NM 288DeckIPF6" AshMag Nail Witness8" AshMag Nail Witness18" PineMag Nail Witness10" AshMag Nail Witness4.30L a n d s N / F o f T h o m a s J . & T e r r i E . K u b r i c k y Rip RapIRFIPFIRFIRFIPFIPFIRFIPFConcrete PadCellarEntryDeckCrushed Stone DriveIPFIRF20' Right of Way17' Right of Way10' Right of Way17' Right of WayAdjoiningBuildingAdjoiningBuildingLands N/F ofThomas ValentineA-FrameCampN 88°11'24" E367.76'N 11°59'39" E63.21'N 02°30'39" E60.39' 10 4 . 4 1 ' S 2 4 ° 2 8 ' 5 9 " W84.23'S 87°58'29" WS 02°02'21" E 119.25'263.21'N 86°58'31" WN 04°03'30" E9.76'N 01°55'09" E59.81'61335.9± Sq. Feet1.41± AcresAreaRight of Way for Ingress and Egress(Deed Reference No. 7)Crushed Stone DriveCrushed StoneDriveCrushed Stone Path(Apparent Encroachment)Stone Lined DitchStone FillStone Fill Concrete PadWell CasingLOT LINEVARIANCES-5PROPOSED WASTEWATER 85 PILOT KNOB ROAD TOWN OF QUEENSBURY APRIL 7, 2021 O'NEILL RESIDENCE WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK TAX MAP. No. 227.18-1-13, 227.18-1-16900 Route 146 Clifton Park, New York 12065 edpllp.com(518) 371-7621 E N V I R O N M E N T A L D E S I G N P A R T N E R S H I P, L L P. IMPROVEMENTS FOR 1" = 30' WASTEWATERDETAILSS-5PROPOSED WASTEWATER 85 PILOT KNOB ROAD TOWN OF QUEENSBURY APRIL 7, 2021 O'NEILL RESIDENCE WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK TAX MAP. No. 227.18-1-13, 227.18-1-16900 Route 146 Clifton Park, New York 12065 edpllp.com(518) 371-7621 E N V I R O N M E N T A L D E S I G N P A R T N E R S H I P, L L P. IMPROVEMENTS FORAS SHOWN