1986-04-22 J.Ldl
APRTT, 22, 1986
Mrs. Frances Walter - Supervisor
Mr. George Kurosaka - Councilman
Mr. Stephen Borgos - Councilman
Mrs. Betty Monahan - Councilman
Mr. Wilson Mathias - Town Counsel
ABSENT - Councilman - Ronald Montesi
PRESS: G.F. Post Star
GUESTS: Howard Emmett, Rev. Douglas Hinton, Lynn Hunter, Wayne LaLonde,
Douglas Williams, Mr. Tyler
SUPERVISOR WALTER - First order of business this evening is the proposed
Local Law relative to no parking on Glenwood Avenue. The local law would
establish no parking regulations on portions of Glenwood Avenue and we
are looking at the area from Bay Road through Quaker Road The purpose
of the public hearing is to hear input from the public regarding no parking
on that road .
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - I would like to just repeat this in the minutes that
I believe this to be necessary as there have been a number of problems
— all year long both at the easterly end where Glenwood runs into Bay and
at the westerly end where Glenwood runs into Quaker. All the premises
along the way seem to have adequate on site parking. I travel it everyday
and I see no reason for anyone to be parking on the road. I see no inconvenience
to anyone because of this, but there is a problem with fire vehicles
and ambulances, in particular snow removal and other things, I would
like to see it passed tonight.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - Are there any further comments? I will leave the
public hearing open for a few minutes , in case anyone comes in later.
We will put the public hearing aside and come back to it in about five
minutes or so.
HOWARD EMMETT - Moon Hill Road, I wanted to know if there were any laws
against trailers on Moon Hill Road.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - Yes, the Town Board established zones for single
family or single mobile homes and also some mobile home parks, subdivision,
I don't believe the area that you are referring to is within the zone
where mobile homes will be permitted. Mobile homes that are already
there can continue to stay there because they are grandfathered.
HOWARD EMMETT - Can you put a modular home there?
TOWN COUNSEL - The Town Board is going to be holding a hearing on the
29th of April to formalize the requirements on that, because they have
changed the mobile home law that had a permit procedure for people who
wanted to locate a mobile home outside the mobile home court. In your
case if the Town Board adopts the regulation, the way for you to proceed
should you wish to site a mobile home on that lot would be to apply for
a variance to the Zoning Board Appeals. You have to prove to the Zoning
Board of Appeals that you are entitled to a use variance, if they believe
that you have established your case they would give you a variance so
that you would be permitted to put a mobile home there. Regarding the
issue of a modular home, it would be my opinion that a modular home is
not a mobile home, under our definition, you would simply have to comply
with the lot size for that zone. You would have to meet the set back
requirements, thirty feet from the street, fifteen feet from the side
etc, you would have to obtain a building permit.
HOWARD EMMETT - OK you said I could apply for a permit. Thank you.
DOUGLAS HINTON - Minister of Wesleyan Church, Ridge Road - I have been
asked to address myself and ask for an extension for the mobile home
we are using for Sunday school classes.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - The letter, for the public, is to request approval
to renew a permit for two trailer units used for Sunday school classes.
I think that the question was that when the Ridge Road Wesleyan Church
came in last year the minutes indicated that they were not going to ask ✓
again and that by this time they would have built additional quarters.
Perhaps you would want to respond to that.
DOUGLAS HINTON, PASTOR - After that meeting we ran into some problems.
The contractor insisted in going through some redesigning stages, this
week the general church required the approvals and we are now working
back through that process and we are optimistic that we will have something
on it, but because of various transitions we have been going through,
the project has become more costly than was originally thought a year
ago at this time. Various factors have entered into it, and we still
need those units.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - I would ask the board are they aware of the action
taken on this and what the Reverend Hinton is referring to. This is a
little bit different than a mobile home for resident and it would be
for a limited period.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA - This is actually a classroom trailer, a mobile
SUPERVISOR WALTER - The board can without a public hearing give them
approval for a permit to continue to use those classrooms.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN - I would like to ask our Counsel, can we grant this
temporary or if we do grant this again do we have a permanent status
or what?
TOWN COUNSEL - The regulation as proposed would only grandfather in
residential permitted mobile homes so that if someone is using a mobile
home without a permit, they are not going to obtain vested rights. The
ordinance was set up basically to prohibit anyone pulling a mobile home
into the town and setting it up for use or storage. I think that the
intent is to regulate that kind of structure whether or not it is lived
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - How about the one that is behind the Queensbury School
or was the last time I checked, being used for dental check ups. Is
that still there and would that be the same?
TOWN COUNSEL - I don't know, they should have complied with the permit
procedure, I don't know if they ever did.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - I don't believe that has ever been before the Town
Board but I will make sure it is checked on tomorrow morning.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA - I believe that this the same kind of situation.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - There is one planned around the Adirondack Community
College for next year to be used for a day care center.
TOWN COUNSEL - As I understand the intent is that, it is the structure
that is regulated not just the use of it as a home. If you want to say
' 3
it is only when you live in it, then a guy who wants to store ten of
them on his lot says you don't have any regulations.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - I have just one question more what was the size of
this, was it stated in the letter I don't recall?
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - I am not sure but because it is church property ,
does it have to meet with the fire codes requirements?
LYNN HUNTER - Mr. Bodenweiser does inspect these premises periodically.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - When does the present permit expire?
REVEREND HINTON - It has just expired.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - The church and Reverend Hinton did elude to this,
he first applied in February 1981 and placed a second one on May of 1981,
each year thereafter applying for a one year permit and last year the
board asked for a timetable from the church as to when the classrooms
would be built because they did not want to keep giving one year permits
for the next fifty years. When the letter came into the Town Board there
was some question as to how this would be acted upon.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - Are there neighbors right there within sight of this?
REVEREND HINTON - Yes. Just down from the church.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - The Wesleyan church has asked for an extension on
their permit and that is why the Reverend Hinton is here this evening.
It is not the appropriate time to act on any resolutions, however, is
it the consensus of the board that they would want to handle this at
this time, so that he would have some indication as to how the board
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - We are having a special meeting next week, which
is going to be very busy but could this be added in at the very beginning
SUPERVISOR WALTER - We could certainly add it to the agenda if you would
like to get out and take a look at the site.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - I think I would like to before I make a decision
I would like to talk to the Fire Marshal. Questioned if a temporary permit
for a week could be issued.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - I don't think you can do that.
REVEREND HINTON - We have no desire to come for the next fifty years
to get this permit. We do have this building process as I said and formulating
new plans and hopefully we won't be back again.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - I would have to say that if on the 29th the regulations
were passed as to what is required of a single home that would refer
to this also such as to skirting.
TOWN COUNSEL - At this point there aren't any provisions about the skirting
but any regulations actually that would be applicable, are that, after
_ a year you would be giving them a permit under the old law and that law
is going to be superseded by this zoning regulations. Once this permit
expired, not having built a permanent structure, you would have to come
before the board of appeals and prove that you are entitled to a use
variance. I wouldn't want to comment on our administration bodies, the
rules of obtaining a use variance are extremely strict. You have to
show unncessary hardship, you have to prove there is no reasonable return
on the property pertaining to any other use other than that of a mobile
home. It is an extremely hard test to prove, particularly if there are
any neighbors who object. In my opinion, I believe that it is virtually
impossible to prove that you are entitled to a use variance. It seems
to me that I would want to advise you on behalf of the board that should
they adopt those regulations, you would need to speed up your building
and probably be prepared to go and try to meet the use variance test.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - I think it is probably the consensus of the board
to hold this over until next Tuesday, Mr. Montesi is not here this evening
and he is the councilman from the ward that you are located in. That
is a special meeting of the board and we will add this to the agenda.
If there is a problem with it between now and then we would get a hold
of you if there is additional information needed.
WAYNE LALONDE - 195 Dixon Road - I would like to address the board regarding
the waste at John Burke Apartments, I have been living at my resident
for 7 1/2 years and we get this unpleasant odor from their waste system.
I would like to have the board investigate this problem.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - We have investigated it on several different occasions
and that is under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Environmental
Conservation, the town has no jurisdiction over this situation.
WAYNE LALONDE - We have contacted Encon in the past and have not gotten
very much satisfaction and it is not very pleasant to come home to such
an unpleasant odor.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - I sympathize with you but we have been instrumental
in getting the Enviromental people down there.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN- Stated that there is a chemical used at the land
fill to cut down on the odor.
DOUGLAS WILLIAMS - It seems that when ever we complain and this has been
going on for a long time, we get results. I feel that this should be
investigated on a regular basis and something be done about it. Perhaps
eliminate the raw sewage.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - After your appearance before the board tonight,
I will be on the phone to Encon tomorrow but what I want to make clear
is that there is nothing we can do. It is not a new problem, it is an
on going problem. They are not on top of it, so I will speak with Mr.
Lamey tomorrow and let him know we are hearing this problem early in
the season. I will give you a call when I have some information regarding
this problem. The problem is how the situation is handled. We have some
old business regarding a petition on sidewalks on the Aviation Road from
the Northway to West Mountain Road and I am going to ask Mr. Naylor
to respond to it. When the Town Board acted in paving the shoulder which
was six years ago all available land to the town was used at that time.
PAUL NAYLOR - Highway Superintendent - Report submitted: AVIATION ROAD
MEASUREMENTS: North Side Aviation Road - 10,715 Feet
South Side Aviation Road - 11,339 Feet
TOTAL FEET 22,054 Feet (Both Side)
1. CURB ONLY: ( Existing Road)
Black Top: $30.00 per ton 1 Ton = 40 Feet 551.35 ton $16,540.50
Pins .34 per lb. 1/2" rebar = 340 pcs. 20' long 1,680. 14
TOTAL 18,220.64
Concrete 18" Curb - $15.00 L/F TOTAL$330,810.00
BLACK TOP: Sidewalk - 2000 Ton Black Top @ $22.00 ton $ 44,000.00
Curb & Pins 18,220.64
TOTAL $ 62,220.64
CONCRETE: 88,216 Sq. Ft. @ $3.50 s/f - Sidewalk $ 308,756.00
22,054 L/F @ $15.00 - Curbing 330,810.00
$ 639,566.00
1 J
Prices same as option #2
1. Curb Machine Rental-$80.00 per day ( approx. 22 days $ 1,760.00
2. 2000 "Cu. Yds. item #4 - Town Pit
3. Remove 29 trees at $200.00 per tree $ 5,800.00
4. New York Telephone & Niagara Mohawk Power Poles-60 to be
5. One fence - privately owned
6. One privately owned light pole
-- 7. School Traffic Lights - Contract to Brown Bros. Electric
8. Fire Hydrants - 8 to be moved
9. Dry Wells - 12
10. Culver pipe extended
11. Drainage basins (to control surface water)
PAUL NAYLOR - Highway Supt. - Stated that what is now the black top shoulders
what everybody calls bicycle path could be used for sidewalk but if the
town was to go back eight or nine feet farther in peoples door yard,
you might have to publish it and find out if that is what they want.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - Well first off, there is a lot more involved here
than cost, it has to do with acquiring property and the legalities of
that kind of situation. Some people will be willing to give up their
front lawn for the project and some people who will not and I can assure
you that there will be a lot of legal action for the next five or ten
years. We have utilized all of the Towns right-of-way on the Aviation
Road to put those shoulders in.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN- I think that is why they,are asking, referring to
Debbie's comment, that the bicycle path be left on one side and a sidewalk
on the other.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - I think we have some legal problems, as legal traffic
law say bicycles have to travel the same way as automobiles do. I think
there is an age limit also . . . also spoke with the father of the latest
boy killed on the Aviation Road and the one thing he asked was to try
to get sidewalks put in. Stated that he explained to him that as a practical
matter it was very difficult to add sidewalks to what was already there
and suggested improvement on lighting and perhaps a combination of sidewalks,
such as past Sokols Mkt. down Dixon and Aviation where sidewalks wouldn't
really be an imposition on anybody.
PAUL NAYLOR - Highway Supt. . .noted that the blacktop will last a little
bit longer than concrete.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - I have some comments . . .The people who signed this
petition are not the people who are necessarily using this. I am looking
at people who are living on Greenway, Sunnyside, Windcrest Drive, Reservoir
Drive, Parkview Ave. , are we now on a tract to sidewalk the whole town,
is this their purpose in signing this petition?
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA - Stated that he thought that some of the people
signed the petition because their children walk on the road with their
SUPERVISOR WALTER - Then I am going tell you, you are going to get hit
with the Dixon Road and lets start increasing the figures on the sheet
Mr. Naylor because all of those roads are busy roads and the other comment
I want to make during the public forum here is the fact that six years
ago as a member of this board we took an action to widen the road for
safety reasons and every six years do we change the way we want to do
it. I feel that by putting in sidewalks with curbs, that in the winter
time they will not be properly maintained and would people be walking
in the street rather than the wide sweep the plows can give the shoulders
on the road, I really think it will be more dangerous to have sidewalks.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN - Some of the kids do have to be on the Aviation Road
because of walking to school.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - I don' t think that is a valid statement in that area
because the kids that are crossing it are not utilizing the sidewalks.
This petition also said that three children were killed on this road.
That is working on the emotions, two children were killed crossing the
road, what good would the sidewalks have done. The other fellow killed,
would a sidewalk have prevented a drunk driver from climbing up on it?
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - Asked if these prices reflect both sides of the road?
PAUL NAILOR - Highway Supt. . .These include both sides.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - Lets go back to cost now where you have your miscellaneous,
you've got the removal of six power poles, dry wells, drainage basins,
the whole drainage system along there will have to be removed, we are —'
looking at more than the cost of blacktop.
PAUL NAYLOR - Said that is why I feel if you are going to consider it,
you should really get an engineer, I threw something together quick for
you because you asked for it, I got you the numbers but I haven't got
time to do it. I am still on the brush detail and this is the third
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - I wanted to comment on that, ybu are doing a super
PAUL NAYLOR - Highway Supt. . . it is up to $26,000.00 now and we have
$26,000 to go, and that is how much it is costing you for brush.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - Is there a way we can continue to look at this in
terms of safety improvements without saying yes or no to Paul's figures
at this point?
SUPERVISOR WALTER - Stated that she would personally like to have an
expert take a look at it and see whether the addition of sidewalks with
the existing land we own will increase the safety on the road. Perhaps
lighting along the road would do better for the safety aspect of it.
I think we have to be realistic about it.
PAUL NAYLOR - Highway Dept. . . Stated that the lights put up in the west
end of the main street of West Glens Falls have made a big difference.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN - Asked if the twenty-nine trees mentioned in Mr.
Naylor's report were on private property.
PAUL NAYLOR - Highway Supt. . .responded that they were.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - I have another question relative to what you are
talking about, I am going to direct it to our attorney, this would be
an improvement area, and who would pay for it?
TOWN COUNSEL - There is a section in the Town Law that provides mechanism
for this type of improvement, what it does is basically provide that
those owners benefited by the improvement, abutting owners, pay for it.
The way you finance a project like this would be through those properties
that abut the proposed sidewalks.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - Stated that he didn't think that anyone was committed
entirely to the sidewalks but to the safety improvement, it could be
simply better lighting, at least this is a start.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - Stated that it is the concern of the Board for the
safety of the residents of Queensbury but that also we have to realistic. . .
We certainly should look into it and Paul has done all he thinks he can
do by presenting an estimate of cost. I would like to have someone look
at it.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - Asked if we could get a traffic engineer? Perhaps
include the thought of wider and brighter white lines at the right side
of the road, somehow painting them more than once a year maybe twice
a year.
PAUL NAYLOR - Highway Supt. . . Paint is hard to get.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - Asked how can we get somebody who can help with the
SUPERVISOR WALTER - I don't know. I will have to look into it.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - Regarding public hearing on the proposed local law
no parking Glenwood Avenue . . . asked if there were any further comments
in regard to this public hearing - hearing none the public hearing was closed.
8:30 P.M.
RESOLUTION NO. 111, Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. George Kurosaka.
RESOLVED, that the Town Board minutes of March 25th and April 8th, 1986
be and hereby are approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mrs. Monahan Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: Mr. Ronald Montesi
Abstain: Mrs. Walter - (minutes of April 8, 1986)
RESOLUTION NO. 112, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos.
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board requested an amendment to the Queensbury
Subdivision Regulations, and
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board set a public hearing on April 8th,
1986 at 7:30 P.M. on the proposed amendment to the Queensbury Sudivision
Regulations, and
WHEREAS, the Public Hearing was held at the specified time and place
and all interested parties were heard on the proposed amendment to the
Queensbury Subdivision Regulations, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED, that the following amendment be added to the Queensbury Subdivision
Subdividers will be required to submit application material to the Clerk
of the Planning Board at least 21 days prior to meetings on sketch plans,
preliminary plans, and final plot approval.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: Mr. Montesi
RESOLUTION NO. 113, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its
adoption, and seconded by Mr. George Kurosaka:
RESOLVED, that Bingo License No. 2703 be and hereby is approved allowing
Glens Falls Elks Lodge #81 to hold Bingo Occasions from April 23, 1986
through April 29, 1987.
Duly Adopted by the following:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: Mr. Ronald Montesi
RESOLUTION N0.114, Introduced by Mr. George Kurosaka who moved for its
adoption and seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos: _
WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 4-104 of the New York State Election Law,
the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury must submit to the Warren County
Board of Elections a listing of the polling places in the Town of Queensbury
in each Election District in which Elections and Registrations may be
RESOLVED, that the following locations be and hereby are designated as
the respective polling places in the Districts as enumerated:
1 1 North Osby. Rescue Squad
1 2 Bay Ridge Fire House
1 3 Bay Ridge Fire House
1 4 Warren County Municipal Center
2 1 So. Qsby. Fire House
2 2 Town of Qsby. Office Building
2 3 Qsby. Central Fire House (Foster Ave. )
2 4 Town of Qsby. Office Building
2 5 Robert Gardens (Recreation Room)
3 1 Qsby. Central. Fire House (Avia.Rd. )
3 2 Qsby. Senior High School
3 3 John Burke Apts.
3 4 Kensington Road School
4 1 Queensbury Water Plant ( Maint.Bldg. )
4 2 Queensbury Water Plant ( Maint.Bldg. )
4 3 W.G.F. Fire House
4 4 W.G.F. Fire House
4 5 W.G.F. Fire House
and that such locations are accessible to the Physically Handicapped
pursuant to Article 4-104-1-a of the Election Law (unless otherwise noted)
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Warren County
Board of Elections.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: Mr. Montesi
RESOLUTION NO. 115 Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. George Kurosaka :
RESOLVED, that Frances J. Walter, Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury,
on behalf of the Town, is hereby authorized to enter into contract with
Kestner Engineers, P.C. of Troy for Construction Phase Services, Water
Storage Facilities for Queensbury Water District for a sum not to exceed
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: Mr. Montesi
-_ RESOLUTION 116 Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption,seconded
by Mr. Stephen Borgos:
WHEREAS, on March 25, 1986, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
resolved to retain the engineering services of Charles H. Scudder for
the preparation of a map, plan and report for the Sherman Avenue Water
District Extension No. 1 in accordance with Section 209-B of the Town
Law and
WHEREAS, no petition requesting a referendum on the appropriation of
funds for the preparation of said map, plan and report has been filed
and the time for filing such petition having expired, and
WHEREAS, the map, plan and report were prepared by Charles H. Scudder,
P.E. in the manner and detail as determined by the Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury regarding the extension of the Sherman Avenue District,and
WHEREAS, such map, plan and report have been filed in the Town Clerk's
Office in the Town, and
WHEREAS, the boundaries of the proposed Sherman Avenue Water District
Extension No. 1 are as follows:
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being
in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and the State of New
-- York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning
at the northwest corner of the lands of Martnot Investing Company,
Incorporated and the southwest corner of -the lands of Ray Cowen
III and H.Gerald Beres being on the westerly bounds of Great Lot
62 of the first sub-division of the Queensbury Patent and the easterly
bounds of Great Lot 69 of said Patent in the easterly bounds of
the lands of Ernest and Doreen Centerbar and the northwest corner
of the existing Clendon Brook Water District; running thence northerly
along the great lot line between said lots 62 and 69 to the northwest
corner of said lot 62 and the northeast corner of said lot 69 and
the southwest corner of great lot 63 of said first subdivision of
the Queensbury Patent, being also the northwest corner of the lands
of LeRoy and Patricia Reeves; thence running easterly along the
northerly bounds of said great lot number 62 and the southerly bounds
of said great lot number 63 to the northwest corner of the Sherman
Avenue Water District and the northwest corner of the lands of Ralph
and Geneva K. Elmore; thence running southerly along the westerly
bounds of said Sherman Avenue Water District and the lands of said
Ralph and Geneva K. Elmore, the westerly bounds of the lands of
the Queensbury Better Homes Volunteers, Inc. and again the westerly
bounds of the lands of Ralph and Geneva K. Elmore, crossing Sherman
Avenue on a line being the projection southerly of the westerly
bounds of said lands of Elmore to the southwest corner of the said
Sherman Avenue Water District, thence running easterly on a line
parallel to the southerly bounds of Sherman Avenue and along the
southerly bounds of said Sherman Avenue Water District to the Southwest
corner of lot 23 of the N.F. Ripley Subdivision and the northwest
corner of the Clendon Brook Water District and the northwest corner
of the lands of Harold W. Katz; thence running southerly along the
westerly bounds of said Katz and the Clendon Brook Water District
to the southwest corner of said Katz and the southeast corner of
the lands of said Cowen III and Beres; running thence westerly along
their southerly bounds and the northerly bounds of the land of said
Martnot Investing Company, Incorporated being along the northerly
bounds of said Clendon Brook Water District; to the point and place
of beginning.
WHEREAS, the improvements proposed consist of the installation of
1,000 + - feet of 12 inch water main plus, two hydrants; and
WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the aforesaid
improvements is $25,000.00, and
WHEREAS, the proposed method of financing the cost of improvements
shall be through surplus funds not otherwise appropriated and not
through the issuance of bonds, notes, certificates or other evidences
of indebtedness of the Town of Queensbury, and
WHEREAS, the map, plan and report describing the improvements are
on file in the Town Clerk's Office for public inspection; and
WHEREAS, the costs aforesaid shall be assessed, levied and collected
from the several lots and parcels of land within the boundaries
of the district heretofore described in the same manner and at the
same time as other Town charges and further pursuant to an agreement
made in accordance with Section 277 of the Town Law between the
Town of Queensbury and Cobe, Inc. , guaranteeing the payment of the
assessment and the costs for the extension of such district,
ORDERED, that a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
shall be held at the Town Office Building at Bay & Haviland Roads
in the Town of Queensbury on the 13th day of May, 1986 at 7:30 P.M. .
for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on the proposal to
establish the Sherman Avenue Water District Extension No. 1 with
the improvements specified as aforesaid and to consider the map
plan and report, and to hear all persons interested in the subject
thereof, concerning the same, and to take action as may be required
and authorized by law, and it is further
ORDERED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury is hereby
authorized and directed to publish a copy of this order in the official
newspaper of the Town of Queensbury and to post a copy of this order
on the sign board of the Town of Queensbury in the time and manner
required by Town Law.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: Ronald Montesi
SUPERVISOR WALTER- The planning board received a request for approval
of subdivision along Sherman Avenue, the Town Board took a look
at that and determined that we have had problems with water level
in that area and we wish to have the subdivision be included on
town water. The developers of that subdivision negotiated with
the Town Board agreed that they would provide some dollars in financing
this project which would be beneficial to them in the long run and
also prevent the Town from using any borrowings to construct the
district. This is a unique situation but we are again establishing
that on file with the Town Clerk, if the Town Board approves this
resolution this evening it will be discussed at the public hearing
on the district on May 13, 1986.
61 AND 62, BLOCK 1
RESOLUTION NO. 117, Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. George Kurosaka:
WHEREAS, The Town of Queensbury wishes to establish a Local Law - No-Parking
on Glenwood Avenue and
WHEREAS, a public hearing duly published in accordance with the law by
the Town Clerk was held on April 22,1986 at 7:30 P.M. at the Queensbury
Town Office Building at which time all persons were heard both in favor
of and opposed to said law, NOW,THEREFORE BE IT
TAX MAP IN SECTION 61, AND 62, BLOCK 1 is hereby approved and said local
law becomes effective upon filing with the Secretary of State of New
York .
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: Mr. Montesi
if SECTION 1. For the purpose of this Local Law, the words "vehicle",
parked","standing" shall have the meaning defined in the Vehicle and
Traffic Law of the State of New York.
SECTION 2. Except as provided for in Section 3 hereof, no
vehicle shall be parked or left standing on that portion of the Town
Road which begins at the eastern termination of Glenwood Avenue at Bay
and continues in a westerly direction for a distance of 2470 feet on
both sides and more particularly described on the Town of Queensbury
Tax Map in Section 61 and Section 62, Block 1.
SECTION 3. Any person violating any provision of Section 2
or Section 3 of this Local Law shall upon conviction be punishable for
a first offense by a fine not to exceed $25.00, and for a second offense
by a fine not to exceed $50.00. In addition to the aforesaid penalties,
the Town Board of the Town of Queensubry may institute any proper action,
suit or proceeding to prevent, restrain, correct or abate any violation
of this Local Law.
SECTION 4. This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon
filing thereof in the Office of the Secretary of State.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - Were there any letters received from anyone along
the Glenwood Avenue or any phone messages? If not I would say there
has been no opposition to establish this Local Law.
MR. TYLER - Glenwood Avenue - Requested to speak regarding the no parking
on Glenwood Avenue.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - I held that public hearing open approximately forty
minutes this evening for people to come in and speak.
MR. TYLER - Well I was late coming in.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - I will allow you to comment this evening on this
which is quite unusual.
MR. TYLER: Why was this was brought up about no parking?
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - Stated that it came to his attention from several
groups primarily emergency services, fire and rescue people, indicating
that many times, summer and winter it is extremely difficult to get through
that road with any vehicles parked on it. It is difficult even without
vehicles parked on it, especially at either end. As for normal vehicles
going there everyday they drive there at least once a day regularly and
it is very difficult to see at the intersections at night time with anything
parked on the road.
MR. TYLER - Actually there is no problem with parking on the Quaker Road
but there is a need for a traffic light there. There js no parking on
that end of the road so where is the congestion as far as parking?
COUNCILMAN BORGOS - Stated that there is ample parking space for the
places of business on the Quaker Road and yes he had seen parking on
the Quaker Road end, where they could have parked elsewhere.
SUPERVISOR WALTER - I spoke with Mr. Austin and he said he was very much r
in favor of no parking because of the bicycle path being there.
MR. GLEN GREGORY - Stated that approximately six months ago we had to
go over that road to an automobile accident and there were cars parked
on both sides of the road and the ambulance had trouble getting through.
e t:_a
Bid results - 2 million gallon welded steel reservoir
Advanced Tank and Construction Corp. , Plainsfield, I1. $281,600.00 Non
Col. attached.
Caldwell Tanks, Inc.- Louisville, Ky. - $353,100.00 - 'Non Col. attached.
CBI Na-Com, Wayne, Pa. - $ 306,500.00 - Non Col. attached.
Fisher Tank Company, Chester, Pa.- $284,840.00 - Non Col. attached.
Pitt-Des Moines, Inc. , Morristown, N.J. - $264,700.00 - Non Col. attached.
Ltr.- Kestner Engineers - recommended acceptance of bid of Hydro Storage
on file
RESOLUTION NO 118, Introduced by Mr. George Kurosaka who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos:
WHEREAS, Mr. Thomas Flaherty, Water Superintendent for the Town of Queensbury
did recommend that we advertise for bids for a 2 million gallon welded
steel reservoir and
WHEREAS, five bids were submitted and received and opened at the specified
time and place by the Director of Purchasing / Town Clerk Darleen Dougher
and such bids were then turned over to Kestner Engineers for their recommendation,
WHEREAS, Kestner Engineers by letter has recommended that the bid be
awarded to Hydro Storage-Morristown, New Jersey NOW, THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby accepts
the bid of Hydro Storage in the amount of $264,700.00
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Walter —y
Noes: None
Absent: Mr. Montesi
SUPERVISOR WALTER- Noted that there will be another bid opening on May
1st. , regarding the storage tank.
Ltr. Queensbury Central regarding to the addition of Joel Holden, 7 Bacon
Street to their active list. . .on file
Ltrs. Superintendent Highways, North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company
and Warren County Sheriff's Department. . . recommending No Parking on
the Cleverdale Road on file.
Discussion - held Supervisor Walter stated that she would try to have
something set for next Tuesday regarding the distances.
Ltr. Queensbury Recreation Commission - recommending that Recreation
Director, Harry Hansen and Commissioner Tom Martin be permitted to attend
the convention at Kerhonkson, New York, May 4-7, 1986 on file.
RESOLUTION NO. 119, Introduced by Mr. George Kurosaka who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos:
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to two member of the Queensbury
Recreation Department to attend the convention scheduled to be held
at the Granit Hotel, Kerhonkson, New York, May 4 - 7th, 1986 and be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes payment of all reasonable and
necessary expenses.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: Mr. Montesi
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN- reported that she toured the Gurney Lane and hopefully
it will be opened July lst.
RESOLUTION NO. 120, Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mrs.Betty Monahan:
RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as appears on Abstract 4-22-86 and numbered
1133 and totaling $2,986.00 be and hereby is approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: Mr. Montesi
On motion the meeting was adjourned.